hojuruku ago

You all need to see this: Fuck SBBH pedos and their I love sex with children gangstalkers like @srayzie exposed on /v/pizzgayte & /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413 The Kiwifarms srayzie is working for is formally supporting child abuse camps, was done for CP, and is proven to be run by pedophiles. See the /v/pizzagayte sticky.

Wanna see how fucked SBBH is? Put 1990 first, then hojuruku into searchvoat.co - and they say they are the victims.

Am I doing a bad thing here opposing srayzie's and kiwifarms false allegations? So because I secure evidence to jail pedophiles when the police don't so the pedophiles don't get a free pass that makes me a pedophile? I'm not aroused by children like Garry. I don't go on M2M craigs lists personals looking for child prostitutes. I don't work with kiwifarms / strayzie trolling anti-pedophilia activists all day....

You ban me and my research for the sake of gay child fucking pride. We know what you are thinky pedo.

Here's my reply to the filthy stayzie gay pedophile loving whore:


[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago So the Whitney little bit has is still at it. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/35l2.gifGIF

I’ve never gone to a child porn site in my life you sick fuck. You’re the one that admits to holding child porn on your PC for “research purposes.” You have been saying so many lies about me and accusing others of being me. You need to take your meds. Call The Alex Jones show again faggot.

I blocked you so I won’t get your pings so ping away nigga. I’ll check in when I feel like it.

I will be able to prove she was warned kiwifarms has a long MSM reported history of stalking, child porn, and pedophilia activism (she saw the comment she deleted on /v/pizzagayte) and went there anyway to dig up lies from kiwifarms that's clearly pro-pedophlia that attack me for exposing the Jeju English Village child abuse camp who's manager is now in jail (see elsewhere on this thread for thread for the intel on that or see: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

You are still the pedophile posting memes against people who do serious research. /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

So because Garry Burns sends me an email young.asian.jpg of a child's anus and I report it to the police I'm a pedophile? I don't follow your #pedologic


If you oppose Garry sending his penis picture (see here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195) to that child or him giving all of his money from when he sues Christians to twenty10.org.au than run a dormitory for 10 year old boys ran by gays next to the "Wall" where Gay Judge Justice Kirby bought his boy arse - wait for it - you are a pedophile. Srayzie says you are a pedophile for trying to stop gay men sending their penis picture to children. How dare you be offended and oppose the natural boylove says srayzie the pedophile.


Because I research his media contact publishing Child porn Lisa/David Oldfield - OTO media personality - wait for it? I'm a pedophile?

/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 (image link changed to .cc domain) - https://s12.postimg.cc/nkgrhgwvx/stopkiddyporn2.png - I get the CP removed from youtube and report it to the police. They do nothing because they are celebrities and celebrities who work with gay pedophile like Garry Burns need to publish baby cock wobbling videos on their youtube and a whole facebook full of CP.

Because I research Garry Burns webmaster uploading young thai asian child porn videos to xvides com (found by googling his nickname), hack him, get his password and confirm he uploaded it there after it was deleted and the evidence was secure. Expose him running gay prostitution call out service and a gay brothel with said thai "rent boys" and putting them to work in his window washing service... Wait for IT I'm the pedophile because I tried to stop him?


Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster (well his mates and him talking) at a boy bar in pattia with a long history of providing children for sex (including arrests / police raids)


But of course if you oppose boyfuckers and investigate those who do like me - wait for it - you are a pedophile - the gay must be free to fuck the child says srayzie - or we will hunt you down - and only pedophiles will stop them. I do what I do to stop this pedophile - TEETH OF AUSTRAILA'S GAY PRIDE LOBBY THAT SUES ANYONE WHO DISSENTS AGAINST CHILDREN BEING TOLD TO TRY GAY ANAL IN PRIMARY SCHOOL UNDER - SAFE SCHOOLS - a program started by a pedophile Garry Dowsett. I talked about Gary Dowsett's paper about boylove on a thread about you - but your I love child sex pedo gang downvoted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2511424/12551218

Australia's gay pride king pedo is going to jail and so are his mates like Christopher Puplick. And the more you squeel the more interpol is going to use the EVIDENCE I collected that NSW Police didn't do anything about when it was online when I reported it to crimestoppers to jail this fuck.

And you are saying NO NO NO Don't hunt pedophiles. NO NO NO Don't give the evidence to the police. YES YES YES You are a suck fuck if you oppose Garry Burns pedo gang fucking kids.

We'll sorry princess pedo - I am right and you are wrong. Garry Burns is now a court confirmed pedophile over the sparkles the gay child fuck pony page that was used to stalk WHERE he thought I worked but didn't - see reference to studylink on http://twitter.com/garyburnsblog - your own pedogangstalking sometimes backfires you know



Here's the news and case law quote from Nancy Henessy that the Sparles the Pony Gay child fuck page he ran is a pedophile group ran by his websmaster and his self. You've seen my gab.ai avatar stolen from Jez Smith's skype account, and the description of sparkles the pony gay pedophile page my dad wrote up on my profile page gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos and oh it triggered you bad didn't it pedo?

We'll here's the sparkle the gay child fuck page ran by Australia's biggest gay hero hosted by the NSW Government. ENJOY!




You and your ilke sparkles the gay child fuck pony page is just "harmless child fucking fun" right? like Garry Australia's gay hero?

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

You are linking to kiwifarms that defends Garry Burns a COURT CONFIRMED PEDO. srayzie is a pedo properganda pusher at the very least, but we all know the truth, she is a he and a pedo.

BOOM spakles the gay kiddy fuck page pony page used in COURT!





Speaking of court - then there is also the Marks Park's Inquest "young teenager" gay beat rape attempt he uses to claim PTSD from and the mental disbility pension. That's going to be a very interesting post digging that one up again. So many pedophile scandals connected against the kingpin of gay pride. Better shoot the messenger down for the sake of gay pedo ride @srayzie - we can see who you are running opposition for by who I fight against best. You are no women. You are a pedo.

hojuruku ago


This all started here: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

You might want to see this thread guy how Strayzie said She supports Vindicator saying SHUT UP DON'T NAME THE GAY PEDOPHILE THAT TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN.

Now she via her alt is linking to CP website kiwifarms. It's all here: /v/pizzagayte/2513428

and here /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413

@Skyrock @Mickgoestojail @Peaceseeker @CC1914 @Nerobot

She's linking to a website that threatened to kill my mother, publishes child porn, is ran by pedophiles and anyone who supports here are going in the PRO-PEDOPHILE BANGWAGON with here.

She has been plaguing my anti-pedophilia research posts with GAY.JPG memes for too long: /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

See how she deliberately misspelt my name because she doesn't want you all to know the truth.

She doesn't have a son - she's not a she - and she supports vindicator saying DON'T NAME THE GAY PEDOPHILE WHO TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN AWAY CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX. Get on the links above and see who's the real pedophile. It ain't me. I'll be writing up her and the SBBH pedotrolls stalking.

Just put 1990 or hojuruku into searchvoat.co to see how sick her pedo gang is.

I'll write up a whole post on Strayzie and her pedophile gang's tactics - including linking to CP websites shortly. She looked at my comment saying kiwifarms is a child porn website and a criminal stalker website, and still went there and published fake information :) I'll have so much fun exposing here now. If you can't wait for the new post on srazie the pro-pedophile gang stalker - like I said check out the links above :)

srayzie ago

Here’s an update on the pedophile...

hojuruku ago

Here's an update on the whore & @Skyrock https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2512658/12559487 that say it's wrong to oppose child abuse camps that pimp out USA,NZ,Australian children for profit, abuse them who's boss is now in jail :)

Oh you knew that from 8chan when you trolled me there but you still publish the debunked pedo made attacks on an anti-pedophilia activists because you know you are a pedo:

MUST SEE: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/c73dcf9bd20c9b0c099e9fa4fca412f03e4d0855a8806f9722bcfc39abbe4132.jpg That pedo camp I shut down.

Look at filthy Skyrock link here:


That says this:

Luke was involved in the management of a school on Jeju Island in Korea. Luke was an executive for a school where subsequent reports were made by teachers who had left the school. These reports indicated that there were several problems happening in the school. These problems included teachers receiving little/no pay and receiving abusive language. A story ran in the local paper on this and shortly after, Luke began a crusade against the villagers of the island itself to expose them all as pedophiles

The next line is hilarious. i didn't post anything illegal. I posted a dox on Anirtak76 and they banned me for doxxing a kiwifarms pedo club member :) haha

Now look at the MSM news report the Korean camp boss is in Jail and listen to him on tape inviting Austrlaian School principals to brothels to blackmail them to supply foreign kids. Damn I'm so bad for opposing a child sex camp just as Skyrock and srayzie says. Man they love their child sex hard....

Now a copypaste from 8chan that srayzie aka Skyrock admit they saw before publishing there debunked fake claims.

You are a fucken pedo opposing me for opposing child labor camp and child abuse camp you fucken kiddy fucker shill. The rest of the text links is copypaste from an email to pedo gay journalists in soul that did a hitpiece on me and the korean embassy…

Yet I am wanted for arrest for exposing him by Korean police and the crime of stealing a single sheet of paper to identify a pedophile suspect that touched up children on it to police so I could identify the pedophile in a police report. That's right theft of evidence to make a secure chain of custody a single sheet of A4 paper - a phone list glued to the wall - a public document - is an offense for which the police will hunt you down.

And now that criminal that made that complaint against me I am also wanted for the crime of truthfully defaming is in JAIL right now. So Korean police will jail foreigners who disrespect powerful child pimping Korean jailed criminals - for the crime of truthful defamation. The same pedo who made the countries educational policy on a committee in 2008 without even a degree or the professor certification he claimed he had.


Make my criminal charges in Korea go away or I go public as discribed on the phone.


I am wanted for arrest for the crime of disrespecting a jailed criminal (Lee Chan Won) who pimps out Australian & NZ children in your country.

Lee Chan Won is in jail for fraud and I'm wanted for arrest in Korea for the crime of disrespecting a man who ran a child abuse camp, and I have paperwork proving he has no university degree yet makes Korea's educational law. This corruption is epic.

I have a big dossier. Get an English translator and you have a big news story.

I live in Vietnam now.



This used to be on blog.minjoo.kr/591.

(yep that proves this pedo camp boss made the countries educational policy without a university degree as proven on government letterhead in the picture you can't understand attached below - but try and get it debunked good luck - seriously find someone Korean you fucken shill before you say it's wrong to be against child labour pedo camps you fucken faggot aussie pedo)

Skyrock ago

So und etzad langts oida!!! I hob neamands was doa und du scheißt mi o!!! HOS T HOID SEIBA NIX ZUM ZOANG AUSSA A FETTN BIERWAMPN!!! HOB OIWEI AN RESPEKT VOR DIR GHABT ODA!!! OAN GRUND GIBSTMA!!!! ABA OHNE GRUND BRUNZTMA AN DE FIASS. Wia da kloane Bademoasta mit zwoa Kilo Muckis aber imma an Halk spuin, war doch kloa dass'd irgendwann oane fangst. SEIBA SCHUID!!! IA WOITS A SCHEK HENTS ABER JETZT MIASSTS MIT DE KONSEQUENZEN LEM. LECKTS MI, JETZT HABTS MI DAZU BRACHT, DE SAU NAUS ZUM LASSN UND I BIN NED ALLOA. HOBTS ES SCHO AMOI AUFAM STIER GRITTN? I HAB STIERBEITL!!! Und jetz hearst amoi zua siebzig Kilo Testosteron, sackgsteierts, 10% Körpafett und oa oanziga Muskel der si ned vo eich provozierendem Pakt STRESSA LOSST. LECKTS MI, KEMMTS DOCH I BIN UM ZEHNE AUFD NACHT MITM STOI AUSMISTEN FERTIG OISO KEMMTS HER!!!

hojuruku ago

WOW You are linking to a website that says it's wrong to be against a child abuse child labor camp in Korea who's manager is currently now sitting in jail. Where else have we seen this kiwifarms child sex cult propaganda exposed? See the sticky on /v/pizzagayte or the sticky now on /v/OccidentEnclave about the pedo strayzie -

And here's proof you linked to a website that's wrong to be against child abuse child labor camps. Looks like Skyrock is acting like a pedo too!


Do you support all the claims on that kiwifarms links you posted? The same site that threatened to kill my mother. Can you see how bullshit they are debunked on the 8cahn thread by Mainstream Korean newspapers.

If I was bad as you I would link to a website where people are putting pictures up of your mothers house and are saying I am going to kill her soon just as you did to me above!

Do you feel proud about threatening to kill anti-pedophilia activists mothers you pedo - or linking to sites that do?



How would you feel if I return the favor to you. Will you run around like the sperg @srayzie saying oh poor me someone gave me a case of my own medicine?

srayzie ago

😂🤣 Others have been posting this too. Looks like he’s fucked LMAO

@Think- @Kevdude

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I don't know who's jewing who anymore

hojuruku ago

you might want to see the sticky on /v/occidentalenclave about crazy strayzie lover of muslim gang rape and the sticky on /v/pizzagayte showing her deleting comments from the /v/hojuruku infant sex obsessed subverse she created exposing her linking to CP publishing pedophilia normalizing websites even the MSM call is a criminal stalker outfit.

She's done :)

Mickgoestojail ago

You can't silence this person for spreading lies. That's not how voat works. Sane still has an account here and lied plenty and also manipulated votes. Use the block button ad get back to helping the kids out. That's two drama posts here in the last day from v/pizzagate.

hojuruku ago


This all started here: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076 EDIT: kicked off there. but she was posting GAY.JPG memes on my fully sourced Disney Pixar Australia hosted Man Boy Love Cam Dating Site ran by JewishCare Big Brothers Big Sisters thread: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972 where Vindicator says Don't name the gay pedophile that took your first born because that offends me. The feelings of gay pedophiles matter more than the feelings of fathers who lost their first born - you. only a child abuser could support Vindicator's censorship of that post and others like srayzie did.

You might want to see this thread guy how Strayzie said She supports Vindicator saying SHUT UP DON'T NAME THE GAY PEDOPHILE THAT TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN.

