DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This is not Pizzagate. Pizzagate is the CIA/DC satanic systematic rape torture murder of children. Stop trying to take people on the wrong detour.

Oh_Well_ian ago

opened an account to say that, did you ?

lol you fake cunts

jealoushe ago

Pizzagate is also the abuse of children by elites and those in power. The Olympics?? Hello...its sooo many kids under the care of these people.

CantStopCrying ago

I think you may have a point.

GeorgeT ago

Gymnast Coaches, Wrestling Coaches (Hasterd), Soccer Coaches (UK Scandal) they are everywhere! Bloody epidemic!

Cheesebooger ago

Without even looking, let me guess: The official Olympics doc is jewish

nameof ago

Collective awakening think about the implications. For we humanity.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Who would guess a doctor for little girls who wear skin tight leotards would be a creep.

Narcissism ago

Yep, never would have guess it.

3141592653 ago

ughggh makes me so distrusting of so many people

Kcpedogate ago

this sounds incredibly like mkultra program and 8s probably government funded so ofcourse its not in msm.

3141592653 ago

damn, so this isn't even covered by the msm? fuck that.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I agree... there is something very sinister about the US Gymnastics program.

3141592653 ago

what is 8s?

Kcpedogate ago


3141592653 ago


derram ago | :

Gabby Douglas Alleges Abuse by Team USA Doctor Larry Nassar - The Daily Beast

'Olympic gold medalist Gabby Douglas is alleging sexual abuse at the hands of former Team USA doctor Larry Nassar. '

' The revelation came a week after Douglas appeared to be victim shaming her Olympic gymnastics teammate Aly Raisman, who along with other female athletes has also accused Nassar of sexual abuse. “I didn’t publicly share my experiences as well as many other things because for years we were conditioned to stay silent and honestly some things were extremely painful,” Douglas said in an Instagram post. '

This has been an automated message.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I can’t believe this isn’t a bigger story - these girls were household names during the Olympics, even here in Europe

carmencita ago

I see the Olympics as a Big Money Maker for the Investors. Everyone is a Big Deal while they are competing, afterwards unless they can make more money from them, they are just fodder, imo. You do not hear anything about them now, I think, because they do not want to publicize it. They just want it to go away, Bad Publicity. They are already planning the next one, I am sure.

3141592653 ago

yup, just like how they build those insanely giant and expensive stadiums for the Olympics, and then they just go to waste and rot when the Olympics are done

carmencita ago

If they ever try to get into any state we should fight them off. Waste of money, trafficking, prostitution, drugs. Nothing for us everything for them.

3141592653 ago

right on carmencita

carmencita ago


3141592653 ago

it's infuriating. these girls are incredible, and they had to put up with this traumatizing shit

Lafall ago

the (((mod))) @Zenocide of the UFC MMA threads keeps deleting news posts about rape and abuse in sports, he censors, bans and covers up this news