hojuruku > Dfens | Sent: 27 minutes ago on 4/13/2018 4:51:56 PM
i got banned from pizzagate for sharing link from us prosecutor alleging satnic ritual abuse and police cover up....
They took out my whole account and my alt on voat - mossad or reddit censor of /r/pizzagate who still controls voat (Y-Combi) got involved.
https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#11482161 or archive.is if you get this later. https://archive.is/H7rGk
Please contact Joe and everyone else and let them know what is happening. See my mega downvoted comment on the emergency action thread. I just found out I can reply to PMs but that's about it on voat now.
I was asked to add a couple of links to some of @hojuruku's last posts: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2398840/12480779, https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2398840/12480989
This isn't right. It is especially not right given the fact that the moderators on Pizzagate are know trolls who are not welcome on any decent subverses anywhere.
Laurentius_the_pyro ago
@Hojuruku and OP are lying Jewish disinfo trolls
hojuruku ago
haha me jewish. hehehe. still laughing....
hehe yeah right.. ok enough feeding the trolls time to write up some more discuss posts / publish some more research on jewish pedophile judges like Puplick etc
Seen this thread?
noonereally ago
don't waste your time
this person is crazy https://kiwifarms.net/threads/luke-mckee-luke-ledgerd-mckee-hojuruku-vgb-opsec-geoff-mckee.18836/
srayzie ago
He’s a fricken psycho...
noonereally ago
@dfens are you an alt of this person? cuz this is who you are in bed with https://kiwifarms.net/threads/luke-mckee-luke-ledgerd-mckee-hojuruku-vgb-opsec-geoff-mckee.18836/
hojuruku ago
p.s. preview.voat.co fork shows what my CCP was before the pedo gang muted me. It shows you they took out 700CCP to mute me over just one post.
hojuruku ago
@Vindicator banned me and said a ex-Washington Times Reporter doing a story on a you saw it first at pizzagate post (before kikepedoshill censorship) and his pro-pedophile censorship ISN'T RELATED TO PIZZAGATE. Do we all follow the #pedologic here?
You can't say I wasn't banned now you fucken pedo shills
https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html
Banned for sharing this link:
CC @Dfens @Cuckbot @Cargill @Madworld
Can't even talk about our VICTORY IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA AGAINST THE OTO SATANIC PEDOPHILE CULT - because the satanic pedophile cult controlls /v/pizzagate - see the reports on /v/pizzagayte
hojurukuisatroll ago
@hojuruku is a troll. He will no doubt order his alt army to downvote brigade my account. But he is a troll. He is deliberately baiting the mods of pizzagate into banning him so that he can cry about being censored. @kevdude has unbanned a lot of users unjustly banned by @millenial_falcon but this one was a mistake.
hojuruku ago
now the mods are making alts with my name in it... fuck they are getting desperate now aren't they now that they I blocked @heygeorge's alts on /v/anontalk (https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289/12504120 )
Due to Vinny's threats to censor the 4th time again without merit - I finally had to call in re-reinforcements from downunder.
First time I plugged Disney BBBS outside voat since I wrote the thread. It's about time for more eyes.
CC @auralsects @Cuckbot @Dfens @GeorgeT
hojuruku ago
@I_Would_Gas_You is being a cunt putting out fake PSA's claiming I am trying to dox voat users when it's really hunting facts on a MSM reported pedophile purported to be Jewish - that @Vindicator deleted a comment about on pizzagate that suggested he was jewish.
https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2501438 Read the thread anyone can see what it is about. FAKE NEWS FROM A KIKESHILL!
People who can RTFM are waking up to his asshattery.
$20 USD Bounty in ETH will be paid to anyone who can get me what other journalists are looking for that can bring down a KikeShill moderator researching JEW PEDO
^^ BY RESEARCHING A JEW PEDO - THATS THE DOX NOT THE VOAT MEMBER YOU STUPID FUCK. [–] I_Would_Gas_You 0 points (+0|-0) 22 minutes ago
You are a real piece of shit. I hope all of voat turns against you.
PSA: User @hojuruku is offering money to DOX voat users. Link in title
5 PSA: User @hojuruku is offering money to DOX voat users. Link in title
PSA: User @hojuruku is offering money to DOX voat users. Link in title (voat.co)
submitted 20 minutes ago by I_Would_Gas_You to whatever (+5|-0)
hojuruku ago
If first you don't succeed...
I see you deleted the thread and accepted you were full of shit. Nice try.
