hojuruku ago

Australia is the land of GAY CHILD SEX KIDDY RAPE LOVE aka the land of going down under with kids. I hate Australia and I should know, you can see me burning my Australian passport before I had a single arrest warrant for anti-pedophilia activism here. As a result of this I was almost killed in China after a false terrorism complaint against the Australian government, and half my family had to flee Australia for also being against the government protecting pedophiles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB3e4v9LgrU As payback the only person named in that video had both of his arms broken the month later after the Australian government tried to use the Chinese to do an extra-ordinary rendition that failed (evaded escort in HK airport toilet break and claimed Assylum). http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/fear-attackers-targeted-top-police-lawyer-over-his-work-20100403-rkqt.html Truthnews.com.au OTO censored audio link (the web page accompanying this was censored due to David Bottrill of the OTOAustralia.org.au child sex cult suing Hereward Fenton of Truthnews) http://www.truthnews.com.au/radio/export/TNRA_20130626.mp3 (detailed interview about what happend in HK recorded 3 years after the event) TruthNews apologizing to the leader of the OTO child sex cult. http://www.podcastchart.com/podcasts/truth-news-radio-australia/episodes/apology-to-david-bottrill-and-the-oto Cult Leaders admit on Camera they run child orgies (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2015620)) I barely even mentioned the OTO in the interview that triggered them. I just mentioned some very interesting case law that is now being challenged in the High Court of Australia if you see the last pizzagate link. https://soundcloud.com/hojuruku/truthnews-radio-australia-oto-sex-magick-cult-censored-interview https://soundcloud.com/hojuruku/luke-mckee-vs-david-bottril-leader-of-to-oto-australias-satanic-pedophile-cult Then the OTO / AU gov send a phyiscal stalker after me in Australia....

Anyway back on topic on how Australia is the world champion of pedophilia normalization and pedophilia normalization enforcement done by the OTO created special gay child sexxer police aka http://facebook.com/policeglbti who have admitted since 2007 they are partnered with twenty10.org.au exposed as an another gay child sex cult at kidsrights.org.au and in Australian Federal Parliament by George Christsen MP.

My father was found guilty of disrespecting Gay Rights Activists who fucked a screaming Russian baby. Here's my father's interview about it here and see how people are being jailed for being against the religion of the pizzagate pedophiles OTOAustralia.org.au

He had to flee Australia after gay police persecution just like his son (his son's story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWeotGNzBNw ) all for making one comment about some pedophiles on an ANTI-PEDOPHILIA forum here: https://web.archive.org/web/20140722080525/https://www.causes.com/posts/891061 Notice the gay pedo judge Alexander Wakefield involved in all of these cases who uses a fake name in court ruled the internet archive.org is fake and they are wrong when they said the last link I gave autoplays a video of Mark Newton and Peter Truong russian infant rapists saying it's homophobic to oppose them getting little boys. Because only the gay judge can be the sole guardian of the truth and internet archive.org publishes fake news / fake archivals of websites he ruled said video wasn't relavent to my father's comment, and put false words into my father's mouth claiming it didn't autoplay. My father was in vietnam when he made said comment, so the Australian judiciary has formally informed vietnam in this below case law that all Vietnamese internet users must respect baby anal rapists because they are gay. https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/58b7789fe4b058596cba49b5

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2015620 http://www.truthnews.com.au/web/radio/story/cultural_marxism_101 (click on the speaker and download hour 2 to hear my dad - hate criminal because he's a gay judge confirmed hater of those who force their penises into screaming infants - and you can't be a hater of that or you are a court confirmed hate criminal) it's even a crime to link to the most popular video on my channel http://youtube.com/hojuruku and nothing more on your blog, because it vilifies those who fuck babies, if if someone rapes a baby but said "I AM GAY" before and whilst they did it it is gay judge confirmed in case law hate speech not to love them and give the infant rapists anything but your admiration or tacit approval by your silence and lack of condemnation. Notice the publication dates for these two next links are the same ALL SUNOL DID WAS LINK TO <banned url shortnerer> slash "ABCPLUGSPEDOS" i.e. that youtube video AND NOTHING ELSE. Read the case law. If you link to a video or a page and someone comments on it in the future in a way that triggers pedophiles, you will be found guilty like John Sunol was pre-hate-crime against baby rapists. This judgment was held upon appeal. by Magistrate Anne Britton. You can't make this shit up. http://www.theherald.com.au/story/3172166/ex-cabbie-told-to-stop-gay-bashing/ https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/558b3c8ee4b0f1d031de9eb8 The infant rapists and an uncensored photo of their child rape victim are still to this day being used as a poster boy for gay pride. See the description of the video that is a crime to link to on your blog or you are Mainstream media confirmed gay [infant rapist] bashing.


From the blog of the most famous gay rights activist in Singapore, using gay dads baby fuck victims as symbols of gay pride to this day and accelerate.lgbt/about aka wordpress dot com say's it's homophobic to complain about infant rape victims being used the further the cause of their anal rapists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Au https://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/pastor-ambushes-goh-chok-tong-with-demand-to-defend-377a/ https://yawningbread.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/pic_201301_312.jpg https://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/pastor-ambushes-goh-chok-tong-with-demand-to-defend-377a/

Both in Australia and in the UK the special GLLO Gay sex police first created by OTOAustralia.org.au operative Dr Gregory John Tillet who wrote the history of the OTO in Australia WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND PROSECUTE YOU IF YOU DID WHAT I DID - EXPOSE THE TRUTH. EVEN BREITBART ADMITS IT.

Repost from another thread:

Peaches gedolf. Well known in the fashion world w a hefty heroin addiction. She joined the o.t.o. and posted about it as well as shared images of a spirit with its hand on her shoulder. She was killed shortly after.

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[–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

This goes without saying. The UK police threatened her (probably the special LGBTI ones ( http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/08/22/exclusive-london-lgbt-police-go-trolling-harass-stalk-user-threaten-family/. ) )ON TWITTER and said WE WILL ARREST YOU - YOU IDENTIFIED TWO OTO CHILD SEX BROODING MOTHERS WHO ARE PROVIDING A CONVICTED OTO PEDOPHILE WITH CHILD SEX TOYS, AND THAT IS A CRIME TO IDENTIFY THOSE WHO PEDDLE KIDS FOR SEX, BECAUSE TO IDENTIFY THE MOTHER IS TO IDENTIFY THE CHILD AND THAT IS A SERIOUS OFFENSE.

WITHIN A WEEK LATER SHE WAS DEAD. THE SPECIAL GLLO GAY CHILD FUCK POLICE WORLD WIDE WERE FOUNDED BY THE OTO. HERE'S THE PROOF. Also the even the Guardian newspaper calls the OTO a sex cult. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/shortcuts/2013/apr/15/peaches-geldof-aleister-crowley-sex-cult-oto

http://8ch.net/pol/res/10297068.html#q10300062 In rely to "Damn it Luke, the frustrating thing is YOU MIGHT BE RIGHT. There could be a pedo AFP situation like the catholic church had."

Who do you think founded The AFP's special gay police GLLO unit? the fucken oto mate.

Video embed from AFP official youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MND-FlJubLgYouTube "Details on the OTO child sec cult founding special gay police in Australia:

Click on images to view:


Links and research proving an OTO operative Dr Gregory John Tillet who wrote the history of the OTO cult in Australia founded special gay child sexxer police (aka facebook.com/policeglbti() https://archive.is/ymfqy "