Vindicator ago

@hojuruku: v/pizzagate does not allow unsourced claims. The source you've linked to does not support the claim in your title of "MSM & LGBTI" pedophilia. Since you can't edit the title anyway, I am not going to give this the edit flair. Removing per Rule 2. Please do not make unsourced claims.

hojuruku ago

I proved it on part one of the thread that was getting too big. A recent comment with links to part 1: This is payback for the JEWISH PEDOPHILE JUDGE TRYING TO JAIL MY MATE.


Everything was correct. It doesn't matter I'll just make a new discuss post linking to the items of the deleted post with a view of everything i put there.

Nothing wrong with that right? Better for everyone.

My stakes are rising as the saga in Australia gets big. I've really kicked over the hornests nest of pedophiels. The fact Christopher Puplick who was almost jailed for his fraud doing fake gay hate crimes to get $$$$ from the ABC and only saved by his corrupt network of friends who later went down themselves for helping pedophiles (Patrick Power and the former DPP) now just becomes a gay judge 3 months ago - after all that water under the bridge - all the different rapists he tried to give money to - ..... shit .... and you deleted the thread about it.

Poor you. i'm not angry. People were asking that it needed a discuss post to lay it all out against Puplick. It's better for everyone that this deleted thread get more hits once the title is proven i a discuss post.

Please don't get upset. I only deliver the truth. But every claim is supported in the title above is supported on the highly up-voted precursor thread to this and you knew it.

I'm working on a graphic designed pamplet to destroy the newcastle herald and expose them as muslim gang rape, mass tranny jail aids rape, and boy rape supporters who want anyone expose puplick linked to all of that and so much more to be jailed for contempt of judiciary THAT WAS WROTE BEFORE HE EVEN BECAME A JUDGE I SHIT YOU NOT.

If someone becomes a judge in the future and you wrote something bad about them in the past - you must be punished for being against someone who became a judge for the crime of scandalizing the judiciary that would be. The government is so corrupt they get their timelines mixed up on the charge sheet.

Shizy ago

So you post A LOT of info and then add a ton of long comments. I have tried to read some of what you put but I'm sorry, it's very confusing and convoluted. I am not trying to be mean or disrespectful. Can you post a cliff notes version, or something with an overview of the situation/issue you are here trying to expose?

hojuruku ago

See the first thread about it. It breaks down what's going on. I didn't think people would see this one much yet as it hasn't been upvoated.

Shizy ago

Thank you! Will check it out!

hojuruku ago

Christopher Puplick is already in trouble taking his first case as a judge: sterday, in ruling on a freedom of information application into the circumstances surrounding Peter Dutton’s granting of special work visas to two au pairs who arrived in 2015, former Liberal Senator Chris Puplick ruled that it would be inappropriate to grant the request as it would reveal highly sensitive material about how Australian Border Force operates.

No doubt.

Because, from a couple of recent cases, it seems that Border Force operates on the whim of the Minister.

Recently, we had the case of a grateful father ringing Ray Hadley to express his thanks to Peter Dutton for interceding in the case of a man who was an accomplice to an assault that killed the man’s son.

Unhappy with the judge’s ruling, the father rang Peter Dutton’s office. Dutton, who the father assures us “didn’t know me from a bar of soap”, quickly rang back and, within two hours, the man had been picked up by Border Force for deportation.

How on earth could they possibly have reviewed the case and the reasons behind the judge’s ruling in two hours? On the basis of a phone call from a total stranger, Dutton mobilised Border Force to do his bidding.

In the cases of the au pairs, once again, a simple phone call to Dutton saw him immediately overrule immigration officials to grant a “public interest” visa even though one of the girls was a repeat offender.

Ironically, it was somehow in the public interest to give these “illegal immigrants” visas but not in the public interest to know why. The burning question, and the one Peter Dutton refuses to answer, is who were these girls going to work for. Obviously someone with a direct line to Dutton.

But Puplick feels releasing that information would be invading the girls’ privacy.

Think of the number of times that Dutton has publicly named people who, after investigation, have not been found to have done anything wrong. Think of the delay in processing visas for genuine refugees. Dutton, the overlord, determines who is worthy and who is not.

