12498740? ago

Fuck off @tallest_skil ! Leave me alone!

12500818? ago

If I was actually the one replying to you, you wouldn’t have to ping me. Keep crying, coward.

12501203? ago

Who is pinging you?

12500904? ago

Commenter uses the word “coward” but doesn’t sign his own name to own his comment.

This type of action is defined as “hypocrite”.

As for your general comment, dude, you must be harassing somebody such that they are pinging you. For every action there is a reaction. They are reacting to you and thus you lash out thinking you have been wronged. Recognize the fact that you probably started this. The person who is pinging you is probably autistic or just lame so their actions are wrong too. Still, remember, you could have avoided this by your actions too.

It’s Sunday, let’s reflect on our actions and make the world a better place.

12501067? ago

oy fucking vey you’re a hypocrite for not doing the same thing the person you’re accusing is doing

Holy shit, die.

you must be harassing somebody such that they are pinging you

Yeah, see, no. That’s post hoc ergo propter hoc. You have no actual argument and no evidence for your claim.

They are reacting to you

Nope. They’re autistic lunatics.

Recognize the fact that you probably started this.

Try again with an actual argument.

you could have avoided this by your actions too

No. I took no actions. You have no argument. Shove your holier than thou bullshit back where it belongs. You know absolutely nothing about what you’re saying.

It’s Sunday, let’s reflect on our actions and make the world a better place.

Yids are still alive. That won’t work until that stops being the case.

12501131? ago

Hey folks! Check out @tallest_skil going mental!

He didn’t back up 1 single argument!

The last comment is true, but he didn’t mention that the Jew community wouldn’t accept him so he has anger issues!

12501221? ago

You’re still hilarious.

12501539? ago

Winning against that Jew is always easy!