Fagtardicus ago

i dont have the necessary levels of autism to get through this incoherent wall of crap


hojuruku ago

Just read the quotes from the MSM about the Gay Jew Pedophile Judge Puplick Defending Mass Muslim Rapists.

Then see muslim gang rape lover Strazie trolling me in support of Vindicator's censorship - because you know she's one of those feminists that loves a good muslim gang rape.

Then See Strayzie come in and attack me for attacking Vindicator doing pro-gay-jew-pedo judge censorship. The same who supports NOW 4x FLAVORS of Mass Rapists/Murders. I forgot about Ivan Milat.

Just bugger off I'm busy writing up my next research posts - wow it's big. Bernardgaynor.com.au will mirror it and it will be seen 10000s not the just the kiddy fucking pedo /v/pizzagate mods.

Fagtardicus ago

Just bugger off I'm busy writing up my next research posts - wow it's big.

77% bigger than it needs to be if this wordsalad is indicative of your next wordsalad

hojuruku ago

man you hate me exposing Christopher Puplick dont' you :P I'm digging up dirt on his fake gay hate crime with his boyfriend Bunny now he was found guilty of doing by ICAC/NSW Ombudsman before his pedo mate the DPP Cowdery stopped him going to jail.

Fagtardicus ago

no, your shitposting

hojuruku ago

fuck off with the SBBH pedo trolls using alts.

Fagtardicus ago

t. SBBH pedo troll alt

hojuruku ago

Sticky this @Joe_McCarthy - Srayzie is claiming Q is out to get me now... and Q is posting about me. You can't make this shit up guys.

Srayzie just linked / joined a thread that linked to a known CP website ran by gay pedophiles, and then used false information from that website to falsely accused me of being a pedophile for the crime of investigating Australia's greatest gay Activist Garry Burns (connected to puplick the gay judge above: /v/pizzagate/2492737 - Garry is trying to jail all who oppose the mass rape lover this OP is about).

Anyway @srayzie has done it this time - linking to a CP webstie, going there and then making false allegtions that me securing evidence - a chain of custody to get a conviction against pedos who publish CP on the internet who are liked to Garry Burns like Lisa Oldfield and Jeremy Smith of Newstead QLD - makes me a pedo when it doesn't.

Every time I bump into that filth hunting pedos 1800THELOST, FBI or AFP gets an unwanted call and a dossier - not that they do anything except say Don't use this email address to contact us - use the web form with 200 characters and no file upload - go away.

I guess with all of Vindicator's CP deletions he's bumped into it more than me - so by all the /v/pizzagatemods flawed logic on their /v/hojuruku porn publishing subverse they are bigger pedophiles than I. I never clicked on the links in the v/pizzagate delition log. How did Vindicator know for sure they were CP? Did he download the CP and do a crime as the pedophile he is? And why are those links still being distributed in the deletion log. Why aren't they hidden like the comments I left on their subvere exposing them linking to a CP website?


This exposes the new filthy @srazyie pedo stalking gang bigtime:

MUST SEE: /v/pizzagayte/2513428 "Cracy @srayzie and her alt @noonerally publish links to child porn publishing pedophilia normalization website the MSM calls a pedo stalking operation & start new we are pedo stalkers subverse"

You may as well sticky it seeing nobody saw it the first time due to the pedo downvote gang as payback - seeing they are now going full pedo linking to CP websites that publish false allegaitons from a Lesbian Mother who lives just down the Road from David Bottrill and his two tranny sons.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'll sticky it for 12 hours as sticky space is limited. Seeing as how this is little more than a flame war thread though it is not in the spirit of the sub's decorum guidelines. So if you want other heavily downvoted threads stickied in the future they'll need a more civil tone.

hojuruku ago

Nah sticky it for 6 hours. I'm going to make a carefully worded /v/protectvoat thread if they don't proactivly ban me about the filth the pedomods have been up to in the last few days.

Look how filthy the v/pizzagate mods are - and they are all on this new subverse they created today. https://s14.postimg.cc/nks0htqvl/strayziepedogang.png

Then you can remove stick on that and put a better replacement up.

It's dynamite. Then I can finally get back to dealing with all the pedomod interference AFTER I left pizzagate and do those new research posts on the OTO, Puplick and Disney BBBS etc.

They are now linking to websites that publish CP. Did you see the filthy infant sex + porn subverse they made called /v/hojuruku /v/pizzagayte/2513428 & /v/pizzagayte/2513428/12563272

Look at the filth that is the /v/pizzagate mods all on the thread and the SBBH pedo trolls working together.