I suggest you see his whatever thread it's fucken hilarious.
PSA: User @hojuruku is offering money to DOX voat users. Link in title
[–] I_Would_Gas_You 0 points (+0|-0) 1.2 minutes ago
[–] I_Would_Gas_You 0 points (+0|-0) 6 minutes ago
[–] I_Would_Gas_You 0 points (+0|-0) 8 minutes ago
hojuruku ago
The fucken kike @I_Woud_Gas_You is claiming he's trying to censor my account based on false claims on his own deleted whatever thread.
Confirm you are not now!
CC @Dfens @Cuckbot @Cargill @Madworld
hojuruku ago
Holy fuck guys. I checked out one of the crazy as forums HeyGeorge runs he tagged me in https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2500184/
And here's the latest comment I put there on a thread that is dropping the same crazy terms that's all over his forum. Tallest_skif is in the panel info and the thread has got the same crazy acronyms that the trolls @Vindicator accused me of running (as mentioned in the 4th version of the thread)
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972 4th version of the contentious thread is up now - still 24 hour hold after I talked to @Vindicator about the trolls: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12503420
THIS PROVES that /v/pizzgate/ mod heygeorge probably knows who the /v/anontalk kike trolls harassing me and tagging all pizzagate mods is - and then Vindicator was blaming me for it which caused him a funny reprisal https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2501438
CC @I_Would_Gas_You @Dfens @Cuckbot @Cargill @Mandible @puttitout @BabalonWorking @auralsects @MadWorld @CheeseboogersGhost @gabara
https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2502356 - look at this thread and compare it's content to the kike anon trolls!
And all this shit @Vindicator blamed me for links back to you here? I'm not getting alters from your anon posts but these are still in my notifications....
What the fuck is this @HeyGeorge???
https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2501136 http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/77500/Rabbi-Mr-Potato-Head--77822.jpgJPG
I'm onto you kike.
heygeorge ago
I will let the mole people know.
hojuruku ago
who are the mole people. Most the terms on your /v/SoapBoxBanHammer page with terms the anontalk cunts are spamming me with I don't know what they mean. What are "mole people". You know my account stats - where I post where I go. It's pizzagate - Occidental and that's about it. Oh yeah and one post in v/coontown/ you will be proud of.
After they spammed me with those terms it took me a while to figure out it was linked to your page. If you didn't ping me and keep replying to me on that thread of yours you made for me there I wouldn't have worked out they were affiliated with your page.
heygeorge ago
Good job blocking anon pings. It's the only way to Voat. I've also determined to block nutters. You won't believe this one sperg I just blocked: He's off his gourd!
hojuruku ago
That's my profile you cunt. So it was you trolling me. @Vindicator - your mod admits attacking me after I exposed kike pedophilia.. Good look mate.
CC @Dfens
Vindicator ago
hojuruku, this is what I was talking about when I said you triggered the Voat immune system. Have you watched the movie Gran Torino? If not, you should. A lot of the folks on Voat are like Eastwood in that movie. Exactly like Eastwood in that movie.
hojuruku ago
I am trying to trigger what is left of humanity to rise up for the sake of the children. To deprogram them from normalizing pedophilia. I too am hoping for the shitstorm that is to come and it appears you are on the other side of the epic battle.
That's why this is my channel's intro video:
The guy who made this movie was killed, his wife, his dog, and they left the back door open. I put his video up when he was alive. If one man falls another takes his place. I have ghostwholves who have my research dossiers.
We fight with no fear of death. That ended a long time ago. Do you really think a resistance isn't being organized now? Patriots around the world unite.
The war against corrupt satanic pedophile governments and the people IS COMING!
https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html (mirrored in archive.is)
hojuruku ago
CC ^^ look up @Cuckbot @Dfens @GeorgeT @gabara @auralsects https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12510693
They wont quit the censorship games. I want to move onto the next thread about BBBS and they are obsessed with censoring the truth - the whole truth - and nothing but the fully sourced truth.
gabara ago
Did I do something? I will protect your free speech. I may not necessarily pay attention to it. :)
hojuruku ago
It's going to kick off soon calm before the storm. I hope it doesn't but the ball isn't in my court.
hojuruku ago
We'll you shouldn't have fed them my nickname if it wasn't you quarterbacking it. It's not a good look to associate yourself with those twats.
