hojuruku ago


Put this into google translate and see all the links at the end of the article (all backed up). I love it how faggots think if they confess their sins to a foreign journalist we wont find out. Jake Docker DOCS illegal Indian baby buyer human trafficker / anti-human trafficking scam outfit Project Futures Cambodia Stella Fella finalist and others have made the same mistake.

The rev niles question in that has been redacted from hansard on the new redesigned .net website replacing the old lotus notes system - yet other questions from the same day are on the parliamentary hansard website. The new website even generates fake pdf full day transcripts (not originals) for hansard which is very suspect.

Fred Niles got lied to in Hansard

1) Noel Crompton Hall via the ADB got $25,000 from the Corrective Services compensation for the crime of telling women prison population that an AIDS RAPIST of 4 women had AIDS so they would be less likely to put out for a slow gay pride death.

Fred Niles was not told about the state directly paying for half the transgender surgery from the Christopher Publick ADB lawsuit settling out of court as confirmed by Australian mainstream news.

2) $25k Dollar Grant again from the ADB's Director Christopher Puplick (who praised pedophile Robert "Dolly" Dunn who died in Long Bay Gaol as a proud boylover) who funded the GenderCentre.org.au that handed over the cash when he was the director of Southern Area Sydney Health Service.

Rev Fed Niles was told that in 1999 onwards the gendercentre.org.au that made the chicks with dicks in women's prison policy with Public was not state funded contrary to annual reports on the mega.nz link from NSW Southern Area Health Service with puplicks signature in them.

Multiple lies by politicians in parliamentary question time in a cover-up debunked from MSM and public records. At least they fingered him in Hansard as for being the guy that told corrective services - YOU NEED TO TAKE THIS MURDERER WITH A COCK AND PUT HIM IN A WOMEN'S PRISON.

GreenDell144 ago

This is a LOT to go through, friend. I think you are very correct, though. The corruption here goes deep and your reporting helps us see how we are being attacked for taking a stand. Give us a moment to digest this and maybe we can form a strategy for helping to protect each other and ourselves. Maybe we can cover for each other somehow.

hojuruku ago

He can't get out of the country like my dad and I to get away from the faggot PEDOSTATE and claim refugee status too.

They bankrupted him and took his taxi drivers license and passport away. The lesbian mayor of Sydney Clover More of 36 Kepos Street Redfern.

I used to have some of the paperwork online before the gay pedophile Jason Bently who runs scribd,com legal who blogs about watching children have sex then links to it on his linked in profile. I only contacted him why they were shadow banning some of my uploads and then censored an upload from a gay ABC journalist on the founder of Australian safe schools Gary Dowsett Latrobe University writing the paper Boiled Lollies and Band Aids Gay men rape kids in Gay Information Monthly Journal 1982 and put it on his resume. You'll get that in the data dump too.

hojuruku ago

Here are some of the files that go with the comments here to back up the claims the leader of the gay lobby instigated in a women's prison, covered up, made the policy for and funded co-author, and then compensated the tranny mass AIDS rapist noel crompton hall - before getting order of Australia for services to Tranny rights.


The Prison Policy document used in 1999 is there. Since 2003 chicks with dicks can't go in women's prison's like Canada just started doing this year after the mass aids rape and the coverup.

Here's the details on the politically correct mass tranny AIDS rape that awaits Canada next. They are also putting trannys in women's shelters with rape victims there. God help us. I asked them do they want to work with me stopping these same kind of PC rape happening in Canada and they said I shit you not on TAPE. SHUT UP YOU ARE A WHITE MALE! https://pastebin.com/kk61LNkA

Once I've stopped some private files (lawyers bills etc) removed from my Dad's Stash on boylover Garry Burns and his child porn grooming etc - then I'll start releasing my years of research on torrents, I will upload them tomorrow.

All will be explained and shown on screen in a narrated Jim Fetzer PhD special shortly.

I never blogged up the full story of mass tranny AIDS gate case but for just touching the tip of the iceberg and copypasting mainstream news the court says it's EXTREME HATE SPEECH (see the archive.is links in the OP then compare to the case law). They jail you and don't want anyone to see what you wrote after they jailed you. This is extreme lgbti jewish pedo mafia censorship.

We've had two jew gay activist judges in a row. Miss http://bernardgaynor.com.au/beyond-18c Janet Newman has a jewish defacto aka Barnie's KNIFE SHARPENING SERVICE. I've got all the pictures - sigh of her talking her jewish lesbian emo daughter to the Sydney Mardi Grass when she isn't punishing christians and judging them in court without a law degree.

hojuruku ago

This is from the political record in Australia about the politically correct mass AIDS rape.

The anti-discrimination board made the policy change with gendercentre.org.au and the first email you got showed Christopher Puplick gave the funds to the gender centre as chairman of the southern area health service too.

The Gay lobby is responsible for making the aids rapes happen as well as covering them up.

The archive.is links in the first email shows you the case of the rapist after the rapes suing the prison for the crime of telling the other female inmates he had AIDS and won.


MADDISON HALL AND MULAWA CORRECTIONAL CENTRE The Hon. PETER BREEN: I direct my question to the Minister for Justice. Is the Minister aware that before her sex-change operation prison inmate Maddison Hall spent eight months in F Wing of Mulawa women's prison when a man? Is he also aware that during that time Maddison Hall, as a man, had sexual relations with female prisoners at Mulawa before the Commissioner for Corrective Services ordered his return to the male prison at Long Bay? How many female prisoners at Mulawa did Maddison Hall have sex with and how many of them fell pregnant? What steps will the Minister take to ensure the proper segregation of male and female prisoners? How many other male prisoners in anticipation of a sex-change operation have been inmates at Mulawa women's prison? The Hon. TONY KELLY: The hearing on Maddison Hall is continuing this morning, and obviously, I cannot talk on the detail of the hearing. I make it clear that the Government has not paid for any treatment for transgender inmates. I understand there are about 12—I am not aware of any others at the moment—but in relation to where they are housed, that is done in accordance with international standards.