Interestingly, in 2003, Chris Puplick himself resigned from his position as president of the Anti-Discrimination Board amid allegations that he helped a friend win a payout for anti-gay victimisation at work.

And then we have Michaelia Cash who is claiming “public interest immunity” to avoid revealing her role in tipping off the media about raids on the offices of the AWU in regard to a donation from over a decade ago that was properly declared at the time. Much worse, to my mind, is the blatant misuse of the AFP and the ROC for political purposes, and now tying up the courts trying to cover up her misdeeds.

In both instances, the government is spending a fortune fighting against the public’s right to question if Ministers are misusing their power.

As the Dalai Lama said, “A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”

With this lot in power, we have every reason to feel insecure.

hojuruku ago

How privacy nanny nixed TV series

By Richard Ackland May 9 2003

The sudden departure of the NSW bureaucrat Chris Puplick won't bring on a flood of tears among members of the journalistic trade. As Privacy Commissioner and president of the Anti-Discrimination Board he was a state licensed busybody, who stuck his nose into all manner of enterprises that complainants regarded as being discriminatory and public.

Paul Sheehan has already ticked him off in these pages for his nannyesque report on "Race for the Headlines", which among other things complained that the media's coverage of the attacks by gang rapists in Sydney "racialised" the attackers. The Premier, Bob Carr, told Parliament on May 1 that in his view Puplick's report was "ideological claptrap".

A day later there was a leak of an unfortunate episode which revealed that Puplick assisted a friend called "Bunny" in a gay victimisation complaint that was investigated by the Anti-Discrimination Board, over which he presided.

The next day Puplick resigned from both jobs and now the Ombudsman is investigating the Bunny affair "as well as other matters".

However, there is one story with Puplick in a starring role that has not been told and which reveals quite potently the tensions surrounding the protection of privacy and the media's pursuit of informative and interesting material.

Deborah Cornwall, a former Channel Nine legal affairs reporter, had been discussing with Beyond Productions a 13-part TV series shot in the local courts in and around Sydney. The planning had been going on since February last year.

It was described as an "observational documentary series" that would give the public "an unprecedented insight" into the workings of the Local Court. It was to be called City Court and the pitch said it would be produced along lines similar to the RPA series.

The whole point of the exercise was to capture some of the reality of the criminal justice system, with real accused persons, real prosecutors, real magistrates, real witnesses, the role of legal aid lawyers, the granting of bail, the bargaining with prosecutors - in other words the progress of cases both inside and outside court.

To that end lengthy deliberations took place between the producers and the Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Corrective Services, the Police Service, the Law Society of NSW and the Chief Magistrate. From this emerged a set of protocols that was designed to protect all the parties. The key to it was that "featured persons" would have to provide their consent before being filmed.

A deed of access between the director-general of the NSW Attorney General's Department, Laurie Glanfield, and Beyond Productions was prepared. The venture looked set to proceed but Glanfield thought he had better seek the advice of Puplick as Privacy Commissioner.

Puplick exploded with a 10-page objection: "Given the very obvious and serious privacy issues raised by the proposal, I am dismayed that I have not been asked, as Privacy Commissioner, to comment upon the proposal prior to your recent request. I have the most detailed and profound objections to numerous aspects of this project which, if it proceeds in its current form, will be against my most trenchant opposition." Some of the objections were sound and Beyond did its best to address them in subsequent negotiations.

Puplick said that courts were an artificial environment where people experienced emotional distress and so would be unlikely to be able to provide informed consent to being filmed. The 24-hour period in which consent could be revoked was insufficient. He objected to the whole genre of "reality" television because documentaries are shaped by the biases of the producers and editors. The use of signs around the court that filming by a TV crew was in progress was inadequate. "There is no provision for the signs to be in languages other than English, nor any explanation as to how a person with a visual or intellectual disability or a child might be advised of their right not to be filmed," Puplick complained.

A proposed panel with representatives from various agencies and departments should have power to veto the use of footage which in the panel's opinion is prejudicial to the interests of anyone whose identity is apparent, he said.

