hojuruku ago


The real story of @I_Woud_Gas_You and other's false allegations and asshattery is on this thread.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

So I jumped the gun. You still seem like a piece of shit who would do this. I deleted it. Something is very off about you

hojuruku ago

@PeaceSeeker FAKE NEWS from a fucken shill. The competition is to confirm a pedophile in the MSM news is a jew to blow @Vindicator's cred - even though he claims to have deleted said comment.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Your top comment says it's to expose vindicator

hojuruku ago

yep expose him deleting a comment that suggested a pedo was Jewish - the DOX is on the pedo in the MSM to prove he is Jewish you stupid fuck - and expose @Vindicator shilling for the jews - though by an accidental deletion confirmed by the victim of the comment deletion which ha taken half the fun out of it if you read the thread moron and stop sperging out and jumping to fucken conclusions.

If you can't wake up to the fact you are wrong - everyone sees you are a moron. Do yourself a favor and delete the thread - or not - which is what I prefer this is fucken hilarious free publicity for me exposing the false allegaitons I'm getting from kikeshills.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Im going to start upvoting those anon posts against you instead of down. Fuck off you rancid mentally ill nigger

hojuruku ago

I blocked the whole anon subverse - knock yourself out upvoating for kikeshill pedos trolling an an effective anti-pedophilia activist over this: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273. You wanna really get behind and support them?

Good luck with that kike.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Ill make sure to ping you everytime I see one.

hojuruku ago

So now you aren't going to give me peace of mind from the kike anons - and you wanna work with them in harassing me?

You'll be the one with the PSA and it wont be bullshit if you keep this up. Take your bat and ball home and find a kike pedo to dox like that thread you complained about.

With a nickname like yours you shoudn't be attacking the people who do it.

Can I ask the question? Are you Jewish / JIDF? That's based on your actions.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

You are a spastic retard who won't stop pinging me. It's annoying so ill return the favor. As for your other comment I think people like you who focus on this are deeply repressed pedophiles and get some sick thrill out of finding pedophile stuff so you can jack off and still feel good. Either way fuck off.

hojuruku ago

you fucken retard. I correct your lies - on your fucken lying kikeshill attack to shutdown my account and you call it harassment. GTFO.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

No thanks pedo

hojuruku ago

follow the pizzagate rules and provide sources

good luck with that.

someone who hates anti-pedophilia activists like me needs a good long hard look in the mirror, 2 bottles of vodka, and a shotgun.

That's me last week in the news with Sunol fighting satanic baby sex cults: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html#11456254 These ones: http://bernardgaynor.com.au/freedom-australia-just-taken-another-hit/ http://acat.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/985730/CRISTIAN_v_BOTTRILL_Appeal_2016_ACAT_104-2.pdf see section 41




And again this week fighting kike jew judges protecting gay pedophiles (garry burns, christopher pulick, noel crompton hall, robert dolly dunn etc etc) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2492737

To hate me so much for what I do you must really love abusing children. So for the sake of the children you know what you have to do.

Get that Vodka and hope it turns out better for you in the next life kikeped.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I don't hate you you idiot. I find you annoying and distasteful. I saw an anon thread and believed you were trying to dox users and took umbrage. I removed the post and you keep pinging me and calling me a kike like you even know anything about me. Enjoy tooting your horn like you are making any kind if change

hojuruku ago


Just published new comments on there by mistake. It shows you I'm a well known white nationalist (of sorts) who fucks with the jews because they fucked with my family first trying to normalize pedophilia. I was a regular guest on Wolf Wall Street. Some of the after party audio links just got published.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Good for you.

hojuruku ago

good. fight the kike and not me. can we both fuck off and get on with our white lives now?

I_Would_Gas_You ago

This is bullshit. @puttitout @peaceseeker @cynabuns