Put 1990 into searchvoat.co to see what I mean

All the /v/pizzagatemods are there /v/hojuruku/2512836 making false allegations I"m a pedo because I tried to report some gay pedophiles linked to and including Garry Richard Burns (supported by the CP kiwifarms website they link to) - meanwhile Vidicator clicks on 100s of CP links (so he says) it he /v/pizzagate deletion log and flags them as child porn - links I would never click on just by looking at them - and doesn't get the CP links removed from the deletion log - because that part of /v/pizzagate now qualifies as a CP website itself.

Off to work now. I'll deal with these bastards slowly and carefully later today ;)

hojuruku ago

@PuttItOut wow now srayzie's alts are linking to child porn publishing pedo normalization activism websites on voat to dox me https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2511063/12558350

What an evil pedophile cabal I have pissed off eh?

CC @Dfens @auralsects @Laskar @CheeseboogersGhost

hojuruku ago

@Joe_McCarthy are they still invading this subverse saying you are a jew and you support this or that? I saw that before Voat went down. Here's them getting a taste of their own medicine. What was that thread again?

srayzie ago

@Hojuruko constantly harasses me since it was announced that I was a pizzagate mod. I’m brand new and doing it part time and I haven’t even officially started. He calls me vile names and yesterday, HE SAID HE WOULD PAY SOMEONE TO RAPE MY SON!

This was his good morning message to me today...

Since he acts like a crazy person and is incapable of making a post that is within the rules, he blames @Vindicator and calls him a pedophile and all kinds of other disgusting names. He goes to 8chan and gab and makes up lies about the pizzagate mods and smears Vindicator’s name thru the mud. I have respect for Vindicator. He’s passionate about pizzagate and not a pedophile.

He has been given multiple chances to fix his post so that it’s not removed. If you look up this whacked out dudes profile comments and submissions, you will see that he is out of control. He’s not reasonable at all. He acts like a pshotic nutcase.

Here is the post really made him lose his mind...

As you can see, Vindicator was polite. He simply wanted him to provide sources. People post crazy things on the pizzagate sub. Posts have to be vetted. It is well known on pizzagate, that some posts belong in pizzagatewhatever.

Since I stand by Vindicators decision to delete his post until he makes changes, he constantly harasses me. He will ping his friends and encourage them to come harass me. Yesterday alone, he pinged me 9 times! Those pings lead to posts and comments where he’s telling people lies about myself, other mods and the pizzagate sub itself. He even says he’s going to go on the radio and smear us.

I went to his sub https://voat.co/v/pizzagayte

I made a post on his sub explaining what happened. At the time there were only 4 subscribers. He has a helper! It takes 2 people to run a sub with 4 subscribers? It’s probably an alt. I made sure I archived the post. It was removed. I made another post. It was removed. Here are the archives...

1st post http://archive.is/rmnUE
2nd post http://archive.is/OPOIR

So he’s doing exactly what he’s accusing the pizzagate sub of doing. I posted the truth... with a screenshot and a link to an archive where he said he would pay someone to rape my son! But why was it deleted and called SPAM if it was the truth?

Here are links...

Here I am replying to a ping because he made a gab post full of lies about pizzagate and Vindicator...

As you can see, I try to show compassion here and give him a chance to explain himself. He responds by calling me names and pinging his shill friends. https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520485

Here is his crazy post on 8chan where he’s smearing the pizzagate sub and especially the mod @Vindicator...

Here is his post giving the link to his gab post full of lies...

Here is the link to his Gab post...

Here is a post where he’s sharing his YouTube videos. He has many times...

Here is the link to one of his YouTube videos...

Here I ask him if he’s saying he’s Luke McKee, because his Gab showed that name and his YouTube video did too. Supposedly he was on the Alex Jones show. So I was asking if he’s saying that he is this person.

Then he tries to accuse me of doxxing him after he was the one who doxxed himself...

I searched his name since he uses it on his social media accounts. All I’m going to say about that is that this guy has a history of this shit. If you want to search given the links he’s provided, you will see that for yourself. He is not normal. He’s mentally ill. I want him to stop harassing me, stop pinging me stop asking others to harass me. Stop twisting the truth and spreading lies.

The fact that he said he would pay to have my son raped should show what kind of sick mother fucker this is. I will copy and paste this every time he posts about me now and show the other side of the story.

srayzie ago

I am going to keep a daily diary of everything this mother fucker @hojuruku says about me. Please read parent.

This was my reply to his rant today. He’s already pinged me 11 times in less than 2 hours.

I also made 2 posts on his sub v/pizzagayte. I archived them and they were removed. All I did was post facts with a screenshot as proof. Links are above in parent. Yet, they did the exact same thing they accuse pizzagate of doing and deleted it. But, of course, I wasn’t given the courtesy of editing my post. It was just deleted.