On and on he went. While many modifications and safeguards were made, it could still not pass muster and eventually the Attorney-General's Department withdrew its support for the series.

The project was dead. No TV court actuality program for NSW. A great pity really, but that's privacy nannies for you.

[email protected]

hojuruku ago

Default Up the Greasy Pole Puplick quits over Bunny Chris Puplick known to his gay friends as "Big Bruvver" resigned as Anti-Discrimination Board president after it was revealed that he had helped his friend Bunny win compensation for a workplace complaint over gay victimisation. He is also reported to have taken Bunny to restaurants, the theatre and helped him financially. Always the virulent anti-racist Puplick recently blamed the media for the moral panic created by the serial rapes of white Australian young women by Lebanese in Sydney. Puplick's published works include: "Liberal Thinking", "Is the Party Over" and "Up the Greasy Pole".

Christopher Puplick hails SATAN! Puplick quits after claims of favours

By Nick O'Malley May 3 2003

The president of the Anti-Discrimination Board, Chris Puplick, resigned last night after it was revealed he had been investigated over claims he helped a friend win a payout for anti-gay victimisation at work.

The allegations were revealed yesterday, less than a day after the Premier, Bob Carr, launched a vehement attack in Parliament, describing a report on racism prepared by Mr Puplick as "tendentious, ideological claptrap".

It is understood that an interim report on the allegations has been prepared by the NSW Ombudsman, and that Mr Puplick's resignation - which will take formal effect on May 16 - will give him time to respond formally to the allegations.

Last night, a spokeswoman for Mr Carr denied the Premier's attack was in any way related to the claims and the resignation.

In a statement late yesterday, Mr Puplick denied that he had acted improperly, and insisted that his resignation as board president and as NSW Privacy Commissioner was fuelled by the deterioration in relations with the State Government.

"The Premier himself has been critical of the work of the board and I believe it is not possible for the board to be an effective advocate for human rights in NSW in the absence of his personal support," he said.

"Allegations have been raised in the press which call in to question my impartiality and integrity in relation to the handling of a case in which the complainant was known to me personally.

"I reject utterly any implication that I acted improperly in this case. An email sent by me, which I admit should not have been sent in the terms it was, has been seriously misconstrued, a number of false implications have been read into it. These matters are now in the hands of my personal solicitor."

The allegations were based on emails, published in a Sydney newspaper, which suggest Mr Puplick gave priority to his friend's discrimination complaint against a Sydney television executive. The leaked emails also suggest that Mr Puplick had dined with the complainant.

The shadow attorney-general, John Ryan, questioned the timing of Mr Carr's attack on the board's report on racism in the media, Race for the Headlines, and the leaked emails.

He said that while he supported any investigation into alleged impropriety, he believed the Government had unfairly attacked Mr Puplick more than once.

"There is possibly room for suspicion [about the timing]," he said.

Mr Ryan said an attack by the former justice minister, Richard Amery, on Mr Puplick in Parliament last year over a board investigation into a privacy complaint raised by the backpacker murderer Ivan Milat was also unjustified.

It is understood the relationship between Mr Puplick and Mr Carr had deteriorated since then.

The board's part-time members yesterday expressed sadness, shock and regret at Mr Puplick's decision.

Neither the Ombudsman's office nor the Attorney-General's Department would comment.

The director-general of the Attorney-General's department, Laurie Glanfield, will take over Mr Puplick's board responsibilities until a formal replacement is named. Mr Puplick, a former Liberal senator, was appointed in 1994 by the Coalition government and reappointed by Labor.

hojuruku ago

Christopher Puplick just became a judge - and previously he nearly turned Australia into a country where it's a crime to be against GROOMING MASS RAPE MUSLIM GANGTOWN just like England. Think of all the politically correct rape that would be covered up if he wasn't taken out for doing fake gay hate crimes so his boyfriend could pay back a loan.

