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hojuruku ago

@Vindicator has claimed it was an accident the deletion of the comment that motivated this, but he did claim I was operating sock-puppets or "alts" when I wasn't. No this is my style this is how I be a cunt to people who pissed me off. In any case by the time he said it was an accidental deletion and he already apologized for it (unverified claim) the damage was done and the bounty was out.

Now I don't hate vindicator. He may have inspired me to start a whole new website that puts bounty's on nailing pedophile suspects and encourages other pedophile hunter outfits to compete for glory. Kind of like Occupy Pedophilia St Petersberg only with teeth! who are hated by ABC TV Australia for stopping gay men exercising their basic human rights to have sex with "teenagers" or as SBS TV says "minors" aka tinyurl com /gaysrapekids as I exposed on Radio Renegade

I love you Vindicator. Thanks for inspiring me to start development on this project. Pedophiles everywhere will hate your censorship for inspiring me. You were my muse I'm so grateful.

hojuruku ago

The victim of the comment deletion confirms @Vindicator apologized for the deletion.

This is all for fun now, and yes I'm still good for the $20 in ETH.

auralsects ago

Uh that doesn't make him any less of a kikeshill

hojuruku ago

if only we could unmask the downvoters who nixxed my account we would know for sure. I am pretty sure, I want to say sure... but in a court I couldn't nail him just yet, it's all circumstantial evidence.

Also the mods down-voted this into oblivion. I think it's very articulate overview of how much of a cunt i'm going to be to the fag jew pedophiles in Australia over the next few months.