What kind of sub that deals with pedophilia deletes a post where I show a screenshot and link to the archive proving that the owner of that sub says he would pay to have my son raped? What if we did the same thing as him and blasted it all of social media showing how he runs his own sub?!

I’m not in the mood for all that. I’m making a point. I posted and archived many links that are in the parent. I have 10 more pings where I now need to go paste it.

I wanted you all to be informed because I am sick of his lying ass. Especially coming from a pervert who would pay someone to rape my son. I have NO sympathy for him now. He went too far.

@Vindicator @think- @Crensch @Kevdude

I’m pinging you too @Carmencita so that I can show you the hell he puts us thru.

hojuruku ago

@Dfens deleted your shit from /v/pizzagayte when I was at work - and you are banned from there. So are all other pedomods. Anyone who isn't a v/pizzagate kikeshill pedomod is free to post.

You know that when you got the post deleted messages of course. You are clearly saying lies that even you know are false based on the alerts coming to you from voat you fucken lying pedo kikeshill.

srayzie ago

Why does a lame sub with only 4 subscribers need a mod?

Oh I am banned now! All pizzagate mods are banned now! Are you being a hypocrite?! You were given chance after chance after chance in the pizzagate sub.

I wasn’t allowed to edit my posts in v/pizzagayte. What rules did I violate? I provided an archive link and screenshot with proof of my claims. What did the other pizzagate mods do in your sub to justify being banned?

HYPOCRISY! I am adding this to my “Hojuruko is a lying pervert who would pay to have my son raped diary.”

@Vindicator @think- @Crensch @Kevdude @Argosciv

hojuruku ago

The pedodownvote gang is trying to bury this funny thread showing that some of SysTen's youtube videos exposing feminists saying 25 muslim boys on one unwilling white girl isn't gang rape isn't gang rape if a muslim does it - EXIST IN REAL LIFE - and her name is srayzie...

I think the research in this thread that was deleted by Vindicator alone shouldn't allow him to have a second attempt at censoring it here on /v/OccidentalEnclave like he censored it on /v/pizzgate - because the judge who tried to give the muslim mass rapists 40k was a gay jewish pedophile just like him.

CC @auralsects @dfens @Laskar @mindtrip @CheeseboogersGhost

hojuruku ago

Why not just screenshot. I'm not editing shit. Link to your pro-pedphilia trolling here.

You attacked my thread about Disney Big brother Big Sisters thread with Gay.jpg memes first.

You said you support vindicator banning me for refusing to do an "edit" as you called it, i.e. removing the name of the gay pedophile cop Christopher Kent Bowersox from my post and comparing him to another gay pedophile in law enforcement who was on the Board of JewishCare Big brothers big sisters.

Then I say..


That hypothetical isn't a direct threat to rape your imaginary son..

If you want a direct threat - I will do EXACTLY THE SAME TO YOU What Vindicator said would happen to me here with some Grand Turismo bashing action. Because as he says anyone who hate's pro-pedophilia censorship needs to be bashed.

I say it's the other way around - anyone who supports it.

/v/ProtectVoat/2499289/12508183 Vindopedo said:

hojuruku, this is what I was talking about when I said you triggered the Voat immune system. Have you watched the movie Gran Torino? If not, you should. A lot of the folks on Voat are like Eastwood in that movie. Exactly like Eastwood in that movie.

Lot's of folks no doubt want to bash bitches who say it's wrong to be against 3 year old child penis removal for gay pride ordered by gay lawyers (http://twitter.com/iclc) against their parents wishes on the video you singled out as my hate speech on your trolling comment here.

Here's my reply to Vindicator who threatened an act of Violence FIRST before his haraam of pedophile loving stayzie moderator supported him here after his threats of violence were made: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

I am trying to trigger what is left of humanity to rise up for the sake of the children. To deprogram them from normalizing pedophilia. I too am hoping for the shitstorm that is to come and it appears you are on the other side of the epic battle.

That's why this is my channel's intro video:


The guy who made this movie was killed, his wife, his dog, and they left the back door open. I put his video up when he was alive. If one man falls another takes his place. I have ghostwholves who have my research dossiers.



We fight with no fear of death. That ended a long time ago. Do you really think a resistance isn't being organized now? Patriots around the world unite.

The war against corrupt satanic pedophile governments and the people IS COMING!

https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html (mirrored in archive.is)

A gang of 6 pedo down-voters that hit this thread and all the comments solicited through your unjustified mod censorship games DO NOT SPEAK FOR ALL OF VOAT!


hojuruku ago

You just attacked me for being against 3 year old boy castrations for gay pride linking to a video saying here's an example of his crazy youtube channel saying crazy shit.