Soon after, the then Privacy Commissioner, Chris Puplick, was warning that the Skaf family could be eligible for up to $40,000 compensation for breach of privacy. This prompted Carr to change the law. Carr introduced the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Amendment (Prison) Bill 2002, stopping prisoners such as Skaf, their family or friends receiving payment for breaches of privacy laws. Racist to deny the truths of rape

By Paul Sheehan April 19 2003

The most brutal, most brazen discrimination committed in Australia, by Australians against Australians in recent decades - discrimination that was sexual and racial and violent - was committed against scores of young women in Sydney over an extended period between 1998 and 2002.

The facts - which came to be summarised by the phrase "gang rapes" - are now widely known, comprehensively documented by the courts and widely accepted.

Widely accepted, except by the watchdog against racial and sexual discrimination, the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW. The board has just published a 120-page report, Race for the Headlines, which at every turn seeks to dispute, sanitise and minimise the racial element of the gang-rape narrative.

The report is chilling in its relative indifference to the victims - the very people who have been most discriminated against - when compared with its palpable anger about discrimination against Muslims.

Race for the Headlines advances the claim that the number of gang rapes was "greatly exaggerated" by sections of the media. It argues that the problem was "racialised" by the media. It claims that the "alleged" racial element in the crimes was used to "justify the criminalisation of the entire Lebanese and Muslim communities".

It asserts that "systemic racism underpins Australia". It baldly states, as fact rather than highly loaded and extremely dubious opinion, that at the time the gang-rape story emerged Australians "were in a moral panic about Arabic or Middle Eastern and Muslim asylum seekers".

Yet when it gets down to the business of substantiating these claims, Race for the Headlines melts away, offering mere opinions as facts.

The report is also a political debacle. The Premier, Bob Carr, who's government must approve the board's annual $4 million annual budget, and reappoint Chris Puplick as board president, regards Race for the Headlines as obtuse: "Puplick has deliberately set out to feed the sense of grievance in the Islamic community. While we're trying to ease the Muslim community away from a sense of paranoia, isolation and grievance, Puplick is feeding it ... The report complains about the 'racialising' of the gang-rape debate, but it was the rapists themselves who raised the issue of race and ethnicity. They were deliberately seeking out non-Lebanese women."

The tragic debasing of the term "Lebanese", which for decades carried no adverse connotations and was synonymous with one of Australia's most successful immigrant streams (Governor Marie Bashir being a conspicuous example), was graphically summarised by Judge Michael Finnane in his sentencing of one of the gang-rape ring leaders: "By their own actions and their own words they have drawn this completely unique slur on their own culture; by asking some of their victims if they like it 'Leb style' and words to that effect, suggesting that in some way they themselves are part of some separate group that is not really part of this community ... they are wreaking revenge of the other group, the Australian group."

When I asked Carr why he reappointed Puplick to a five-year term, he replied: "That's a good question."

Puplick, a former Liberal Party senator who lost his seat in 1990 after his own party dropped him down its Senate ticket, appears unlikely to be president of the board for much longer. His five-year term expires in January.

Race for the Headlines has also helped kill Puplick's request for extra powers for the board, including the power to initiate complaints without waiting to receive a complaint from the public.

Carr rejects this out of hand: "Puplick wants an expanded role for both the Anti-Discrimination Board and the Privacy Board so they have the right to initiate complaints on behalf of groups or individuals without even having a complainant ... That's to give him and the boards something else to do."

The primary grievance of Race for the headlines is announced right at the start: "Over the past 18 months, Australians perceived to be 'Arabic' or 'Middle Eastern' and Muslim have experienced abuse, harassment and vilification."

No doubt. But invective has been flying both ways, certainly from leaders of the Islamic community, and far worse has happened to scores of non-Muslim Australians who have been murdered, raped, assaulted or threatened by Muslims here and in Bali. Yet this has not provoked violence-in-kind from Australians. The board's 2001-2002 annual report lists a very small number of formal complaints of racial vilification, a grand total of 55 for the year, from people of all ethnic backgrounds.

hojuruku ago

So conspicuous is the gap between statistical evidence and the board's rhetoric that Race for the Headlines is obliged to try to rationalise the discrepancy:

"The ADB's 2001-02 annual report noted that the increase in incidents of vilification and harassment of Arabic and Muslim communities in Sydney was not reflected in the statistics of formal complaints. The ADB received many inquiries from people who had been harassed or vilified, however many did not lodge a formal complaint."