The Hon. PETER BREEN: Mr McLean, can I ask about Maddison Hall, an issue the Opposition raised? It seems to me that Maddison Hall, as a man, enjoyed extraordinary privileges in F Wing at Mulawa. I am referring to the period 1999-2000. I understand that Maddison Hall as a man, as he then was, was in F Wing for about a period of eight months. Mr GRANT: Mr Breen, I have got to refer you to the legislation that was in place at the time, the anti-discrimination legislation.


The Hon. PETER BREEN: Yes. Mr GRANT: It made it very, very explicit that self-identification of a transgender person is the sole criterion for a person to be treated as being of the sex with which that person identifies. Chris Puplick, who was the commissioner at the time or the president of the Anti-discrimination Board, was involved with the development of the transgender policy in the New South Wales correctional centres. It was consistent with that legislation. What that meant was that Maddison Hall was in fact the first person at that time—the legislation I think only came in around 1999—to be considered under those provisions whereby she identified as a female, and therefore needed, under the legislation, to be treated as a female. The Hon. PETER BREEN: Yes, but she also received extraordinary privileges. For example, I understand that she was allowed to cut down her prison uniform to wear it is a short skirt, and that no other women inmates were allowed to do that. But Maddison Hall was. Mr GRANT: I am not aware of that. I doubt it very much. There was a lot of suspicion and correctional staff are not necessarily the most liberated and lively people when it comes to accepting transgender issues. Maddison Hall had quite a difficult transition at that time into the women's system and did not last very long before she was moved out. The staff there would not have given her great licence or liberties I can assure you. The Hon. PETER BREEN: Did you know that she had sexual relations with women prisoners? Mr GRANT: I believe it has been alleged that she had sexual relations with other women prisoners but I could not confirm that. The Hon. PETER BREEN: Did you know that the department was aware that Maddison Hall was a man in with women? Mr GRANT: Absolutely. At that time, if I can say in relation to that, wanting to be in compliance with this legislation we took a lot of advice. We went to the expert at the time, who was the best psychiatrist working with people with gender dysphoria and took advice about these issues, and that was part of the advice that we used for making the decision. The Hon. PETER BREEN: I think there was a good deal of distress in the prison, not just on the part of the inmates but also from the Corrective Services officers, about her activities—his activities, rather—in F wing. Mr GRANT: That is correct, and on that basis and because of concerns about the safety risk she may have posed she was returned to the men's system. The Hon. PETER BREEN: She was returned, I think, after eight months. Is that right? Mr GRANT: I would have to take that length of time on notice. I cannot recall. The Hon. PETER BREEN: Are you aware that Maddison Hall used to brag to the inmates about having the green light from the commissioner and from Lee Downes about her activities? Mr GRANT: I doubt that very much. The Hon. PETER BREEN: Are you aware that the Governor of the prison, Judy Leyshon, was so concerned about it that she said to inmates that she had no control over Maddison Hall's activities because of the directions from above? Mr GRANT: I am certainly not aware of it and I would doubt it very much. There were absolutely no directions from above and under no circumstances was Maddison Hall given special privileges by Lee Downes.


The Hon. PETER BREEN: Given the fact that the new legislation had just come into force—and you were aware that she was, or he was, the first case of a man being in a women's prison—it seems to me to be quite likely that there would be special directions from above as to what he could do. Mr GRANT: I think that the legislative provisions were only that a person be treated equally; not that they be given any particular special management. The Hon. PETER BREEN: You would not agree, for example, that her prison uniform had been cut down so she could wear it is a short skirt? Mr GRANT: I cannot confirm that that is the case but I doubt very much that that would have been something that would have been endorsed by people on high. The Hon. PETER BREEN: And you do not think that Maddison Hall was allowed to engage in other activities in the prison as a man, and do things that other women prisoners could not have done? Mr GRANT: Well, certainly with no knowledge of anybody in an administrative position. The Hon. PETER BREEN: And she did not have any special green light from Commissioner Woodham or from Lee Downes? Mr GRANT: What exactly are you inferring? I do not understand. The green light to do what? The Hon. PETER BREEN: I am suggesting that her activities were out of order in many ways, and when the inmates complained, and the Corrective Services officers complained to Judy Leyshon, she said, "Look, I can't do anything about this. I'm under directions from above." And she named Lee Downes and Commissioner Woodham as the persons who determined what Maddison Hall was able to do. Mr GRANT: I think, putting that into context, I actually have no knowledge of that whatsoever. I would suggest that when Maddison Hall, as I mentioned, was first transferred into that correctional centre people were not receptive to her transfer, which I think is completely understandable. At that time certain questions were raised, and speculation, about her behaviour. Her behaviour was very closely scrutinised. The much information came to light that she may be posing a risk to other people she was removed from that gaol very, very swiftly. I ended up going down to the Supreme Court to defend the decision to remove her from the correctional centre on that day, on the basis of concerns. It was a very elaborate process of seeking advice about exactly what risks Maddison Hall might pose to the people in that centre. We took it very, very seriously. The Hon. PETER BREEN: But it did take eight months, did it not, before she was removed? Mr GRANT: I am not sure what the timeframes were. The Hon. PETER BREEN: My understanding is that she was there for at least eight months and her activities were the same in the beginning as they were at the end, and that it took eight months to get her out. Mr GRANT: I think at that stage, as I mentioned, the activities you are alluding to were something that there was not hard evidence about.

hojuruku ago

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lc/papers/Documents/2006/21-november-2006-questions-and-answers/QandA29.21November2006.s.pdf government didn't pay for procedure lie under q&a search maddison hall https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lc/papers/Documents/2006/17-october-2006-questions-and-answers/QandA20.17October2006.s.pdf same question being tabled.

