Vindicator ago

@hojuruku: Could you please clarify which of these links includes a formal ruling by the Australian government that pedophelia is acceptable? That is a bold claim and I can't find a link that support it. In fact, I can't find a link to any ruling at all. All I found was your interpretation of government inaction, which it appears you are calling a "formal ruling":

The fact he is still here is proof that the Australian government has formally ruled someone who identifies as homosexual and likes his child porn is of "good character" and has no character concerns

While I don't dispute the spirit of what you are saying, the way you are saying it is inaccurate and smacks of Fake News, which is the opposite of what we are doing here (research to document the pedo elite). Your inflamed approach undermines the point you are making. I am going to give this our 24 Hour flair to see if you can provide a link to a government ruling of some kind, and perhaps paste in a quote from it, to support the claim in your title. Please reply to this comment when you've done so. Otherwise, you'll need to repost this in v/pizzagatewhatever and we'll need to remove this per Rule 2. Thanks.

hojuruku ago

The FACT I COMPLAINED TO IMMIGRATION OVER THE LAST YEAR AND HE'S STILL HERE ON A VISA That only a gay partner of good character can sponsor. Immigration blocked my email address. The law is in the OP. The last thing in it. Read all comments.

So you want me to incriminate myself and release audio of the gay immigration manager fighting with me and the audio of the report being made a year ago to immigration tip off line and them refusing to follow up on it or let me make it again seing no action taken for a year. Ali choundrhy can't be on a refugee visa and if it is it's fraud because if you get your visa cancelled on bad character you can't switch to a new visa I know the law.

You have just gone on all my posts and ask me to re-substiantate whas has been fully substaintated. I'll have to reply to you on all the threads as this attack goes on because I thought I would ask you not to censor someone elses OTO post. Please I don't want a conflict be fair.

You've already taken out a dynamite post if you see the comments I will be linking to in my next discuss post.

hojuruku ago

As the Q tools say - BOOM!


My name is Luke McKee.

I am a well known anti-gay-pedophilia activist and UNHCR confirmed political refugee and dissident from Australia.

It has come to my attention that a leader of the Australian Greens Party whilst supporting pedophiles on the run from the FBI for child porn gave a public speech at a protest outside Australian Government Immigration offices in Sydney claiming that Pakistan wholesale kills homosexuals. (video)

Even Wikipedia says that is a lie. Sodomy laws are normally only used against pedophiles - and not enforced. Your country even has transgender rights.

Please read the top story about this saga on the world's #1 anti-pedophilia forum:

(lots of other links about the Pakistani child porn visa saga here - including mainstream news)

Gave visa to this Pakistani national.

Australian government has ruled you don't have bad a character if you download child porn - because the pedophile above whilst in jail in the USA is still sponsoring his boyfriends visa in Australia right now. Under Australian law you must be of good character to sponsor a migrant into Australia - and visa's are cancelled if immigration is informed otherwise. Immigration blocked my email because the manager was gay - and decided that child porn isn't bad character - as exposed above.

Background on other pro-pedophilia actions the Australian government is taking involving myself, my friends and my family.

What am I seeking from Pakistan?

A public statement that you don't kill gays to restore the honor of your country on the international human rights stage contrary to the public statement's by Australian political leaders - and that this homosexual put in Australia near Australian children by the Greens party lobbying and a pedophile singing the sponsorship forms is removed as per the law. He never had a right to stay in Australia even before the visa was granted as he was an illegal immigrant over-stayer. Greens used gay rights as a platform to help him queue jump, avoid deportation and a 5 year ban that even non-homosexuals get for breaking the immigration laws before they can marry.

What you choose to say about Lee Rhiannon of the Australian Greens party is not my decision but I know what I would do. She's already lost the ability to rejoin the next government, and has under investigation for parliamentary expenses fraud. There will be little detriment to international relations condemning her actions in league with pedophiles to attack Pakistan with baseless lies, and to be honest the majority of the Australian voting population will THANK YOU!

Warm Regards,

Luke McKee UNCHR Ref 2010-000092 HK.

hojuruku ago

Pakistan Government is involved tha formert Gay Rights Spokesperson for the Australian Greens Party said on camera (153news link) Ali R Choundry would be surely killed if he was sent back to Pakistan where wholesale fagmegadeath happens.

The reality of the situation is different. He's not eligible for a partner visa OR refugee visa. Pakistan is the most liberal Muslim country with transgender rights bill and even the queers at wikipedia admit sodomy laws are never enforced (except against homosexual pedophiles).

They will demand I hope an apology from Lee Rhiannon for damning their country in political speeches with proven bogus claims trying to help pedophiles on the run from the FBI sue the Australian government and raise cash from LGBTI.

Same SEX activity: ILLEGAL (not enforced) says Wikipedia. It's a "gay safe space". From Wikipedia---

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights in Pakistan are considered taboo. Even in large cities, gays and lesbians have to be highly discreet about their sexual orientation. Pakistani law prescribes criminal penalties for same-sex sexual acts. The Pakistan Penal Code of 1860, originally developed under colonialism, punishes sodomy with a possible prison sentence and has other provisions that impact the human rights of LGBT Pakistanis, under the guise of protecting public morality and order. Despite being a legal offence, acts of homosexuality are rarely prosecuted in the country.[1]

Discrimination and disapproval of the LGBT community, along with the associated social stigma, mostly stem from religious and patriarchal beliefs and make it difficult for LGBT people to have steady relationships.[2] Nevertheless, the LGBT community is still able to socialize, organize, date and even live together as couples, but usually only secretly:[3] Sexual encounters between same-sex partners are easily accessible, especially in big cities such as Karachi and Lahore, and for gay and bisexual men in particular, with it even being socially accepted to demonstrate their affection. As a result of globalisation, increasing liberalisation trends and advancing social tolerance, private gay parties in Pakistan have been thriving for a number of years.[4] In addition, there is a growing number of individuals—especially those born to parents who have been educated in the developed world, who are usually university graduates and have some sort of understanding about evolution and sexuality—who are coming out to their friends and introducing them to their same-sex partner.[5]

