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hojuruku ago

I can prove @strayzie isn't a woman, but a faggot pedophile who openly supports muslim gangs & aids tranny rape of women and pedophile boy rape.

How? By her supporting the deletion of threads on gay jewish pedphile judges (Puplick) who support rape to women and children, and giving them moral support, and cash.

What real woman supports MUSLIM GANG RAPE done by Racist White Woman hating mass muslim rapists, and Australia's latest gay jew pedophile judge Christopher Puplick AM exposed on these two threads, the latter one censored by @Vindicator??? /v/pizzagate/2494791 (Vinidcator pedomod censored) & /v/pizzagate/2492737

Personally I thik Vindicator did his pro-tranny-aids-rape enabler, pro-muslim-gang rape enabler, pro-boylover because I asked him to stop censoring @BabalonWorking on the OTO pedophile cult. Look at the timeline. This comment: /v/pizzagate/2496874/12473026 got the thread on Puplick deleted only <5 mins later. Clearly it's a powerpedomod power trip.

Here is @stayzie trolling me today on the thread entitled "Pizzagate's satanic baby rape cult loving pedo mod @Vindicator (see v/ProtectVoat) censored post about Australia's newest gay jew pedo judge who tried to make it a crime to be against Muslim Gang rape"

/v/OccidentalEnclave/2511176/12551369 @stayzie says "He is a psycho" to oppose my mate Vindicator being against Muslim Men gang raping white Women in every orophis until it orifice.

Here are some quotes from the thread Vindicator deleted about Christopher Puplick AM gay hero Racist to deny the truths of rape

By Paul Sheehan April 19 2003 Sydney Morning Herald

The most brutal, most brazen discrimination committed in Australia, by Australians against Australians in recent decades - discrimination that was sexual and racial and violent - was committed against scores of young women in Sydney over an extended period between 1998 and 2002.

The facts - which came to be summarised by the phrase "gang rapes" - are now widely known, comprehensively documented by the courts and widely accepted.

Widely accepted, except by the watchdog against racial and sexual discrimination, the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW. The board (Christopher Pooplicker AM) has just published a 120-page report, Race for the Headlines, which at every turn seeks to dispute, sanitise and minimise the racial element of the gang-rape narrative.

The report is chilling in its relative indifference to the victims - the very people who have been most discriminated against - when compared with its palpable anger about discrimination against Muslims.

Race for the Headlines advances the claim that the number of gang rapes was "greatly exaggerated" by sections of the media. It argues that the problem was "racialised" by the media. It claims that the "alleged" racial element in the crimes was used to "justify the criminalisation of the entire Lebanese and Muslim communities".

It asserts that "systemic racism underpins Australia". It baldly states, as fact rather than highly loaded and extremely dubious opinion, that at the time the gang-rape story emerged Australians "were in a moral panic about Arabic or Middle Eastern and Muslim asylum seekers".

“You deserve it because you’re an Australian” they told one victim. “Suck on it, Aussie pig” another victim was told while being raped 25 times by fourteen men in a degrading six-hour ordeal. They called her a “slut”, told her they would rape her “Leb style” and asked her if “Leb c… tasted better than Aussie c…”. The 18-year-old victim code-named Miss C later testified: “I looked in his eyes. I had never seen such indifference.” She had been sitting on a train, dressed for a job interview in her best suit, reading The Great Gatsby, when she was ­approached by the youths, who stole her mobile phone to lure her off the train. Police investigated as many as 70 similar gang rapes which occurred in August and September 2000. Women and girls as young as 14 snatched off trains and from shopping malls and driven to southwest Sydney to be assaulted by groups of men summoned by mobile phone: “I’ve got a slut with me bro, come to Punchbowl.” At the time, detectives were struck by DNA evidence which showed many of the rapists were blood relatives, including at least two sets of brothers. In the end, 14 youths, including ringleader Bilal Skaf and his brother Mohammed, were convicted of raping seven women, and sentenced to jail terms of between 11 and 55 years (reduced on appeal). Justice was done, thanks to the courage of the victims submitting themselves to trials and retrials, and the competence of investigating police and Crown prosecutor Margaret Cunneen. But a sinister pall hung over the case. A stifling political correctness sought to suppress the truth of those gang rapes, pretending they were just like any other crime, with no religious or racial motivations, and that racists were lying to create a “moral panic”. It was the beginning of an Orwellian push by the social engineers of the Left to demean and damage anyone who spoke honestly about the cultural and religious faultlines that would soon lead to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and endless social disruption since. As one of the journalists ­involved from the beginning in the story of Sydney’s gang rapes, which broke in July, 2001, I was staggered, naively, by the pressure to sanitise the victims’ accounts. This pressure came from fellow journalists, judges, lawyers, academics, politicians, the Human Rights and Equal ­Opportunity Commission, the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, even feminists. Careers were made by twisting secondhand facts to prove a conspiracy against Muslims in the Australian media and criminal justice system. Police, prosecutors and journalists involved firsthand in the case were accused of being Islamophobes — the launch of that now well-worn slur. Whole books and PhD theses were written about “Islamophobia in Australia”. NSW Anti-Discrimination Board president Chris Puplick published a 123-page pamphlet wrongly claiming the media was infected with institutionalised “anti-Arab, anti-Muslim” bigotry which created “moral panic” in the community. In the August, 2001, case of three men convicted of gang raping two 16-year-old girls, then NSW District Court Judge Megan Latham, (now the ICAC commissioner who accused Cunneen of perverting the course of justice over a car crash involving her son’s girlfriend) imposed ludicrously ­lenient sentences

