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MadWorld ago

Besides shitting all over the places, he was also scrEEEEEching on ((( "Fuck #Voat!", that's what this psycho said. Yet he continues to spew bullshits here! Cut-paste-modify-paste-and-shitpost-comments and heeeey-I-keep-editing-my-comments-so-you-better-read-again are his ammo.

I think we have found freshmeat's little psycho sister!

hojuruku ago

Wow exposing a satanic baby sex cult is "screeching" Look at the pictures here and a Washington times journalist saying he's going to write it all up. You just outed your self as a pedophile that likes satanic baby rape cults. Care to clarify your position after seeing these three links? (see replies)

MadWorld ago

You just outed your self as a pedophile that likes satanic baby rape cults.

Yeah right, keep labeling anyone a pedo whenever things don't go your way! Keep projecting and bullshiting, you little psycho!

You should go after those who are manipulating votes for you; you will have a much better chance exposing a pedo or two there! Who knows, maybe you will expose yourself...

I am blocking you! So long, freshmeat's little psycho sister!

Edit: archive

hojuruku ago

Satanic baby rape cults are real mate. Bernard Gaynor who won in the high court last week is talking about them and so am I.

But I guess of you oppose that shit - man you are crazy.


I told you It's a website known to publish child porn ran by pedophiles.

You know in that comment you deleted to you replied to here. I'll repost what that deleted comment you saw and replied to first when it was there.

**You go... mmmm ME STRAYZIE want some CP action - hojuruku told me citizen journalists expose kiwifarms founder Joshua Conna Moon being a big pedophile - oh yummy he's my kind of guy. MMM me filthy stalking whore - I want to go to a website ran by MSM news confirmed criminal stalkers... MMM they are pedophiles just like me I'm going to dive in there and spread propaganda from the pedophiles to use against luke...

So you agree with Kiwifarms it was wrong of me to oppose The Jeju International English village foreign child pimping camp who's boss is now in jail thanks to my work (and that of others). You support their views that all children should be pimped you filthy pedo whore? Because your alt is linking to websites that make those claims on /v/hojuruku

You claimed you saw my and 8chan posts. You know I was right to fight those Korean pimps of western children - but you join with kiwifarms attacking me over it anyway? Because you are a fucken pedophile that's why.

And see the OTO child rape pedo cult that is trolling me.

How many times have you taken your imaginary pedo love child to the Gnostic Catholic Mass Orgy srayzie? Does he enjoy it? Does enjoy follow the teachings of Aleister Crowley who Australian gay judges say we must respect... you know these teachings.

quotes crowley's book of the law

Moreover, the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood fog, and mystery stupefy, their minds, whose error else might thwart and misdirect the growth of their subconscious system of soul-symbolism.

So why do you troll the person the OTO kiddy fuck cult hates the most? And you call me a pedo. You fucken satanic whore.

I guess if you can do that I can make /v/strayziefucksthelittleboys .. but not today all in good time.

Here's the comment you replied to:

Your comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 has been deleted by: @noonereally on: 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM

/v/hojuruku/2512836/ has a link to a CP sharing website on it. It was reported to management but they freaked out and deleted the comment alerting the management because they know they are filthy pedophiles linking to CP websites.

Funny how @srayzie found this new /v/hojuruku stalking subverse if she wasn't in on it.

Description given: Rule Violation in v/hojuruku: No walls of text; Description: autistic rant with walls of text and links Original Comment

So I'll copypaste it again....

^^ is that you linking to a website that publishes child porn that stared trolling me by threatening to kill my mother and publishing her address? (since edited out of the 1st page you linked to but I can repost it to show how evil you pedos are if you want ^^

Putting links to pictures of people's parents houses is breach of the voats rules. Kiss your account goodbye.

And besides they edit my posts on there so anything on that claiming to come from me may not be.

If VOAT doesn't terminate your account then I am allowed to start threads to dox the /v/pizzagate/ pedomods. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

BTW they are confirmed pedophile trolls as this video exposes:

They were watching my twitter and saw I replied to a video by Paul Joseph Watson attacking the left for loving child sex. An hour later they had a hate page on him too.

So stop your linking to child porn publishing, pedophile controlled doxxing sites that even the MSM calls criminal.

After being warned you were doing a dox to a website that published my mothers house and threatened to go there and kill inside before I was trolled to that website to try and identify some of them (and we did) to get them jailed.... you go post it again.

Kiss goodbye to your account @noonerally aka srayzie

More on /v/pizzagayte where there isn't any pro-faggot-pedophile censorship for gay pedo heart progress pride or filthy whores that say ha ha ha you got banned because you refused to edit out convicted pedophiles name's as requested by @Vindicator