Now she via her alt is linking to CP website kiwifarms. It's all here: /v/pizzagayte/2513428

and here /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413

@Skyrock @Mickgoestojail @Peaceseeker @CC1914 @Nerobot

She's linking to a website that threatened to kill my mother, publishes child porn, is ran by pedophiles and anyone who supports here are going in the PRO-PEDOPHILE BANDWAGON with her.

She has been plaguing my anti-pedophilia research posts with GAY.JPG memes for too long: /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

See how she deliberately misspelt my name because she doesn't want you all to know the truth.

She doesn't have a son - she's not a she - and she supports vindicator saying DON'T NAME THE GAY PEDOPHILE WHO TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN AWAY CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX. Get on the links above and see who's the real pedophile. It ain't me. I'll be writing up her and the SBBH pedotrolls stalking.

Just put 1990 or hojuruku into searchvoat.co to see how sick her pedo gang is.

I'll write up a whole post on Strayzie and her pedophile gang's tactics - including linking to CP websites shortly. She looked at my comment saying kiwifarms is a child porn website and a criminal stalker website, and still went there and published fake information :) I'll have so much fun exposing here now. If you can't wait for the new post on srazie the pro-pedophile gang stalker - like I said check out the links above :)

hojuruku ago

https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348 Wow she's linking to kiwifarms website that attack me for opposing a child abuse camp who's manager is now sitting in jail that pimped out Australian children for profit (child labour) and had pedophiles at the camp. I shut it down on KBS national news, front page of the Jeju News. Look at the high-res images exposing what really happened and the MSM coverage.

Crazy srayzie knows she was publishing links from a pedophile ran site that's been busted for publishing CP. It's all exposed on the stickies on /v/occidentalenclave and v/pizzagayte

Cc1914 ago

Oh my this is horrible! I wondered about this person , he had messaged me about some stuff that was pretty whacked out ! I'm so sorry you had to even hear those words uttered about your son 😔

hojuruku ago

crazy strayzie the SBBH pro-pedophile-gangstalker is stickied on /v/OccidentalEnclave Right Now! /v/ProtectVoat/2512658/12565889 She supports Vindicator all the way, in covering up reports of Gay Jewish Judges trying to give Muslim Mass Rapists of White women 40. She also doesn't like it when I said how would you like it if a filthy pedophile whore said HA HA HA You were banned from Pizzagate for not following the rules - the rules of Vindicator where he said you may not name the GAY PEDOPHILE THAT TOOK AWAY MY FIRST BORN CHILD because it triggers me as a homoped. Strazyie is a pro-pedophile shill. Get the facts. Now she's linking to CP websites ran by pedophiles and making subverses with like 20 posts accusing me of "infant rape". She's a fucken pedo nutjob.

Cc1914 ago

What in the actual ? @srayzie .. I'm completely lost . Didn't know you were a mod now .. I also don't have a clue why hojuruku is saying all this stuff .. I've known @srayzie for almost 2 years now and never once did I think she was pro pedo ! I still don't think she is . What is actually going on here ?

hojuruku ago

She's a mod now too of Soap Box Ban Hammer SBBH pedo trolls too! Are you going to congratulate her?

Cc1914 ago

Please understand that I've had to distance myself from PG for some time now . I have no clue what has been going on and my health has been much better because of it . In 2016-17 I watched a few of your videos and I believe what your saying is true about your father etc .. I haven't thoroughly looked at all your " evidence " on this subject however and this is heartbreaking if true . I appreciate your passion for justice but It's really hard to take someone seriously, that doesn't take the time to choose his words carefully . Not everyone has he same sarcastic personality as you do . People get instantly turned off when you go on a rant and it's hard to even look at your research. I'm no pedo sympathizer and will always call it like it is . I need more time to look at what your claiming though . And btw no I'm not congratulating her for the mod job .. I had expressed my thoughts on that at least 7 weeks ago , when I was asked if it was a good idea .. I said no

hojuruku ago

she's gone full pedo now..

Here's my reply to the filthy stayzie gay pedophile loving whore:

[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago So the Whitney little bit has is still at it. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/35l2.gifGIF

I’ve never gone to a child porn site in my life you sick fuck. You’re the one that admits to holding child porn on your PC for “research purposes.” You have been saying so many lies about me and accusing others of being me. You need to take your meds. Call The Alex Jones show again faggot.

I blocked you so I won’t get your pings so ping away nigga. I’ll check in when I feel like it.

I will be able to prove she was warned kiwifarms has a long MSM reported history of stalking, child porn, and pedophilia activism (she saw the comment she deleted on /v/pizzagayte) and went there anyway to dig up lies from kiwifarms that's clearly pro-pedophlia that attack me for exposing the Jeju English Village child abuse camp who's manager is now in jail (see elsewhere on this thread for thread for the intel on that or see: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

You are still the pedophile posting memes against people who do serious research. /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

So because Garry Burns sends me an email young.asian.jpg of a child's anus and I report it to the police I'm a pedophile? I don't follow your #pedologic


If you oppose Garry sending his penis picture (see here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195) to that child or him giving all of his money from when he sues Christians to twenty10.org.au than run a dormitory for 10 year old boys ran by gays next to the "Wall" where Gay Judge Justice Kirby bought his boy arse - wait for it - you are a pedophile. Srayzie says you are a pedophile for trying to stop gay men sending their penis picture to children. How dare you be offended and oppose the natural boylove says srayzie the pedophile.


Because I research his media contact publishing Child porn Lisa/David Oldfield - OTO media personality - wait for it? I'm a pedophile?

/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 (image link changed to .cc domain) - https://s12.postimg.cc/nkgrhgwvx/stopkiddyporn2.png - I get the CP removed from youtube and report it to the police. They do nothing because they are celebrities and celebrities who work with gay pedophile like Garry Burns need to publish baby cock wobbling videos on their youtube and a whole facebook full of CP.

Because I research Garry Burns webmaster uploading young thai asian child porn videos to xvides com (found by googling his nickname), hack him, get his password and confirm he uploaded it there after it was deleted and the evidence was secure. Expose him running gay prostitution call out service and a gay brothel with said thai "rent boys" and putting them to work in his window washing service... Wait for IT I'm the pedophile because I tried to stop him?


Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster (well his mates and him talking) at a boy bar in pattia with a long history of providing children for sex (including arrests / police raids)


But of course if you oppose boyfuckers and investigate those who do like me - wait for it - you are a pedophile - the gay must be free to fuck the child says srayzie - or we will hunt you down - and only pedophiles will stop them. I do what I do to stop this pedophile - TEETH OF AUSTRAILA'S GAY PRIDE LOBBY THAT SUES ANYONE WHO DISSENTS AGAINST CHILDREN BEING TOLD TO TRY GAY ANAL IN PRIMARY SCHOOL UNDER - SAFE SCHOOLS - a program started by a pedophile Garry Dowsett. I talked about Gary Dowsett's paper about boylove on a thread about you - but your I love child sex pedo gang downvoted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2511424/12551218

Australia's gay pride king pedo is going to jail and so are his mates like Christopher Puplick. And the more you squeel the more interpol is going to use the EVIDENCE I collected that NSW Police didn't do anything about when it was online when I reported it to crimestoppers to jail this fuck.

And you are saying NO NO NO Don't hunt pedophiles. NO NO NO Don't give the evidence to the police. YES YES YES You are a suck fuck if you oppose Garry Burns pedo gang fucking kids.

We'll sorry princess pedo - I am right and you are wrong. Garry Burns is now a court confirmed pedophile over the sparkles the gay child fuck pony page that was used to stalk WHERE he thought I worked but didn't - see reference to studylink on http://twitter.com/garyburnsblog - your own pedogangstalking sometimes backfires you know



Here's the news and case law quote from Nancy Henessy that the Sparles the Pony Gay child fuck page he ran is a pedophile group ran by his websmaster and his self. You've seen my gab.ai avatar stolen from Jez Smith's skype account, and the description of sparkles the pony gay pedophile page my dad wrote up on my profile page gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos and oh it triggered you bad didn't it pedo?

We'll here's the sparkle the gay child fuck page ran by Australia's biggest gay hero hosted by the NSW Government. ENJOY!




You and your ilke sparkles the gay child fuck pony page is just "harmless child fucking fun" right? like Garry Australia's gay hero?

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

You are linking to kiwifarms that defends Garry Burns a COURT CONFIRMED PEDO. srayzie is a pedo properganda pusher at the very least, but we all know the truth, she is a he and a pedo.

BOOM spakles the gay kiddy fuck page pony page used in COURT!





srayzie ago

I blocked him so I don’t know what he’s saying today. He’s calling me that because I agreed with Vindicator when it came to his post being deleted if he didn’t edit it. The guy is crazy. He has a history of this. There’s even a lolcow.wiki on him because he’s harassed people and has been freaking out like this for a long time.

Read thru what I posted. He’s dangerous. He even had child pork stored on his PC for “research purposes.” He posts on other platforms and subs about us, makes up lies and accuses us of horrible things. I was being pinged constantly and he said he would pay to have my son raped, so I just had to block him.

srayzie ago

Thank you. 😢 He sent several people personal messages. People asked me who the heck this guy was. I should add that to the post.

IlIlIlIl ago

I'll be honest, he shouldn't be stalking you and doing half of what he's doing because there's a level where you should just stop but your attitudes and the fact that you can't stand on your own without pinging other people is a big clue that you're nothing but a shit stirrer. Trying to get other people all riled up because you started something you can't finish, brush off, or control.

You pull this after being a shit stirrer here and on other sites and you have the nerve to complain? This is a problem that just seems to follow you around and, surprise, it's always someone else's fault.

Add to this that you're talking about doxxing when you have quite the history yourself. You should tread very carefully here because there's plenty of evidence that could get you in legal trouble for your own actions. I mean, yeah, there's a particular reason you tend to be here instead of other places that offer little or no anonymity and keep a permanent record. I'm hardly surprised.

So take a big clue: Settle down, clean up your own act first before complaining about someone else, stop acting like this, and start learning when to take your licks for what you've done. Instead of whining, you could, I don't know, block that user.

hojuruku ago

crazy strayzie the SBBH pro-pedophile-gangstalker is stickied on /v/OccidentalEnclave Right Now! /v/ProtectVoat/2512658/12565889 She supports Vindicator all the way, in covering up reports of Gay Jewish Judges trying to give Muslim Mass Rapists of White women $40k. She also doesn't like it when I said how would you like it if a filthy pedophile whore said HA HA HA like she did - "You were banned from Pizzagate for not following the rules - the rules of Vindicator where he said you may not name the GAY PEDOPHILE THAT TOOK AWAY MY FIRST BORN CHILD because it triggers me as a homoped". Strazyie is a pro-pedophile shill. Get the facts. Now she's linking to CP websites ran by pedophiles and making subverses with like 20 posts accusing me of "infant rape". She's a fucken pedo nutjob.

srayzie ago

No. The ones I pinged are the ones that he is attacking. I want them to have a heads up instead of hearing it from someone else. They also have a right to give their take on it because they have been being harassed even longer than I have.

He even sends people private messages. There are people that don’t even know he’s doing all this because he’s doing it in other subs. This guy is dangerous and shouldn’t be trusted.

Nerobot ago

Wall of drama text because someone said something bad to you and hurt your feelings? What do you want us to do about it?

hojuruku ago

I hurt "her" gay pride kiddy fucker lovers are us pedo pride feelings - in addition to squeeling on heart progress and qtards she does it here. You all saw her linking in the OP to my video proving gay lawyers are getting orders to remove children's penises without parents permission... We'll this is why srayzie has a big gay man pedo NAMBLA hard on for me.

You all need to see this: Fuck SBBH pedos and their I love sex with children gangstalkers like @srayzie exposed on /v/pizzgayte & /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413 The Kiwifarms srayzie is working for is formally supporting child abuse camps, was done for CP, and is proven to be run by pedophiles. See the /v/pizzagayte sticky.

Wanna see how fucked SBBH is? Put 1990 first, then hojuruku into searchvoat.co - and they say they are the victims.

Am I doing a bad thing here opposing srayzie's and kiwifarms false allegations? So because I secure evidence to jail pedophiles when the police don't so the pedophiles don't get a free pass that makes me a pedophile? I'm not aroused by children like Garry. I don't go on M2M craigs lists personals looking for child prostitutes. I don't work with kiwifarms / strayzie trolling anti-pedophilia activists all day....

You ban me and my research for the sake of gay child fucking pride. We know what you are thinky pedo.

Here's my reply to the filthy stayzie gay pedophile loving whore:


[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago So the Whitney little bit has is still at it. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/35l2.gifGIF

I’ve never gone to a child porn site in my life you sick fuck. You’re the one that admits to holding child porn on your PC for “research purposes.” You have been saying so many lies about me and accusing others of being me. You need to take your meds. Call The Alex Jones show again faggot.

I blocked you so I won’t get your pings so ping away nigga. I’ll check in when I feel like it.

I will be able to prove she was warned kiwifarms has a long MSM reported history of stalking, child porn, and pedophilia activism (she saw the comment she deleted on /v/pizzagayte) and went there anyway to dig up lies from kiwifarms that's clearly pro-pedophlia that attack me for exposing the Jeju English Village child abuse camp who's manager is now in jail (see elsewhere on this thread for thread for the intel on that or see: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

You are still the pedophile posting memes against people who do serious research. /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

So because Garry Burns sends me an email young.asian.jpg of a child's anus and I report it to the police I'm a pedophile? I don't follow your #pedologic


If you oppose Garry sending his penis picture (see here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195) to that child or him giving all of his money from when he sues Christians to twenty10.org.au than run a dormitory for 10 year old boys ran by gays next to the "Wall" where Gay Judge Justice Kirby bought his boy arse - wait for it - you are a pedophile. Srayzie says you are a pedophile for trying to stop gay men sending their penis picture to children. How dare you be offended and oppose the natural boylove says srayzie the pedophile.