And how many threatened and humiliated rape victims were too afraid to come forward? The board not merely ignores this issue but argues that the number of 70 rapes was "greatly exaggerated" by the media.

The footnote providing the source for this claim is so bizarre it needs to be quoted in full: "This was actually the figure quoted by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics for Bankstown for the month of June 1999, when 70 incidences of sexual assault were recorded by local police. They were mainly committed by one individual ..."

This sourcing is so inept and so deluded - note the patronising use of the word "actually" - that I've had to number the mistakes:

1: This statistic from the bureau was irrelevant to the Sun-Herald report which broke the story, and not even known to the reporter; 2: Nowhere did the media make reference to this statistic, which was only for a single month, in a single statistical area; 3: The author of the report never contacted the Sun- Herald to discuss sources; 4: The author never contacted the police to discuss evidence; 5: The police formed a task force because it was investigating no fewer than 20 gang rapes, and found another 50 similar crimes from hospital records and the COPS database; 6: Several more gang-rape trials and investigations are ongoing; 7: Rape is a grossly under-reported crime.

"Many victims would be too petrified to go to the police, and they should be," a former detective sergeant in the NSW Police, Tim Priest, told me. "These guys go through the women's mobiles, wallets, get their numbers, their addresses, and tell them they know where they live."

A second detective sergeant, who asked not to be named, told me: "In reality, the rape figure is much higher. Many girls don't have the courage to face these young men. They are ruthless; they have no regard for the law. It has absolutely nothing to do with religion, but they operate like mini tribes. When you get a call that 30 men of Middle Eastern appearance are making a disturbance at a club, you make sure you call for the cavalry before you go out there."

A third NSW police officer, Sergeant Frank Reitano, agrees: "The Middle East gangs have very little respect for police. They are aggressive all the time with us."

Priest said: "These gangs are so disenfranchised from any link to Australia they don't give a stuff about this country."

The number of young women in Sydney who have been threatened or insulted by young men of Muslim background must run into the hundreds. After the gang-rape story broke I received hundreds of emails on the subject, including about a dozen from young women such as the following, sent by a 20-year-old student at the University of NSW: "At Rozelle markets last Saturday I was called a 'cheap white slut' and 'a dumb whore' by a Lebanese guy with his tracksuited mates. When I told him he was disgusting one of them said I'd better watch my back."

Not one word about this can be found in the comments of the board's president in the 2001-02 annual report, or in his preface to Race for the Headlines. Instead, Puplick, apparently blind in one eye, shapes the core problem (other than Australia's "systemic racism") in these terms:

"Throughout this year the board has received numerous complaints, especially from members of the Islamic and Arabic communities, about the level of hostility, hatred and verbal and physical abuse which have been directed towards them."

It's OK for Puplick to make this claim but if the media reports the world as it is, rather than as it should be, it is "racialising" the issue. Consider this: what if the gang rapes had been committed by "Anglo" men hunting and abducting Muslim women? You know the answer: the media would have gone berserk, the story would have raced around the globe, and the frenzy of accusation and recrimination would have made the media's hysteria over Pauline Hanson look rational and subdued. And it is unlikely the Anti-Discrimination Board would have said anything about "exaggerated" numbers and "alleged" remarks.

Race for the Headlines is everything it condemns - selective, accusatory and second-hand - and one of its most revealing recommendations is a proposal for compulsory sensitivity programs for every journalist and media student:

"That responsible reporting of race and 'cross-cultural competency', underpinned by a human rights framework, form the basis of: (a) essential curriculum in university journalism and media courses ... (b) compulsory induction programs and ongoing staff training in all media organisations, including regular updating of editorial reporting, editing and style handbooks and materials."

And Big Brother resumes on Channel 10 tomorrow night.

carmencita ago

So Luke McKee is in a US jail still sponsoring his BFs visa so what does that mean? Sponsoring his visa to come here, or is he sponsoring his visa to stay in Australia? I am confused. What do you want us to do in a simple nutshell? I am giving you an upvoat for I understand this guy is a pedophile, that much I know, but after reading it all, I am confused. Thank you for all your reports.

hojuruku ago

no.. i am luke mckee.

