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hojuruku ago

damn @kevdude I tried to do what you said and put the list of the google search results in the OP but it just wont fit. I'll edit this comment and see how high I can go until I hit a heterosexual pedophile..... still working on the OP. I wish I could do the impossible for you but you got to ask v/voatdev for more characters. Until then stop more unreasonable demands.

Here's a list of them by their result number in google search results. #3 , #4 , #5 - plus many more on same domain, #6 , #10 - claims BBBS is better than boyscouts at background checks MSM kikes, #12

hojuruku ago

bugger this i'm putting it in an OP a whole new OP with gems like this.... here's just one spoiler from my next attack on BBBS - it's a case of the warnings vs the I TOLD YOU SO. <- GOOD SHIT <- BBBS SERVES UP CHILDREN WITH (((MACDONALDS))) <- are they jewish or masonic? I thik the latter from the movie the founder... any idea?

More to come if not banned guys :) appreciate your support and upvotes (only if pedos try and negative downvote my comments)