Because I research his media contact publishing Child porn Lisa/David Oldfield - OTO media personality - wait for it? I'm a pedophile?

/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 (image link changed to .cc domain) - https://s12.postimg.cc/nkgrhgwvx/stopkiddyporn2.png - I get the CP removed from youtube and report it to the police. They do nothing because they are celebrities and celebrities who work with gay pedophile like Garry Burns need to publish baby cock wobbling videos on their youtube and a whole facebook full of CP.

Because I research Garry Burns webmaster uploading young thai asian child porn videos to xvides com (found by googling his nickname), hack him, get his password and confirm he uploaded it there after it was deleted and the evidence was secure. Expose him running gay prostitution call out service and a gay brothel with said thai "rent boys" and putting them to work in his window washing service... Wait for IT I'm the pedophile because I tried to stop him?


Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster (well his mates and him talking) at a boy bar in pattia with a long history of providing children for sex (including arrests / police raids)


But of course if you oppose boyfuckers and investigate those who do like me - wait for it - you are a pedophile - the gay must be free to fuck the child says srayzie - or we will hunt you down - and only pedophiles will stop them. I do what I do to stop this pedophile - TEETH OF AUSTRALIA'S GAY PRIDE LOBBY THAT SUES ANYONE WHO DISSENTS AGAINST CHILDREN BEING TOLD TO TRY GAY ANAL IN PRIMARY SCHOOL UNDER - SAFE SCHOOLS - a program started by a pedophile Garry Dowsett. I talked about Gary Dowsett's paper about boylove on a thread about you - but your I love child sex pedo gang downvoted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2511424/12551218

Australia's gay pride king pedo is going to jail and so are his mates like Christopher Puplick. And the more you squeel the more interpol is going to use the EVIDENCE I collected that NSW Police didn't do anything about when it was online when I reported it to crime-stoppers to jail this fuck.

And you are saying NO NO NO Don't hunt pedophiles. NO NO NO Don't give the evidence to the police. YES YES YES You are a suck fuck if you oppose Garry Burns pedo gang fucking kids.

We'll sorry princess pedo - I am right and you are wrong. Garry Burns is now a court confirmed pedophile over the sparkles the gay child fuck pony page that was used to stalk WHERE he thought I worked but didn't - see reference to studylink on http://twitter.com/garyburnsblog - your own pedogangstalking sometimes backfires you know



Here's the news and case law quote from Nancy Henessy that the Sparles the Pony Gay child fuck page he ran is a pedophile group ran by his websmaster and his self. You've seen my gab.ai avatar stolen from Jez Smith's skype account, and the description of sparkles the pony gay pedophile page my dad wrote up on my profile page gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos and oh it triggered you bad didn't it pedo?

We'll here's the sparkle the gay child fuck page ran by Australia's biggest gay hero hosted by the NSW Government. ENJOY!




You and your ilke sparkles the gay child fuck pony page is just "harmless child fucking fun" right? like Garry Australia's gay hero?

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

You are linking to kiwifarms that defends Garry Burns a COURT CONFIRMED PEDO. srayzie is a pedo propaganda pusher at the very least, but we all know the truth, she is a he and a pedo.

BOOM spakles the gay kiddy fuck page pony page used in COURT!





My dad's write up of Sparkles The Gay Chlid Fuck Pony page ran by Australia's most famous gay rights activist:


Speaking of court - then there is also the Marks Park's Inquest "young teenager" gay beat rape attempt he uses to claim PTSD from and the mental disability pension. That's going to be a very interesting post digging that one up again. So many pedophile scandals connected against the kingpin of gay pride. Better shoot the messenger down for the sake of gay pedo ride @srayzie - we can see who you are running opposition for by who I fight against best. You are no woman. You are a pedo.

LostandFound ago

It's pretty obvious from the posts he is putting on PG and elsewhere that he is mentally unstable, and I will be honest I was not your biggest fan when you came on the scene due to apparent associations with Pamphlet Asshole, Bakers Union, GNUpol... but this even at a cursory glance is targeted and unfounded. I was actually just reading his post on all/new before I found this, so I had come to this decision before I even got your side of the story.

Don't worry $hills will $hill and retards will be unemployed for longer periods of time than we could ever hope for. My advice here is to move on and don't engage, most of the core crowd here in voat and 8chan are WELL fucking weathered to this kind of D&C strategy and have come to appreciate your work here. Don't flinch, don't let them slow you down, rejoice that you have made enough of an impact to attract those who would wish to see us fail. Wear each ping, post, reply and comment as badges of honor, remember each time they do this takes a piece of their life away, wasted ... then you win.

think- ago

Wear each ping, post, reply and comment as badges of honor, remember each time they do this takes a piece of their life away, wasted ... then you win.


hojuruku ago

What's mentally unstable with this post that got censored and me banned for refusing to remove a reference to Christopher Kent Bowersox the gay cop that took my first born? I say it's all very well sourced - except for the GAY.JPG meme posting by the pedophile troll srayzie


What isn't factual and properly sourced there? Do tell.

And who is the filthy scrag that trolled me saying HA HA HA you got banned for refusing to remove the name of the gay pedophile cop that took your first born child as pedo @Vindicator ordered?

That would be scrazyzie /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

But you do see a filthy pedophile on there @Vindicator saying he has a problem with me trying to name the gay pedophile cop that took my first born child out of my life - Mr Christopher Kent Bowersox. He for the sake of gay pedophile pride wanted that censored out for no good reason.

See the rebuttals on the sticky on /v/occidentalenclave /v/pizzagayte/2513428 /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413

On the v/hojuruku thread she runs obsessed with saying infant sex and publishing porn links she deletes the comments that expose her working with the kiwifarms gay pedophile site. I really suggest you see the sticky on /v/pizzagayte. I'm going to write up the whole saga as a new protectvoat thread exposing what really went on here.

In addition to deleting that post exposing Disney running a man boy love cam dating site - he deleted another post about a gay jewish pedophile judge Christopher Pupick who got fired in 2003 for fabricating fake gay hate crimes that also copped a mention in the Disney BBBS dating site - because the DPP (DA) that let him off Nicholas Cowdery lost his job for tipping off his Gay Crown Prosecutor patrick power a child porn raid on his house was coming after his work PC was found to be full of it.

You are all liking to the kiwifarms pedo site that is attacking me for exposing a child abuse camp in Korea. srayzie tried the same argument on 8chan and got it handed to her. The MSM reports the Korean pedo camp boss is in jail now and exposes srayzie linking to a CP publishing we love pedophilia we are pedophiles gang stalking site... She's done


LostandFound ago

Ok I will give anyone a fair shake of the stick here and I will also give that to you. I have a bit more sway around here than it may appear. You are clearly very upset in your posts and there are literal walls of text which are very difficult to keep focus on and you seem to spend a lot of time here taking digs at the mod team, right or wrong its bad optics. For example this deleted post https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289/12491276 which calls out a mod in the title and also lacks a text description for context, which is standard practice for PG posts ( right or wrong ).

Can I ask you to tell me where this all started, in plain simple language. If some of this is as you say, we can curry up some support and remedy this and get help.

Edit: If my child was taken anything I wrote would have the appearance of being fucking seriously mentally unhinged, so take my comment with a pinch of salt.

hojuruku ago

Oh and try and get Vindicator to answer this and explain why it's wrong to be against gay pedophiles that took my first born child away.


I am still waiting for a reply Crench or Vindicator to find another gay pedophile I could have used for a tie-in on my censored thread instead of bowersox that meets all 5 attributes here. You know bowersox right? The gay pedophlie cop that took my first born that Vindicator said I must not name - and when I refused to edit his name out he banned me. Then you came along and said you supported Vindicator banning me. We'll think of another pedophile that meets all 5 characteristics below you whore or the post was perfect.



THEN YOU (crazy strazie the pedomod) COME ON A THREAD FIRST AND YOU SAY I SUPPORT VINDICATOR'S CENSORSHIP REQUEST DEMANDING YOU NOT TO MENTION CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX THE MAN WHO TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN - BECAUSE.. wait for it Vindicator doesn't "understand" the tie in. We'll let me make it every clear how there are 5 facts in common whe pedo cop who took my first born and the Jewish Crown Prosecutor Dr Patrick Power who worked at Big Brothers Big Sisters who was done for child porn - on that thread a filthy pedophile mod strayzie invaded with gay.jpg memes.

You support the FAGGOT PEDOPHILE @VINDICATOR saying don't talk about the gay pedophile that took your first born when it's clearly relevant you piece of shit.


You say it's "just an edit" when someone says don't talk about the pedo that fucked your life up in America and stopped you seeing your first born. Just an edit - to say shut up and don't name a gay pedophile it triggers me - you can' attack pedophiles as long as they are only white males. Well fuck you scrag.

How many other

  1. Homosexual

  2. Law Enforcement Officers

  3. Found guilty of Child porn

  4. Got a small sentence - time served

  5. Who testified in court boyloving / child porning or child grooming isn't wrong in their trial

Can you think of - to support Vinny's claim it wasn't a good tie in you fuck. Do tell us you fucken shitlord @Crensh - I say it was a pretty good tie in to show that multiple LGBTI Law Enforcement Officers have testified in court that CP is good and grooming boys in Disney Big Brother Big Sisters make me a better man [boylover].

Tell me why Vinny is right - I must not speak of christopher Kent bowersox the dog on boy child porn loving gay pedo cop that took away my first born? Tell me how that triggers you that I oppose such filth and how you support Vinny's pro pedo cop / crown prosecutor censorship.

Come on Crensch. Say I support Vinny's man boy love censorship. And tell us WHY you do.

So I try and teach your meme posting shitlord anti-pedophilia thread hijacker some empathy for my situtation of having pedophile moderators saying don't critize gay child raping pedo cops that took your first born with a hypothetical sittuation of child abuse happeing in her family and then hypothetical censorship.

I get it for real but you have no empathy for me. Poor pedo troll mod - got a taste of Vinny's medicine on me. Oh poor her. Fuck you Crench.

Begin copypaste of what you already read:

Nope not Vindicator's son. Her son I don't even know exists - just trying to give her a hypothetical situation so we can all see how evil Vindicator the gay pedophile is telling me not to have this in my OP on his deleted thread

From: /v/pizzagate/2500972

I haven't seen anything more disgusting than this since Christopher Kent Bowersox - Gay cop who attempted to murder me testified that boy on dog sex wasn't depraved to get a lesser sentence, after the Bakersfield police chief Williamson said he was still professional because he was only trying to sodomize boys off duty, which was a lie.

Why not link to it you fuck: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

I was trying to teach her empahy - with my problem of Vindicator the pedophile saying how dare you talk about the REAL pedophile Christopher Kent Bowersox who stopped me seeing my first born child and then the REAL PRO CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWEROX BOY RAPIST CENSORSHIP from Vinny.

She only got hit with a clear hypothetical situation - not a real threat you fucknut - to expose what you pedophiles are really doing to VOAT users right now your pro-pedophilie censorship and interference tactics exposed here: /v/ProtectVoat/2499289


You support Vindicator saying I have no right to talk about the pedo who took away my first born you fucken faggot. and that was a response to strayzie saying "it's just an edit" asking you not to talk about the pedo who took your first born.

What a lame excuse for pro-pedophile censorship in such a clear and well sourced OP:

I was a bit confused about the different people you've mentioned: McCool, Hall, Power and Bowersox. It became very difficult to follow. At first I thought you were saying they were the same person, and then I thought you were saying there were numerous different pedos connected to BBBS as part of your argument that BBBS is being run as a man/boy hookup service. Who's who and why they are in your thread needs to be very clear, so that it's possible to understand what you are asserting and assess the linked support you provide for it. (ProTip: If you have a piece of research you haven't yet gotten the evidence for, drop that down into the comment section as a "P.S. I am still investigating my suspician that...." Comments are free range).

Why not link to the actual posts you fuck rather than cropping and screencapping. I'm not editing shit.

I said IF i was bad as Vindicator - this hypothetical would happen (what triggers Crench - only the REAL THING HAPPENED TO ME) - THEN I WOULD TELL YOU STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR CHILD BEING ABUSED / REMOVED FOR THE SAKE OF GAY PRIDE.

SO IF TRY AND TEACH A SCRAG EMPATHY RATHER THAN CONTINUE TOP LET HER SHITPOST MEMES ALL OVER ANTI-PEDOPHILIA THREADS CRENCH will come down on you for trying to teach someone to have empathy for the anger I hold against gay pedophiles.

And Who supports this pro-pedophile censorship. YOU DO you motherfucker.


I said IF i was bad as Vindicator - this hypothetical would happen (what triggers Crench - only the REAL THING HAPPENED TO ME) - THEN I WOULD TELL YOU STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR CHILD BEING ABUSED / REMOVED FOR THE SAKE OF GAY PRIDE.

SO IF TRY AND TEACH A SCRAG EMPATHY RATHER THAN CONTINUE TOP LET HER SHITPOST MEMES ALL OVER ANTI-PEDOPHILIA THREADS CRENCH will come down on you for trying to teach someone to have empathy for the anger I hold against gay pedophiles.

He can go to /v/OccidentEnclave to answer this question. We are all still waiting.

hojuruku ago

boom you went from the most upvoted to most down-voted comment once you started wising up. Welcome to the downvote pedo gang in action.

/v/ProtectVoat/2499289 +56 to -20

Looks like I was winnning in popular support until the newest fake female, moderator who is a troll and is hated by numerous others like @auralsect roleplays the victim - for being put in her place and told to have some empathy.

I'm not linking to websites (kiwifarms) that put up pictures of her mother's house and threaten to kill all inside yet - like she is to me using her alts to dox then commenting on the thread. But if I did the same I'd be evil as her. Pity I'm not an evil pedophile stalker like her/it/zhe/zem whatever the homo crazy srazyie is called then I could get some proper revenge by going biblical eye-for-an-eye on her.

LostandFound ago

I have spent some time considering your situation and what you have put forward, there is clearly some level of truth in what you have posted but you have made it nearly impossible to tell this at a glance.