Cuckbot ago
Just ignore anon its retards in there mostly who spend all day online stirring up shit.
hojuruku ago
https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289/12506577 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12506546 The retard is @heygeorge who seems to be the ringleader of the "mole people" whatever that is.
hojuruku ago
yeah I've been accused of doxxing jailed a MOSSAD terrorist on same thread you were on with me before. WTF is going on.
I_Would_Gas_You ago
I don't give two shits about your drama. You are offering money to dox people and that makes you a real sub human piece of shit
I_Would_Gas_You ago
The funny thing about this is you are appealing to the people who took over and neutered pizzagate @dfens you wont get any help from these people.
Dfens ago
I should have looked at the moderator list first.
I_Would_Gas_You ago
I highly reccomend whatever. Just put psa in front of it and if its legitimate voat reaponds well
Dfens ago
Thanks for the advice. I've noticed a lot of good posts on the front page start there.
hojuruku ago
This guy tried to take down my account @Dfens https://voat.co/v/whatever/2502854
Mickgoestojail ago
The other threads you've argued with this hoju guy you haven't been downvoted hardly but this one you have. I think this is a third party.
hojuruku ago
Yet more new kikeshill tactics. Find someone in VOAT who can non-anon these accounts.
You've got cunts roleplaying me on anonymous forums. If you see someone pro-porting to be me posting anon it's not me and down-vote the fuck out of it.
hojuruku ago
And here we go again. I may as well copypaste my latest pizzagate post here seeing they say they are going to delete it again....
Disclaimer: This is the 3rd attempt I have tried to break this news. This is clearly something (((they)))YouTube who love sex with children or covering it up to serve a political agenda DON'T want you to know.
I did it perfectly the first time but I had my whole voat account suspended in a 30 min long coordinated downvote attack on moderator thread-hijacking-sharing-baseless-arguments-for-censorship-trolling solicited comments from me that finished 1 minute before the moderators deleted the thread to prevent any corrective action, and then I was issued a ban warning for posting a truthful title linking to a website that backed up all claims in the title by a mod who refuses to clarify exactly what was wrong in the title and invited me to do post it again in some kind of entrapment.
Mind you this is by the board owner of /v/pizzagate who calls me a "faggot pedophile" and others JEWS here with no proof when hijacking threads, in order to solicit my responses to use as an attack vector to mass downvote a day later causing a loss of 1500 CCP muting my whole account. If0it wasn't for intervention of others i'd still be mute on all of voat. - ^^^ That commented got downvoted by the pizzagate moderation team that doesn't what you to see what they are really up to.
For this reason I can't reply to comments or comment on this new thread anymore because the kikeshill pedophiles will use it as an attack vector to shut my account down again as it was for the last 24 hours.
Now I will prove the subject of this post is true by refuting all of Vindicator's claims that shut down the first thread exposing this.
Mind you @Vindicator has done the only non-CP comment censorship on pizzagate in the last 12 months. Someone suggested a pedophile was with a big nose was Jewish and the comment got deleted.
If you see a hyperlinklink next to a claim "VDPGD" - it is a link to a comment made on the deleted threads to source my claim - that has a source in it. It stands for Vindicator Deleted ProPedophile Gang Downvoted x 6 to kill my account. Some of the things down-voted could only be down-voted by pedophiles - as they were MSM reports of child rapists using Disney's man boy dating site. It's funny on a post supported by 40 people - 6 pedos can wipe out a voat account's ability to post, send messages (not reply), and comment. If I knew their strategy was to troll I wouldn't have fed the /v/pizzagate pedo mods an attack vector to close my account by making it -160 CCP from 1000 CCP in the space of 30 mins. Quotes "" around text means it's a MSM headline or someone else's blog headline. VDPGD links need to be opened in a new tab. "IWITOPTWFT" (It was in the OP the whole f!@#!@$ time) denotes a link refuting something @Vindicator claimed that was unproven that was also in the OP of the first censored post when he claimed it was unproven as an excuse to oh Vey Shut it DOWN!
If I am not banned for trying to expose this pedophilia, this is my next move.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473279 Vindicator says
Item #1
Here is the dating site log in page: https://ourspace.bbbs.org.au/about-us
Here's a mod deleted thread about it with more information on "ourspace" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500456
Video from BBBS - on BOY MEETS BOB via Disney's man boy dating site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fu1jTRd5ygYouTube Before the boy-scouts of America fractured in to pieces for making gay scout masters and the leaking of their BSA Perversion file listing 30,000 gay scoutmasters who abused boys when they had to be in the closet about what they were, back in 2002 they made a "non discrimination policy" that many predicted that would lead to rampart child abuse that has in fact came into being.