Pakistan does not have civil rights laws to prohibit discrimination or harassment on the basis of sexual orientation. Neither same-sex marriages nor civil unions enjoy legal recognition and are scarcely ever brought up in the political discourse. The LGBT community in Pakistan has not officially begun to campaign for LGBT rights and it remains a long distance dream for that community. However, in what was seen as a historic move in 2009, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled in favour of civil rights for transgender citizens. Further court rulings have improved the rights of transgender people in Pakistan.

sunajAeon ago

Well that cancels out the Australian Government as having ANY credibility, legitimacy-2+2 does not equal 1

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It still has zero views as of this comment.

carmencita ago

THIS needs Massive Upvoating!

hojuruku ago

And it wouldn't even be here if the coup against MF didn't go through ;) thanks guys for fighting in my 11 month excile.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

All you had to do was make another account. I do it every time I get banned for posting material they rip down asap.

carmencita ago

You are very welcome. Have an Upvoat!

hojuruku ago

Please contact robert stacy mccain (rsmccain on or whever he is hiding on twitter who worked with me to break this story first ( link. He needs to follow up on it. He broke this in the week he got banned from twitter and got the #1 trending hashtag in America #FreeStacy before #FreeMilo came around (the latter I don't support).

Get him to break this then the shit will really hit the fan for Australia. You can do it!

carmencita ago

I think someone with a Twitter acct should text him, using an acct. that won't dox them and push him to do it. To break the story. Twitter seems to also get a lot of comments that may also force him into it.

carmencita ago

The Pedo Shills are here downvoating all of us. Evidently you @hojuriku and we have Hit A Nerve. Good. I don't care.

hojuruku ago

Everyone please email the secretary to the USA Ambassador JOE Hockey. [email protected]

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Um, why would we do that? Are you ligitimizing the government? Are you sure you have followed this sub?

hojuruku ago


Message blocked Your message to [email protected] has been blocked. See technical details below for more information. The response from the remote server was: 550 5.5.0 banned sender - [email protected]

hojuruku ago

literally every comment i make get's downvoted. Who's doing this?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Let me guess: This gay protestor happens to be jewish

hojuruku ago

Nope Muslim. They say so here when asking for funds to live on the RUN from the FBI: Actually a "catholic muslim gay couple". The gays say it's a crime to call those who do child porn gay because gays can't be pedophiles. Don't shoot me for hate speech the pedophile is on camera saying "I AM GAY".

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Same camel, different jockey

hojuruku ago

@Otto- any views on this? You wont succeed downvoting this thread too.

carmencita ago

Upvoat for Posting This. Thank you!

hojuruku ago

Former Gay Rights Spokesperson of the Australian Greens Party Senator Lee Rhiannon on camera supporting the FBI CP fugitive's cause and calling for jailing immigration minister for opposing him.

As downvoted to oblivion into the the other thread by those who say it's wrong to be against child porn normalization done by government officals.

hojuruku ago Call for free to complain as I did on skype (1800 number) and record the call. The head of the call centre is a homosexual to say it's homophobic to be against child pornogropher gay marriage activists sponsoring visas, or in laymans terms it's wrong to be against child pornographers bringing their mates to stay around australian kids if they say rthe magic words "I AM GAY".

Make your voice heard. Hear them telling you to rack off and you'll be hunted down for opposing the Australian government's position on child porn being ok. It costs you nothing but your time to call during the office hours for Australian immigration. Or better yet go to an Australian embassy to complain.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I downvoated you on this particular comment because you are making a statement that creates a false impression. Like when Honeybee said not to post any damning evidence over the internet, give it to the FBI. Then she offered an FBI criminal complaint form. FBI works for the cartel and assures their opperations can continue with impunity. They also stage shooting hoaxes and false flags. It gets tiring when you guys assert that we need to make an impression on the authorities. That is like trying to get our research out to CNN. Either retain what is revealed or start from scratch.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Government is in on it. They are controlled by the banks . The alphabet agencies spread this agenda through all media entertainment. They also trafick children alonw with foundations from politicians and media stars. What are you on about? Why are you carryinf on about how we need to inform government officials. You dense?

elitch2 ago

Yeah. australia is just the best country, eh faggots?

hojuruku ago

view counter on this post stuck on 0 last thirty mins. What's going on?

think- ago

We currently have bugs, they effect the upvoat counts and the view counts.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Welcome to Voat pizzagate sub.

carmencita ago

I and a few others have posted this problem in the comments on and off. When you edit your post after submitting it the counter does not compute. This seems to be a problem that needs fixing but is not getting fixed for some reason. Everyone needs to try and get everything in their post before submitting, otherwise put it in the comments or your points will not add up. STOP EDITING AFTER YOU POST.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Just like the Voat search was "broken" for the lonest time.

carmencita ago

Yeah and # of visitors is also frozen. Hmm Frozen. A Disney Film.

hojuruku ago

The Australian Government has formally said:

"If you are gay child porn is OK"

by ignoring my written and recorded phone call complaints to get this guy deported under the law over the last 2 years. Even if he's not a pedo - he was in the relationship with the pedo and the pedo sponsored his visa. The law is the law. The law applies to visa sponsors and "family". Even if it didn't he was in a relationship with a child pornographer when the child porn was downloaded.

Will the pedo downvoters show yourself cowards!

carmencita ago

Hah! Yes! Only a pedo shill would downvoat such a statement. When is child porn Ever Ok? child porn is NEVER ok no matter who you are.