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hojuruku ago

This is the level of shit I have to deal with...

v/pizzagate (Blacksmith21) > hojuruku | Sent: 12 minutes ago on 4/14/2018 1:18:36 PM Submission /v/pizzagate/2500456 deleted

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2500456 has been deleted by: @Blacksmith21 on 4/14/2018 1:18:36 PM

Description given: Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 3: Clarity; Description: Post removed for lack of clarity and incongruence between title and content, per rule #3. Repost with a corrected title which reflects the content of the post. Original Submission Login details for the JewishCare/Disney IT operated "ourspace" Dating Site for Gay men (2002 non discrimination policy) and little boys @Vindicator refutes existance of

OK... So I'm told that a fully accurate title wasn't sourced and that I'm invited to post the link again contrary to what @kevdue said here:

LOL - This is a link to an 8chan thread where you bitch about your incompletely sourced post getting pulled. Mods will probably pull it for rule 3. That's a lie the 8chan post does prove details on the Disney operated gay dating site for men and boys.

I'll post the text of the title again with sources from the deleted 8chan thread (that was linked to) and the deleted discuss thread.

Login details for the JewishCare/Disney IT operated "ourspace" Dating Site Ok that's clearly on the 8chan thread. You'd have to be a shill saying nothing to see here to say it wasn't.

** for [mostly] Gay men** See proof I put in the just deleted thread before the mod deleted it that was already on the thread they deleted before. So the mod who deleted the thread saw this before he deleted it.

Here is the Proof that Disney Operated Big Brothers Big Sisters prefers gay child mentors I got 6 downvoats from the pedo gang like everything else did on the original discuss post: Also here a news story from WND predicting mass child rape back in 2002 which has actually happened. Again downvoated by the pedo mod jewish child sex lover gang x6

Links to their 2002 non discrimination policy is above too. I put 4 posts about that in the comments on the original thread that was deleted along with lots of MSM news stories on big brothers big sisters story that were downvoted x6 by jewish pedo mods. This was one of the best of them.

For the 1st time, Big Brothers- Big Sisters require gay mentors By WILLIAM J MAIER (a christian psychologist specializing in child safety) t's a brave new world at your local Big Brothers-Big Sisters office. As of this month, the Big Brothers-Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) will require that all 500 of its local affiliates include active homosexuals as volunteers and mentors to children.

And vindicator refuting the existance of it OMG like that wasn't in the 8chan thread? HAHAHA of course that's what all this shit storm and my voat account being taken out by pedo mods is about.


And how am I to correct it from detracting from the truth?

And tell me why I deserve a ban warning for telling the truth again?

What kind of censorship of the truth do you demand from all /v/pizzagate users again? spell it out. No Jewish pedophilia or no LGBTI pedophlia and god fobid what happens when someone talks about the both of them working together to groom kids on camera going through DISNEY'S OWN IT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR FUCKS SAKE.

FUCK YOU if you can't explain yourself.

And please don't say the video i sent you is child porn - because that means jews are all pedophiles because it's the most popular video on the JewsOnTelevision youtube channel.