My advice to you here is forget the mods, honestly just drop it for the moment and pick your battle. If the mods are as you say then your best option here is to play them at their own game. Looking at your removed posts I can see genuine rule violations which I would expect, if posted myself, to be removed. Voat is fantastic for holding people accountable for their actions and a case like yours every once in a while serves as a canary to the health of a sub.

Here is what I would implore you to do, in Pizzagatewhatever or other similar sub preferably not your own. Make two or three posts about the materials you wish to discuss follow ALL pg rules for submissions I can assist if needed, no mod bashing you need good optics and most people here appreciate the work of the mods. Once this is done I can put a case forward that this is what you intent to post and take it from there. If this is not accepted then I will let the white hats I know aware, voat is not the only place these conversations take place and they all monitor each other.

Step back a bit here and take a few minutes, stop pinging or PM'ing anyone at all. If what you say is true about your child then you need to do this, you can win back the community and hopefully get some help but you have to start building bridges even if its just for appearances sake. If posts that follow the rules are not accepted then it bolsters your case in a way that people can actually understand and then we approach that situation for what it is. Right now you are just lashing out at a close knit community that afford each other a reasonably high level of trust, you are not doing yourself or your child justice here.


hojuruku ago

look at pedo @srayzie's v/hojuruku and tell me if I should beg forgiveness?

Please.. Do that and get back to me.

All the pizzagate pedo mods are there and look at the lies from a pedophilia normalization activism website KIWIFARMS exposed on the /v/pizzagayte sticky about strayzie on there.

They have thrown their hat in with hardcore criminal pedo stalkers. This was the comment srayzie ignored, then deleted with her alt before posting unsourced lies from that filthy pedophile site that thretened to kill all inside my mothers house after putting a photo of it online.

IF I was was bad as strayzie I would put up a picture of her mothers house, and find someone to threaten to kill all inside - and link to it and go HA HA HA.

Should I be equally evil as strayzie the pedo whore with a death wish and link to websites that appear on the internet threatening to kill her mother like all the other pizzagatemods - like she did to me?

This is the first comment deleted from /v/hojuruku

/hojuruku (noonereally) > hojuruku | Sent: 4.5 hours ago on 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM Comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 deleted

Your comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 has been deleted by: @noonereally on: 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM

/v/hojuruku/2512836/ has a link to a CP sharing website on it. It was reported to management but they freaked out and deleted the comment alerting the management because they know they are filthy pedophiles linking to CP websites.

Funny how @srayzie found this new /v/hojuruku stalking subverse if she wasn't in on it.

Description given: Rule Violation in v/hojuruku: No walls of text; Description: autistic rant with walls of text and links Original Comment

So I'll copypaste it again....

^^ is that you linking to a website that publishes child porn that stared trolling me by threatening to kill my mother and publishing her address? (since edited out of the 1st page you linked to but I can repost it to show how evil you pedos are if you want ^^

Putting links to pictures of people's parents houses is breach of the voats rules. Kiss your account goodbye.

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/380196bb9448b43252b652b4798cc9b0abe247abed671ef1d8e33eb68155dbca.png https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html#q11456318

And besides they edit my posts on there so anything on that claiming to come from me may not be.

If VOAT doesn't terminate your account then I am allowed to start threads to dox the /v/pizzagate/ pedomods. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

BTW they are confirmed pedophile trolls as this video exposes:


They were watching my twitter and saw I replied to a video by Paul Joseph Watson attacking the left for loving child sex. An hour later they had a hate page on him too.

So stop your linking to child porn publishing, pedophile controlled doxxing sites that even the MSM calls criminal.


After being warned you were doing a dox to a website that published my mothers house and threatened to go there and kill inside before I was trolled to that website to try and identify some of them (and we did) to get them jailed.... you go post it again.

Kiss goodbye to your account @noonerally aka srayzie

Now I hope you can take this joke.


Oh and by the way, how do you feel about making up with me now?

Sarcasm intended. No sorry @dfens was right. /v/pizzagate is really a lost cause controlled by pro-pedophile trolls.

hojuruku ago

You all need to see this: Fuck SBBH pedos and their I love sex with children gangstalkers like @srayzie exposed on /v/pizzgayte & /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413 The Kiwifarms site, srayzie is working for is formally supporting child abuse camps, was done for CP, and is proven to be run by pedophiles. See the /v/pizzagayte sticky. She's outed herself as a hardcore pedo big time.

Wanna see how fucked SBBH is? Put 1990 first, then hojuruku into searchvoat.co - and they say they are the victims.

Am I doing a bad thing here opposing srayzie's and kiwifarms false allegations? So because I secure evidence to jail pedophiles when the police don't so the pedophiles don't get a free pass that makes me a pedophile? I'm not aroused by children like Garry. I don't go on M2M craigs lists personals looking for child prostitutes. I don't work with kiwifarms / strayzie trolling anti-pedophilia activists all day....

You ban me and my research for the sake of gay child fucking pride. We know what you are thinky pedo.

Here's my reply to the filthy stayzie gay pedophile loving whore:


[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago So the Whitney little bit has is still at it. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/35l2.gifGIF

I’ve never gone to a child porn site in my life you sick fuck. You’re the one that admits to holding child porn on your PC for “research purposes.” You have been saying so many lies about me and accusing others of being me. You need to take your meds. Call The Alex Jones show again faggot.

I blocked you so I won’t get your pings so ping away nigga. I’ll check in when I feel like it.

I will be able to prove she was warned kiwifarms has a long MSM reported history of stalking, child porn, and pedophilia activism (she saw the comment she deleted on /v/pizzagayte) and went there anyway to dig up lies from kiwifarms that's clearly pro-pedophlia that attack me for exposing the Jeju English Village child abuse camp who's manager is now in jail (see elsewhere on this thread for thread for the intel on that or see: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

You are still the pedophile posting memes against people who do serious research. /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

So because Garry Burns sends me an email young.asian.jpg of a child's anus and I report it to the police I'm a pedophile? I don't follow your #pedologic


If you oppose Garry sending his penis picture (see here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195) to that child or him giving all of his money from when he sues Christians to twenty10.org.au than run a dormitory for 10 year old boys ran by gays next to the "Wall" where Gay Judge Justice Kirby bought his boy arse - wait for it - you are a pedophile. Srayzie says you are a pedophile for trying to stop gay men sending their penis picture to children. How dare you be offended and oppose the natural boylove says srayzie the pedophile.


Because I research his media contact publishing Child porn Lisa/David Oldfield - OTO media personality - wait for it? I'm a pedophile?

/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 (image link changed to .cc domain) - https://s12.postimg.cc/nkgrhgwvx/stopkiddyporn2.png - I get the CP removed from youtube and report it to the police. They do nothing because they are celebrities and celebrities who work with gay pedophile like Garry Burns need to publish baby cock wobbling videos on their youtube and a whole facebook full of CP.

Because I research Garry Burns webmaster uploading young thai asian child porn videos to xvides com (found by googling his nickname), hack him, get his password and confirm he uploaded it there after it was deleted and the evidence was secure. Expose him running gay prostitution call out service and a gay brothel with said thai "rent boys" and putting them to work in his window washing service... Wait for IT I'm the pedophile because I tried to stop him?


Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster (well his mates and him talking) at a boy bar in pattia with a long history of providing children for sex (including arrests / police raids)


But of course if you oppose boyfuckers and investigate those who do like me - wait for it - you are a pedophile - the gay must be free to fuck the child says srayzie - or we will hunt you down - and only pedophiles will stop them. I do what I do to stop this pedophile - TEETH OF AUSTRALIA'S GAY PRIDE LOBBY THAT SUES ANYONE WHO DISSENTS AGAINST CHILDREN BEING TOLD TO TRY GAY ANAL IN PRIMARY SCHOOL UNDER - SAFE SCHOOLS - a program started by a pedophile Garry Dowsett. I talked about Gary Dowsett's paper about boylove on a thread about you - but your I love child sex pedo gang downvoted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2511424/12551218

Australia's gay pride king pedo is going to jail and so are his mates like Christopher Puplick. And the more you squeel the more interpol is going to use the EVIDENCE I collected that NSW Police didn't do anything about when it was online when I reported it to crime-stoppers to jail this fuck.

And you are saying NO NO NO Don't hunt pedophiles. NO NO NO Don't give the evidence to the police. YES YES YES You are a suck fuck if you oppose Garry Burns pedo gang fucking kids.

We'll sorry princess pedo - I am right and you are wrong. Garry Burns is now a court confirmed pedophile over the sparkles the gay child fuck pony page that was used to stalk WHERE he thought I worked but didn't - see reference to studylink on http://twitter.com/garyburnsblog - your own pedogangstalking sometimes backfires you know



Here's the news and case law quote from Nancy Henessy that the Sparles the Pony Gay child fuck page he ran is a pedophile group ran by his websmaster and his self. You've seen my gab.ai avatar stolen from Jez Smith's skype account, and the description of sparkles the pony gay pedophile page my dad wrote up on my profile page gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos and oh it triggered you bad didn't it pedo?

We'll here's the sparkle the gay child fuck page ran by Australia's biggest gay hero hosted by the NSW Government. ENJOY!




You and your ilke sparkles the gay child fuck pony page is just "harmless child fucking fun" right? like Garry Australia's gay hero?

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

You are linking to kiwifarms that defends Garry Burns a COURT CONFIRMED PEDO. srayzie is a pedo propaganda pusher at the very least, but we all know the truth, she is a he and a pedo.

BOOM spakles the gay kiddy fuck page pony page used in COURT!





My dad's write up of Sparkles The Gay Chlid Fuck Pony page ran by Australia's most famous gay rights activist:


Speaking of court - then there is also the Marks Park's Inquest "young teenager" gay beat rape attempt he uses to claim PTSD from and the mental disability pension. That's going to be a very interesting post digging that one up again. So many pedophile scandals connected against the kingpin of gay pride. Better shoot the messenger down for the sake of gay pedo ride @srayzie - we can see who you are running opposition for by who I fight against best. You are no woman. You are a pedo.

srayzie ago

I didn’t delete my comments on pizzagayte. You did and banned me. I kept archives.

The Kiwifarms site, srayzie is working for is formally supporting child abuse camps, was done for CP, and is proven to be run by pedophiles.

Are you actually trying to say that I work for KiwiFarms now?? 🤭😂

hojuruku ago


I told you It's a website known to publish child porn ran by pedophiles.

You know in that comment you deleted to you replied to here. I'll repost what that deleted comment you saw and replied to first when it was there.


**You go... mmmm ME STRAYZIE want some CP action - hojuruku told me citizen journalists expose kiwifarms founder Joshua Conna Moon being a big pedophile - oh yummy he's my kind of guy. MMM me filthy stalking whore - I want to go to a website ran by MSM news confirmed criminal stalkers... MMM they are pedophiles just like me I'm going to dive in there and spread propaganda from the pedophiles to use against luke...

So you agree with Kiwifarms it was wrong of me to oppose The Jeju International English village foreign child pimping camp who's boss is now in jail thanks to my work (and that of others). You support their views that all children should be pimped you filthy pedo whore? Because your alt is linking to websites that make those claims on /v/hojuruku

You claimed you saw my gab.ai and 8chan posts. You know I was right to fight those Korean pimps of western children - but you join with kiwifarms attacking me over it anyway? Because you are a fucken pedophile that's why.


And see the OTO child rape pedo cult that is trolling me.


How many times have you taken your imaginary pedo love child to the Gnostic Catholic Mass Orgy srayzie? Does he enjoy it? Does enjoy follow the teachings of Aleister Crowley who Australian gay judges say we must respect... you know these teachings.


quotes crowley's book of the law

Moreover, the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood fog, and mystery stupefy, their minds, whose error else might thwart and misdirect the growth of their subconscious system of soul-symbolism.

So why do you troll the person the OTO kiddy fuck cult hates the most? And you call me a pedo. You fucken satanic whore.

I guess if you can do that I can make /v/strayziefucksthelittleboys .. but not today all in good time.

Here's the comment you replied to:

Your comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 has been deleted by: @noonereally on: 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM

/v/hojuruku/2512836/ has a link to a CP sharing website on it. It was reported to management but they freaked out and deleted the comment alerting the management because they know they are filthy pedophiles linking to CP websites.

Funny how @srayzie found this new /v/hojuruku stalking subverse if she wasn't in on it.

Description given: Rule Violation in v/hojuruku: No walls of text; Description: autistic rant with walls of text and links Original Comment

So I'll copypaste it again....

^^ is that you linking to a website that publishes child porn that stared trolling me by threatening to kill my mother and publishing her address? (since edited out of the 1st page you linked to but I can repost it to show how evil you pedos are if you want ^^

Putting links to pictures of people's parents houses is breach of the voats rules. Kiss your account goodbye.

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/380196bb9448b43252b652b4798cc9b0abe247abed671ef1d8e33eb68155dbca.png https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html#q11456318

And besides they edit my posts on there so anything on that claiming to come from me may not be.

If VOAT doesn't terminate your account then I am allowed to start threads to dox the /v/pizzagate/ pedomods. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

BTW they are confirmed pedophile trolls as this video exposes:


They were watching my twitter and saw I replied to a video by Paul Joseph Watson attacking the left for loving child sex. An hour later they had a hate page on him too.

So stop your linking to child porn publishing, pedophile controlled doxxing sites that even the MSM calls criminal.


After being warned you were doing a dox to a website that published my mothers house and threatened to go there and kill inside before I was trolled to that website to try and identify some of them (and we did) to get them jailed.... you go post it again.

Kiss goodbye to your account @noonerally aka srayzie

More on /v/pizzagayte where there isn't any pro-faggot-pedophile censorship for gay pedo heart progress pride or filthy whores that say ha ha ha you got banned because you refused to edit out convicted pedophiles name's as requested by @Vindicator

hojuruku ago

my memes are petter you pedo https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html

You delete all the good comments that expose you fighting for gay child fucking pride - and you proven that you do the anon posts by deleting comments anonymously.

hojuruku ago

Here's my reply to the filthy stayzie gay pedophile loving whore:

[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago So the Whitney little bit has is still at it. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/35l2.gifGIF

I’ve never gone to a child porn site in my life you sick fuck. You’re the one that admits to holding child porn on your PC for “research purposes.” You have been saying so many lies about me and accusing others of being me. You need to take your meds. Call The Alex Jones show again faggot.