CC @Vindicator @Dfens @Crensch @Kevdude @auralsects

What REAL WOMAN likes chopping of 3 year old boys penises eh?

/v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413/12557578 vs /v/OccidentalEnclave/2512413/12557283

She says I posted a crazy video - how mad and insane I am to be against 3 year old cock chopping for gay pride! https://thewest.com.au/news/australia/four-year-old-starts-gender-change-ng-ya-117227 (it's a 3 year old boy if you can get behind the news corp paywall - google westmead children's hospital gender disphoria unit)

Wow crazy srayzie has done it again. She said it's wrong to be against under 16 year old boys having their cock chopped off for gay pride. BOOM! What filthy pedo!

copypaste of my rebuttal to her/it/zhe whatever:

What is lies? What lie did I say?

you link to a youtube video of me being "crazy" for exposing http://twitter.com/iclc is helping children against their children's wishes get tranny theraphy. Read the description on the youtube video you linked to:

Crazy srayzie singled out this video as example of crazy / hate speech on her attack against me here.

Here is the link to one of his YouTube videos... https://youtu.be/F8YacOuD2XY

And what's on it's description?

http://www.iclc.org.au/sls/ Sex Worker Legal Service ran by faggot lawyers If you’re a sex worker and you have a legal problem, we can help. ( Interpreters available )

You can call us on (02) 9332 1966 or 1800 244 481 Also on that video's description http://www.iclc.org.au/documents/Getting%20treatment-%20what%20to%20do%20if%20you%20are%20trans%20and%20under%2018.pdf

What if my parents aren’t in my life? If you are a young person under 18 and you want to have treatment (and your parents are not part of your life or are not supportive), then the law about your situation is different. As it is too complex to set out clearly here, we encourage you to contact the ICLC on 02 9332 1966 for advice and assistance.

Wow srayzie you done it this time. You are angry at me for exposing the gay lobby at their biggest pride march cheering gay lawyers who help little boys get their cock chopped for for gay pride even if their parents don't agree. Did you hear the announcer in the video say wow Isn't the Inner City Legal centre so good for helping gay parents help their tranny children make a life long commitment to sodomy stronger than any gay marriage at age 3 by going further than getting the gift - removing their sex organs so they can only do sodomy and only have a sodomy marriage - because no real woman will marry a man without a penis.

What kind of filthy pevert are you? What woman supports under 16 year old chemical or physical castrations for gay pride?


hojuruku ago

What is lies? What lie did I say?

you link to a youtube video of me being "crazy" for exposing http://twitter.com/iclc is helping children against their children's wishes get tranny theraphy. Read the description on the youtube video you linked to:

Crazy @srayzie said this is my crazy video hate speech:

Here is the link to one of his YouTube videos... https://youtu.be/F8YacOuD2XY

And what's on it's description?

http://www.iclc.org.au/sls/ Sex Worker Legal Service ran by faggot lawyers If you’re a sex worker and you have a legal problem, we can help. ( Interpreters available )

You can call us on (02) 9332 1966 or 1800 244 481 Also on that video's description http://www.iclc.org.au/documents/Getting%20treatment-%20what%20to%20do%20if%20you%20are%20trans%20and%20under%2018.pdf

What if my parents aren’t in my life? If you are a young person under 18 and you want to have treatment (and your parents are not part of your life or are not supportive), then the law about your situation is different. As it is too complex to set out clearly here, we encourage you to contact the ICLC on 02 9332 1966 for advice and assistance.

Wow @strayzie you done it this time. You are angry at me for exposing the gay lobby cheering gay lawyers who help little boys get their cock chopped for for gay pride even if their parents don't agree.

What kind of filthy pevert are you? What woman supports under 16 year old chemical or physical castrations for gay pride?


hojuruku ago

Admit it - you were trolling my anti-pedophilia thread with GAY.JPG memes first - then vindicator made you a mod for your committment to loving sex with children! See here! What happened first in the timeline? Your gay.jpg memes - then you supporting Vindicator banning me because I refused to remove "edits" as he requested. He demanded for the sake of gay pedophile pride I don't have the right to name the gay pedophile that took my first born. And you said that's a "justified edit request". You fucken pedo.


It only happened because the scrag trolled me in support of pro-pedophile censorship. So if you want to be a mod - you gotta do what it takes... It wasn't @kevdude that invited here - it was @vindicator and it happened on my thread. Think-: So are you saying Kevdude is Vindicator aka Millennial_Falcon now?

