12498753? ago

Hey good job @tallest_skil!

12494491? ago

lol kevdude in another drama thread.

12494509? ago

@kevdude is kikeshill like @vindicator and @think-

12494526? ago

I don't know the other two mentioned but fuck kevdude sure finds himself in all the drama threads.

12494379? ago

I @hojuruku didn't write the post above. I've got cunt's trolling me on here. Automatically delete any thread or comment that mentions @hojuruku - they are kikeshill trolls trying to bother the real mccoy - ME. I hate anonymous. They are full of faggot pedophiles.


12494411? ago

have u accepted potato as your lord and savior???????

12494399? ago

If you hate anonymous why do you go on /pol/? I would never contradict myself. THE PERSON I AM REPLYING TO IS A FAKE @HOJURUKU

12494445? ago

i was talking about on voat you fuck. Stop trolling me kikeshill pedo mods... /pol/ is only anonymous and you are talking about 8chan pol I assume.

This is why I can't reply to you cunts.

Mods: Delete any threads that mention @hojuruku - they are not endorsed. I want voat to unmask your account you motherfucker. If it can be done it will be done.

12494466? ago

I am @hojuruku - I would never ask for anyone to be deleted or censored. Mods please find out who this imposter is. He is bothering me whilst I am trying to stick a potato, sorry a @hojuruku, up my ass.

12494499? ago

We meet again! I am the one true @hojuruku. That man is an imposter!

12494527? ago

@hojuruku invites you into van for free candy

12494554? ago

You are mixing me up with Alex Gollan the pedo bear. There are free candy van memes for that cunt I exposed.

What cunt trolls anti-pedophilia activists? Ah yes an anonymous cowards incorporated kiddy fucker ^^ you.


Ah fuck they took down the image sharing site I was using.


12494601? ago

I am @hojuruku. I am potato.

12499022? ago

You are my favorite of the hojurukus.

12494548? ago

Ha! I only eat potato! I am true @hojuruku, man of the potato and kiddy diddler.