I blocked you so I won’t get your pings so ping away nigga. I’ll check in when I feel like it.

I will be able to prove she was warned kiwifarms has a long MSM reported history of stalking, child porn, and pedophilia activism (she saw the comment she deleted on /v/pizzagayte) and went there anyway to dig up lies from kiwifarms that's clearly pro-pedophlia that attack me for exposing the Jeju English Village child abuse camp who's manager is now in jail (see elsewhere on this thread for thread for the intel on that or see: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

You are still the pedophile posting memes against people who do serious research. /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

So because Garry Burns sends me an email young.asian.jpg of a child's anus and I report it to the police I'm a pedophile? I don't follow your #pedologic


If you oppose Garry sending his penis picture (see here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195) to that child or him giving all of his money from when he sues Christians to twenty10.org.au than run a dormitory for 10 year old boys ran by gays next to the "Wall" where Gay Judge Justice Kirby bought his boy arse - wait for it - you are a pedophile. Srayzie says you are a pedophile for trying to stop gay men sending their penis picture to children. How dare you be offended and oppose the natural boylove says srayzie the pedophile.


Because I research his media contact publishing Child porn Lisa/David Oldfield - OTO media personality - wait for it? I'm a pedophile?

/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 (image link changed to .cc domain) - https://s12.postimg.cc/nkgrhgwvx/stopkiddyporn2.png - I get the CP removed from youtube and report it to the police. They do nothing because they are celebrities and celebrities who work with gay pedophile like Garry Burns need to publish baby cock wobbling videos on their youtube and a whole facebook full of CP.

Because I research Garry Burns webmaster uploading young thai asian child porn videos to xvides com (found by googling his nickname), hack him, get his password and confirm he uploaded it there after it was deleted and the evidence was secure. Expose him running gay prostitution call out service and a gay brothel with said thai "rent boys" and putting them to work in his window washing service... Wait for IT I'm the pedophile because I tried to stop him?


Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster (well his mates and him talking) at a boy bar in pattia with a long history of providing children for sex (including arrests / police raids)


But of course if you oppose boyfuckers and investigate those who do like me - wait for it - you are a pedophile - the gay must be free to fuck the child says srayzie - or we will hunt you down - and only pedophiles will stop them. I do what I do to stop this pedophile - TEETH OF AUSTRAILA'S GAY PRIDE LOBBY THAT SUES ANYONE WHO DISSENTS AGAINST CHILDREN BEING TOLD TO TRY GAY ANAL IN PRIMARY SCHOOL UNDER - SAFE SCHOOLS - a program started by a pedophile Garry Dowsett. I talked about Gary Dowsett's paper about boylove on a thread about you - but your I love child sex pedo gang downvoted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2511424/12551218

Australia's gay pride king pedo is going to jail and so are his mates like Christopher Puplick. And the more you squeel the more interpol is going to use the EVIDENCE I collected that NSW Police didn't do anything about when it was online when I reported it to crimestoppers to jail this fuck.

And you are saying NO NO NO Don't hunt pedophiles. NO NO NO Don't give the evidence to the police. YES YES YES You are a suck fuck if you oppose Garry Burns pedo gang fucking kids.

We'll sorry princess pedo - I am right and you are wrong. Garry Burns is now a court confirmed pedophile over the sparkles the gay child fuck pony page that was used to stalk WHERE he thought I worked but didn't - see reference to studylink on http://twitter.com/garyburnsblog - your own pedogangstalking sometimes backfires you know



Here's the news and case law quote from Nancy Henessy that the Sparles the Pony Gay child fuck page he ran is a pedophile group ran by his websmaster and his self. You've seen my gab.ai avatar stolen from Jez Smith's skype account, and the description of sparkles the pony gay pedophile page my dad wrote up on my profile page gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos and oh it triggered you bad didn't it pedo?

We'll here's the sparkle the gay child fuck page ran by Australia's biggest gay hero hosted by the NSW Government. ENJOY!




You and your ilke sparkles the gay child fuck pony page is just "harmless child fucking fun" right? like Garry Australia's gay hero?

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

You are linking to kiwifarms that defends Garry Burns a COURT CONFIRMED PEDO. srayzie is a pedo properganda pusher at the very least, but we all know the truth, she is a he and a pedo.

BOOM spakles the gay kiddy fuck page pony page used in COURT!





hojuruku ago

I'm going to write up the whole saga in chronological order and how srayzie is working with the proven kiwifarms pedophiles trolls.


That's the site she's linking to fasely claiming I'm a pedophile. Here is a DKIM signed email of Australia's most famous Gay Marriage Activist grooming craigslist child prostitutes. The image linked to there was of a boy under 16 years old and was reported to the authorities who did nothing to arrest Deputy Commissioner Catherine Judith Burn's brother Garry. If you secure evidence to have a chain of custody (the google drive link of young-asian.jpg is broken now) until such time as a law enforcement officer can use the evidence to jail the gay pedophile - wait for it - srayzie says you are the pedophile. I think not. I've exposed Garry Burns media contact the Oldfields and his webmaster's are linked to child porn. There there is the sparkles the pony incident, The Marks Park incident too.


You can see Garry Burn's penis picture he sent to that child on here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html

If you oppose satanic pedophile cults - the satanic pedophiles like srayzie kiwifarms will come after you: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html

That's Bernard Gaynor who just won in the high court of Australia talking about it being a baby sex cult: http://bernardgaynor.com.au/freedom-australia-just-taken-another-hit/


Here's a video breaking down how @srayzie's pedophile mates roll. A real simple example to prove she's part of the pedophile cabal that runs /v/pizzagate

They were trolling me then, and saw my social media I commented on a video by Paul Joseph Watson (embedded as the caption photo in the youtube embed below) critising the left for exposing pedophilia. Exactly 1 hour later the pedophiles at kiwifarms made a hate page on him too for hating pedophilia.


On the 8chan links you can clearly see that @Skyrock is linking to them and supporting their claim's it's wrong to be against Jeju International English Village who's boss is now in jail - a camp that pimped out foreign children for profit, took Australian school principals into brothels to blackmail them to get the kids. I had a class of kids saying they were felt up by the Korean manager and I shut them down on KBS 9PM national news & the front page of the local newspapers there. Kiwifarms sides with the pedophile camp like they side with Garry Burns - just like pedo srayzie and her clan does.

How dare I do anti-pimp-the-foreign-children-out for profit (child labor). The full extent of the child abuse never came out because the kids weren't going to follow through with the police reports because their parents sent them there. All the critism of the pedo camp was shut down with Korea's libel laws. @kmaltea - one of the mothers on twitters was almost jailed too for opposing the now jailed foreign child pimp Lee Chan Won.


More here: /v/ProtectVoat/2512658/12566304

And when you expose @SkyRock supporting a child pimping pedo ran camp by the guy who made the educational policy for Korea in 2008 with no university degree - who ran English camps in Love motels until one foreigner shut down the pedo camp (me) - when he is exposed linking to a website that says it's wrong to oppose child pimping camps - he just posts spam. /v/ProtectVoat/2512658/12566418

Are you starting to figure it out yet? srayzie is not a woman, has no son and is a pedophile. She only became a moderator of /v/pizzagate because she was abusing people and posting GAY.JPG memes all over serious anti-pedophilia research.

She was announced as a new moderator on the thread she wont link to (the 3rd attempt to expose Disney's Man boy love dating site when Vindicator said YOU MUST NOT NAME CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX the gay pedophile cop that stopped you seeing your first born)




Only a pedophile could behave like @Vindicator - see the rebuttals on the OccidentalEnclave thread, I chose to mention bowersox because he was related to Dr Patrick Power.

Heres why: https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413/12557410

Vindicator said no - even though it's an interesting tie in between bowersox and patrick power both having 5 interesting facts in common (


Law Enforcement Officers

Found guilty of Child porn

Got a small sentence - time served

Who testified in court boyloving / child porning or child grooming isn't wrong in their trial

) - He I don't want you to name the gay pedophile that stopped you seeing your first born - because the feelings of the father that lost their first born doesn't matter - only the feelings of pedophile faggots like Vindicator do.

hojuruku ago

crazy strayzie the SBBH pro-pedophile-gangstalker is stickied on /v/OccidentalEnclave Right Now! /v/ProtectVoat/2512658/12565889 She supports Vindicator all the way, in covering up reports of Gay Jewish Judges trying to give Muslim Mass Rapists of White women $40k. She also doesn't like it when I said how would you like it if a filthy pedophile whore said HA HA HA like she did - "You were banned from Pizzagate for not following the rules - the rules of Vindicator where he said you may not name the GAY PEDOPHILE THAT TOOK AWAY YOUR FIRST BORN CHILD because it triggers me as a homoped". Strazyie is a pro-pedophile shill. Get the facts. Now she's linking to CP websites ran by pedophiles and making sub-verses with like 20 posts accusing me of "infant rape". She's a fucken pedo nutjob.

With her support of pro-pedophilia censorship, I feel really concerned if she actually had a child. This could get it taken away if people saw what she was really doing here.

See how sick she is on the linked comment above.

srayzie ago

Who is Bakers Union, GNUpol?

srayzie ago

What do you mean? I don’t have associations with Pamphlet. They invited me to be a mod and I never even talked to anyone. I just sat there. I told them I don’t want to neglect my sub but if they needed anything let me know. Nobody even replied from patriot soapbox.

I listen to their 24 hour live feed sometimes. Also QNN’s 24 hour live feed. I’ve never even spoken to Pamphlet. I don’t know what he’s done wrong. My focus has been on reaching people and spreading the word about Q. I think they have treated me like crap but I left it alone as long as they are reaching people with the message of Q.

LostandFound ago

I see the two alts are chasing you around. Did you have any exposure when pizzagate was breaking this kind of shilling goes on all the time really don't worry about it it's not actually personal.

With regards to your questions PA is a worthless piece of money whoring shit, he is the reason tripcodes were banned and he deleted one of the Q threads when baking as people were getting sick of his sloppy bake so he deleted one to teach em a lesson. Thread 108 on 8ch cbts. BakersUnion was a group lead by Gnupol were as far as I could tell state intelligence and were setting up honeypots back on 4chan around thread 200 and on I got messed up with them but have decent opsec. They were also controlling the bot spam we used to experience on 4chan. I knew another goat that deleted his profile shortly after interacting with them and just PM'd me a cryptic msg saying it has nothing to do with the bakers union .... idk man strange times.

Anyways I digress you put a lot of work in here and we respect that. Keep calm and carry on

srayzie ago

I remember someone else said something like this. I barely know how to navigate on 8chan so don’t know about any of that stuff.

He made it personal for me when he said he would pay to rape my son.

Thank you. I appreciate it. Btw, Q posted! 🤓

LostandFound ago

Yeah fuck that shit say what you like but don't talk about my family or I will show you my true power level.

Someone else was me sorry, I saw you associated via the moderation status with the new sub and I consider PA to be a bad actor. I was concerned so I decided to get in touch with you to find out for myself, you checked out ;) Really weird shit was going down when the Q threads started on 4chan, we discovered group by the name of 'The Guardians of Internet Morality' whom were operating all the bots posting old posts from Q threads at random derailing any and all conversations. Though the very same group were organizing the Bakers Union to make sure the bake went on through the bot spam. There's lots more but the last person I told deleted their voat account, hopefully someday this will all make sense.



srayzie ago

Thank you for letting me know. I found it strange that I would post their stuff here because I wanted the Q community to grow. I even offered to help since they were new to voat. I felt they could have at least replied or allowed me on their main Discord server but nope.

MadWorld ago

Besides shitting all over the places, he was also scrEEEEEching on (((gab.ai))). "Fuck #Voat!", that's what this psycho said. Yet he continues to spew bullshits here! Cut-paste-modify-paste-and-shitpost-comments and heeeey-I-keep-editing-my-comments-so-you-better-read-again are his ammo.

I think we have found freshmeat's little psycho sister!

hojuruku ago

Wow exposing a satanic baby sex cult is "screeching" Look at the pictures here and a Washington times journalist saying he's going to write it all up. You just outed your self as a pedophile that likes satanic baby rape cults. Care to clarify your position after seeing these three links?



https://gab.ai/rsmccain/posts/23973997 (see replies)

MadWorld ago

You just outed your self as a pedophile that likes satanic baby rape cults.

Yeah right, keep labeling anyone a pedo whenever things don't go your way! Keep projecting and bullshiting, you little psycho!

You should go after those who are manipulating votes for you; you will have a much better chance exposing a pedo or two there! Who knows, maybe you will expose yourself...

I am blocking you! So long, freshmeat's little psycho sister!

Edit: archive

hojuruku ago

Satanic baby rape cults are real mate. Bernard Gaynor who won in the high court last week is talking about them and so am I.

But I guess of you oppose that shit - man you are crazy.


I told you It's a website known to publish child porn ran by pedophiles.

You know in that comment you deleted to you replied to here. I'll repost what that deleted comment you saw and replied to first when it was there.


**You go... mmmm ME STRAYZIE want some CP action - hojuruku told me citizen journalists expose kiwifarms founder Joshua Conna Moon being a big pedophile - oh yummy he's my kind of guy. MMM me filthy stalking whore - I want to go to a website ran by MSM news confirmed criminal stalkers... MMM they are pedophiles just like me I'm going to dive in there and spread propaganda from the pedophiles to use against luke...

So you agree with Kiwifarms it was wrong of me to oppose The Jeju International English village foreign child pimping camp who's boss is now in jail thanks to my work (and that of others). You support their views that all children should be pimped you filthy pedo whore? Because your alt is linking to websites that make those claims on /v/hojuruku

You claimed you saw my gab.ai and 8chan posts. You know I was right to fight those Korean pimps of western children - but you join with kiwifarms attacking me over it anyway? Because you are a fucken pedophile that's why.


