I_Would_Gas_You ago

You are a real piece of shit. I hope all of voat turns against you.

hojuruku ago

You fucken kikeshill @I_Would_Gas_You trying to take out my voat account with baseless lies you stupid fucktard.

You got an upvote because I want people to read my reply.



Hilarious shit boys. CC @BabalonWorking @auralsects @MadWorld @CheeseboogersGhost @gabara

hojuruku ago

fuck he deleted his comment. Well lucky I copy and pasted it into ProtectVoat.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Go fuck yourself sperg. Keep pinging and we will see who has more time to bug the shit out of the other. I believed the anon post because you are an abrasive nigger and it wouldn't be surprising. I took the post down. Now fuck off

hojuruku ago

yep. I trigger blackpill people into hating politically correct pedophiles, gay, jew and especially gay jews. It's my style. If you are tiggerred well what does that say about you?

Does this upset you much? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273

All the trolls came out over this.. boy didn't they?

kneo24 ago

What the fuck is this shit doing here?

hojuruku ago

We are trying to prove a pedo who raped Jewish American Olympic Athletes were also jewish. Harvard university professors are asking the same question. Sorry too many comments in here got it all messed up but the link in the OP kind of explains that.

@I_Would_Gas_You got allegedly confused too about it and tried to shut dwon my voat account like a kikeshill.


https://8ch.net/pol/res/11491637.html - clearly explains who the dox is on you morons.

Come Get $20 in ETH bounty for researching a kike ped to fuck with VOAT PIZZAGAYTE mods Anonymous (You) 04/15/18 (Sun) 07:28:19 eeb84b No.11491637[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


Prove this cunt Larry Nassar is Jewish - Make me proud!


Payment will be in ETH from the wallet listed on the OccidentalEnclave thread.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Now you are just lying you fucking nigger.

hojuruku ago

North Irish Terrorist and Australian Convict Stock you beta male cuck. I'd like to talk to you and see how emasculated your voice is. You want to join my talksjew? http://talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=139182

You can do it live and invite all your friends.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

You are truely pathetic

hojuruku ago

If you want to hunt fake white nationalists (I am not one) Ask why your fellow jew mate is still on voat when he's meant to be in jail for a terrorist attack: https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2502819

hojuruku ago

It's not a fucken scam. Look if the pedo isn't a jew nobody gets paid though.

And that's all the crypto sheckeles I have too. You can see my very low budget mining operation on the links.

kneo24 ago

It's not a fucken scam.

I never said it was you fucking retard. My question was, what is this shit doing here. This looks more like Voat drama wild.

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12500170 It's about possible kikes. It's not in the right place?

kneo24 ago

Do you think you can go anywhere you want on Voat and scream about the kikes? Well yes you can. Does that mean it's the right subverse for it? No, it does not. You would be better off taking that to a larger subverse that's more active.

At the end of the day, the Voat drama is ridiculous and tiresome and you're playing right into it.

hojuruku ago

What are the best kike hating, and fag hating and kike fag hating sub-verses on voat?

auralsects ago

Bounty will be collected by his Jewish brother or sister after haggling up to $25

hojuruku ago

haha i only mined $20 as of @12 h from now at current speed. You gotta wait a week or two more if it's $25 - we'll fuck it then if it takes someone that long to prove the pedo is a jew it's $25.

8chan didn't like my fuckery of offering a bounty on kikeshaming a pedo as a jew when the msm / authorities didn't share intel on the perp being a jew like the victim was (if that was the case)

auralsects ago

LMAO "kikeshaming" that's brilliant

hojuruku ago

We'll it rymed with kikeshill. That name calling was wasn't my call. We need to thank @SchlongKeyhote for adding kikeshill as one word to my vocabulary. I have been accused of talking to sockpuppets so will the REAL ScholongKeyhote please stand up. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12474660 He triggered @kevdude with that https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12474853 and inspired my how not to be a kikeshill guide - the second last thing I posted before being nixxed and they took out my account. All knows the mega downvote even on comment on MSM news pedos was the mods, occams razor. They were pissed over my last 1-2 comments mentioned here: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289

Anyway I just woke up. And I am meant to be making a truce with them. I've got to rewrite a thread right now: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2501780 (downvoted - not visible)

He also copped the same number of modfag downvotes but he wasn't trolled so they didn't mute his account.


