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hojuruku ago

@Vindicator - can you remove the 24 flag on this now. I've wrote it out again only this time more chronologically and removed the amount of screen real-estate related to housekeeping that hopefully will never come up again in future posts as I take on the homosexual pedophilia normalization mafia (Burns and his confirmed doxxed jew judges, gay police covering up pedophile links to the gay lobby etc) down-under.

I'll also work with more voat markdown in future to make my discuss posts more easy to read. I ask that you allow others to link to blogs instead of discuss posts where appropriate or videos if the title is absolutely correct rather than demanding discus posts for everything. That suggestion I think kicked this all off and it still stands. I will take your criticism and advice as a moderator as long as you make truthful fair and true claims. If your claims are refuted it's the path of least resistance to admit you were wrong. I hope the 4th edit of this is at least better in your eyes than the first. I'm glad I properly sourced your first concern - that it really is a gay dating site for gay men and boys the 2nd-4th time around. If it wasn't for your request for clarification I wouldn't' have dug up more on that angle. It's not an admission you were right - but I'm saying it helped get more intel out there.

I'd also appreciate how far I can go on those Jewish judges with the doxxes on them and get an answer to the /v/pizzagatemods post hidden by downvotes.

Also the boys are getting close re the $10-20 bet but they don't want payment which is infuriating me. Others told me how to block in my settings so all anon subverses stop pinging me - so I'm not involved with that ass-hatery anymore no matter what they do. I suggest pizzagate mods do the same and ignore the kike shills over there.

They have confirmed the surname has Jewish connections and are getting close.

I claim responsibility for that annoyance ^^^ done in guest but not the /v/anontalk kike shill antics you summarized was my fault.

It must upset them they can't ping me anymore until they are not anonymous.

hojuruku ago

P.S. @Vindicator The /v/anontalk shill antics you blamed me for been traced back to the actions of @HeyGeorge and his possie based on the terms they used.

Review the evidence:

/v/anontalk idiots trolling me where whipped up by

heygeorge ago

If the above conclusions represent the quality of your other 'investigations', then may God have mercy on your ill mind & tortured soul.

You're the online equivalent of those sorts of nutters who plaster their walls and windows with bible verse in permanent marker.

hojuruku ago

You wanna see batshit crazy allegations against me that don't make sense that are 100000 times less founded than mine. Knock yourself out. I got an email from @garryburnsblog a few days before TruthSurge aka BumDripShitSurge kicked this one off. It's hilarious.

You can see the kike pedo with his private browser window open in the background in the video he uses to run his own sockpuppets victimizing him.

Lukie what I found! They're coming to take me away, haha! - YouTube Inbox x Garry Burns


to Geoffrey Dear Mr.Mc Kee,

Please seek help for you psychotic son Luke.

Lukie needs to be placed on a treatment Order by a man wearing a white coat and barred by the authorities to ever be allowed to use a computer again.

A parent should always help their sick child.

Why aren’t you helping your son ?

Please consider ?

Warm regards,

Garry Burns.

--- ^^ that's an actual dkim signed email from the pedo ^^ --

Unmasking A Cyber-criminal - see description for important info - YouTube Inbox x Garry Burns


to Geoffrey Mr.Mc Kee,

Please help your mentally ill son.

Your son Luke needs your help.

The material published in the link below by your son Luke confirms he is sick.

As a parent of a mentally ill child you have a responsibility to get up off your fat arse and help a sick son.

Please consider.

Warm regards,

Garry Burns.

And look at the date on this before BumDripShitSurge's crazy videos.

The Luke Mc Kee YouTube clip about to be published might upset you 😜 Inbox x Garry Burns


to antidiscrimina. Dear Mr. Mc Kee, I'm reliably informed by a third party a YouTube clip is going to be published in relation to you and your associates. I hope no one accuses you or your associates or any of your family members of being child rapists as you've done with me and other innocent people in this publication. Karma is on its way Mr. Mc Kee so fasten your seat belts belts because it's suddenly going to become a bumpy ride for you and your prevented entourage. Order the pop corn and enjoy yourself. Have a nice day. Warm regards, ..........

Sent from my iPhone

@heygeorge @Vindicator - I'm the one copping it not you. Which allegations are stronger their's against me or mine against you?

I still done know who your "mole people" are. I got no fucken idea. All I know is you post theads about me on a sub-verse full of terms they use and I get stalked. Good job mate.

hojuruku ago

If that's your response to me finding a page you run covered with all the same terms the asshats trolling me anonymously calling me a pedophile and other crazy shit use - you may as well just admit it.