WND predicts rampart child abuse back in 2002 VDPGD
Baptist Church Coverage of the same news VDPGD
JewishCare affiliation in Australia VDPGD
Examples of chlid abuse at Big Brothers Big Sisters America facilitated by Disney's man and boy matchmaking system: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/15c6036a3a0ad0b546388f0ba8543b5350c8789cfcdcf490f33e20e47b68ef22.pngPNG
Las Vegas BBBS homosexual child abuser VDPGD @kevdude tells me to stop posting proof of what's in google search results - and tells me to do the impossible and put it in the full 10,000 character OP - then also tells me not to link to google search results or tell people look up how many cases come up if you google "big brothers big sisters" pedophile.
Bisexual BBBS childrapist VDPGD
"Child rape suspect Craig Morgenstern volunteered with Big Brothers" VDPGD
Big Brothers Big Sisters training materials start with - Don't worry - most pedophiles won't get caught in the first sentence - and most of them do about 400 kids. VDPGD
I'm out of space to refute all the other items from vindicator but I did a good job of it here
Only quote in the OP deh! with this link above it IWITOPTWFT
GTFO it's obvious Dr Patrick Power the guy who used his time at big brothers big sisters grooming boys to get a lesser sentence to show he was of good character. The court paperwork was linked to with his name all over it.
We'll that's the only link in the OP that talks about "homosexual advance defense" aka gay panic defense directly behind the only quote in the OP from the Big Brothers Big Sisters Gay Crown Prosecutor Boy Rapist Dr Patrick Power IWITOPTWFT
This case I exposed in the comments and in the OP on how the gay panic defense is wrong when judges are letting Queenslander Foster Carer of the Year in Inaugural National Caterers Award off the hook said the child wanted the sex and it's all their fault for having a gad dads sex crush. IWITOPTWFT VDPGD
To take us out Here is a poem from @TwoDadsAndMe expressing his butt-hurt for me exposing how he was edited out of the Gayby Baby film because the police charged him with son sex. More of course on the VDPGD link.
hojuruku ago
They are making 100s of AnonTalk anonymous threads about me. Shut the motherfuckers down! Downvote any trolls pretending to be me or talking about me outside of here, pedogate, occidentalenclave. Basically any anon post from this point on is not me. I wont refute the kike pedo shills anymore. SO DOWNVOTE THEM ALL.
Cuckbot ago
The downvote brigade on you wasn't right and people have helped you out with that it seems.
Now @Kevdude can be a cunt at times but you are being just as much of cunt in the last 24 hours. I've seen the mods there still telling you that you can post your stuff if you change a couple of things around. Kevdude will stand by his word if you do that. If you are hitting a limit make a part 1 and part 2. Time to decide if you want to get info out or not because the people who helped you will zone out on this soon.
NoBS ago
I always seen censorship as more than a Cunt designation. I've fucked many a high class cunts. The Mods on here are crack whore level cunts with Mods Freebasing integrity and dignity.
I hear ShareBlue has plenty of money, right mods?
hojuruku ago
noonereally is posting links to a proven CP website - see the newest thread on v/pizzagayte to see what's going on.
noonereally ago
or this person is just fucking batshit crazy https://kiwifarms.net/threads/luke-mckee-luke-ledgerd-mckee-hojuruku-vgb-opsec-geoff-mckee.18836/
hojuruku ago
I will drop the Disney thing, others can get the intel out after I made the discovery. I'll focus on the other shit Vindicator Censored.
Christopher Puplicks and his affiliations to 3x flavors of mass rapists (aids tranny, muslim grooming gang, and pedo) and how the cunt is trying to get my friend jailed.
I suggest you see my last crack at it. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972
I've got a problem now with a whole bunch of people on /v/AnonTalk pretending to be me soliciting my attention. I'm just downvoting and ignoring them for the most part.
Trolls tagging all the pizzagate mods trying to get me banned. I didn't even know Voat had anon forums today, and it's not my style. https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2501146/12494466
Cuckbot ago
Don't worry about the anon subs those are just retards who have latched onto the drama. Talk to @Kevdude and the @Vindicator mod calmly about what exactly you need to do to get your posts to stay up if you are serious about wanting to stay on the pizzagate sub. Otherwise start using v/pedogate or somewhere else to get the message out. The more drama posts you make now the less people will support you.