Pizzagate BO calling our BO a jew. What a cunt.


Claims to hate jews - so he will always be an asshole but hopefully our kind of asshole because after me causing a clusterfuck on one of their possible kikeshill mods (hence why this fun bounty was created - I can't promise it will be paid out because we don't know the guy is a jew - but the bounty is real). He hasn't rage banned me yet and they didn't censor my WTF vindictor post I'm rewriting now - -so maybe there is some hope of redemption for them - at least in my eyes but not fucking up the kike judges more as I said in my plan on /v//pizzagatemods.

auralsects ago

Some relatives had Christian funerals, but since so many jews are atheists anyway that doesn't matter; they are just a social group and atheist Jews can lead prayers in synagogue

His dad's sister married a Jew:


Town he grew up in was a "focus" of Jewish immigration in that era:

Stiefel wrote that it was by then "nonexistent" in the City of Detroit.[5]Suburban municipalities defined by Stiefel as foci included Bloomfield Hills, Farmington Hills, Oak Park, Royal Oak, Southfield, and West Bloomfield


Compare Nassar's features to some famous Mizrahi (MidEastern) Jews. Note the fivehead/hairline, beady eyes and monkey ears.




hojuruku ago

this is really good shit, but I'm re-writing the pizzagate thread and getting dinner right now so can't review it fully.

If you can do it I'm gladly paying you. I have to work out how to use geth to make a payment, and we'll all see it be tracked on ETH transactions tracking websites! I really hope you have done it or get across the finish line.

I know my wallet password and I can unlock it that's the first step, but I haven't paid anyone using geth. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out.


I'm at 0.0096xx eth now and when it clocks over to 0.01 i get a payout, what that clears I have my $20.12 USD in eth and someone gets paid. This is all self mined ETH from my power bill :P

But like I said I've got to confirm your dox I haven't done it yet. Can you tag others to review your findings!!! It has to be enough to totally PROVE he's a kike.

If it's very close - or proven negative it's $10 which is fair.

Other's are trying as you know and I have to be fair in giving it to the winner if any or with the $10 runner up prize.

Why would I fuck my rep over $20 - $10 dollars :P It's not going to happen. Don't worry.

I love your effort. The kike Anon's are pissed off I'm making some friends by my bitching with /v/pizzagatemods which ran it's course with this post - I HOPE.


auralsects ago

no it's not proof and i don't want twenty fucking dollars lol. heres a few comments i saved from kikeshills one of whom is now mod (21Blackdicks) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1954275/9619913


hojuruku ago

I doxxed someone trolling me at the same time as DarkMath was on voat - only this guy on youtube pining my channel was a child sex doll lover.. Let me look it up, I mentioned it today too!

and fuck off if you have an ETH wallet either you or @gabara are getting $10 for trying or anyone else who makes a good shot at it. I'm not fucking my cred for $10-20, so someone is taking it.

EDIT: From browser history - enjoy. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2056214

auralsects ago

Obviously I am schlongkeyhote aka DonKeyhote etc several accounts brigaded to -700 or so. I think I have decent evidence Nassar is a kike too

hojuruku ago

I think the surname thing might the winner. Give @gabara 12 hours to come back with his research.

Just make a wallet on one of those coin trading sites and get paid. It's a matter of my honor now. Who know I might have to split the bounty 50/50 if he comes back with something good too.

Just make the account or wallet somewhere, I'll help you find a site, and just let it there and appreciate or whatever. $250k worth of bitcoin that the faggots at linode.com is worth 4 billion now.


gabara ago


hojuruku ago

Larry Nassar jewish gymgirl olympic athlete / little girl rapist. We need to prove he's Jewish (if he is really).

That would be worth $20 to me and prove a point I was trying to make and I WILL PAY. ETH transactions can be traced online, and I am true to my word.

gabara ago

Well first we need to figure out what his mother Mary's maiden name is.

hojuruku ago

Don't share your headstart. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12500170 Just win and get paid. I got other work to do next 12 hours anyway. I'm thinking of starting a hunt the pedo and jail them for crypto bounties website so if I win my own prize it's no fucken good.

gabara ago

With a name like Maria I'm thinking she would be Catholic or Coptic or some other non-Protestant Christian. Need to find out her name so we can find out who her mother is.

hojuruku ago

Fuck it. This is fun. $10 in ETH in crypto if you prove he's not a jew because someone is trying as long as you can prove it's the truth the truth and nothing but the truth.