Must see How I heard it first - not from kevdude but from Vindicator the pedo who really runs the show : /v/pizzagate/2500972/12508158


[–] Vindicator [M] 2 points (+3|-1) 2 days ago

@hojuruku Since when is that shitposting meme lord @srayzie a mod....

Srayzie was invited to mod v/pizzagate the day Falcon was demodded. She was busy building her v/GreatAwakening subverse at the time. She accepted the invite yesterday.

So this post is a LIE. Vindicator accepted her and announced it first. Clearly there is only one big fat pedo as a mod and a whole bunch of alts except for those who prove their loyalty to the dark side of kike-shilling and nambla.

CC @auralsects @dfens

If you want to be a MOD. Here's your first steps

1) Troll anti-pedophilia activists like @strayzie has with memes and never submit anything useful


[–] srayzie 2 points (+3|-1) 2 days ago GAY JPG


[–] srayzie 4 points (+5|-1) 2 days ago

Poor Donkey 😂🤣🤣☺️😂 Don’t be jelly. I’m a woman that can not only vote, but mod as well. 🤓

[–] auralsects 2 points (+7|-5) 2 days ago

I just looked to see if after 1.3 yrs u had managed to contribute a single byte of research and I noticed your second highest voted comment is saying Q "revealed" something -- but in fact it was me half a year prior. LOL AND U HAVE MADE THRICE THE SUBMISSIONS ON PG ON Q, idk why they bothered with this psyop when a ball of yarn would have distracted you post menstrual cunts just as easily.

1.5) Shill for NAMBLA and suppor Pedo @Vindicator demand threads be censored about a big pedophilia scandal (Disney's dating site for gay men and boys getting a look into now by Robert Stacy McCain /v/pizzagayte/2505855) and support Vinny the boylover's demands that pedophiles names must be removed from the post even though they have been convicted: v/pizzagatewhatever/2506220/12523389 (homopedo cop Christopher Kent Bowersox and homopedo Crown Prosecutor Patrick [Gay] Power)

2) Be really nasty when you do it - so everyone knows for sure you are on team child rape.

3) Team pedophilia is the same as team /v/PIZZAGATEMODS so by admission to one group you get a free pass into the other.

Now I'm going to ride home then I'm going to write up part two of the Disney man boy love dating site thread you got censored and do some useful research. You trolled me on my thread and then censored it when I had to respect your authority. now you don't like it when I don't respect your authority and I'm givng you a taste of your own medicine. How bittersweet you learn some empathy!

You still clearly haven't.

hojuruku ago


I am still waiting for a reply Crench or Vindicator to find another gay pedophile I could have used for a tie-in on my censored thread instead of bowersox that meets all 5 attributes here. You know bowersox right? The gay pedophlie cop that took my first born that Vindicator said I must not name - and when I refused to edit his name out he banned me. Then you came along and said you supported Vindicator banning me. We'll think of another pedophile that meets all 5 characteristics below you whore or the post was perfect.



THEN YOU (crazy strazie the pedomod) COME ON A THREAD FIRST AND YOU SAY I SUPPORT VINDICATOR'S CENSORSHIP REQUEST DEMANDING YOU NOT TO MENTION CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX THE MAN WHO TOOK YOUR FIRST BORN - BECAUSE.. wait for it Vindicator doesn't "understand" the tie in. We'll let me make it every clear how there are 5 facts in common whe pedo cop who took my first born and the Jewish Crown Prosecutor Dr Patrick Power who worked at Big Brothers Big Sisters who was done for child porn - on that thread a filthy pedophile mod strayzie invaded with gay.jpg memes.

You support the FAGGOT PEDOPHILE @VINDICATOR saying don't talk about the gay pedophile that took your first born when it's clearly relevant you piece of shit.


You say it's "just an edit" when someone says don't talk about the pedo that fucked your life up in America and stopped you seeing your first born. Just an edit - to say shut up and don't name a gay pedophile it triggers me - you can' attack pedophiles as long as they are only white males. Well fuck you scrag.

How many other

  1. Homosexual

  2. Law Enforcement Officers

  3. Found guilty of Child porn

  4. Got a small sentence - time served

  5. Who testified in court boyloving / child porning or child grooming isn't wrong in their trial

Can you think of - to support Vinny's claim it wasn't a good tie in you fuck. Do tell us you fucken shitlord @Crensh - I say it was a pretty good tie in to show that multiple LGBTI Law Enforcement Officers have testified in court that CP is good and grooming boys in Disney Big Brother Big Sisters make me a better man [boylover].

Tell me why Vinny is right - I must not speak of christopher Kent bowersox the dog on boy child porn loving gay pedo cop that took away my first born? Tell me how that triggers you that I oppose such filth and how you support Vinny's pro pedo cop / crown prosecutor censorship.