The world isn't a fair place so this might be the best you can do right now.
hojuruku ago
Taking out my whole friggen account. @kevdude @Vindicator trolled me to give the downvoters an attack vector. From my point of view, I'm pretty sure they are in on it.
No time for good cop bad cop shit.
I'll move on from Disney Gay men and Boys dating site BBBBS, and focus on the fucks in Australia that are giving us a really bad day.
It was just meant to be payback against the Jewish judge doing all sorts of asshatery to my mate John Sunol last week. John is a brain damaged patsie used by the homosexuals/jews to fabricate case law before they go after everyone else. Poor John isn't properly defended in court, and if people try and help him. They judge bullies him in court to say he perjured himself getting help writing his defense papers.
If you care you can write a discuss post with the sources I dug up. Have fun knock yourself out. Others should fear the Disney gay men and boy dating site too. It doesn't have to be me doing all the work only to have it censored 3x times.
Part II of that thread was infected with a case of VD.
hojuruku ago
Now the PEDO mod shills are harrasing me on all other forums where I never go tagging me to try and accuse me of farming CCP or something and terminate my account.
I'm now ignoring this harrassment and only downvoting the cunts. https://s17.postimg.cc/ktbtx7xlr/pedomodharrassment.pngPNG
The bullshit threads they are starting about me are quickly being deleted so I don't know if there is any point to link to them.
CC @Mandible @puttitout @Babalonworking @Dfens @Cargill
Also FYI: I've tried to break the story of BBBS Disney's Jewishcare's dating site for man and boy the 3rd time: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972
Yep they are making heaps of spam topics about me all over the site to accuse me of farming CCP when i'm not.
hojuruku ago
Are you accusing all the people of supporting me of being sock puppets. If so NAME THE FUCKEN ACCOUNTS. Escalate it to voat.
you fucken shitlord conspiracy theorist.
I've only ever operated 2 accounts here and 99.95% of all my activity has be on one - the other used to get around a millenial falcon pro pedo ban so of course it was named @death2millenialfags
hojuruku ago
Who is the kike who changed the tag on this post from "[SITE WIDE BAN VIA PRO-MOD-PEDO-TROLLING-AND-MASS-DOWNVOTE CENSORSHIP IS] NOT ABUSE" to "dis info troll"
Who are the 6 cunts that down-voted every mainstream news story I copied and pasted in there from the first page of google about only homosexual pedophiles using Disney's dating site Big Brother's Big Sisters (the dating site runs on disney infrastructure) to get some boy arse.
Who downvotes that? Only child fucking pedophile kikeshillmods.
What's disinfo about my research into Jewishcare/Disney's dating site for gay men and little boys? COME ON TELL US @Kevdude you cuck. Who changed your flag on this post you desperate shill?
Tell us what facts in my posts you deleted from pizzagate were disinfo. Are you fucken JIDF or something?
12491629? ago
I hear and see it, it is overdramatised and smothered with feelings; really not a good look for wanting to be taken serious as a researcher in a topic area that is already riddled with deception. Pizzagate researchers are best when they are calm and professional and should break often as the topic is so hard hitting and draining. They should foster a system of community not crazy outbursts that is misplaced and chaotic.
12491466? ago
Misleading title - SENSATIONALISM
As far as I can see he is not banned from the pizzagate subverse nor any other banning logs that I know off. Please screen grab or link where he is banned from?
hojuruku ago
You were debunked here kikeshill. Look at how my CCP was taken down to the point i can't even send PM's issue comments or post in any subverse just over mods taking a grudge against my post on Disney's dating site for gay men and boys linked to JewishCare and 1000s of convicted (only homosexual it seems) pedophiles around the world who used the site to get some man boy anal love action.
12491697? ago
You are too special, so CCP increasing and decreasing is banning now?
Try being a team player and stop playing the victim card, life will get easier.
I am starting to wonder if you may have a history of abuse and this may be clouding your better judgement on the matter.
Just my thoughts, take it or leave it, your victim card mentality makes me not want to speak to you anymore about this as you are lacking the maturity, at this moment, to resolve the conflict in a calm and peaceable manner. Good day to you!
noonereally ago
he is very special https://kiwifarms.net/threads/luke-mckee-luke-ledgerd-mckee-hojuruku-vgb-opsec-geoff-mckee.18836/
hojuruku ago
1000 CCP disappearing in 30 mins is normal? Right after a post exposing jewish pedophilia to the extreme and a disney pixar operated dating site for gay men and little boys gets revealed.
