DieselBustersYes ago

post meems and shitpost very often that's more fun then complaining about SRS all of the time

Fetalpig ago

Um....who the fuck leaves voat over what someone post? Thinning the herd of pussy's does sound fun-but not taking credit for it- skin them alive!

hojuruku ago

And all this shit @Vindicator blamed me for links back to you here? I'm not getting alterts from your anon posts but these are still in my notifications....

What the fuck is this @HeyGeorge???


SRS is trying to make SBBH member @hojuruku leave Voat and go back to Reddit.

Anon SRS is trying to make SBBH member @hojuruku leave Voat and go back to Reddit. (voat.co)

submitted 5.5 hours ago by 2502385 to AnonTalk (+8|-5)

2 comments save


Anon I am @hojuruku and I am a pedophile (confessions)

submitted 1.1 days ago by 2501065 to confessions (+2|-3)

8 comments save

heygeorge ago

I'm not getting alters from your anon posts

What is this, Hebrew? What are you even talking about.

DieselBustersYes ago

he's talking about that one time you went to a convenience store and saw a tranny

heygeorge ago

Anon I am @hojuruku and I am a pedophile

By George, I think you're right!

hojuruku ago

@heygeorge - I remember before the kikes on v/anontalk pinging me were talking about SSBH / SRS and that crap. What does it fucken mean?

heygeorge ago

We were? I must have been busier than I thought these last couple days.

Do you think it's equally suspicious your CCP has raised in a day/two as quickly as it fell? Yet you make no more or less sense than you did two days ago?

hojuruku ago

and also @Tallest_skill being tagged with me on there - it was you running the kike shills @heygeorge - was it all you?

TheBuddha ago

I'll enable the shadowban option again. That should quiet them down for a while.

gabara ago


TheBuddha ago

Things go our way a lot more often now that we bought the site!

Don't worry, I set the DB flags so that only mods of SBBH can see this.

Inara__Serra ago


TheBuddha ago

Don't tell anyone about the extra CCP we put on your account! They'll never go back through your comments, do the math, and figure it out!

Inara__Serra ago

I didn't need the extra. I only expected the ccp I bought ;-) $2 per point was worth the price.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, man! They'd be pissed if they knew how little we actually paid for this site. They think they're special and important, but the whole thing cost us in the very, very low five-figure range.

Shit, I spend more than that on kosher mayonnaise. They were bought cheap and continue to do our bidding, according to plan! These goyim are such fools.

We're already turning a profit and the stupid bastards want to donate to help us stay running!

Inara__Serra ago

I'm so glad I acted on your idea to create the "sanegoat" alts. That's working out better than I thought it would. BTW, the coding on that chatbot is awesome! Your lisp coding is quite elegant.

TheBuddha ago

You know, being a transgender gay man, it was only natural that I choose LISP.

Inara__Serra ago

So true!

TheBuddha ago

I kinda hope the archive site is being hammered on right now. I know, making fun of crazy people makes me a bad person, but it's just so damned amusing.

SGIS is running around telling people he's hard at work creating an alternative Voat. I admit a morbid curiosity and am expecting a crayon drawing to be uploaded, declared working, and anyone who finds fault in it to be declared a shill. I will, of course, giggle.

Inara__Serra ago

LOLS. I honestly hope it works and the trash move there.

TheBuddha ago

LOL It's not going to work. He's a crazy fuck living off SSI or something. There's no way he can even afford to host it and I'm 99.9% positive he can't even write HTML, never mind an actual programming language. He says he has now learned to code - in like a few weeks.

I kinda want to see the meltdowns he has. I am going to go troll until I'm banned, if it works even a little, and then use that as my example of how he's just as bad. Hell, I might not even bother with the banned part and just run with it from day one. If it does work, I'm going to have free entertainment for days,

But, just my small VPS is about $150 per month, and that's without much bandwidth. He can't afford that. It's not like he's employable. I guess those thrift shop people might hire him but I think they pay like a buck or two per hour.

Inara__Serra ago

It's too bad he's mentally ill. Moreso for freshmeat. At least he was coherent.

TheBuddha ago

The wedding with reality ended in divorce. I'm pretty sure this makes me a horrible person as I get great entertainment from picking on the mentally ill.

Back in ye olden days of mental health, I'd have been the guy taking the tours to watch the patients hurt themselves.

I'd change this about me but the reality is that I'm pretty much just a big five year old. I'm way too easily amused.

Inara__Serra ago

It's alright. Everyone needs to find their own path. All things considered, I'd have sold you the ticket to the Bedlam tour ;-)

gabara ago

I love how now if anyone downvotes my posts within the first 20 minutes, it gets countered with a free up vote!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, it keeps the plebs fooled. They think their points count. Really, we can just make the points what they want.

I spent two hours changing old @freshmeat comments to say what I wanted him to say. His old comment history is now full of things like him admitting to be a gay pedophile.

I should unmask this comment thread so that they can see us openly mock them and see how we control the site. That'd be pretty funny!