Come on Crensch. Say I support Vinny's man boy love censorship. And tell us WHY you do.

So I try and teach your meme posting shitlord anti-pedophilia thread hijacker some empathy for my situtation of having pedophile moderators saying don't critize gay child raping pedo cops that took your first born with a hypothetical sittuation of child abuse happeing in her family and then hypothetical censorship.

I get it for real but you have no empathy for me. Poor pedo troll mod - got a taste of Vinny's medicine on me. Oh poor her. Fuck you Crench.

Begin copypaste of what you already read:

Nope not Vindicator's son. Her son I don't even know exists - just trying to give her a hypothetical situation so we can all see how evil Vindicator the gay pedophile is telling me not to have this in my OP on his deleted thread

From: /v/pizzagate/2500972

I haven't seen anything more disgusting than this since Christopher Kent Bowersox - Gay cop who attempted to murder me testified that boy on dog sex wasn't depraved to get a lesser sentence, after the Bakersfield police chief Williamson said he was still professional because he was only trying to sodomize boys off duty, which was a lie.

Why not link to it you fuck: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

I was trying to teach her empahy - with my problem of Vindicator the pedophile saying how dare you talk about the REAL pedophile Christopher Kent Bowersox who stopped me seeing my first born child and then the REAL PRO CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWEROX BOY RAPIST CENSORSHIP from Vinny.

She only got hit with a clear hypothetical situation - not a real threat you fucknut - to expose what you pedophiles are really doing to VOAT users right now your pro-pedophilie censorship and interference tactics exposed here: /v/ProtectVoat/2499289


You support Vindicator saying I have no right to talk about the pedo who took away my first born you fucken faggot. and that was a response to strayzie saying "it's just an edit" asking you not to talk about the pedo who took your first born.

What a lame excuse for pro-pedophile censorship in such a clear and well sourced OP:

I was a bit confused about the different people you've mentioned: McCool, Hall, Power and Bowersox. It became very difficult to follow. At first I thought you were saying they were the same person, and then I thought you were saying there were numerous different pedos connected to BBBS as part of your argument that BBBS is being run as a man/boy hookup service. Who's who and why they are in your thread needs to be very clear, so that it's possible to understand what you are asserting and assess the linked support you provide for it. (ProTip: If you have a piece of research you haven't yet gotten the evidence for, drop that down into the comment section as a "P.S. I am still investigating my suspician that...." Comments are free range).

Why not link to the actual posts you fuck rather than cropping and screencapping. I'm not editing shit.

I said IF i was bad as Vindicator - this hypothetical would happen (what triggers Crench - only the REAL THING HAPPENED TO ME) - THEN I WOULD TELL YOU STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR CHILD BEING ABUSED / REMOVED FOR THE SAKE OF GAY PRIDE.

SO IF TRY AND TEACH A SCRAG EMPATHY RATHER THAN CONTINUE TOP LET HER SHITPOST MEMES ALL OVER ANTI-PEDOPHILIA THREADS CRENCH will come down on you for trying to teach someone to have empathy for the anger I hold against gay pedophiles.

And Who supports this pro-pedophile censorship. YOU DO you motherfucker.


Clearly the only reason Vindicator wanted it censored is because he's a child raping pedophile, and you run around supporting that pedo - that makes you a PRO-PEDOPHILE-SHILL-WHORE


Nope not Vindicator's son. Her son I don't even know exists - just trying to give her a hypothetical situation so we can all see how evil Vindicator the gay pedophile is telling me not to have this in my OP on his deleted thread

From: /v/pizzagate/2500972

I haven't seen anything more disgusting than this since Christopher Kent Bowersox - Gay cop who attempted to murder me testified that boy on dog sex wasn't depraved to get a lesser sentence, after the Bakersfield police chief Williamson said he was still professional because he was only trying to sodomize boys off duty, which was a lie.

Why not link to it you fuck: /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076

I was trying to teach her empathy - with my problem of Vindicator the pedophile saying how dare you talk about the REAL pedophile Christopher Kent Bowersox who stopped me seeing my first born child.


You support Vindicator saying I have no right to talk about the pedo who took away my first born you fucken faggot. and that was a response to strayzie saying "it's just an edit" asking you not to talk about the pedo who took your first born.

