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Dressage2 ago

George Webb broke the story on Awans 75 days ago and finally people took notice. Now an Awan is in cuffs. Hopefully, he is related to a canary and he will start singing in his cage! Bam! Hey where is PGIsRetarded??

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, George Webb gets credit.

Since you asked, PizzagateisRetarded is busy posing as HighLevelInsider, telling people to go break the law by spying on their senators with crackerjack cameras and threatened to dox me for saying that this is batshit crazy advice.

srayzie ago

Wow. How did you figure out that he's posing as someone else?

The one that was threatening to dox me has 2 profiles too. But, since "they" have been leaving me alone and on voat a lot less, I won't say names. But, I was fighting with "them" on here a lot a few weeks ago. I'm curious how you figured out that he's posing as someone else.

Him using Amazon is pretty weird! What was that about?! Even if you did use Amazon, that's a good guess at best since Amazon is so huge. So he's probably just bluffing.

2impendingdoom ago

He creates a new account about every 3 seconds, so it stands to reason. I'm not absolutely sure but while he was posting as HLI there were no PizzaIsRetarded posts. There aren't that many here who are both as super aggressive and as mentally dissonant like him. makes you really wonder wtf this guy is like irl, probably very abusive... kids aren't safe.

You can pm me names, I have a mental list...

srayzie ago

I've had my fair share of going thru exactly what it sounds like you are now going thru

2impendingdoom ago

you mean with HighLevelInsider? I don't have amazon. he's a shill

HighLevelInsider > 2impendingdoom | Sent: 5 hours ago on 7/25/2017 9:01:33 PM First warning When did you guys switch to Amazon for your server?

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HighLevelInsider > 2impendingdoom | Sent: 5 hours ago on 7/25/2017 8:51:18 PM First warning Enough. You are u/supershilly and many other accounts. You're going to stop, or I will out all of your accounts, including the origin of your IP addresses.

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srayzie ago

Oh damn. At least you made that public now

2impendingdoom ago

He wanted us all here to go do crimes and I wasn't going to let it go, and he kept instigating so that's where it went, to him pming me threats. I don't have amazon or any other accounts so its just more empty crap.

bopper ago

@srayzie Hey you guys I got it worse, I got doxed by dissing Kek months ago. They kept sending me fag pics of Obama and asking "Hey Bopper is this your boyfriend?" I told them "Have mercy on Bopper I will check into this whole frog thing." They said "Are you serious about Pepe the frog or just don't want to be doxed?" LOL. I told them yes I'm serious send me some links. They finally left me alone. It was funny. Hmmm don't know why I'm bringing this up.

srayzie ago

😂 I wish that was my dozing story haha

2impendingdoom ago

ohh, Kek is off limits, bopper even I know that! But this explains how you get all that great video. Let me know when you get the Howdy Doody clips. I'm on pins and needles for it.

I will let them know that to really get up your bop, they only need to send Heath Ledger pics, spurs on. Oh the horror.

But seriously, why is Kek a frog?

bopper ago

LOL I forget why Kek is a frog, I frog-got all my learning on it. Please no pics of gay cowboys lol.

ohh, Kek is off limits, bopper even I know that!

Yeah, now ya tell me. Man they drove me nuts, had to take a crash course on a stupid (oops I didn't say that) FROG. Don't dox me bros I understand now.

2impendingdoom ago


I know, ribbit, its not easy being green

Dressage2 ago

I knew he must of morphed into a new identity.

ShadeEather ago

I ultra'ed him. Sorry.

He'll probably revert to his old tactics sooner or later.

@Gothamgirl looks like a couple people owe you an apology today...

smonkey ago

Luke Rosiak of Daily Caller gets the credit. George started from Luke's original reporting

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks for that, I'll add it above.

smonkey ago