ExpertShitposter ago

Kill them all.

gabara ago

Using only tampons

NoviceShitPoster ago

Everything is a weapon if you hold it right.

gabara ago

Can Rule 34 be used as a weapon?

NoviceShitPoster ago

It has already been weaponized. If it exists, there is porn of it, and it is terrifying.

gabara ago

No, but I want rule 34 porn of Rule 34 ITSELF. Think how cosmic that would be, friend.

NoviceShitPoster ago


totes_magotes ago

We could always ban them.

Tazzermalt ago

@Crensch whats happened with you and SBBH or Real Protect voat?

Crensch ago

I'm not sure I fully understand the question.

DieselBustersYes ago

Why is rPV obsessed with Crensch?

gabara ago

DO IT!!!

dooob ago

What can we do? Putt cant do anything because it could hurt his integrity, they already spout their "Putt is sjw shill" narative so if he does anything, they already have an angle. If Trump is not a kike shill, shareblue faggots will eventually get fucked, possibly even go to jail. Astroturfing is one thing but getting paid to sow doubt into the president is illegal.

In my opinion, @PuttItOut should make a small team of trusted people to investigate and tag as many of ShareBlue sockpuppets as possible, save their complete history for evidence in court, lock them all out so they cant do much damage.

We as users cant do much against shills. We can only argue with them in hope they slip up and people start noticing their tricks.

SayTan ago

As somebody to the right of pinochet, president T is, to me, an opportunist with leftist tendencies, more than a shill. My tuppence.

dooob ago

I dont understand what specifically wrong did he do. I dont care about what he says, I care about what he does, afaik he can play dirty as much as he can get away with it, I dont care about "muh integrity", you cant outplay the system and leave the fight woth integrity.

Do you agree that the Deep State exist and that he is against it?

SayTan ago

I did nothing but type something that amused me. Why am I on trial?

Everybody catches flack around here. I did not actual do mod stuff enough to not get my mod facilities removed. Ball is not in my court.

dooob ago

You are not on trial, what is wrong in asking someone to clarify his previous statement. Maybe I missed some big news that I wasnt aware of, I am open to the idea that I am wrong. What moves of his you dont exactly support?

SayTan ago

No idea. I just had a funny one-liner about empress and assrapeing.

I spend 65 hours a week in the company of kitchen people. I am sure my social skills are lesser than 35 years ago, and I am sometimes tired. Usually makes things even funnier to me when I am really tired. As long as I chuckle, I am happy. Freebies for any accidental audience.

Today, I made croutons and boss got distracted and turned them into Hiroshima Style + Napalm Death Croutons, TWICE IN A ROW, and when I gave him a hard time, he said "You are as much physically connected to the incinerated food as I am, plus you prepped it, plus I own this place. In a kangaroo court I would organize, it would be your fault. Want a beer? I'll get it while you make potentially napalm murdered food again."

Sometimes I blow off steam...

dooob ago

I dont understand what your boss wanted to say with that, also very off topic.

SayTan ago

He is a smart aleck.

I typed something that amused me in passing. One-liners are one liners.

SBBH is based on fucking with people that take the web too serious.

I am not going to worry about you. You are asking questions I have no answer to, other than the standard "Umm? Droll comedic lines? Dunno."

There is no plot against anyone.

But as a no longer mod, you are barking up a very wrong tree bothering me to try to explain a throw-away joke to somebody more autistic than myself. It is a dead end.

dooob ago

So your original comment that started this chain was a joke? How was that a joke?

What plot are you talking about? Why are you so confusing?

SayTan ago

Because you are very autistic.

dooob ago

Says the guy who wrote an off topic essay about his boss, calls himself funny yet no jokes in sight. Projecting much?

SayTan ago

Last typing I will waste on the tard full of doib, that I would ban, if I cared:

Really though. Helium will be painless, and you would be doing the world a favor.

dooob ago

What did Trump do wrong?

SayTan ago

I made ONE FUCKING THROWAWAY LINE...TO SOMEBODY ELSE...AND you turned into a deranged inquistion.

Go fuck yourself. Hard, or ask empress to do it for you, you retarded uninteresting whiny little fucking cunt.

I am not on the clock and there is no way I have to be polite to faggots like you. Are you like 9yo + autistic?

Save us the trouble and put a fucking helium bag over your head you deranged shithead. You do not ever get to waste any more of my time.

Just fucking kill yourself.

DO IT!!!

dooob ago

Wow that was uncalled for, why are you so angry? Perhaps you realized you cant actually elaborate on your low info opinion?

gabara ago

That could work, but I admit I enjoy the wild west feel to Voat. I think of SBBH as a posse that dispenses western justice.

Inara__Serra ago

I enjoyed it much more before reddit's trashed ended up here.

gabara ago

I just can't understand how someone could hate this place so much but be unable to leave. They must be paid.

Inara__Serra ago

Neither can I. I'm tired of the crap with sane/fresh.

SayTan ago

Ask empress to assrape them.

SaveTheChildrensWife ago

My husband would gladly do it.