The paki @AliRChoundhry on twitter until I mentioned him and he panicked is still in Australia sponsored on a visa of a deported Australian gay marraige activist chlid porn downloader who is sitting in a US jail. The paki must be deported under Australian law unless:

1) People who are deported for child porn ( Dr Matthew Hynd) in a foreign jail are of good enough character enough to keep their gay boyfriend in the country contrary to section 501 migration act 1958 on a gay partner visa. Garry says in court says gay's can't be pedophiles - so technically it's a PEDO +1 their mate into australia visa.

2) Pakistan mass kills gays like the Greens say and he's a refugee (a country with tranny rights laws) from the evil anti-gay tyrannical nation Pakistan.

If #1 or #2 isn't true - by law the paki pedo partner visa recipient has to go.

carmencita ago

Okay, so I agree, but what can we do about it? Is there anything that can be done at least by us?

hojuruku ago

I need someone in Australia to go to the reserve library and dig up some dirt on Garry Burns and Christopher Puplick for us to use in court. I have the dates there are some redacted from the internet news stories I need.

And PROTEST. When the government says respect satanic pedo cults we have a problem:

carmencita ago

I got an answer for you. Contact @GeorgeT that is from the mod. Let us know if you need anything else.

carmencita ago

Someone is going to contact you to help with your post. I would help but am much better researcher than poster. I would suggest that you contact @think- a mod, to find out if we have someone in Australia to contact. They can also ping them I guess too. I heartily agree that something is very amiss regarding the government respects satanic pedo cults. I think possibly they think no one is paying attention. Let me know if you get results. We are here to help each other. I am hoping the mod will see my comment.

hojuruku ago

Anyone willing to go to the reserve library to check some things on the microfishe contact me. In theory you don't need to interact with humans unless they have deep-sixed the MSM news from the library as well as the internet.

carmencita ago

@GeorgeT is the one to contact for help in Australia

hojuruku ago

ok tell him to PM me we can talk. I'm going to expose Disney's giving character references for people facing child porn connections and their links to two other pedophiles - one convicted and one protected.

carmencita ago

@GeorgeT Please contact @hojuruku Needs your help Thanks.

think- ago

Got your ping. Maybe @GeorgeT could help?

carmencita ago

Sounds like a good one. Thanks will pass it on.

think- ago

OP will be able to read my message, since he gets pinged to all submission replies, and GeorgeT will get a ping as well. :-)

carmencita ago

Thanks So much. He has some really valuable info there. Just needs some help.

think- ago

Yes, thanks for helping him.

carmencita ago


hojuruku ago

If you expose politically rape cover-ups and judges giving the rapists a quarter of a million dollars compo cash you are a ranter!

They don't even say I wrote the article not john sunol about the judge awarding over 50k in money to a the first tranny man who aids raped women in a women's prison as a inmate - because the warden dare told the female inmates unless you want to die from aids don't have sex with this man. How dare the warden tell woman to care about their health and not allow a gay man with aids to have sex with them in a woemn's prison. That's what this judge ruled - and it's wrong to hate that decision that gay men with aids must not be apprehended by a warden from having aids sex with women in prison.

What MSM journalist SUPPORTS RAPE! What a scrag. Let's see if we can get some feminists to denouce her as a rape lover. If she loves rape so much why doesn't she publish her address on the internet?

The full story is here:

hojuruku ago

Video: Today's Surveillance of the PEDOSTATE HQ on way back from Pakistani Embassy

PEDO STATE HQ has no Australian flags on the building. Only rainbow flags. We all know what they stand for now don't we!

On the way back from talking to Pakistan head of consular about the Australian Greens party accusing Pakistan of wholesale killing gays (a country with trans rights bills in reality) whilst supporting the cause of a FBI Infant Sex Child Porn Fugitive Mr Slurp Marriage Equality tea (@slurptea1 on twitter) trying to help his illegal immigrant Pakistani visa over-stayer queue jumper stay in the country where he is today after Immigration ruled downloading child porn means you still are of good enough character under section 501 Migration act 1958 to sponsor your pedo mates into the country.