You are so fucken rich. Shilling for the jews.
hojuruku ago
FUCK YOU. Yesterday I was -145 CCP and I lost 400 CCP between a browser refresh. I was in effect banned yesterday and other users on this thread screen capped the evidence with archive.is you motherfucker shill.
12491585? ago
Son, you need to calm down your bridges there and step away from the computer. Your feelings and behavior is making any research you have done nul-en-void.
Your character in dealing with testing times is questionable at best. You come here boxing the air, chasing imaginary ghosts instead of taking a step back and asking yourself how you can take this forward in a positive light.
In essence buckle up and dig deep. If you are serious about this stop crying “muh censorship” like a whiney baby and work on your communication skills. Contribute to others research, give others what you want for your own research, this will build a community of researchers and fuel truth.
This will be far better outcome for you, just saying.
hojuruku ago
Because jewish pedophile mods trolled me and hijacked my post and then muted me on all of voat for 24 hours outside what is considered fair - All my research on Disney Pixar JewishCare's dating site for gay men and boys is "nul-en-void" ?????
oh you are typing too fast like me. Have I triggered the pro jewish pedophilia task force into a state of dyslectic flaming rage aka... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GR5lCK2Hm4YouTube
hojuruku ago
This is the level of shit I have to deal with...
v/pizzagate (Blacksmith21) > hojuruku | Sent: 12 minutes ago on 4/14/2018 1:18:36 PM Submission /v/pizzagate/2500456 deleted
Your submission /v/pizzagate/2500456 has been deleted by: @Blacksmith21 on 4/14/2018 1:18:36 PM
Description given: Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 3: Clarity; Description: Post removed for lack of clarity and incongruence between title and content, per rule #3. Repost with a corrected title which reflects the content of the post. Original Submission Login details for the JewishCare/Disney IT operated "ourspace" Dating Site for Gay men (2002 non discrimination policy) and little boys @Vindicator refutes existance of
OK... So I'm told that a fully accurate title wasn't sourced and that I'm invited to post the link again contrary to what @kevdue said here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500456/12490735
I'll post the text of the title again with sources from the deleted 8chan thread (that was linked to) and the deleted discuss thread.
Login details for the JewishCare/Disney IT operated "ourspace" Dating Site Ok that's clearly on the 8chan thread. You'd have to be a shill saying nothing to see here to say it wasn't.
** for [mostly] Gay men** See proof I put in the just deleted thread before the mod deleted it that was already on the thread they deleted before. So the mod who deleted the thread saw this before he deleted it. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500456/12491010
Links to their 2002 non discrimination policy is above too. I put 4 posts about that in the comments on the original thread that was deleted along with lots of MSM news stories on big brothers big sisters story that were downvoted x6 by jewish pedo mods. This was one of the best of them.
And vindicator refuting the existance of it OMG like that wasn't in the 8chan thread? HAHAHA of course that's what all this shit storm and my voat account being taken out by pedo mods is about.
And how am I to correct it from detracting from the truth?
And tell me why I deserve a ban warning for telling the truth again?
What kind of censorship of the truth do you demand from all /v/pizzagate users again? spell it out. No Jewish pedophilia or no LGBTI pedophlia and god fobid what happens when someone talks about the both of them working together to groom kids on camera going through DISNEY'S OWN IT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR FUCKS SAKE.
FUCK YOU if you can't explain yourself.
And please don't say the video i sent you is child porn - because that means jews are all pedophiles because it's the most popular video on the JewsOnTelevision youtube channel.
hojuruku ago
More allegations pertaining to this thread are coming out over there where the shitstorm continues.
How did I get from -90 CCP when I went to sleep to 140 when I woke up I don't know. I'd like to hear who helped me out there (with proof because @heygeorge claimed credit for it)
CC @Dfens
heygeorge ago
I didn't claim credit. I only mentioned your need. I believe it was the mole people.
hojuruku ago
mole people? who are they and how did they work with the pizzagate mods to do the mass dowvote before they deleted the post at 21 hours not 24. Who are the pizzagate pedo shill mods working with?
There are only 6 cunts that took out nearly 1000CCP in 30 mins. Voat's db could get to the bottom of this. Hacking the mods accounts to see where they downvoated also would but that would be illegal right?
heygeorge ago
The mole people are only here of their own agenda.