Soon after, the then Privacy Commissioner, Chris Puplick, was warning that the Skaf (Muslim Gang Rapist) family could be eligible for up to $40,000 compensation for breach of privacy. This prompted Carr to change the law. Carr introduced the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Amendment (Prison) Bill 2002, stopping prisoners such as Skaf, their family or friends receiving payment for breaches of privacy laws.

It's my view if you say it's wrong to speak out against someone or something you support that something.

Here are REAL WOMEN - not faggot pedophile cross dresser @Stayzie outraged at the actions of gay jew Pedophile Judge Christopher Puplick leader of Australia's gay rights movements not only trying to give 40k to the muslim mass rapists above, but also gave 50k to this homosexual aids rapists tranny of women in women's prisons.

Real women oppose Disney BBBS man boy dating sites - she doesn't the pedo whore!

I recently shared a Video from Renegade exposing the kind of filthy whores and fake white nationalists like @strayzie who support the rape of women.

So I ask you all. Is Strayzie the "woman" right to say I stand with Vindicator ! How dare you oppose censorship threads about jewish gay pedophile judges who support gang rape of WOMEN! It's not boy rape - it's boy love if Robert "Dolly" Dunn does it Supported by Puplick does it.

Strayzie says it's not gang rape if a Muslim does it like the feminists in this video - because she supports censoring threads exposing gay jew pedo judges trying to prosecute those racists who oppose a white women being beated around and raped.

hojuruku ago

Here is the rest of Miranda Devine's article exposing how crazy @srayzie and leftist lgbti+ pedo loving PC nutjobs like here are gang rape enablers. Australia had a close call and nearly ended up like London.

which were later more than doubled on appeal. At the time, Latham made a point of debunking the racial element: “There is nothing said or done by the offenders which provides the slightest basis for imputing to (the rapists) some discrimination in terms of the nationality of their victims,” she said. One of the victims later complained her victim impact statement had been “censored” of “ethnic” references by prosecutors. But the facts had an ­inconvenient habit of asserting themselves in court. When District Court Judge Michael Finnane sentenced ringleader Skaf to a record 55 years in jail, he said: “By their own actions and their own words they have drawn this completely unique slur on their own culture by asking some of the victims do they like it Leb-style, suggesting that in some way they, themselves, are part of some separate group that isn’t really part of this community (and) they are wreaking revenge on the other group, the Australian group, if you like.” The emphatic nature of the convictions still didn’t convince the distortion merchants. Cunneen was heckled when she addressed a conference on the prevention of violence against women three years later. The hecklers asserted the gang rape cases were “nothing but racist prosecutions”. To its eternal shame, the leftist establishment has never acknowledged that young Muslim men singled out non-Muslim women to rape on the basis that they were “Aussie pigs” and “sluts” who asked for it. A PC stance on multiculturalism is more important than the safety of women.

Just yesterday on the Alex Jones show - watched by @srayzie every day - because she's always sharing links for it - they were talking about how it's a crime to be against Muslim Gang rape in England.

Anyway Alex Jones can't upload the video of the guest on last night talking about being visited by the police for opposing the pakistan flag being raised on a council town hall - the same town that had a paki grooming young girl rape gang problem - to youtube because of new English hate speech / social media laws came into effect yesterday. I guess if it's against the law to oppose Muslim gang rape of women - would it be legal to DOX the Muslim rape gang supporters like @srayzie and say go here - here is her address and she wants all of you bad!!!

I mean if you live by the sword of political correctness you need to die by it right?

hojuruku ago

Wow just found more connections with the Prison System that Christopher Puplick used to cover up the rape by NOEL CROMPTON HALL the first tranny to be supervised by the government using a womens toilet.

A poor NZ woman was deported from Australia so she couldn't get a conviction in her own rape trail done by the tranny. I guess she had to take the rape for GAY PRIDE! Garry Burns lawyer trying to get the tranny mass rapist $$$ because how dare the warden tell the other women he had aids and disclose his HIV+ status to prevent more gevious bodily fluidly harm to more women taking gay man aids cocks in a women's prison

Wow Garry Burns queer hero pedophile case law was used to get the tranny rapist $$$

Not let out of jail - but a week later another secret retrial where the victims mother didn't show up and then he was released

Then the rape policy for NSW Corrective Services got redacted in the same month to cover up the fact he should get more time for aids HIV+ tranny rape of women in a women's jail after Christopher Puplick ordered the tranny rapist in there.