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hojuruku ago

Excellent Audio presentation with lots of exhibits into the @TWODadsAndMe too big to jail gay marriage activists child sex cover-up for gay pride. Here the enemy on tape. He admited in an interview hew were almost included in the final cut GAY BY BABY FILM but had to be edited out of the film because they fucked their own son and got arrested by the police - or as he said - he had to stop working on the film for "personal reasons". Australian NSW gay police went around promoting said film that had pedophiles edited out of it and forced it on kids at Homebush Girls school. IF someone accuses me of lying instead of downvoting like a pedo I can post the evidence of the cops photo. Ah bugger it here it is:

A very purple Burwood Girls High School on Wear It Purple Day last Friday 28th August.

We wanted to send a special thank you to all the schools who bravely screened GAYBY BABY last Friday for Wear It Purple Day. After the film was banned from being screened in NSW public schools during school hours, there were many students, teachers and parents who got in touch to find out how they could still show the film to their school.

I mean gay dads can't even make a film to promote their cause without one of the model parents arrested for raping their kids how strong is their cause. If you expose this you get hunted down for being against the (((homosexual agenda)))

hojuruku ago

L for Lesbian G for Gay B for BiSexual T for Transgender Q for Queer (what's that? crazy aloof people) T for Tranny I for Intersex (a chromozone birth defect not a sexual preference) oh the gay police have got something else on their baloons they bring to school

the + stands for pedophilia!

What else could it stand for. What did I miss?