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/DBAssets/InquiryEventTranscript/Transcript/8380/Hearing%201%20Justice,%20Juvenile%20Justice%2028%20August%202006.pdf Police Minister Tony Kelly lied and say corrective services didn't pay to find the sex change when the ADB extorted corrective services to pay 25k in out of court settlement.

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/DBAssets/InquiryEventTranscript/Transcript/8683/Hearing%206%2021%20September%202006%20-%20Justice,%20Juvenile%20Justice%20supplementary.pdf second link to the parliamentary inquiry on new server.

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/DBAssets/InquiryOther/Transcript/7764/Justice%20QONs.pdf government opposed parole only after media coverage - case law granted it.

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/DBAssets/InquiryReport/ReportAcrobat/5242/2006-07%20Budget%20Estimates%20Report%2018%20GPSC%203.pdf details on all in the hearing in 2006

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lc/papers/Documents/2006/14-november-2006-questions-and-answers/QandA26.14November2006.s.pdf shedule for q&a

Questions about failure to make policy - said no proper policy made (when the was one made lying about the ADB's involvement https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/DBAssets/InquiryOther/Transcript/7764/Justice%20QoN%20from%20supp%20hearing2.pdf

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/hansard/Documents/2006%20Index.pdf index to all times maddison hall came up in hansard in 2006 - good way to get the hansard dates to find more q&as

hojuruku ago

MP's lied in Parliament to FRED Niles and said the GenderCentre.org.au that made the mass aids rape policy chicks with dicks in women's prisons who gave 25k to the mass tranny rapist in addition to the 25k from the ADB WAS NOT FUNDED BY THE GOVERNMENT.

It was funded by Christopher Puplick as head of the Southern Sydney Area Health Service - Chairman.

Politicians are lying in hansard to cover this up now hansard is being redacted. Documents coming in mega.nz data dump.

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Luke McKee hojuruku@gmail.com Date: 29 January 2017 at 22:25 Subject: Re: Discraced ICAC nailed Anti-Discrimination Board president Chris Pulplick ordered the pre-sex-change prisoner into womens prison To: Geoffrey McKee gamckee@gmail.com, Personal // Bernard Gaynor personal@bernardgaynor.com.au, "[email protected]" t0mcahill@hotmail.com, John Christopher sunol johnsunol2@gmail.com, Neil Foster neil.foster@newcastle.edu.au, John Abbott Johnabbott9@bigpond.com, Christine Sindt christine@christinesindt.com, "Australian Family Association (Qld)" qld@family.org.au, Tess Corbett tess.corbett@gmail.com

We need to get the Anti-Discrimination Board policy for corrective centres made in 1999 on order from the ADB after talking to the mass rapist "Maddison Hall". I have now found the definitive proof that the ADB is behind all these prison rapes (see the murdiapedia link - 4x rapes + more sex + pregnancy ) http://murderpedia.org/male.H/h/hall-maddison.htm

Hansard for this date looks interesting too I'll dig it up later. http://hansard.parl.nsw.gov.au/search/LC/2006-08-30/Legislative Council 2006-08-30.pdf See the hansard and the shocking links for my part 2 post. This combined with the head of the ADB being proven to be a corrupt asshole, all these rape victims should sue the ADB for damages.

The one who filed rape charges fled to NZ after being threatened according to reports I have seen.

I have also found the government lying twice in questions on notice. They denied they funded the sex change in prison which has been debunked from my research links below, and claimed the Gender Centre isn't state funded which it was since it's inception. 25k in the payout plus an additional 25 k from the gender centre. Newscorp said the 25k payout was used to fund the sex change, the gender centre also claims their payout funded it too, which cost 50k. I doubt' the sex change actually happened.

Proof the payout from corrective services funded the operation http://www.news.com.au/national/call-me-michelle-the-killers-who-become-women-behind-bars/news-story/99e8bebf0bcf70579f9173ea21ab9424 http://www.smh.com.au/news/miranda-devine/from-the-pens-of-babes-proof-that-all-is-not-lost-in-literacy/2006/09/24/1158431942445.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1 http://www.samesame.com.au/news/5308/NSW-transgender-killer-released

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Hansard/Pages/HansardResult.aspx#/docid/HANSARD-1820781676-36365 https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Hansard/Pages/HansardResult.aspx#/docid/HANSARD-1820781676-36693 (we did not fund the sex change - 2 nsw government departments did - nsw health through gender centre and the prisions in in an OUT OF COURT settlement)

Research tranny rape on women is very common: http://nounequalrights.com/information/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/The-Threat-to-Women-and-Girls-Illustrated-1.pdf

Details of the question on notice with government department saying the Gender Centre was originally a commonwealth funded operation. Their own documentations admit they were state funded from the start on the next two links - yet more lies in Hansard.


Having these scandals will allow me to abuse the fuck out of the ADB in my next post. https://gendercentre.org.au/about-us/who-funds-us http://domesticviolence.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/379895/the-gender-centre.pdf About The Gender Centre Inc The Gender Centre Inc is a specialist state-wide organisation providing services to the transgender and gender questioning community of NSW for more than 30 years. The Gender Centre was originally funded by the NSW Department of Community Services (now known as Human Services Department of Community Services) through the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP). By late 1993 the Department of Community Services and the Department of Health entered into a joint funding agreement, This meant that the Gender Centre was now funded to provide services to minimise the effects of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) on the transgender community as well as provide housing options and education to the wider community. Today The Gender Centre offers a wide range of services to transgender people, people with gender issues their partners, family members and members of the wider community


This was the first tranny to get changed over in prison - who did all the rape according to the gays themselvevs https://zagria.blogspot.com/2008/06/maddison-hall-1964-murderer.html#.WI4AIbcwjIU

On 29 January 2017 at 22:04, Luke McKee hojuruku@gmail.com wrote:

that link isn't in google. It proves the anti-discriminatino board put the tranny rapist in the prison.