I don't know that the PG mods have that power. I think it is another group behind the scenes. Think about it and you'll see why this would be the most effective way to control the forum.
hojuruku ago
stop being a fuck. They made the power by trolling me being cunts trying to censor a post based on a false claim from Vindicator certian points I made WEREN'T sourced in the OP when they clearly were.
I gave them the means to take out my whole account without knowing. I replied to their jewish we love fucking babies we are pedos we will shut it down trolling first nice at first to refute their false claims -then they all mass downvoted every comment proving them wrong including MSM news artciles copypasted from the first page of googling "big brothers big sisters" pedophilia.
Only a child fucker /v/pizzagate i love fucking babies pedo mod could downvote msm news stories in the comment nailing pedophiles.
Look at this disgrace. That's how they killed my account. The people loved it 75% upvote - but the mods killed my account for posting it the downvoaters all 6 of them. 150 x 6 is a lot of CCP.
that's how they did it and it's completely plausable. look at the evicdence here idiot. stop trying to play good cop you are all bad pedo scum pizzagate mods.
heygeorge ago
I think you misunderstand. The most effective way to control the forum would be to keep the mods in the dark; innocent, if you follow. This is why I think they are likely to be good people. It keeps things clean. Even lie detectors would pass. Then just manipulate with "regular users".
Wake up. This is obvious.
noonereally ago
are you aware of this? the autism is strong in this one https://kiwifarms.net/threads/luke-mckee-luke-ledgerd-mckee-hojuruku-vgb-opsec-geoff-mckee.18836/
heygeorge ago
I was not. But I am rather decent at stepping on things like this. Who's filthy alt are you, picking up 9 days later?
noonereally ago
no one really
heygeorge ago
That's what they all say. I don't believe.
NoBS ago
Good people do not hide in the dark. That is the domain of the Deep State spooks with National Security access.. This was a CYA for the fact this site censors no worse than Google.
hojuruku ago
Refute this was the next step if you could claim to support a single one of Vindicator's posts. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12476189 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12475004
And so the pedo downvoat gang strikes again. I wonder how you are going to take out another 200 CCP. I guess that means I have to keep feeding you comments and you have to keep being pedo shills and refusing to answer the FUCKEN QUESTION. Tell us which ones of @Vindicator's bogus claims of censorship of the big story of Disney's Gay men and Boy Dating site you support? If you can't do that you saying I love the kikes fucking the goyim child - nothing is more beautiful. Something so beautiful shouldn't be opposed - and those who do - oh vey we need to shut them down hard and take down their whole voat account.
hojuruku ago
1) I didn't say it - the only guy who saved my whole voat account from your trolling up 150 comments then downvoating them x7 student on an OP post that got 75% upvoats. You know what's on /v/pedogate
3) YOU ARE A LIAR. All 10,000 characters were used and EVERY GOD DAMN CLAIM OF UNSOURCEd CLAIM MADE BY @VIDICATOR HAD SOURCE LINKS IN THE OP. It's because he rushed his kikeshill censorship job. He could have mentioned where's your source on Garry Burns for example. He went on a censorship binge after I talked about the persection of @BabalonWorking for making his first post.
4) NOT BEING ABLE TO SEND PM'S TO NEW USERS, COMMENT OR POST ANYWHERE IS NOT BANNED? Between a browser refresh I went from 191 CCP when you were 90% of the way there taking out my CCP to -145 last night. YOU ARE TALKING COMPLETE SHIT.
Now I'm going to do something productive and find out if that pedophile @Vindicator deleted the only NON CP comment (that's a guess btw based on the url pansexual.xyz) deleted on /v/pizzagate this year WAS RIGHT! THE PEDO WAS JEWISH based on his big hook nose.
INB4) I can't put 20 PAGES OF FUCKEN GOOGLE RESULTS OF ONLY GAY MEN FUCKING LITTLE BOYS AT BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS. Telling people what to type into google and linking to it as you asked PRODUCE EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKEN RESULT (well maybe not with google walled gardens) but one uses more characters and I was all out of 10,000 characters.
You are a cunt still kev.
As I am typing you are trying to take out what you censored - details of a dating site for gay men and boys run by jews and disney.
[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 2.4 minutes ago
LOL - This is a link to an 8chan thread where you bitch about your incompletely sourced post getting pulled. Mods will probably pull it for rule 3.
