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hojuruku ago

wow first vote is a downvote. Someone likes LGBTI activists raping kids - or at least the supression of the truth about them doing it and being praised by the highest LGBTI policitans in australia that refuse to say sorry for praising baby rapists and call the police on you when confronted with the facts.

What Lee Rhiannon was thinking when she called the cops on me for asking her to apologize for giving a platform to baby rapists like ABC journalists had to apologize in the past: I DID NOTHING WRONG PRAISING BABY RAPISTS. BABY RAPISTS ARE LGBTI. HOW DARE YOU COMPLAIN. THE COPS WILL GET YOU NOW FOR NOT ACCEPTING LGBTI IS PEDO AND PEDO IS LGBT AND THEY MUST BE RESPECTED AND THEIR MUTUAL CAUSE CHAMPIONED.

Remember leftist ABC journalists say Homosexuals can be pedophiles too and they are evil in the above article. Why don't you get that censored for hate speech too!

hojuruku ago

ah that's better the downvote is gone. how did that happen :)

Otto- ago

Well I've only just read this topic, haven't downvoted anyone, but I can say that I'm tempted to, just based on your strawmanning and generalization. The sentiment here is great, the digging and articles are well worth praise and recognition, thank you! But you've made 8 out of 10 posts here yourself, and the biggest message I get is: "any/all LGBT activists are raping babies, therefore anyone downvoting me is praising baby rapists."

Like, Jesus man, wait more than 5 hours before accusing everyone of censoring you.

hojuruku ago

you haven't downvoted my latest. too bad it's trending and it's BIG. 100% upvote - on 80% of viewers voted. Cat's out of the bag now mate.

hojuruku ago

who's downvoting that link above wrote by a homosexual gay marriage rally organizer covering these same gay marriage activist @slurptea1 slurp marriage equality tea pedos... obviously not homosexuals. So who else would be triggered by this. ah yes pedos.