They ordered any male prison who says I am a woman, with no operation and a male sex drive into the Woman's prison. They wrote the policy for the department of corrections in 1999 and worked with the fake-tranny after talking with him on the telphone no doubt.

On 29 January 2017 at 22:01, Luke McKee <[email protected]> wrote:


    I had to use wikipedia and my hacking skills to find the NSW Parliament's former Lotus Notes Server to get that document.

    That proves the NSW Anti-Discrimination board put the Tranny rapists - before he was a tranny into to the Woman's prison with FULL privilages to rape!

    [https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/anne-britton-ncatnsw-lets-tranny.html](https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/anne-britton-ncatnsw-lets-tranny.html) (now only in archive.is)

hojuruku ago

Dump of documents (more will be added) proving Christopher Puplick ordered Noel Crompton hall mass aids rapists into the womens prison, covered up the rape, paid the funds to the gender centre to work with him as head of southern area health service and the @nodiscrim adb. Without Christopher Puplick these mass aids rapes wouldn't have happened.

Coming in seconds...

proof questions in hansard with lied answers (gendercentre state funded by chris puplick himself at south sydney area health service, i found the funding reports in their annual reports last night)

covered up on new parliamentary website.

prison legal service (legal aid) and the adb got the rapist another 25k as well through adb settlement from corrective services. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Luke McKee Date: 31 January 2017 at 13:43 Subject: TOTAL PROOF question redacated from hansard on NEW PDF based website - found on old one

Said question from fred niles I found on this website redacted on new hansard site - on old hansard site https://translate.google.com.vn/translate?hl=en&sl=da&u=http://www.thranesen.dk/maddison-hall/&prev=search (pdf sent in previous email) Old Parliament lotus notes domino server attached file for what I can see here (the question is real)

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lc/papers/Documents/2007/26-september-2007-questions-and-answers/Q070926.17.pdf Not in Q&A on new website - checking full day hansard.


Question removed from new parlaiment website: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Hansard/Pages/HansardFull.aspx#/DateDisplay/HANSARD-1820781676-38599/HANSARD-1820781676-38549

hojuruku ago

looked at link didn't click on it

hoju = australia ruku = bastardization in hangul of the english word luke

aussie luke

Blacksmith21 ago

Got it. I think. Very similar formation of letters. Had to ask. Thought maybe we had a schizo supermodel in our ranks...

Otto- ago

Wow, there is so much to go through here. Appreciate all your effort; this will take some time.

hojuruku ago

this is nothing - expect a massive data dumps and many data dumps to follow.

You will see what all the LGBTI judges ignored when passing judgment on those who disrespect those who raped children who just happened to identify as gay before and after they raped the children.

I am dumping loads of PDF up to mega.nz right now.

All my dad's case of gay judges who blog they specializing in representing pedophiles who rape kids in the parallell child sex court system - public liability insurance compo hush money where the pedophiles never get named or jails, and the public pays gay child sex victim hush money tax with every business paying public liability insurance. Anyway he ruled in case law all Vietnamese internet users (like my dad when he was in Vietnam) must respect gay men who sodomize babies, who human trafficked them due to Australian government breaking it's own laws and not doing DNA tests before issuing passports to gay dads son's who aren't even biologically related through "commercial surrogacy". Hint that story is one of the links here. So Australian government is now proseucuting overseas internet users who criticize state sponsored acts of human trafficking. On top of that Garry Burns was my gay stalker and filed first arrest warrant in exile when I criticized his sister NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Catherine Judith Burns over the 60C NSW Crimes Act crime of knowing a secret gay cop is gay saga.

My dad was targeted a month after he called OTO child sex cult founded special gay police evil (dyke Officer Kate Howe and Tui Ormsby two lesbians sent to my house by my gay neighbour - to help an Illegal immigrant get a ZB951 visa - again gays and visa queue jumping... you can't make this shit up)


http://archive.is/bBPyo - http://archive.is/johnsunol.blogspot.com

Of to meet the Pakistani Embassy tomorrow…

As the Q tools say - BOOM!

Hello Pakistan Ambassador

My name is Luke McKee.

I am a well known anti-gay-pedophilia activist and UNHCR confirmed political refugee and dissident from Australia.

It has come to my attention that a leader of the Australian Greens Party whilst supporting pedophiles on the run from the FBI for child porn gave a public speech at a protest outside Australian Government Immigration offices in Sydney claiming that Pakistan wholesale kills homosexuals.

https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=ONG394816RU2 (video)

Even Wikipedia says that is a lie. Sodomy laws are normally only used against pedophiles - and not enforced. Your country even has transgender rights.

Please read the top story about this saga on the world's #1 anti-pedophilia forum:



(lots of other links about the Pakistani child porn visa saga here - including mainstream news)


Gave visa to this Pakistani national.



Australian government has ruled you don't have bad a character if you download child porn - because the pedophile above whilst in jail in the USA is still sponsoring his boyfriends visa in Australia right now. Under Australian law you must be of good character to sponsor a migrant into Australia - and visa's are cancelled if immigration is informed otherwise. Immigration blocked my email because the manager was gay - and decided that child porn isn't bad character - as exposed above.

Background on other pro-pedophilia actions the Australian government is taking involving myself, my friends and my family.




What am I seeking from Pakistan?

A public statement that you don't kill gays to restore the honor of your country on the international human rights stage contrary to the public statement's by Australian political leaders - and that this homosexual put in Australia near Australian children by the Greens party lobbying and a pedophile singing the sponsorship forms is removed as per the law. He never had a right to stay in Australia even before the visa was granted as he was an illegal immigrant over-stayer. Greens used gay rights as a platform to help him queue jump, avoid deportation and a 5 year ban that even non-homosexuals get for breaking the immigration laws before they can marry.