And see the OTO child rape pedo cult that is trolling me.


How many times have you taken your imaginary pedo love child to the Gnostic Catholic Mass Orgy srayzie? Does he enjoy it? Does enjoy follow the teachings of Aleister Crowley who Australian gay judges say we must respect... you know these teachings.


quotes crowley's book of the law

Moreover, the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood fog, and mystery stupefy, their minds, whose error else might thwart and misdirect the growth of their subconscious system of soul-symbolism.

So why do you troll the person the OTO kiddy fuck cult hates the most? And you call me a pedo. You fucken satanic whore.

I guess if you can do that I can make /v/strayziefucksthelittleboys .. but not today all in good time.

Here's the comment you replied to:

Your comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 has been deleted by: @noonereally on: 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM

/v/hojuruku/2512836/ has a link to a CP sharing website on it. It was reported to management but they freaked out and deleted the comment alerting the management because they know they are filthy pedophiles linking to CP websites.

Funny how @srayzie found this new /v/hojuruku stalking subverse if she wasn't in on it.

Description given: Rule Violation in v/hojuruku: No walls of text; Description: autistic rant with walls of text and links Original Comment

So I'll copypaste it again....

^^ is that you linking to a website that publishes child porn that stared trolling me by threatening to kill my mother and publishing her address? (since edited out of the 1st page you linked to but I can repost it to show how evil you pedos are if you want ^^

Putting links to pictures of people's parents houses is breach of the voats rules. Kiss your account goodbye.

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/380196bb9448b43252b652b4798cc9b0abe247abed671ef1d8e33eb68155dbca.png https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html#q11456318

And besides they edit my posts on there so anything on that claiming to come from me may not be.

If VOAT doesn't terminate your account then I am allowed to start threads to dox the /v/pizzagate/ pedomods. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

BTW they are confirmed pedophile trolls as this video exposes:


They were watching my twitter and saw I replied to a video by Paul Joseph Watson attacking the left for loving child sex. An hour later they had a hate page on him too.

So stop your linking to child porn publishing, pedophile controlled doxxing sites that even the MSM calls criminal.


After being warned you were doing a dox to a website that published my mothers house and threatened to go there and kill inside before I was trolled to that website to try and identify some of them (and we did) to get them jailed.... you go post it again.

Kiss goodbye to your account @noonerally aka srayzie

More on /v/pizzagayte where there isn't any pro-faggot-pedophile censorship for gay pedo heart progress pride or filthy whores that say ha ha ha you got banned because you refused to edit out convicted pedophiles name's as requested by @Vindicator

hojuruku ago

Am I doing a bad thing here opposing srayzie's and kiwifarms false allegations? So because I secure evidence to jail pedophiles when the police don't so the pedophiles don't get a free pass that makes me a pedophile? I'm not aroused by children like Garry. I don't go on M2M craigs lists personals looking for child prostitutes. I don't work with kiwifarms / strayzie trolling anti-pedophilia activists all day....

You ban me and my research for the sake of gay child fucking pride. We know what you are thinky pedo.

Here's my reply to the filthy stayzie gay pedophile loving whore:


[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago So the Whitney little bit has is still at it. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/35l2.gifGIF

I’ve never gone to a child porn site in my life you sick fuck. You’re the one that admits to holding child porn on your PC for “research purposes.” You have been saying so many lies about me and accusing others of being me. You need to take your meds. Call The Alex Jones show again faggot.

I blocked you so I won’t get your pings so ping away nigga. I’ll check in when I feel like it.

I will be able to prove she was warned kiwifarms has a long MSM reported history of stalking, child porn, and pedophilia activism (she saw the comment she deleted on /v/pizzagayte) and went there anyway to dig up lies from kiwifarms that's clearly pro-pedophlia that attack me for exposing the Jeju English Village child abuse camp who's manager is now in jail (see elsewhere on this thread for thread for the intel on that or see: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

You are still the pedophile posting memes against people who do serious research. /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

So because Garry Burns sends me an email young.asian.jpg of a child's anus and I report it to the police I'm a pedophile? I don't follow your #pedologic


If you oppose Garry sending his penis picture (see here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195) to that child or him giving all of his money from when he sues Christians to twenty10.org.au than run a dormitory for 10 year old boys ran by gays next to the "Wall" where Gay Judge Justice Kirby bought his boy arse - wait for it - you are a pedophile. Srayzie says you are a pedophile for trying to stop gay men sending their penis picture to children. How dare you be offended and oppose the natural boylove says srayzie the pedophile.


Because I research his media contact publishing Child porn Lisa/David Oldfield - OTO media personality - wait for it? I'm a pedophile?

/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 (image link changed to .cc domain) - https://s12.postimg.cc/nkgrhgwvx/stopkiddyporn2.png - I get the CP removed from youtube and report it to the police. They do nothing because they are celebrities and celebrities who work with gay pedophile like Garry Burns need to publish baby cock wobbling videos on their youtube and a whole facebook full of CP.

Because I research Garry Burns webmaster uploading young thai asian child porn videos to xvides com (found by googling his nickname), hack him, get his password and confirm he uploaded it there after it was deleted and the evidence was secure. Expose him running gay prostitution call out service and a gay brothel with said thai "rent boys" and putting them to work in his window washing service... Wait for IT I'm the pedophile because I tried to stop him?


Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster (well his mates and him talking) at a boy bar in pattia with a long history of providing children for sex (including arrests / police raids)


But of course if you oppose boyfuckers and investigate those who do like me - wait for it - you are a pedophile - the gay must be free to fuck the child says srayzie - or we will hunt you down - and only pedophiles will stop them. I do what I do to stop this pedophile - TEETH OF AUSTRAILA'S GAY PRIDE LOBBY THAT SUES ANYONE WHO DISSENTS AGAINST CHILDREN BEING TOLD TO TRY GAY ANAL IN PRIMARY SCHOOL UNDER - SAFE SCHOOLS - a program started by a pedophile Garry Dowsett. I talked about Gary Dowsett's paper about boylove on a thread about you - but your I love child sex pedo gang downvoted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2511424/12551218

Australia's gay pride king pedo is going to jail and so are his mates like Christopher Puplick. And the more you squeel the more interpol is going to use the EVIDENCE I collected that NSW Police didn't do anything about when it was online when I reported it to crimestoppers to jail this fuck.

And you are saying NO NO NO Don't hunt pedophiles. NO NO NO Don't give the evidence to the police. YES YES YES You are a suck fuck if you oppose Garry Burns pedo gang fucking kids.

We'll sorry princess pedo - I am right and you are wrong. Garry Burns is now a court confirmed pedophile over the sparkles the gay child fuck pony page that was used to stalk WHERE he thought I worked but didn't - see reference to studylink on http://twitter.com/garyburnsblog - your own pedogangstalking sometimes backfires you know



Here's the news and case law quote from Nancy Henessy that the Sparles the Pony Gay child fuck page he ran is a pedophile group ran by his websmaster and his self. You've seen my gab.ai avatar stolen from Jez Smith's skype account, and the description of sparkles the pony gay pedophile page my dad wrote up on my profile page gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos and oh it triggered you bad didn't it pedo?

We'll here's the sparkle the gay child fuck page ran by Australia's biggest gay hero hosted by the NSW Government. ENJOY!




You and your ilke sparkles the gay child fuck pony page is just "harmless child fucking fun" right? like Garry Australia's gay hero?

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

You are linking to kiwifarms that defends Garry Burns a COURT CONFIRMED PEDO. srayzie is a pedo properganda pusher at the very least, but we all know the truth, she is a he and a pedo.

BOOM spakles the gay kiddy fuck page pony page used in COURT!





think- ago

I think we have found freshmeat's little psycho sister!


think- ago

Horuku started to harrass the Pizzagate mods because he didn't adhere to the rules in v/pizzagate. We introduced a new 'Edit Warning' flair some time ago, so that users would have the possibility to edit the post, instead of taking them down immediately, like it was done before. Users have now 24 hours to edit.

The rules in v/pizzagate were made by the community of the users, not by the mods. The mods are only there to ensure that submitters adhere to the rules. F.i., we recently asked the users whether they would like to abolish link posts, and the majority opted for 'yes', so this new rule is going to be set in place. The mods will make sure that this rule will be respected by submitters. They are acting on behalf of the community.

So instead of accepting the community rules, horuku got totally mad and started viciously attacking the mods, especially @Vindicator, although Vindicator really tried to help him, and gave him tips how to best edit his posts. Vindicator was always friendly and polite. Horuku, on the other hand, threatened even @srayzie, who is a new mod, and threatened to rape her son.

Horuku's behaviour is totally unacceptable.

He has a history on the internet, he seems to act like an autistic madman all the time, on other platforms and on the chans as well.

How can someone who pretends to be against pedophilia accuse innocent people of being pedophiles?

Vindicator has done everything to make sure that v/pizzagate stays alive. He is well liked by the users, because he is always friendly and tries to help. He has devoted an insane amount of time to modding the sub, and he does it for free. He should be respected for all he has done, and not attacked viciously.

hojuruku ago

Then why don't you consider this proposal to stop pedophile loving Mods like yourself hijacking decent research posts. It's getting lots of upvotes on /v/pizzagatemods - no response eh?


think- ago

You're a madman, hojuruku. You can't go around and accuse innocent people like @Vindicator, @srayzie or me of being pedophiles.

You've got your own v/pizzagayte sub now, if people will find your research worthwhile reading, I am confident they will go there.

hojuruku ago


So if you haven't got with heart progress and nambla and the OTO and you oppose them - you are insane. The way of the pedo is true and all who oppose us and our satanic child orgies are insane?

Do you tell yourself that think-?

You know in that comment you deleted to you replied to here. I'll repost what that deleted comment you saw and replied to first when it was there.


**You go... mmmm ME STRAYZIE want some CP action - hojuruku told me citizen journalists expose kiwifarms founder Joshua Conna Moon being a big pedophile - oh yummy he's my kind of guy. MMM me filthy stalking whore - I want to go to a website ran by MSM news confirmed criminal stalkers... MMM they are pedophiles just like me I'm going to dive in there and spread propaganda from the pedophiles to use against luke...

So you agree with Kiwifarms it was wrong of me to oppose The Jeju International English village foreign child pimping camp who's boss is now in jail thanks to my work (and that of others). You support their views that all children should be pimped you filthy pedo whore? Because your alt is linking to websites that make those claims on /v/hojuruku

You claimed you saw my gab.ai and 8chan posts. You know I was right to fight those Korean pimps of western children - but you join with kiwifarms attacking me over it anyway? Because you are a fucken pedophile that's why.


And see the OTO child rape pedo cult that is trolling me.


How many times have you taken your imaginary pedo love child to the Gnostic Catholic Mass Orgy srayzie? Does he enjoy it? Does enjoy follow the teachings of Aleister Crowley who Australian gay judges say we must respect... you know these teachings.


quotes crowley's book of the law

Moreover, the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood fog, and mystery stupefy, their minds, whose error else might thwart and misdirect the growth of their subconscious system of soul-symbolism.

So why do you troll the person the OTO kiddy fuck cult hates the most? And you call me a pedo. You fucken satanic whore.

I guess if you can do that I can make /v/strayziefucksthelittleboys .. but not today all in good time.

Here's the comment you replied to:

Your comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 has been deleted by: @noonereally on: 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM

/v/hojuruku/2512836/ has a link to a CP sharing website on it. It was reported to management but they freaked out and deleted the comment alerting the management because they know they are filthy pedophiles linking to CP websites.

Funny how @srayzie found this new /v/hojuruku stalking subverse if she wasn't in on it.

Description given: Rule Violation in v/hojuruku: No walls of text; Description: autistic rant with walls of text and links Original Comment

So I'll copypaste it again....

^^ is that you linking to a website that publishes child porn that stared trolling me by threatening to kill my mother and publishing her address? (since edited out of the 1st page you linked to but I can repost it to show how evil you pedos are if you want ^^

Putting links to pictures of people's parents houses is breach of the voats rules. Kiss your account goodbye.

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/380196bb9448b43252b652b4798cc9b0abe247abed671ef1d8e33eb68155dbca.png https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html#q11456318

And besides they edit my posts on there so anything on that claiming to come from me may not be.

If VOAT doesn't terminate your account then I am allowed to start threads to dox the /v/pizzagate/ pedomods. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

BTW they are confirmed pedophile trolls as this video exposes:


They were watching my twitter and saw I replied to a video by Paul Joseph Watson attacking the left for loving child sex. An hour later they had a hate page on him too.

So stop your linking to child porn publishing, pedophile controlled doxxing sites that even the MSM calls criminal.


After being warned you were doing a dox to a website that published my mothers house and threatened to go there and kill inside before I was trolled to that website to try and identify some of them (and we did) to get them jailed.... you go post it again.

Kiss goodbye to your account @noonerally aka srayzie

More on /v/pizzagayte where there isn't any pro-faggot-pedophile censorship for gay pedo heart progress pride or filthy whores that say ha ha ha you got banned because you refused to edit out convicted pedophiles name's as requested by @Vindicator

hojuruku ago

You ban me and my research for the sake of gay child fucking pride. We know what you are thinky pedo.

Here's my reply to the filthy stayzie gay pedophile loving whore:


[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago So the Whitney little bit has is still at it. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/35l2.gifGIF

I’ve never gone to a child porn site in my life you sick fuck. You’re the one that admits to holding child porn on your PC for “research purposes.” You have been saying so many lies about me and accusing others of being me. You need to take your meds. Call The Alex Jones show again faggot.

I blocked you so I won’t get your pings so ping away nigga. I’ll check in when I feel like it.