140,000 Gays signed a petition that Pakistani kills gays and he needs help. See the video that is banned from YouTube of Lee Rhiannon helping pedophiles on the run sue the government and raise crowd funded cash.

I NEED YOUR HELP - EXPOSE THIS & MSM LIES: "Man about to be jailed who shared my blog that exposed first transgender who legally used women's toilet (in jail) AIDS raped 4 women and then got compo"

and see the links in the letter below about "Australian Government Immigration Department Formally Rules Gay Marriage Activists who download child porn in USA are of good character" & "Youtube uses anti-child-porn video fingerprinting technology to cover-up Australian Greens Party Leadership praising pedophiles at rally"

First Contact:

My name is Luke McKee.

I am a well known anti-gay-pedophilia activist and UNHCR confirmed political refugee and dissident from Australia.

It has come to my attention that a leader of the Australian Greens Party whilst supporting pedophiles on the run from the FBI for child porn gave a public speech at a protest outside Australian Government Immigration offices in Sydney claiming that Pakistan wholesale kills homosexuals. (video)

Even Wikipedia says that is a lie. Sodomy laws are normally only used against pedophiles - and not enforced. Your country even has transgender rights.

Please read the top story about this saga on the world's #1 anti-pedophilia forum:

(lots of other links about the Pakistani child porn visa saga here - including mainstream news)

Gave visa to this Pakistani national.

Australian government has ruled you don't have bad a character if you download child porn - because the pedophile above whilst in jail in the USA is still sponsoring his boyfriends visa in Australia right now. Under Australian law you must be of good character to sponsor a migrant into Australia - and visa's are cancelled if immigration is informed otherwise. Immigration blocked my email because the manager was gay - and decided that child porn isn't bad character - as exposed above.

Background on other pro-pedophilia actions the Australian government is taking involving myself, my friends and my family.

What am I seeking from Pakistan?

A public statement that you don't kill gays to restore the honor of your country on the international human rights stage contrary to the public statement's by Australian political leaders - and that this homosexual put in Australia near Australian children by the Greens party lobbying and a pedophile singing the sponsorship forms is removed as per the law without any risk to his person as sodomy laws aren't enforced and has no right to stay in Australia as a refugee or on a child pornographer of "good character" sponsored gay partner visa. He never had a right to stay in Australia even before the visa was granted as he was an illegal immigrant over-stayer. Greens used gay rights as a platform to help him queue jump, avoid deportation and a 5 year ban that even non-homosexuals get for breaking the immigration laws before they can marry.

What you choose to say about Lee Rhiannon of the Australian Greens party is not my decision but I know what I would do. She's already lost the ability to rejoin the next government, and has under investigation for parliamentary expenses fraud. There will be little detriment to international relations condemning her actions in league with pedophiles to attack Pakistan with baseless lies, and to be honest the majority of the Australian voting population will THANK YOU!

Warm Regards,

Luke McKee UNHCR Ref 2010-000092 HK.

hojuruku ago

My friends he who cannot be named and my family has clued me into the battle plan.

I have been unleashed. I'll release all the evidence again of judges praising garry burns after he testified to trying to fuck "young teenagers" in Marks parks, the Sparkles the Pony Pedo scandal, and the craigs list melbourne young asian child prostitute rent boy scandal.

In case law Garry Burns has to identify as gay in order to lodge the complaint and he got judges to rule in court it's a crime to say gay men are even capable of doing a pedophilic act they are two different things.

By proving Garry Burns is a pedophile all the gay pride homosexual vilification court cases (he lodged all of them) are sunk.

That's why his acts of child abuse must BE PROTECTED. We will demand his Marks Park Inquest Testimony be released! He claimed mental disability pension from the trauma of picking up children for sex in a park going wrong and them trying to bash him.

Sydney Beat Project GAY PUBLIC PARK SEX SHOWS FOR CHILDREN LOBBY used Garry Burns testimony to repeal the gay panic defense laws that gives children a right to do violence against gay men trying to rape them to avoid being tried as an adult for murder.