What you choose to say about Lee Rhiannon of the Australian Greens party is not my decision but I know what I would do. She's already lost the ability to rejoin the next government, and has under investigation for parliamentary expenses fraud. There will be little detriment to international relations condemning her actions in league with pedophiles to attack Pakistan with baseless lies, and to be honest the majority of the Australian voting population will THANK YOU!

Warm Regards,

Luke McKee UNCHR Ref 2010-000092 HK.

  • You wouldn't be seeing all this if the MFer was still a mod.

hojuruku ago

Bernard Gaynor's blog posts about corrupt judges at @NCATNSW who rally money for gay rights causes at fundraising dinners whilst ruling in their favor and worse - such as some judges who have no law degree but get to be judges because they are black.


http://bernardgaynor.com.au/tag/gary-burns/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/tag/garry-burns/

(because halfway through the saga I uncovered he was using a fake name in court)

We even got special gay police on letterhead saying if you are a sodomite you are licensed to threaten to kill families of 6


hojuruku ago


Dr Gregory Tillet who founded the facebook.com/policeglbti gay kiddy fucker protection squad as well as writing the history of the OTO, and did his PhD into nsw police covering up Alister Crowley's friends fucking little boys you can read his thesis online here leadbeater.org.. anyway the special gay police have just arrested john sunol who I used to share a blog with.



The special satanic baby sex cult founded NSW GLLO gay police are arresting people now to shut this news story down

Attention: Mr Martyn Iles

Managing Director

Australian Christian Lobby

Dear Martyn,

The seven-year Burns v Sunol struggle in New South Wales appears to be reaching some sort of a climax.

John is an Evangenical Pentecostalist Christian blogger (very amateur) who has been exploited by the Anti Discrimination Board of New South Wales as a "case law donkey" to deepen and strengthen homosexual vilificaltion case law.

This blatant anti-Christian persecution of John, through exploitation of his weaknesses (namely his syndromic marginal effects of brain injury acquired in 1978) is done by the the Anti Discrimination Board of New South Wales, using their serial complainant and "gay activist" Garry Richard Burns.

This seems to have become a high-stakes political game now, which at its broadest level can be seen as the Homosexual Agenda versus Traditional Christian Family Values.

The high stakes comes about because millions of dollars of Australian taxpayer's money have been spent on vexatious litigation to make an example of John Christopher Sunol, yet he still remains unrepentent and on the moral high ground, due to his religious conviction.

At approximately 10am on 6 April John lodged the attached submision (see attached PDF) with the Registry of the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal, Equal Opportunity Division,

Note John's submissions referred to in the arrached PDF document are seen here and here. The affadavit referred to is here.

That Tribunal handles complaints forwarded by the Anti Discrimination Board for external judgement.

John is in urgent need of legal assistance and political support from the Australian Christian Lobby. That will be self evident from a reading of the attached PDF.

Coincidentally, 24 hours after lodging that submission (i.e., at 10am on 7 April) three police officers arrive at his house looking for him, with papers for him to sign and one officer had handcuffs.

It is not known what this police visit is about. However due to the high stakes of this political struggle, the speculated outcomes range from a parliamentary inquiry into the public scandal of the Burns v Sunol cases, to John Christopher Sunol being criminalised or written off to prevent this from happening.

John said he will not sign any police documents untill he is in the presence of a good Christian pro bono lawyer, such as yourself.

Can the Australian Christian Lobby help John in any way?

He is in urgent need of a Good Samaritan.

If you would like to check with him, his mobile number is +61 468 309 091;

Yours sincerely

– Geoff McKee

PS Copied to The Rev. Fred Niles office, in case they are interested to assist.

copypaste from the 8chan thread that shows the judges picture: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html#q11456404


Now Garry Richard Burns a gay pedophile who sents his penis picture to child prostitutes and has the gay police try and arrest anyone who exposes him for hate speech, is working with a dirty jew pedophile judge who break the law in court as exposed in the document above.

Joint legal action between the OTO baby sex cult and the Gay lobby's Garry Burns against John Sunol.

Here's a picture of the jewish judge that supports gay marriage who is told John Sunol unless you write a statement saying you commited perjury / breach of the Oaths Act on your submission to the court (a crime that gets 5 years jail) I will jail you. He said in an open court I haven't read your submissions but I know you are guilty. Apprehended bias.

Look at this dirty jew judge who works against an enemy of the OTO. The OTO was founded by jews and it's the religion of the Rothchild Frankinist Jewish cult.

I wonder if you can guess the name of the Dirty Jewish Supreme court judge who breaks the law on tape in a open court room to work with proven pedophile garry burns described in the document on that mega link my father sent to the ACL.

hojuruku ago


http://netk.net.au/Power/Power1.asp ^^^^^ The government calls it GAY CHILD PORN VS THE DOWNFALL OF Nicholas Coundry the DPP that let him off prosecution for protecting pedophiles exposed in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv30b6KovWs

) By Nick O'Malley May 3 2003

    The president of the Anti-Discrimination Board, Chris Puplick, resigned last night after it was revealed he had been investigated over claims he helped a friend win a payout for anti-gay victimisation at work.

    The allegations were revealed yesterday, less than a day after the Premier, Bob Carr, launched a vehement attack in Parliament, describing a report on racism prepared by Mr Puplick as "tendentious, ideological claptrap".

    It is understood that an interim report on the allegations has been prepared by the NSW Ombudsman, and that Mr Puplick's resignation - which will take formal effect on May 16 - will give him time to respond formally to the allegations.

    Last night, a spokeswoman for Mr Carr denied the Premier's attack was in any way related to the claims and the resignation.

    In a statement late yesterday, Mr Puplick denied that he had acted improperly, and insisted that his resignation as board president and as NSW Privacy Commissioner was fuelled by the deterioration in relations with the State Government.

    "The Premier himself has been critical of the work of the board and I believe it is not possible for the board to be an effective advocate for human rights in NSW in the absence of his 
    personal support," he said.

    "Allegations have been raised in the press which call in to question my impartiality and integrity in relation to the handling of a case in which the complainant was known to me personally.