I will be able to prove she was warned kiwifarms has a long MSM reported history of stalking, child porn, and pedophilia activism (she saw the comment she deleted on /v/pizzagayte) and went there anyway to dig up lies from kiwifarms that's clearly pro-pedophlia that attack me for exposing the Jeju English Village child abuse camp who's manager is now in jail (see elsewhere on this thread for thread for the intel on that or see: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

You are still the pedophile posting memes against people who do serious research. /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

So because Garry Burns sends me an email young.asian.jpg of a child's anus and I report it to the police I'm a pedophile? I don't follow your #pedologic


If you oppose Garry sending his penis picture (see here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195) to that child or him giving all of his money from when he sues Christians to twenty10.org.au than run a dormitory for 10 year old boys ran by gays next to the "Wall" where Gay Judge Justice Kirby bought his boy arse - wait for it - you are a pedophile. Srayzie says you are a pedophile for trying to stop gay men sending their penis picture to children. How dare you be offended and oppose the natural boylove says srayzie the pedophile.


Because I research his media contact publishing Child porn Lisa/David Oldfield - OTO media personality - wait for it? I'm a pedophile?

/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 (image link changed to .cc domain) - https://s12.postimg.cc/nkgrhgwvx/stopkiddyporn2.png - I get the CP removed from youtube and report it to the police. They do nothing because they are celebrities and celebrities who work with gay pedophile like Garry Burns need to publish baby cock wobbling videos on their youtube and a whole facebook full of CP.

Because I research Garry Burns webmaster uploading young thai asian child porn videos to xvides com (found by googling his nickname), hack him, get his password and confirm he uploaded it there after it was deleted and the evidence was secure. Expose him running gay prostitution call out service and a gay brothel with said thai "rent boys" and putting them to work in his window washing service... Wait for IT I'm the pedophile because I tried to stop him?


Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster (well his mates and him talking) at a boy bar in pattia with a long history of providing children for sex (including arrests / police raids)


But of course if you oppose boyfuckers and investigate those who do like me - wait for it - you are a pedophile - the gay must be free to fuck the child says srayzie - or we will hunt you down - and only pedophiles will stop them. I do what I do to stop this pedophile - TEETH OF AUSTRAILA'S GAY PRIDE LOBBY THAT SUES ANYONE WHO DISSENTS AGAINST CHILDREN BEING TOLD TO TRY GAY ANAL IN PRIMARY SCHOOL UNDER - SAFE SCHOOLS - a program started by a pedophile Garry Dowsett. I talked about Gary Dowsett's paper about boylove on a thread about you - but your I love child sex pedo gang downvoted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2511424/12551218

Australia's gay pride king pedo is going to jail and so are his mates like Christopher Puplick. And the more you squeel the more interpol is going to use the EVIDENCE I collected that NSW Police didn't do anything about when it was online when I reported it to crimestoppers to jail this fuck.

And you are saying NO NO NO Don't hunt pedophiles. NO NO NO Don't give the evidence to the police. YES YES YES You are a suck fuck if you oppose Garry Burns pedo gang fucking kids.

We'll sorry princess pedo - I am right and you are wrong. Garry Burns is now a court confirmed pedophile over the sparkles the gay child fuck pony page that was used to stalk WHERE he thought I worked but didn't - see reference to studylink on http://twitter.com/garyburnsblog - your own pedogangstalking sometimes backfires you know



Here's the news and case law quote from Nancy Henessy that the Sparles the Pony Gay child fuck page he ran is a pedophile group ran by his websmaster and his self. You've seen my gab.ai avatar stolen from Jez Smith's skype account, and the description of sparkles the pony gay pedophile page my dad wrote up on my profile page gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos and oh it triggered you bad didn't it pedo?

We'll here's the sparkle the gay child fuck page ran by Australia's biggest gay hero hosted by the NSW Government. ENJOY!




You and your ilke sparkles the gay child fuck pony page is just "harmless child fucking fun" right? like Garry Australia's gay hero?

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

You are linking to kiwifarms that defends Garry Burns a COURT CONFIRMED PEDO. srayzie is a pedo properganda pusher at the very least, but we all know the truth, she is a he and a pedo.

BOOM spakles the gay kiddy fuck page pony page used in COURT!





hojuruku ago

think is the filthy pedophile that said I had no right to challenge vindicator's request not to name the pedophile cop Christopher Kent Bowersox that sopped me seeing my first born. See the pedophile think- in action! /v/pizzagatewhatever/2506220/12523389

crazy strayzie the SBBH pro-pedophile-gangstalker is stickied on /v/OccidentalEnclave Right Now! /v/ProtectVoat/2512658/12565889 She supports Vindicator all the way, in covering up reports of Gay Jewish Judges trying to give Muslim Mass Rapists of White women $40k. She also doesn't like it when I said how would you like it if a filthy pedophile whore said HA HA HA like she did - "You were banned from Pizzagate for not following the rules - the rules of Vindicator where he said you may not name the GAY PEDOPHILE THAT TOOK AWAY YOUR FIRST BORN CHILD because it triggers me as a homoped". Strazyie is a pro-pedophile shill. Get the facts. Now she's linking to CP websites ran by pedophiles and making sub-verses with like 20 posts accusing me of "infant rape". She's a fucken pedo nutjob.

With her support of pro-pedophilia censorship, I feel really concerned if she actually had a child. This could get it taken away if people saw what she was really doing here.

See how sick she is on the linked comment above.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I will screenshot this.

think- ago

Welcome. Yes, please do.

think- ago

migratorypatterns ago


think- ago

Yep. He did posts in v/Conspiracy, v/OccidentalEnclave, v/pizzagatemods, and on the chans, and attacks us brutally. He also teams up with Donkey, who's newest alt is 'auralsect'.

He claims all pizzagate mods must be pedos, because we politely asked him to please adhere to the rules and edit his posts.

So he makes posts like this: https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2507921 https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2512389

and said he would pay someone to rape srayzie's son. He accused Vindicator and me of being pedophiles. rolls eyes. He also has some cronies who support him.

migratorypatterns ago

Actually, I'm just glad Voat is back.

I was having withdrawal symptoms.

As for this, have no idea what to say. It must be horrible to go through. Sorry.

think- ago

Thanks, migratory.

I was having withdrawal symptoms.

LOL! Yes, we all had! :-)

carmencita ago

Bleeping A! This is getting crazy for sure.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

ty4ping. @srayzie this is a difficult situation, the Kuru-man is not just a narcissist, but is also certifiably cray-cray (imo). If I remember correctly MF & Vin dealt with him by ignoring him until he lost interest and went away on his own @Vindicator may have better insight as to how to deal with him. My advise, don't respond (he HAS to have the last word), Very hard to do I know but his kind of 'toxic' burns-up(out) and self destructs w/out any assist from us 'normal cray-crays'. GL & GB.

srayzie ago

I thought that too but he’s been doing it for weeks. He hasn’t quit yet

Vindicator ago

Yep, I try to take the tarbaby approach. ;-)

@think- @srayzie

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

U know now every time I read something U post it will be that voice in my head, LOL, you should fix that immediately SMH. ;)

Vindicator ago

Heh. Could do worse. :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The voice is fine, it's the badly-done-ebonics. But even if I don't agree w/ something you write in the future I'll still get a chuckle out of it.

Vindicator ago

Now see...I lub de bad ebonix. I try to pluck chuckles whenever possible. There are actually plenty of opportunities these days. Hojuruku is quite the chucklehead. Every time he pings me, I can downvote him right from my inbox. Cracks me up every time. I've given him probably over a 100 downvotes in the past week. LMAO. Way more fun than blocking, LOL.

think- ago

LOL. :-)

I_Would_Gas_You ago

As the jews here keep telling me there is a block button.

srayzie ago

That doesn’t solve the problem. He’s spreading lies not only in different subs, but on other platforms. This is getting old.

Nerobot ago

stop pinging me stop asking others to harass me.

If you block him he cant ping you.

srayzie ago

That doesn’t solve the problem.

Nerobot ago

What would solve "the problem"?

Superiorbetamale ago

It solves your problem.

srayzie ago

It doesn’t solve the problem where he’s trying to tear apart a sub that’s dedicated to saving children.

Superiorbetamale ago

Honestly it sounds like youre just trying to censor him, i read the u/IlIlIlIl comment and it just sounds like youre being a tattle tail bitch.

This is a pretty simple process;

  1. You block him so you dont have to deal with him ever again.

  2. Report his comments, and seeing as youre a mod of something im sure the others will look into it.

  3. You let them deal with the situation, youre not being a hero as this guy isnt going to single handedly destroy the website. In fact i would argue that if they silence him, that starts a slippery turn this site into reddit slope.

hojuruku ago

what about reporting her sub /v/hojuruku that's obsessed with saying I do infant sex all day when I don't? That's par for the course. That factual critism she's getting is nothing compared to what the SBBH pedo troll gang has been up to.

put 1990 or hojuruku into searchvoat.co and see the popular comments etc here to get up to speed what's really going on. (or see sticky on v/pizzagatye - she's linking to CP sites ran by proven pedophiles now)

Superiorbetamale ago

Im neutral my guy, id offer you the same advice to block and report her comments.

I only went off on her because she was being an attention whore.

hojuruku ago

Yeah I know. She is an attention whore shilling for pedophiles / kiwifarms net who run around supporting Garry Burns Australia's greatest gay hero & pedophile.

They know my research is dangerous. If you investigate or try and stop pedophiles she says you are a pedophile who needs to be locked up. The police aren't doing their job and if someone else does it the boylover gang @srayzie will come after you.

You all need to see this: Fuck SBBH pedos and their I love sex with children gangstalkers like @srayzie exposed on /v/pizzgayte & /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413 The Kiwifarms srayzie is working for is formally supporting child abuse camps, was done for CP, and is proven to be run by pedophiles. See the /v/pizzagayte sticky.

Wanna see how fucked SBBH is? Put 1990 first, then hojuruku into searchvoat.co - and they say they are the victims.

Am I doing a bad thing here opposing srayzie's and kiwifarms false allegations? So because I secure evidence to jail pedophiles when the police don't so the pedophiles don't get a free pass that makes me a pedophile? I'm not aroused by children like Garry. I don't go on M2M craigs lists personals looking for child prostitutes. I don't work with kiwifarms / strayzie trolling anti-pedophilia activists all day....

You ban me and my research for the sake of gay child fucking pride. We know what you are thinky pedo.

Here's my reply to the filthy stayzie gay pedophile loving whore:


[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago So the Whitney little bit has is still at it. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/35l2.gifGIF

I’ve never gone to a child porn site in my life you sick fuck. You’re the one that admits to holding child porn on your PC for “research purposes.” You have been saying so many lies about me and accusing others of being me. You need to take your meds. Call The Alex Jones show again faggot.

I blocked you so I won’t get your pings so ping away nigga. I’ll check in when I feel like it.

I will be able to prove she was warned kiwifarms has a long MSM reported history of stalking, child porn, and pedophilia activism (she saw the comment she deleted on /v/pizzagayte) and went there anyway to dig up lies from kiwifarms that's clearly pro-pedophlia that attack me for exposing the Jeju English Village child abuse camp who's manager is now in jail (see elsewhere on this thread for thread for the intel on that or see: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

You are still the pedophile posting memes against people who do serious research. /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

So because Garry Burns sends me an email young.asian.jpg of a child's anus and I report it to the police I'm a pedophile? I don't follow your #pedologic


If you oppose Garry sending his penis picture (see here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195) to that child or him giving all of his money from when he sues Christians to twenty10.org.au than run a dormitory for 10 year old boys ran by gays next to the "Wall" where Gay Judge Justice Kirby bought his boy arse - wait for it - you are a pedophile. Srayzie says you are a pedophile for trying to stop gay men sending their penis picture to children. How dare you be offended and oppose the natural boylove says srayzie the pedophile.


Because I research his media contact publishing Child porn Lisa/David Oldfield - OTO media personality - wait for it? I'm a pedophile?

/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 (image link changed to .cc domain) - https://s12.postimg.cc/nkgrhgwvx/stopkiddyporn2.png - I get the CP removed from youtube and report it to the police. They do nothing because they are celebrities and celebrities who work with gay pedophile like Garry Burns need to publish baby cock wobbling videos on their youtube and a whole facebook full of CP.

Because I research Garry Burns webmaster uploading young thai asian child porn videos to xvides com (found by googling his nickname), hack him, get his password and confirm he uploaded it there after it was deleted and the evidence was secure. Expose him running gay prostitution call out service and a gay brothel with said thai "rent boys" and putting them to work in his window washing service... Wait for IT I'm the pedophile because I tried to stop him?


Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster (well his mates and him talking) at a boy bar in pattia with a long history of providing children for sex (including arrests / police raids)


But of course if you oppose boyfuckers and investigate those who do like me - wait for it - you are a pedophile - the gay must be free to fuck the child says srayzie - or we will hunt you down - and only pedophiles will stop them. I do what I do to stop this pedophile - TEETH OF AUSTRALIA'S GAY PRIDE LOBBY THAT SUES ANYONE WHO DISSENTS AGAINST CHILDREN BEING TOLD TO TRY GAY ANAL IN PRIMARY SCHOOL UNDER - SAFE SCHOOLS - a program started by a pedophile Garry Dowsett. I talked about Gary Dowsett's paper about boylove on a thread about you - but your I love child sex pedo gang downvoted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2511424/12551218

Australia's gay pride king pedo is going to jail and so are his mates like Christopher Puplick. And the more you squeel the more interpol is going to use the EVIDENCE I collected that NSW Police didn't do anything about when it was online when I reported it to crime-stoppers to jail this fuck.

And you are saying NO NO NO Don't hunt pedophiles. NO NO NO Don't give the evidence to the police. YES YES YES You are a suck fuck if you oppose Garry Burns pedo gang fucking kids.

We'll sorry princess pedo - I am right and you are wrong. Garry Burns is now a court confirmed pedophile over the sparkles the gay child fuck pony page that was used to stalk WHERE he thought I worked but didn't - see reference to studylink on http://twitter.com/garyburnsblog - your own pedogangstalking sometimes backfires you know



Here's the news and case law quote from Nancy Henessy that the Sparles the Pony Gay child fuck page he ran is a pedophile group ran by his websmaster and his self. You've seen my gab.ai avatar stolen from Jez Smith's skype account, and the description of sparkles the pony gay pedophile page my dad wrote up on my profile page gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos and oh it triggered you bad didn't it pedo?

