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12491466? ago

Misleading title - SENSATIONALISM

As far as I can see he is not banned from the pizzagate subverse nor any other banning logs that I know off. Please screen grab or link where he is banned from?

hojuruku ago

You were debunked here kikeshill. Look at how my CCP was taken down to the point i can't even send PM's issue comments or post in any subverse just over mods taking a grudge against my post on Disney's dating site for gay men and boys linked to JewishCare and 1000s of convicted (only homosexual it seems) pedophiles around the world who used the site to get some man boy anal love action.

12491697? ago

You are too special, so CCP increasing and decreasing is banning now?

Try being a team player and stop playing the victim card, life will get easier.

I am starting to wonder if you may have a history of abuse and this may be clouding your better judgement on the matter.

Just my thoughts, take it or leave it, your victim card mentality makes me not want to speak to you anymore about this as you are lacking the maturity, at this moment, to resolve the conflict in a calm and peaceable manner. Good day to you!

hojuruku ago

1000 CCP disappearing in 30 mins is normal? Right after a post exposing jewish pedophilia to the extreme and a disney pixar operated dating site for gay men and little boys gets revealed.

You are so fucken rich. Shilling for the jews.

hojuruku ago

FUCK YOU. Yesterday I was -145 CCP and I lost 400 CCP between a browser refresh. I was in effect banned yesterday and other users on this thread screen capped the evidence with you motherfucker shill.

12491585? ago

Son, you need to calm down your bridges there and step away from the computer. Your feelings and behavior is making any research you have done nul-en-void.

Your character in dealing with testing times is questionable at best. You come here boxing the air, chasing imaginary ghosts instead of taking a step back and asking yourself how you can take this forward in a positive light.

In essence buckle up and dig deep. If you are serious about this stop crying “muh censorship” like a whiney baby and work on your communication skills. Contribute to others research, give others what you want for your own research, this will build a community of researchers and fuel truth.

This will be far better outcome for you, just saying.

hojuruku ago

Because jewish pedophile mods trolled me and hijacked my post and then muted me on all of voat for 24 hours outside what is considered fair - All my research on Disney Pixar JewishCare's dating site for gay men and boys is "nul-en-void" ?????

oh you are typing too fast like me. Have I triggered the pro jewish pedophilia task force into a state of dyslectic flaming rage aka...