    "I reject utterly any implication that I acted improperly in this case. An email sent by me, which I admit should not have been sent in the terms it was, has been seriously misconstrued, a number of false implications have been read into it. These matters are now in the hands of my personal solicitor."

    The allegations were based on emails, published in a Sydney newspaper, which suggest Mr Puplick gave priority to his friend's discrimination complaint against a Sydney television executive. The leaked emails also suggest that Mr Puplick had dined with the complainant.

    The shadow attorney-general, John Ryan, questioned the timing of Mr Carr's attack on the board's report on racism in the media, Race for the Headlines, and the leaked emails.

    He said that while he supported any investigation into alleged impropriety, he believed the Government had unfairly attacked Mr Puplick more than once.

    "There is possibly room for suspicion [about the timing]," he said.

    Mr Ryan said an attack by the former justice minister, Richard Amery, on Mr Puplick in Parliament last year over a board investigation into a privacy complaint raised by the backpacker murderer Ivan Milat was also unjustified.

    It is understood the relationship between Mr Puplick and Mr Carr had deteriorated since then.

    The board's part-time members yesterday expressed sadness, shock and regret at Mr Puplick's decision.

    Neither the Ombudsman's office nor the Attorney-General's Department would comment.

    The director-general of the Attorney-General's department, Laurie Glanfield, will take over Mr Puplick's board responsibilities until a formal replacement is named. Mr Puplick, a former Liberal senator, was appointed in 1994 by the Coalition government and reappointed by Labor.

hojuruku ago

Some old research links on Christopher Puplick who wrote the book on Gay Marriage for Australian Marriage Equality being fired for faking gay hate crimes so his boyfriend can pay him back money - the guy who covered up the rape, and made the rapes actually happen by ordering the rapist into a women's prison. I'll post hansard links proving this claim shortly (or the documents if they have been redacted).

Chris Puplick Research for Today: Trip to AIDS conference https://www.vietnambreakingnews.com/2008/05/deputy-pm-truong-vinh-trong-continues-his-australia-working-trip/ Puplick talks about his deep involvement in the wood royal comission coverup http://junkee.com/the-fight-isnt-over-yet-celebrating-20-years-of-decriminalised-sex-work-in-nsw2/69202 Chris Puplick against Caitholic Schools not hiring gay teachers (2000) in SMH - now this - says they can't be against gay marriage https://www.eurekastreet.com.au/article.aspx?aeid=45811#.WJjy6FOLSUl Chris Puplick defends MSK Lebanese mass rapes - how dare the media say they were Muslim: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/miranda-devine/left-still-thinks-skaf-rapes-werent-racist/news-story/60fe2fe7764178502cb951f258e6d36b Chris Puplick's phone number: http://www.justiceaction.org.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=210:liberals-nationals-proposal-on-prisoner-recidivism&catid=45:media-releases&Itemid=1010 After Corrupt pratcises that were covered up - chris puplic now hands out the money for NSW HEALTH GRANTS: http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/business/partners/Publications/gmip-taskforce-report-response.pdf He gives the gender centre that organized the mass prison rapes with him money to this day: http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/business/partners/Documents/gmip-taskforce-report.pdf Chris Puplic "senior health advisor" to NSW Minister of Health: http://www.pacificfriendsglobalfund.org/2013/03/dr-mark-dybul-visits-australia/ Chris Puplick says how dare Catholic Schools not hire gay teachers before the mass pedophilia scandal (even though exempt from ADB act) http://www.josken.net/45.htm Chris Puplick on visiting London and 1984!: http://archives.pia.gov.ph/seapavaa/downloadables/2006Confpapers/ChrisPuplick.pdf Chris Puplic wants HEP C discrimination law: http://www.chodarr.org/sites/default/files/chodarr1206.pdf Chris Puplick as privacy comissioner saying men don't have the right to do paternity test - must cover up infedility: http://fathersforlife.org/mens_issues/advice_to_men.htm Chris puppick get's his contract renewed for the national archive this year - so many board positions - rape coverup makes him rich 1 millino a year? http://www.psnews.com.au/aps/466/senior_appointments chris puplick makes a massive marriage equality book - here it is: http://www.australianmarriageequality.org/2014/06/24/media-release-key-advocates-hail-new-australian-marriage-equality-book/ http://www.australianmarriageequality.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Marriage-Equality_Book.pdf He's involved with all the university gay groups now to mingle with the stundents - also usyd.edu.au: http://allynetwork.com.au/?pgid=709 good picture of him with kirby at usyd. http://gaynewsnetwork.com.au/news/national/university-of-sydney-launches-lgbtiq-ally-network-16819.html He supports euthanasia: https://www.dwdv.org.au/about-us/ambassadors Tranny murderer runs a blog- defends puplick - puplick linked to legal centre where said murderer tranny works: He defends mass OTO murder IVAN MILAT http://nswcnna.blogspot.com/2004_03_01_archive.html More: http://nswcnna.blogspot.com/2003_08_01_archive.html http://nswcnna.blogspot.com/2004/03/20-million-for-trial-and-no-legal-aid.html http://nswcnna.blogspot.com/2003/08/watchdogs-slaughtered-in-nsw.html Puplic 99-2000 annual report as director that funded gender centre that made the mass tanny rape happen under his order: https://www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/ARarchive/ar99-00/STAT_REP.pdf 200k grant that year! He was chairman of the board https://www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/ARarchive/ar99-00/OUTLOOK.pdf - only board member with 100% attendence Puplic at tranny mass murder's justiceaction.org.au that he has a close relationship with - resigned over ivan milat incident so they said - lied! done by ICAC http://www.justiceaction.org.au/cms/images/stories/CmpgnPDFs/framed46.pdf Current chairperson of justicehealth.nsw.gov.au profile http://archive.is/WFhIw http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/lhd/boards/Pages/members-jfhn.aspx His presentation about being head of justice health: http://www.slideshare.net/informaoz/chris-publick-am-nsw-justice-health-and-forensic-mental-health-network-board Chris Puplick now asking for more ADB funding in SMH fagfax with no record of his past misconduct http://archive.is/FnfoI http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/peak-discrimination-body-missing-in-plebiscite-debate-20161008-grxvio.html Tiff with other artist - will follow up on his enemy: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/theatre/drama-at-nida-former-board-member-slams-falling-standards-20120917-2627j.html His phone number on tranny murderer staffed justiceaction.org.au: http://archive.is/rsoe9 http://www.justiceaction.org.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=210:liberals-nationals-proposal-on-prisoner-recidivism&catid=45:media-releases&Itemid=1010 Puplic referred to DPP: https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-110015576.html Possible details on his mate in a media company that got a payoff for gay harrassment at work: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/EqTimeNSWADBNlr/2000/49.html Second most likely case - kitchen hand http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/EqTimeNSWADBNlr/2000/38.html Garry Burns vextatious litigiation kicks off after funding cut: https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/workers-oppose-funding-cuts-anti-discrimination-board Paul Sheelan exposing him saying how dare the media critize the mass rapes of lebanese rapists: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/04/18/1050172755776.html Details on another patsie like Garry Burns: http://radio2uesydney.blogspot.com/2010/04/elizabeth-wing-of-nsw-adb.html Chris Puplick's resignation on camp.org.au http://www.camp.org.au/component/content/article?id=135:2003 Puplick was on the board of the hospital this guy was claiming discrimination against - I don't think he knows. Conflict of interest at the ADB yet again - didnt' recuse himself: http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/nsw/NSWADT/2000/60.html Very interesting journal sighting sunol vs burns and burns vs dye as cornerstone of homosexual vilification law: http://www.unswlawjournal.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/392-2.pdf Miranda Divine on Christopher Puplick rape apologist: http://archive.is/lL6QB http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/03/15/1047583739295.html The report miranda devine writes about: http://pandora.nla.gov.au/tep/39681 Chris Puplick and ADB attacked in Hansard: http://archive.is/1NimH Gay Liberal coke snorting senator who employed pedophile JEFF KOID known to me personally as a rapist of Susan Lynne Hollow Shane Mallard praises his mentor Chris Puplick On shane's own blog: http://ecouncillor.blogspot.com/2005_08_01_archive.html Chris Puplick wanted to give mass muslim rapist 40,000k for a prison privacy breech http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/08/01/1059480552721.html (already archived ; http://archive.is/kmkqa) Bob Carr's responsone to chris puplick helping mass muslim rapist: http://archive.is/l24rR http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/07/25/1059084205347.html His book saying David Oldfield is a NAZI - problems in pedophilia paradise - oldfields wife published child porn: http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/1868497 http://www.how-can-i-read-books-online-for-free.ideasparkles.com/bicycles/pdf-9486-234-is_the_party_over_the_future_of_the_liberals.pdf The Age Newspaper Admits he resigned because of ICAC corruption not to protest bob car as justiceaction.org.au trannies fasley claimed: http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382094241.html http://archive.is/keH1J ^^ names where complaint went down as media organization ^^