What a lame excuse for pro-pedophile censorship in such a clear and well sourced OP:

I was a bit confused about the different people you've mentioned: McCool, Hall, Power and Bowersox. It became very difficult to follow. At first I thought you were saying they were the same person, and then I thought you were saying there were numerous different pedos connected to BBBS as part of your argument that BBBS is being run as a man/boy hookup service. Who's who and why they are in your thread needs to be very clear, so that it's possible to understand what you are asserting and assess the linked support you provide for it. (ProTip: If you have a piece of research you haven't yet gotten the evidence for, drop that down into the comment section as a "P.S. I am still investigating my suspician that...." Comments are free range).

Why not link to the actual posts you fuck rather than cropping and screencapping. I'm not editing shit.

I said IF i was bad as Vindicator - this hypothetical would happen (what triggers Crench - only the REAL THING HAPPENED TO ME) - THEN I WOULD TELL YOU STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR CHILD BEING ABUSED / REMOVED FOR THE SAKE OF GAY PRIDE.

SO IF TRY AND TEACH A SCRAG EMPATHY RATHER THAN CONTINUE TOP LET HER SHITPOST MEMES ALL OVER ANTI-PEDOPHILIA THREADS CRENCH will come down on you for trying to teach someone to have empathy for the anger I hold against gay pedophiles.

hojuruku ago

You gotta expand the collapsed threads guys. The funniest shit happens.


@Srayzie attacks me for going on the Alex Jones show and exposing a poor fetal alcoholism 16 year old boy aboriginal boy was charged with Australia's rarest anti-white-supremacist outlaw motorchcle gang law 60c nsw crimes act like the truly deeply racist whore she is..


(fast forward 3 mins and watch it till the end where Alex Jones Calls faggot cops evil - something that clearly triggered crazy stayzie)


You claim to be this famous person and how you were on Alex Jones. Take your meds you fucking lunatic!

Oh on Alex Jones again? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 You’re a fool! BRING. IT. ON! Make it rain mother fucker! You don’t scare me BITCH! Expose us! I now know your YouTube and your gab accounts because you have been posting your retarted shit there too. I will have fun exposing your ass as well. Especially how you would pay to have my son RAPED. It won’t be doxing either. Because you have posted the links here yourself. People should know what kind of sick pervert you are.

Now it gets really funny!!!

And then I expose @auralsects and @Vindicator going at it - where Vindicator Praises her for being an Alex Jones infowhore for her most upvoted piece.


HAHAH Vindicator is praising srayzie for being an Alex Jones infowhore! HAHAHAH

Back at you bitch or should I say queen bitch Sir Faggot Pedo Censor Lord!

https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12533063 auralsects said:

"She has contributed lots of interesting and important research posts to v/pizzagate, "

LMAO if u can link to a SINGLE ONE I'll legitimately leave forever.

[–] Vindicator [M] 1 points (+2|-1) 4 days ago

I'll take you up on that offer, auralsects. Here's a great thread from srayzie: https://archive.is/RdYFb

[–] auralsects 0 points (+1|-1) 1.5 days ago

a link to an alex jones broadcast. that just might approach the absolute opposite of research. its UNformation. LOL

And this isn't the only PRICELESS post from Vindicator /v/pizzagate/2500972/12496091 When we exposed him deleting comments on pizzagate suggesting if a pedo was a kike that turned out to be a kike!

Also I rehearsed this old comment the last time she did I'm a racist whore how dare you go on Alex Jones and expose the persecution of poor black teenagers with Australia's rearest crime for the crime of knowing a secret gay cop is gay 60c nsw crimes

Oh where have I seen this bitch using the same failed arguments?


Yeah sure. You were on Alex Jones lol. Well good, you started your own sub. Go rant over there.

The reply:

Nice try bitch.

AIPAC Alex Jones Shecklestien I exposed in this video half way through... Lee Anne McaDoo is a good jewess. I love her work.

If all the Jewesses like you running off with 21blackdicks did what she did - all our problems would be solved.

I proved she was AIPAC through her linked in profile and some investigation but you ban linkedin links on pizzagate.


You see I've had some experience doing with child sex loving anti-pedophilia activist trolls like you before.

That video is HILARIOUS.

And here's another leftist idiot I got to stay on the same network as GCN Alex Jones that sex with 12 year old boys should be legal if the boy wants it - after being arrested by the FBI in the PlayPen child porn ring and getting off as part of project Mockingbird (see video description


All my video descriptions have sources / research. Enjoy. GCN linked to a faggot pedophile who was let off the playpen sting by the FBI. Project Mockingbird agents can rape kids now?

Expose this stuff and you get banned by the pedo /v/pizzagatemods LIKE YOU

@auralsects & @vindicator I love your work exposing this duplicitous scrag. Calls Racist - says it's racist to oppose persecution of black teenager on the Alex Jones Shows. Says you are a fuckwit if you are associated with alex jones - that's her highest rated post.

http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=211624.0 (sorry photos censored by faggots pedos changing them to cat avatars)


She says it's racist to be against a Diensy MAN boy lover cam dating site - because that's anti-Semitic

/v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520076 <- read that - not the cropped screenshots.


