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hojuruku ago

@Vindicator that wasn't me...

You've got cunts roleplaying me on anonymous forums. If you see me posting anon it's not me and downvote the fuck out of it.

Vindicator ago

@Vindicator that wasn't me... You are a moderator can you ask someone in VOAT to unmask these fucks? Oh you wont because it's you or your friends right still trolling me?

I haven't been over there to see what's going on, hojuruku. I try to avoid drama as much as possible. From where I stand, you look like you're working a bunch of alts to cause a shitstorm. You're wearin' out your welcome. I do know that old goats don't like upvote requests and will downvote such "Reddity" behavior exuberantly. Most of them hate drama, as well. It sounds to me like you triggered the Voat immune system.

hojuruku ago

P.S. What will you do if I can find proof the only comment deleted (other than dubious links to pansexual sites) by any mod in the last 12 months that was nixxed for PC reasons by you -

What will you do if the pedophile actually turned out to be jewish and you deleted the comment to stop people looking there. Will you apologize for unnecessary pro-jewish censorship? You know the Olympics coach that fiddled the children. You remember what I'm talking about?

Now USA Gold-Medal Winning Gymnast Gabby Douglas Comes Forward to say Official Olympics Doctor Also Sexually Abused Her. "We Were Conditioned To Stay Silent," She Says. Calls it "Extremely Painful." by 3141592653 in pizzagate

[–] @Cheesebooger 0 points (+0|-0) 5 months ago

Without even looking, let me guess: The official Olympics doc is jewish

permalink context full comments 

Vindicator removed 5 months ago on 11/21/2017 6:42:12 PM


That would be funny if he was actually jewish. I'm going to get to the bottom of that.

If anyone gets proof the guy in that thread is Jewish before me - there is a bounty. $20 bucks of ETH I mined in the last couple of months, and the transaction will be done live on here. I'm good for it.

Vindicator ago

You're welcome to ask Cheesebooger about that. I was modding from my phone during the heavy DDoS attacks we had during the fall, and Voat was very laggy. I type very fast, and the remove button is right next to the reply button. I hit it twice accidentally when I was trying to reply to @Cheesebooger's comment. I immediately DMed him and apologized and he said no hard feelings. My reply to his comment ended up in the removal reason field.

Why are you digging through five months of my Comment history, hojuruku, instead of editing your post? Is someone paying you to try to undermine v/pizzagate?

hojuruku ago

It's too late now. I've already put out a $20 ETH bounty to follow it through to the end.

No I was being censored so I thought who else has copped it so I had a look. Like I said I research people I don't like - I don't run sock puppets. You made a false accusation against me of doing that I made at true one against you.

That's how I escalate things. That's how the real @hojuruku rolls.

Vindicator ago

That's how I escalate things. That's how the real @hojuruku rolls.

I'm sure @Cheesebooger will be thrilled to hear you put a bounty on him. WTF?

hojuruku ago

^^ Strawman - false claim ^^