hojuruku ago

^^ READ THIS ^^^

I beleive he's on the australia council now too amongst other shocking positions he shouldn't have after organizing all those rapes to happen by butting noel crompton hall in a women's prison.

This is damning pedophilia normalization going on from the ADB. Yet more evidence of their corruption, and after being found corrupt by ICAC for helping his mate out in the ABC do a homosexual vilification case - he rises to the top after having to resign all his positions previously.

Here he is defending increasing funding to the ADB last year, with no mention of the ICAC naling the bastards


I want his book claiming david oldfield is a neo nazi! I'll get it soon






http://www.australianmarriageequality.org/2014/06/24/media-release-key-advocates-hail-new-australian-marriage-equality-book/ (he just wrote a gay marriage book) http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/ockhamsrazor/court-jesters-and-public-slaves/3549426#transcript

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/DBAssets/InquiryEventTranscript/Transcript/9379/Transcript%2025%20November%202003%20-%20Inquiry%20into%20Eleventh%20General%20Meeting%20with%20the%20New%20South%20Wales%20Ombudsman.pdf Conflict of interests have continued to compromise the integrity and work of some Government agencies. Our investigations this year have included the much publicised misconduct of Chris Puplick in his roles as Privacy Commissioner and President of the Anti-Discrimination Board. My primary finding was that he dealt with a complaint of a good friend to both agencies without declaring his friendship or taking steps to minimise or eliminate his own involvement in the complaint. This very serious matter and other conflicts and administrative failings uncovered during the course of the investigation had the clear potential to undermine public confidence in the handling of complaints by both agencies. Outcomes of the investigation have included proposals for legislative change to reduce the possibilities of conflict of interests for the ADB President and recommendations that the same person not head two separate and discrete organisations.

hojuruku ago

He got order of Australia as gay hero Australia's highest honor after making rapes happen and covering up. The USA equivalent would be the rapists of Aru Garib in Iraq all getting congressional medals of honor.