Then when I try and teach her some empathy with a clear case of a hypothetical not a threat - she flips out - she's so pro-pedophile she's beyond saving.

Any reason why @Crensch cant' reply to this? He know's they lost the moral high ground here a long time ago.


I don't someone who trolls anti-pedophilia activism threads with off topic gay memes is really a woman like these WOMAN that predicted pedos like IT would come along later once the disney man boy love dating policy did it's damage after 2002


^^^ Look at the real women give it to the v/pizzagate pedo shill mods about Disney Man Boy Dating Site Censorship ^^^

hojuruku ago

You harrased me first saying you support Vindicator saying I have no right to name the gay pedophile that stopped me seeing my first born child. Shame on you. Before I said shit about you you were posting GAY.JPG memes all over my anti-pedophilia threads. Remember?

Everyone check out this:

How is is your pro-pedophile censorship working out for you @Vindicator - will I be bashed soon like you threatened for opposing your attempts to stop all dissent against man boy lovers - like I was giving hard on /v/pizzagate before you shut me down?


See the real pedo who does the censorship. Oh and after @Vindicator said - Don't name the pedo cop who stopped you seeing your first born as an "edit request" on the thread I refused - pedo @think- pulled the trigger and deleted the thread.

How is your pro-pedophilia censorship working out for you filthy pedo scum? Will the real hardcore pedos stand up and defend your actions, instead of relying on your fag hag @srayzie to role play the victim?

BOOM: /v/ProtectVoat/2511063/12550834

hojuruku ago

Here is the rest of Miranda Devine's article exposing how crazy @srayzie and leftist lgbti+ pedo loving PC nutjobs like here are gang rape enablers. Australia had a close call and nearly ended up like London.

which were later more than doubled on appeal. At the time, Latham made a point of debunking the racial element: “There is nothing said or done by the offenders which provides the slightest basis for imputing to (the rapists) some discrimination in terms of the nationality of their victims,” she said. One of the victims later complained her victim impact statement had been “censored” of “ethnic” references by prosecutors. But the facts had an ­inconvenient habit of asserting themselves in court. When District Court Judge Michael Finnane sentenced ringleader Skaf to a record 55 years in jail, he said: “By their own actions and their own words they have drawn this completely unique slur on their own culture by asking some of the victims do they like it Leb-style, suggesting that in some way they, themselves, are part of some separate group that isn’t really part of this community (and) they are wreaking revenge on the other group, the Australian group, if you like.” The emphatic nature of the convictions still didn’t convince the distortion merchants. Cunneen was heckled when she addressed a conference on the prevention of violence against women three years later. The hecklers asserted the gang rape cases were “nothing but racist prosecutions”. To its eternal shame, the leftist establishment has never acknowledged that young Muslim men singled out non-Muslim women to rape on the basis that they were “Aussie pigs” and “sluts” who asked for it. A PC stance on multiculturalism is more important than the safety of women.

Just yesterday on the Alex Jones show - watched by @srayzie every day - because she's always sharing links for it - they were talking about how it's a crime to be against Muslim Gang rape in England.


Anyway Alex Jones can't upload the video of the guest on last night talking about being visited by the police for opposing the pakistan flag being raised on a council town hall - the same town that had a paki grooming young girl rape gang problem - to youtube because of new English hate speech / social media laws came into effect yesterday. I guess if it's against the law to oppose Muslim gang rape of women - would it be legal to DOX the Muslim rape gang supporters like @srayzie and say go here - here is her address and she wants all of you bad!!!

hojuruku ago

look at the filthy pedophiles downvoting more msm news about muslim mass gang rapes. how dare this be exposed!!!!

just say it @srayzie was here in the comments below and say I downvoted this - how dare anyone oppose Puplick and his support of Muslim Gang Rape - and his attempts to give them $40k AUD whilst sitting in jail because their "privacy" was violated by the media.

hojuruku ago

Any comments? @srayzie do you support @Vindicator's censorship of the thread with the quotes above? From all accounts of your recent trip to v/OccidentalEnclave you do!

So you like your Muslim Gang rape 25 guy sessions rough?

derram ago

https://archive.fo/70NCO :

Man murders woman. Man declares he IS a... - Women's Liberation Front | Facebook

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=CQw3KSYD3ns :

Feminists love Islamists - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=2IEO-wj877o :

Milo vs Muhammad - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=PeXVP7TlSxY :

Real Muslim Feminist - YouTube

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