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SoberSecondThought ago

Sorry, but that doesn't qualify as proof to me. I wonder if you've confused the timestamps on two messages.

At midnight, Q posted his "nobody is sleeping" message (#618 in the github archive). But his "Coincidence?" message (#621) is timestamped at 9:09 in the morning. That's five hours after Trump. I'm not 100 percent clear on how the timestamps are created, so these might not be the actual times that things happened. However, so far these messages certainly don't prove what you want them to prove.

If anyone is curious about my explanation for who Q actually is, you can start here and work back through my 12-part series on the subject. Basically, he's the same guy I've been chasing and exposing since October. He works for David Brock, and he is engaged in a frantic, last-minute cover-up for the June 2012 Glenn Beck whistleblower episode. I have offered details on his finances, who he reports to, and why they want to cover up what happened in 2012. I've already exposed his other "insider" sockpuppets -- Senate Anon / HighLevelInsider, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and Tory Smith

I realize that people feel insulted and incredulous when I say this. I try not to make a constant nuisance of myself in Q threads. But it's the simple truth. Q is just a variation on the same trick he's been pulling for several years now. He's not even using new language. For example, his recent reference to the Council on Foreign Relations goes back to when he pretended to be a Senate staffer (the "Senate Anon" LARP). It's all old, recycled BS.

The Q LARP was a desperate move, and it is going to backfire on them, which is why I don't come into Q threads every day to try and debunk them all. I'm content to let this play out. What you all should really be interested in, is why they're so scared of having the Glenn Beck whistleblower story get traction on social media. Because they are really, really scared of that.

rarepeeks ago

You are flat wrong about ESOTERICshade being Q. I have been watching ESOTERICshade post for a long time and I can guarantee you that this poster is not Q. ESO has pointed out a lot flaws in the Q scheme. I am glad too because someone needed to do it. I do not usually do it because I do not want to take the beatings from the people that believe in Q.

I watched this video too. If you hedge your bets using Glenn Beck as any kind of credible source then you need to go back to redpill school because you are naive.

Leaked Video Glenn Beck uses Vicks to fake Crying