Full name - order of Australia right after AIDS rapes covered up: http://www.itsanhonour.gov.au/honours/honour_roll/search.cfm?aus_award_id=872196&search_type=simple&showInd=true http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382095379.html (archived 4 years ago again: http://archive.is/BIbG) Chris Puplick reffered for charges: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/10/29/1067233249850.html http://archive.is/Mob2M Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Puplick Got award in 2001 after rape gate Dolly Dun who he praised protected by police: http://archive.is/QtTd7 Federal Theatre Board position: http://www.directory.gov.au/directory?ea5_lfz99_120.&organizationalUnit&a04877cb-18d5-40c1-ae2c-1831cd7b81f2#b3bda5a1-7f9d-4cdf-aef0-368064ea2ad7 Reconmendation the ADB director doesn't have multiple posistions like the successor to Chris Puplick Stepahn the Lesbian did: https://www.lawsociety.com.au/cs/groups/public/documents/internetcontent/023865.pdf Strange interview: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/ockhamsrazor/court-jesters-and-public-slaves/3549426#transcript Puplik refered for charges DPP coverup - confirmed he was chairman of southern sydney area health service: http://archive.is/Mob2M http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/10/29/1067233249850.html The report Found he HAD OTHER CONFLICTS OF INTEREST - the victim we know!!! gcrewdson!!! Corrupt DPP protected puplick twice. More on Puplick saving david oldfield is a neo nazi: https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/tony-abbott-the-ndh-and-the-liberal-partys-fascist-affair,6411 Old photo of puplick in relation to said book: http://www.townsvillelabor.org/blog/category/first-dog-on-the-moon His report covering up mass rapist dolly dunn: second copy http://www.aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/rpp/12/rpp012.pdf Puplik gets fired in gay news - not much details denied any wrongdoing - contary to what he said to media about email he shouldn't have sent said "discrimination case" http://www.starobserver.com.au/news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/chris-puplick-takes-a-back-seat/7192 http://archive.is/507NO Still working for NSW health in 2011: Puplick calling for more ADB funding (mirror) http://www.westernadvocate.com.au/story/4215276/peak-discrimination-body-missing-in-plebiscite-debate/ Puplick under pressure - details on leaked emails from ADB corruption it's in the daily telegraph somehwere in 2003 http://www.starobserver.com.au/news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/puplick-under-pressure/7181 ^ resigned southern sydney health service 2008? http://archive.is/507NO Chris Puplick knows gay men with aids don't use codoms and sends them into women's prison: http://archive.globalgayz.com/oceania/australia/gay-australia-news-and-reports-2/ Attack against chris puplick for saying ivan milit OTO mass murderer privacy violated after his escape attempt: - Chris PUplcik salary 200k+ http://archive.is/agIH1 ABC says chris puplick says he's fully innocent unlike news corp on ABC pedos news RE ICAC: http://archive.is/liMXF http://www.abc.net.au/news/2003-09-15/icac-confirms-puplick-under-investigation/1478534 His friend linked to Muslim gang rapists: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:QwI36HusjBUJ:www.footballanarchy.net/forum/the-official-western-sydney-crime-thread-t133-630.html+&cd=40&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=vn ADB attacked for racism report: http://timblair.blogspot.com/2003_03_09_timblair_archive.html Chris puplick on ADB praising his report that got him fired regarding racism and the media over mass rapes: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/mediareport-1999/race-for-the-headlines/3539892 Journalist fired for ciritising him: http://timblair.spleenville.com/archives/001925.php https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2003/05/anti-m30.html?view=article_mobile Daily Telegraph May 2nd has the leaked emeails regarding ICAC compalint: http://archive.is/r8rH GET THOSE PAPERS! Puplick writes a story about not being racist to muslims after gang rapes: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/09/04/1031115884374.html http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/miranda-devine-left-still-thinks-skaf-rapes-werent-racist/news-story/b98322acf13d53697898653b6aa173c1 ^ new coverage attack by Miranda Devine ^

Chris Puplick trying to direct health money to his arts projects: https://www.theherald.com.au/story/3471155/nsw-government-to-explore-how-arts-can-be-used-to-improve-health/?cs=2373 Him at the national archive getting $$$ http://archive.is/0dMwS http://www.naa.gov.au/about-us/organisation/advisory-council/puplick-christopher.aspx

Cath Burns next public event: http://www.themandarin.com.au/74923-public-sector-leadership-top-of-the-agenda/


hojuruku ago

In addition to this second police action to jail John Sunol for the crime of linking to public domain court documents on his blog. (not me doing stuff on his blog this time)

This is obscene. If you expose pedophilia especially LGBTI pedophilia (John started with exposing the Sleeze ball after the Sydney Mardi Gras before he met me) you will be jailed. As we have seen the Australian government says again if a LGBTI activist rapes a child it is a CRIME to be against it.


2 years jail for each - one for the OP and one for what's coming under this comment next (if it's not downvoted by pedos)

hojuruku ago


Rape policy being redacted in the same month Noel Crompton Hall Mass Gay AIDS rapist of women was secretly paroled a month after he was denied parole when the victims vaily showed up. This link can't be found on the new website because of my activism. It clearly shows when women are raped in jail the policy on what the prisons should do has become a state secret. Bloody brawls and fights - the policy on that is open - but not rape. For this to be redacted in the same month Noel Crompton Hall the first transgender to get the legal right anywhere in the world to be able to use a women's toilet under government supervision (in jail) was paroled is deeply suspicious.

See the pastebin (or the updated one I'll add when I get home). The case law shows the rape charges were dismissed because the victim couldn't appear after doing a DNA test by NSW Police Corrective Services investigation and an CCTV ERISP interview (what the policy document said before it was redacted according to a reliable source with a conscience in government). It's clearly a cover-up. We need to find this NZ female inmate deported to cover up her own rape and get her justice if she's willing.

hojuruku ago

Mods: This is breaking case law published TODAY in Australia. ITS NEWS - before the MSM will cover it no doubt.

hojuruku ago

Why is this on topic? It's a crime to be an anti-pedophilia activist. They hunt us down!


derram ago

https://archive.fo/70NCO :

Man murders woman. Man declares he IS a... - Women's Liberation Front | Facebook

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=hY-HOPphCps :

Garry Richard Burns - the best the gays have got to support Gay Marriage - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=xy_H_vwDdJE :

Ackerman tell Garry Burns to bite the bullet, David Leyonhjelm tells him to go fuck himself - YouTube

https://archive.fo/957Ec :

Gay Celebrant Melbourne - Home | Facebook

https://archive.fo/0prtB :

Bronte Price | Facebook

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