IT IS ALL SOURCED ON THE LINK. And I proved in the deleted thread that JewishCare Big Brothers Big Sisters were the first to make a non-discrimination policy saying WE NEED GAY MEN to MENTOR LITTLE BOYS.
it's like the catholic church going on a choir boy recruitment drive for gay priests. For fuck sake you sick fuck. You are saying you are the good guy here whilst trying to censor a post in the other window as we speak. Get fucked.
hojuruku ago
After sleeping and waking I now have 146 CCP that to the support of people who HATE PRO-JEWISH-PEDOPHILE-KIKESHILL-MOD-CENSORSHIP.
I can post in theory but if I do we all know what will happen. Everything I said on the post that took me out is true and MORE. Look at the 8chan link. DISNEY REALLY DOES OPERATE A DATING SITE FOR GAY MEN AND BOYS!
I have only ever used 1x sock puppet account on VOAT and that is the @death2millenialfags to get back in after you know who was demodded and replaced with his new alias @kevdude
I was let back in, trollled with bogus requests to shut down a valid request. That trolling of me by the mods mad an attack vector that was used to take 1500 CCP and shut down my account on all voat.
This is BOGUS censorship both on /v/pizzagate/ and the whole of VOAT. The right hand side info panel of this site says unwarrened unjust kikeshill censorship is ABUSE. @kevdude says it is not abuse.
I can see a pattern here. A JewishCare/Disney facilitates sex with little boys - NOT ABUSE "kikeshill" (I love that word another user taught to me on the thread in question) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273 mods do site wide censorship above their pay grade to shut down the above claim - NOT ABUSE.
YEAH RIGHT. Time to Demod @millenial_falcon aka @Kevdude from this subreddit.
As they say in Australia I see your true colours shining through.
CC @Cargill @Mandible @babalonworking @Defens (<- THANK YOU).
If it wasn't for the reply to feature in my account not requiring CCP - I would be dead in the water forever and we couldn't fight back. If that feature goes - then we know voat is really in trouble.
Cargill ago
Last I looked earlier today his ccp was -286 now it's 0. https://archive.fo/L2Dgy
7 months ago it was 341. https://archive.fo/mIha8
6 hours on again 158 https://archive.fo/IErcz
hojuruku ago
They are refuting this ever happened now and you published fake archive.is links
https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289/12491466 @Nadesh the fucken shill.
Once I ban evaded their kill my account troll the person with mod gangstalking clusterfuck on the first discuss thread the OP is about....
you know the discuss thread about the Disney operated dating site for gay men and little boys that has enabled 1000s of gay pedophlies to get a piece of boy arse ...
We'll they now are banning share a link thread about it with everything true in the subject line and asked me to do it again , issued a ban warning , but refuse to say what I got wrong in the last post's title because every claim was true.
Mandible ago
@puttitout just alerting you to this This account who argued with @kevdude yesterday, @hojuruku is being downvoted so they cannot post any links to report pedophiles anywhere on your site. Partly this is because of your 10ccp limit which allow this and partly because we have some very dubious mods on pizzagate where it seems if you against them you end upbeing downvoted heavily by someone who uses tor alts.
Some of the affected accounts which are losing ccp that I have noticed: @hojuruku @death2millenialfags @Dfens @BabalonWorking all who have argued against @kevdude recently.
hojuruku ago
Yeah we can see the truth of what's going on here.
@death2millenialfags is the only sock puppet I had to make to come back in after the millenial faggot got what was coming in. and the first thing it said is I am hojuruku - unban that account from pizzagate and I'll come back after 11 months of not ban evading or using sock puppets. Now the cunt @kevdude is saying on this thread everyone who supported me including yourself is a sock puppet of me - to his sock puppet mind you.
BabalonWorking ago
Thanks, I appreciate you doing this!
dooob ago
Maybe they cant argue for shit? Maybe ShareBlue doesnt send its best.
Dfens ago
NoBS ago
Why lie? He was banned and my access to post to his topic was censored out right.
God Mod syndrome is free will ripe for abuse.
death2millenialfags ago
This is probably how they took out my account using a series of bots to mass downvote every comment I ever did if it wasn't an inside job.
We need to have proof of work mining voat crypto or something for voting. How can you go from having a high CCP to -135 in the space of minutes.
We need to investigate how my CCP went from the thousands to 140 below subzero in a few minutes.
Dfens ago
I'm sure it's something that's easy enough to do with a little money. The ordinary person on the street is not going to pay to do anything like that, for sure.