I've got to re-write the pizzagate thread the 4th time. The 1st time I did it best but oh well...


VoatisCIA ago

WE see the fall of Voat coming. WE predict vindicator and other known censor-happy mods will be doxxed! ......watch!

hojuruku ago

yeah but that's what this thread wasn't about. Someone tried to take my account down for saying I was doing that. We are doxxing the Jewish Pedo https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2501438/12495992 Larry Nassar to prove he is Jewish. So far it's a Jewish surname. h/t @auralsects https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2501438/12504357

hojuruku ago

I doxxed the first ever main censor of /r/pizzagate @seansli - see my /v/protectvoat thread - the last thing I said before my account was completely shutdown.

hojuruku ago

@Vindicator has claimed it was an accident the deletion of the comment that motivated this, but he did claim I was operating sock-puppets or "alts" when I wasn't. No this is my style this is how I be a cunt to people who pissed me off. In any case by the time he said it was an accidental deletion and he already apologized for it (unverified claim) the damage was done and the bounty was out.

Now I don't hate vindicator. He may have inspired me to start a whole new website that puts bounty's on nailing pedophile suspects and encourages other pedophile hunter outfits to compete for glory. Kind of like Occupy Pedophilia St Petersberg only with teeth!

http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/russian-skinheads-abuse-gays-and-post-video-to-social-networks-a-933549.html who are hated by ABC TV Australia for stopping gay men exercising their basic human rights to have sex with "teenagers" or as SBS TV says "minors" aka tinyurl com /gaysrapekids as I exposed on Radio Renegade http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/twos-company-threes-allowed-luke-mckee-4-7-16/

I love you Vindicator. Thanks for inspiring me to start development on this project. Pedophiles everywhere will hate your censorship for inspiring me. You were my muse I'm so grateful.

hojuruku ago

The victim of the comment deletion confirms @Vindicator apologized for the deletion.

This is all for fun now, and yes I'm still good for the $20 in ETH.

auralsects ago

Uh that doesn't make him any less of a kikeshill

hojuruku ago

if only we could unmask the downvoters who nixxed my account we would know for sure. I am pretty sure, I want to say sure... but in a court I couldn't nail him just yet, it's all circumstantial evidence.


Also the mods down-voted this into oblivion. I think it's very articulate overview of how much of a cunt i'm going to be to the fag jew pedophiles in Australia over the next few months.


hojuruku ago


I shared the bounty on 8chan too. May the best person win. I'm going to work in the event that the other site, or someone on /pizzagate/ first - first person with the proof (if any) the cunt is Jewish or has Israeli nationality posted at one of the 3 sites or tags me on voat will get payment. 24 hour cooling off period to verify claim if disputed by anyone if winner announced.

hojuruku ago

https://currencio.co/eth/usd/0.04/ In about <24 hours I should have $20.12 dollars in my ethereum wallet. I'm so good for it.

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12496091 ^^ PRICELESS ^^^

@Joe_McCarthy - my philosophy when I'm being trolled by anonymous cunts and all sorts of crazy shit over the last two days like I have never seen on voat since I've been here the last 1.5 - 2 years - don't get mad get even. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289

I will give all the mining from my RX560 for the last two months to anyone who gets me the proof I need to one up these pricks.

It's all yours if you deliver the goods and the bounty is real. https://ethermine.org/miners/4ba1dd80c1f42a2ff2b85e891424f6e92835a450/payouts

Can you sticky this just for laughs for a few days. I have a feeling the bounty is obtainable and I'd gladly pay it to anyone who can deliver the goods. You will be competing against me trying to keep it of course.


hojuruku ago


I'm not the only one looking - look at this:

John Bosnitch

February 2, 2018 @ 10:23 am 30

If anyone does find out the ethnic background paternal and maternal, and/or the childhood life experiences of Larry Nassar, please forward the info to me… it definitely seems as if there is informal self-censorship going on in this case…

[email protected]

John Bosnitch Journalist