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hojuruku ago

OLD VER Disclaimer: This is the 3rd attempt I have tried to break this news. This is clearly something (((they))) who love sex with children or covering it up to serve a political agenda DON'T want you to know.

I did it perfectly the first time but I had my whole voat account suspended in a 30 min long coordinated downvote attack on moderator thread-hijacking-sharing-baseless-arguments-for-censorship-trolling solicited comments from me that finished 1 minute before the moderators deleted the thread to prevent any corrective action, and then I was issued a ban warning for posting a truthful title linking to a website that backed up all claims in the title by a mod who refuses to clarify exactly what was wrong in the title and invited me to do post it again in some kind of entrapment.

Mind you this is by the board owner of /v/pizzagate who calls me a "faggot pedophile" and others JEWS here with no proof when hijacking threads, in order to solicit my responses to use as an attack vector to mass downvote a day later causing a loss of 1500 CCP muting my whole account. If it wasn't for the intervention of others I'd still be mute on all of voat.

I can't reply to comments or comment on this new thread anymore because kikeshill pedo trolls will use it as an attack vector to shut my account down again as it was for the last 24 hours.

Now I will prove the subject of this post is true by refuting all of Vindicator's claims that shut down the first thread exposing this.

Mind you @Vindicator has done the only non-CP comment censorship on pizzagate in the last 12 months. Someone suggested a pedophile was with a big nose was Jewish and the comment got deleted.

If you see a hyperlinklink next to a claim "VDPGD" - it is a link to a comment made on the deleted threads to source my claim - that has a source in it. It stands for Vindicator Deleted ProPedophile Gang Downvoted x 6 to kill my account. Some of the things down-voted could only be down-voted by pedophiles - as they were MSM reports of child rapists using Disney's man boy dating site. It's funny on a post supported by 40 people - 6 pedos can wipe out a voat account's ability to post, send messages (not reply), and comment. If I knew their strategy was to troll I wouldn't have fed the /v/pizzagate pedo mods an attack vector to close my account by making it -160 CCP from 1000 CCP in the space of 30 mins. Quotes "" around text means it's a MSM headline or someone else's blog headline. VDPGD links need to be opened in a new tab. "IWITOPTWFT" (It was in the OP the whole f!@#!@$ time) denotes a link refuting something @Vindicator claimed that was unproven that was also in the OP of the first censored post when he claimed it was unproven as an excuse to oh Vey Shut it DOWN!

If I am not banned for trying to expose this pedophilia, this is my next move. Vindicator says

@hojuruku: Once again, I have to insist that you honor our submission rules. Every major claim must be sourced. Another way of putting that is research posts must not make any claims that aren't supported by linked evidence. You write:

Item #1

  • dating site for gay men and little boys

Here is the dating site log in page:

Here's a mod deleted thread about it with more information on "ourspace"

Video from BBBS - on BOY MEETS BOB via Disney's man boy dating site: Before the boy-scouts of America fractured in to pieces for making gay scout masters and the leaking of their BSA Perversion file listing 30,000 gay scoutmasters who abused boys when they had to be in the closet about what they were, back in 2002 they made a "non discrimination policy" that many predicted that would lead to rampart child abuse that has in fact came into being.

WND predicts rampart child abuse back in 2002 VDPGD

For the 1st time, Big Brothers- Big Sisters require gay mentors By WILLIAM J MAIER (a christian psychologist specializing in child safety) I's a brave new world at your local Big Brothers-Big Sisters office. As of this month, the Big Brothers-Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) will require that all 500 of its local affiliates include active homosexuals as volunteers and mentors to children. source: VDPGD

Baptist Church Coverage of the same news VDPGD

JewishCare affiliation in Australia VDPGD

Examples of chlid abuse at Big Brothers Big Sisters America facilitated by Disney's man and boy matchmaking system:

Las Vegas BBBS homosexual child abuser VDPGD @kevdude tells me to stop posting proof of what's in google search results - and tells me to do the impossible and put it in the full 10,000 character OP - then also tells me not to link to google search results or tell people look up how many cases come up if you google "big brothers big sisters" pedophile.

Bisexual BBBS childrapist VDPGD

"Child rape suspect Craig Morgenstern volunteered with Big Brothers" VDPGD

Big Brothers Big Sisters training materials start with - Don't worry - most pedophiles won't get caught in the first sentence - and most of them do about 400 kids. VDPGD

I'm out of space to refute all the other items from vindicator but I did a good job of it here

  • gave a character reference for one of their own homosexual board members done for sodomizing little Thai boys and child porn

Only quote in the OP deh! with this link above it IWITOPTWFT

  • who was a gay crown prosecutor

GTFO it's obvious Dr Patrick Power the guy who used his time at big brothers big sisters grooming boys to get a lesser sentence to show he was of good character. The court paperwork was linked to with his name all over it.

  • who helped remove the gay panic defense that allows children who kill gay men trying to rape them avoid jail for lawful self-defense.

We'll that's the only link in the OP that talks about "homosexual advance defense" aka gay panic defense directly behind the only quote in the OP from the Big Brothers Big Sisters Gay Crown Prosecutor Boy Rapist Dr Patrick Power IWITOPTWFT

*This law is needed when we have gay judges saying it's all the child's fault

This case I exposed in the comments and in the OP on how the gay panic defense is wrong when judges are letting Queenslander Foster Carer of the Year in Inaugural National Caterers Award off the hook said the child wanted the sex and it's all their fault for having a gad dads sex crush. IWITOPTWFT VDPGD

To take us out Here is a poem from @TwoDadsAndMe expressing his butt-hurt for me exposing how he was edited out of the Gayby Baby film because the police charged him with son sex. More of course on the VDPGD link.

P.S. If you link to the 8chan thread it will got pulled too, you'll see BBBS is in Jewish Newspapers linked to the Aurora shooter. h/t to non mods who researched further before the thread was shutdown and deleted as this one will be.

P.P.S. @Cuckbot has claims there are 3rd party rogue actors (ozfags @srayzie ?) that took out my account and are now trolling me on Anon forums. Disney has in the last 24 hours made behind godaddy domain's by proxy for some reason. This could be a counter-attack, but occam's razor suggests otherwise.

The big thing exposed in the first thread/attempt not mentioned in this post because it wasn't refuted: Shannon McCoole mass baby rapist worked for Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia and it was covered up by all levels of the Australian Judiciary including a Royal Commission into SA Familes Abuse, the trial of Shannon McCoole, and by the Police in USA/Australia who I was in direct contact with. BBBS has got unprecedented protection from inquiry.

Disney are filming inside children's homes as they interact with and/or are groomed by gay men. This should scare all of us!

Over one million people watched this video and they didn't get the full story on other places he was getting kids to rape.

What the hell is this?

See the 1st deleted thread with more details on the cover-up done by pedophile boss John aka William Hall for BBBS. Triggered much?