All the pedo scandals AND EVIDENCE against Garry will be up on a new thread within 24 hours again (as censored from blogger and other sites by the OTO). Now he's openly supporting the the OTO baby sex cult on his blog with MSM backing. This is insane!

They are scared after 10 years of battling the great boylover 666 Garry Burns and his gay police we are in a position to win so they are doing some very desperate moves. It's going into the end game phase now and we need all your support, blogging activism and donations to gaynor to keep fighting.

hojuruku ago

In addition to the crime of linking to a video that homosexually vilified baby rapists mark newton and peter truong and not writing anything himself..

The court ruled you must respect "queer hero" who raped a 14 year old boy and got off charges after disappearing the boy and the mother when he previously tried to pay the parents off 250k and an AIDS test under a civil property [yep the boy property and lets bring back slavery] damage.

The Australian court kept the court case in reserve for 2 years waiting for terry bean to kill / disappear his child sex victim before ruling in case law Obama isn't friends with gay pedophiles though if you search obama terry bean cspan you can see him saying Terry Bean my dear friend.

Terry Bean's picture is in case law however along with my own mother!


Read what the boy said about the matter before he was diappeared for gay pride

Then compare to the you must not link to Luke McKee's blog of hate speech against child rapist queer heros for the crime of linking or just linking a news article.

what was actually on the blog - an attack on Terry Bean - but they won't even name him in the case law - that's how biased they are.

He spat on the current prime minsiter's wife's face and threatens to chop the penis off sitting senators who only get attacked for telling him to go fuck himself in the mainstream news.

Yet Garry Burns is still held up as a hero after the sparkles the pony pedophile incident and the craigslist child prostitute scandal, and the time he testified in court trying to have sex with "young teenagers" in the mark's park incest and then judges wrote him letters saying how brave he is. Man I have to go somewhere now, but I'll be back with all the evidence and documents as per usual. I'm really pissed off.

They are jailing you for the crime of hating LGBTI child sex. This is the new enforced tolerance = FUCKING KIDS IS OK IF YOU ARE GAY.

Pedophiles on the run from the FBI know what to do. Run to Australia and hug the Mayor of Brisbane aka...

hojuruku ago



If you have free speech rights troll this pedophile that prosecutes people for linking to this video AND NO OTHER ACTION

tiny url dot com slash abcplugspedos (crime to link to as confirmed in case law) Why is it wrong to critize baby rapists exposed on this youtube video - then have a judge to say those comments against those in US jails for 40 years for raping russian infants is hate speech because the baby rapists identify as gay before and after their arrest?


"abcplugspedos" if you search in

as exposed here:

Poor John Sunol has got three gay marriage activist jew corrupt biased jew judges in a row. Every acronym there is confirmed and provable in court. These people are corrupt as fuck.

Before the latest one Marks, and Janet Newman I brought done Nancy Henessey with my research. Yet she's still in charge after this....

hojuruku ago

Even the gay news are saying you need to go to jail for exposing LGBTI activists who are pedophiles.

Nobody cares that Garry Burns was court on the SPARKLES the Pony pedo website or caught sending his penis picture to children (I have it). He's a gay hero - he's a gay man he says - the prerequisite to lodge and ADB complaint. But he says gay men doesn't fuck kids when he does.

If Garry gets arrested you see for being a pedophile all the gay pride homosexual vilification case law goes out the window - so he knows he can fuck kids and get away with it! THE GAY POWER TO RAPE KIDS! YAY!

hojuruku ago

Here's my comment on these new thought crime laws coming to California and America too that was downvoted by a LGBTI who is pro rape and pro child porn.



And court confirmed pedophiles end up using them - even satanic pedo cults!

Letter to Russian Embassy in NZ about my father loosing house in NZ under trans-tasman procedure act 2010 put in by Rainbow Labor for the crime of disrespecting Gay marriage activists who sodomized Russian babies on NZ soil whilst on holiday in Vietnam....

NB: Sodom Documentary on Russia insider youtube channel with 450k views even censored from linked to in the post above. It's a must see.