We'll here's the sparkle the gay child fuck page ran by Australia's biggest gay hero hosted by the NSW Government. ENJOY!




You and your ilke sparkles the gay child fuck pony page is just "harmless child fucking fun" right? like Garry Australia's gay hero?

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

You are linking to kiwifarms that defends Garry Burns a COURT CONFIRMED PEDO. srayzie is a pedo propaganda pusher at the very least, but we all know the truth, she is a he and a pedo.

BOOM spakles the gay kiddy fuck page pony page used in COURT!





My dad's write up of Sparkles The Gay Chlid Fuck Pony page ran by Australia's most famous gay rights activist:


Speaking of court - then there is also the Marks Park's Inquest "young teenager" gay beat rape attempt he uses to claim PTSD from and the mental disability pension. That's going to be a very interesting post digging that one up again. So many pedophile scandals connected against the kingpin of gay pride. Better shoot the messenger down for the sake of gay pedo ride @srayzie - we can see who you are running opposition for by who I fight against best. You are no woman. You are a pedo.

Superiorbetamale ago

Jesus, what have i gotten myself into. I have no idea what any of this means, and i dont want to learn.

hojuruku ago

It's really simple. People who like fucking children like @srayzie troll people who don't like fucking children like me. It isn't that complex when you think about it like that.

They even made a website all about trolling people who don't like fucking children and it's called kiwifarms the one strayze is linking to as exposed on the sticky on /v/pizzagayte

Watch this video it's really simple to work out strayzie and her /v/pizzagatemod pedos posting absoulte filth on /v/hojuruku love sex with children - EVERYDAY NB - any comments to rebut their filth and show them working with pedophiles get deleted. So clearly they are a disinformation campaign. There goal is to troll me of voat and stop my research getting out. They fight for heart progress and raping kids and they fight hard as you would expect.


I'm starting to work out Garry Burns, Kiwifarms and the OTO satanic baby rape cult are all the one entity - the religion of spirit cooking aka cakes of light aka child orgy black magick gnostic "cathoic" mass and worse rituals.



Pizzagate is controlled by the pedophiles. All the real research's know that. Strayzie just got modded into /v/SoapBoxBanHammer - doesn't that say more @I_Would_Gas_You @auralsects @dfens

She's now offically a SBBH pedo troll. I would gas you was saying how evil those fucks are and how they are destroying VOAT. I guess he has to go after srayzie now too!

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Why do you keep pinging me? Im starting to hate you. SBBH is cancer. Anyond knows that. Im gonna enjoy my time here and not fight much. Kindly fuck off and stop pinging me

hojuruku ago

you fuck @srayzie just became a SBBH mod.

CC @auralsects @dfens

I thought you would care ;)

She's is CANCER! You said it! https://voat.co/user/srayzie

"This pedophile is moderating:" GreatAwakening [O] PatriotsSoapbox [M] pizzagate [M] pizzagatemods [M] QanonMemes [O] SoapboxBanhammer [O] "

srayzie ago

Damn. @auralsects (Donkey) has been obsessed with me for like a year. 🙄

Now I have another? At least Donkey was amusing at times. You’re just a lying little whiny psychotic FREAK that needs meds who likes his mentor to pound him hard.


hojuruku ago

Wow you are the one linking to and screen capping from NYMaG's confirmed biggest pro-pedophile criminal staker website on the internet. MSM trumps faggot SBBH moderator memes anyday.

Everyone see: /v/pizzagayte/2513428 & /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413 too see how much of a satanic whore miss SBBH pedo troll clan moderator srayzie is!

I told you It's a website known to publish child porn ran by pedophiles.

You know in that comment you deleted to you replied to here. I'll repost what that deleted comment you saw and replied to first when it was there.


**You go... mmmm ME STRAYZIE want some CP action - hojuruku told me citizen journalists expose kiwifarms founder Joshua Conna Moon being a big pedophile - oh yummy he's my kind of guy. MMM me filthy stalking whore - I want to go to a website ran by MSM news confirmed criminal stalkers... MMM they are pedophiles just like me I'm going to dive in there and spread propaganda from the pedophiles to use against luke...

So you agree with Kiwifarms it was wrong of me to oppose The Jeju International English village foreign child pimping camp who's boss is now in jail thanks to my work (and that of others). You support their views that all children should be pimped you filthy pedo whore? Because your alt is linking to websites that make those claims on /v/hojuruku

You claimed you saw my gab.ai and 8chan posts. You know I was right to fight those Korean pimps of western children - but you join with kiwifarms attacking me over it anyway? Because you are a fucken pedophile that's why.


And see the OTO child rape pedo cult that is trolling me.


How many times have you taken your imaginary pedo love child to the Gnostic Catholic Mass Orgy srayzie? Does he enjoy it? Does enjoy follow the teachings of Aleister Crowley who Australian gay judges say we must respect... you know these teachings.


quotes crowley's book of the law

Moreover, the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood fog, and mystery stupefy, their minds, whose error else might thwart and misdirect the growth of their subconscious system of soul-symbolism.

So why do you troll the person the OTO kiddy fuck cult hates the most? And you call me a pedo. You fucken satanic whore.

I guess if you can do that I can make /v/strayziefucksthelittleboys .. but not today all in good time.

Here's the comment you replied to:

Your comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 has been deleted by: @noonereally on: 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM

/v/hojuruku/2512836/ has a link to a CP sharing website on it. It was reported to management but they freaked out and deleted the comment alerting the management because they know they are filthy pedophiles linking to CP websites.

Funny how @srayzie found this new /v/hojuruku stalking subverse if she wasn't in on it.

Description given: Rule Violation in v/hojuruku: No walls of text; Description: autistic rant with walls of text and links Original Comment

So I'll copypaste it again....

^^ is that you linking to a website that publishes child porn that stared trolling me by threatening to kill my mother and publishing her address? (since edited out of the 1st page you linked to but I can repost it to show how evil you pedos are if you want ^^

Putting links to pictures of people's parents houses is breach of the voats rules. Kiss your account goodbye.

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/380196bb9448b43252b652b4798cc9b0abe247abed671ef1d8e33eb68155dbca.png https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html#q11456318

And besides they edit my posts on there so anything on that claiming to come from me may not be.

If VOAT doesn't terminate your account then I am allowed to start threads to dox the /v/pizzagate/ pedomods. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

BTW they are confirmed pedophile trolls as this video exposes:


They were watching my twitter and saw I replied to a video by Paul Joseph Watson attacking the left for loving child sex. An hour later they had a hate page on him too.

So stop your linking to child porn publishing, pedophile controlled doxxing sites that even the MSM calls criminal.


After being warned you were doing a dox to a website that published my mothers house and threatened to go there and kill inside before I was trolled to that website to try and identify some of them (and we did) to get them jailed.... you go post it again.

Kiss goodbye to your account @noonerally aka srayzie

More on /v/pizzagayte where there isn't any pro-faggot-pedophile censorship for gay pedo heart progress pride or filthy whores that say ha ha ha you got banned because you refused to edit out convicted pedophiles name's as requested by @Vindicator

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I've been angry like you. Never quite on your level but still. They are a group of people with dozens of alts. Unless you can get a 100 people here to target each account abd brigade them out of existance you stand no chance. Fight all tou want. They are a well know cancer here.

hojuruku ago

what about doxxing the SBBH pedos? i've got some tricks. Wanna have a a crack at it?

I've doxxed so many faggots over the years. My favorite was Jacob Balusteien a autistic gay jew pedophile. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.


When I doxxed him all the other sites he was trolling deleted all his comments and laughed.


I_Would_Gas_You ago

You are digging your own grave man. I want nothing to do with that shit.

hojuruku ago

Yep I just got Mr Potato head bullshit from the moderator of /v/hojuruku when deleting a comment. I know without a doubt @srayzie is an SBBH pedo troll as well as being their newest moderator.

That account working with srazyie is an alt that's been here for 2 years - never posted and done a fuck load of voting. THEY ARE CANCER. My enemies are your enemies now and the pedo whore @srayzie is our collective enemy. I wont ping you brother but we fight together against the filthy pedo whore scrag.

You see that srayzie is the "mr ptotato as lord and savior" /v/anontalk posting pedo trolls. Someone so mentally fucked posting all that spam all day like srayzie can't be a woman with a son, possibly a homosexual gay dad child abuser but not a real woman with child.


v/hojuruku (noonereally) > hojuruku | Sent: 31 minutes ago on 4/25/2018 1:30:36 AM Comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12572251 deleted

Your comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12572251 has been deleted by: @noonereally on: 4/25/2018 1:30:36 AM

Description given: Rule Violation in v/hojuruku: No walls of text; Description: doesn't your name mean "potato" in japanese? Original Comment

You all need to see this: Fuck SBBH pedos and their I love sex with children gangstalkers like @srayzie exposed on /v/pizzgayte & /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413 The Kiwifarms srayzie is working for is formally supporting child abuse camps, was done for CP, and is proven to be run by pedophiles. See the /v/pizzagayte sticky.

CC @auralsects @dfens

srayzie ago

Lol OK. How often does your mentor John Sunol bend you over and fuck you in the ass like a bitch?

hojuruku ago

I don't know - I never met him. You are following pedophilia normalization activism kiwifarms propaganda above. We can all see it.

you know the people who started troll Paul Joseph Watson the day after he did a video on the left loving pedophilia and 2 hours after they saw me tweeting to him as you can see in the image embedded.


They must be really pissed off now that PJW followed my lead here first before you banned me and exposed ANTIFA=NAMBLA.


And before that video was made me saying the same - before the pedo SBBH whores who took over pizzagate shut it down


Filthy pedo whore - we all know what you are. You are no woman and you have no son. You fight for pedo pride heart progress.

You and your sock puppet @noonereally are linking to that debunked site that says I was wrong to Oppose the Jeju International English Village camp who's boss is in jail - the camp that pimped out foreign children.

You have now tired your horse to a website that pimps children. So it needs to be asked. What do you pimp out your imaginary son for you SBBH moderator pedo troll?

Just wait until I write up this whole saga slowly. You clearly fed enough rope. Time to tighten the noose.

noonereally ago

srayzie ago

Thanks for your advice. Except for the name calling. 🙄

Superiorbetamale ago

Im offended by what youve just said and am reporting you, people like you are ruining vote.

srayzie ago

Ok 29 day old account 😁

Superiorbetamale ago

While you were on my page if you bothered to scroll down theirs a really recent comment addressing the whole youre new you must be a shill thing. And even if i was a shill, atleast im not a hypocrite.

srayzie ago

I don’t even know you and could care less what you think of me. Get a life.

Superiorbetamale ago

Its annoying isnt it?

Just as i imagine Hojuruko is annoyed with you collecting a database of comments and tagging all your friends. Im sure he could care less what you think of him, but you just keep on going.

Block me, block him. Shut the fuck up.

srayzie ago

The dudes been harassing me for weeks. Are you standing by your man? Take your little faggot ass somewhere else and tell your boy to grow a pair. Find out if he got rid of the child porn from his PC that he used for “research”. Then you can go fuck your self. Leave me alone. I don’t need another stalker.

Superiorbetamale ago

Give me a


What does that spell? BLOCK. This isnt even about him anymore, this is about you willingly putting yourself in a situation and whining that youre in it. You have all the power in the world to stop it, but youd rather start a witch hunt because you dont have the maturity to walk away.

srayzie ago

How about you just stop sending me messages?! Case solved!

Superiorbetamale ago

Or you can block me! Case Solved!

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Putt had to step in to shut sane down and this guy is on that level.

srayzie ago

I’ll bring it to his attention when he’s back.

think- ago

Thanks for the info. @Peaceseeker: please see parent, and please read @srayzie's post and please share your thoughts what could be done about this. This is unacceptable.

Thank you.

srayzie ago

You replied to I would gas you. Is that also Peacekeeper?

think- ago

? No, he is a different user.

I replied to @I_Would_Gas you, and pinged Peacekeeper, to see what the latter would make of the situation.

@I_Would_Gas you said that the situation was comparable to the sanegoat situation, that's why I thought Peacekeeper might have ideas how to handle this.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I get it now.

derram ago

hojuruku ago

thanks for exposing @srayzie is angry at me for exposing that the gay lobby is getting court orders against parents wishes to chop of under 16 year old boys penises. Man she really hates me for exposing that the most.....

What filthy whore gets angry at people who expose the gay lobby doing child genital mutilations without their parents permission in Australia? Ah yes - a filthy pedophile whore.

Reverse-Flash ago

You might want to spell his name correctly next time.

hojuruku ago

It was deliberate - she didn't want people to see the truth of what's going on.


This all started here: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

You might want to see this thread guy how Strayzie said She supports Vindicator saying SHUT UP DON'T NAME THE GAY PEDOPHILE THAT TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN.

Now she via her alt is linking to CP website kiwifarms. It's all here: /v/pizzagayte/2513428

and here /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413

@Skyrock @Mickgoestojail @Peaceseeker @CC1914 @Nerobot

She's linking to a website that threatened to kill my mother, publishes child porn, is ran by pedophiles and anyone who supports here are going in the PRO-PEDOPHILE BANGWAGON with here.

She has been plaguing my anti-pedophilia research posts with GAY.JPG memes for too long: /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

See how she deliberately misspelt my name because she doesn't want you all to know the truth.

She doesn't have a son - she's not a she - and she supports vindicator saying DON'T NAME THE GAY PEDOPHILE WHO TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN AWAY CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX. Get on the links above and see who's the real pedophile. It ain't me. I'll be writing up her and the SBBH pedotrolls stalking.

Just put 1990 or hojuruku into searchvoat.co to see how sick her pedo gang is.

I'll write up a whole post on Strayzie and her pedophile gang's tactics - including linking to CP websites shortly. She looked at my comment saying kiwifarms is a child porn website and a criminal stalker website, and still went there and published fake information :) I'll have so much fun exposing here now. If you can't wait for the new post on srazie the pro-pedophile gang stalker - like I said check out the links above :)

srayzie ago
