Vindicator ago

@BabalonWorking: Please check out our rules in the sidebar, then remove and repost this as a Discuss post so that you can explain the content you are linking to, and how it is directly relevant to elite sexual abuse of kids. You have 24 hours, then this thread will be removed per rules 1 and 3. Thanks.

BabalonWorking ago

I thought that was self-explanatory. Did you even read it?

Vindicator ago

Of course. However, we have to consistently administer the submission rules, and you've made no effort to describe the content or how it relates to PG for those unfamiliar with Kinsey and/or Crowley. Our rules are quite clear.

BabalonWorking ago

Yeah, we know you are a pedophile like Kevdude and Crench.

Vindicator ago

You guys must really be getting desperate. Ad hominem is the weakest argument, you know.

BabalonWorking ago

It's so easy to say that when you have the power to abuse people with, isn't it?

Vindicator ago

What power would that be, BW? The power to politely ask users to comply with our submission rules? The power to ask them to repost in our sub with NO rules? The power to move a post to Removed Submissions, where it is still visible to anyone who does a search?

Users have far more power than mods on Voat. They are the only ones who can change the content of their posts, or permanently delete them so they cannot be searched.

BabalonWorking ago

Cut the shit. I've seen you join in the bullying here.

You did it to me once. All you guys think you can do whatever because you're mods.

Vindicator ago

Dude, take a hike with your two day old account. I put my time in here every friggin' day, poop-scooping the shitposts so the investigative content that might help law enforcement doesn't get slid. I've never bullied a single person. If you honor our submission rules, your post stays up. If you want help figuring out how to submit within the guidelines, all you have to do is ask. I have a very long track record of doing this. Take your whining somewhere else.

BabalonWorking ago

You aren't fooling me, you joined in with Kevdude and Crensch to bully before. You weren't as bad as them but you participated.

NO new ideas can come out of how you are run this place. Its always the most interesting posts that get deleted, I'm not talking about me either but the 100s of other users you guys ran off over time. You mods are responsible for that.

hojuruku ago

I disagree - it's a link to a well layed out blog which has better formatting than a discuss post. Please stop scaring of the irregular contributors.

Please take this as constructive criticism and not anything else. I'm going to be making more detailed discussed posts like the one i just put up in the days to come, really damning well written ones - but if I was this guy and I found this I would just link to the blog too.

BabalonWorking ago


hojuruku ago


Your nickname means BROTHER SISTER INCEST SEX "MOON CHILD" CONCEPTION ORGY PARTY KICKED OFF BY JACK PARSONS in translating from OTO speak to layman's. Are you trying to find all the good stuff from the internet to clean it up as the OTO has been doing recently?

CC @nzmc @GreenDell144

What's in a name eh? Google yours with a space followed by Ordo Templi Orentis.

BabalonWorking ago

I know exactly what Babalon working is dumb shit. I wanted to bring attention to it.

hojuruku ago

I got videos about this. I'm the OTO hating hate criminal here that gets prosecuted for the crime of not loving baby sex. (no I'm not the only one talking about OTO baby sex: ) Judge rules if you disrespect Aleister Crowley in 2018 you must go to jail - because he is a prophet like Jesus that the OTO worships.

Now I recall there was an amazing documentary on just this topic. Of course there is the Kinsey Syndrome and Kinsey's pedophiles. But I found an even better one. Keep looking for the other videos and I'll tell you when you find it.

Here's the two I just mentioned. I'm busy now but seek and you'll find - it was on youtube - but lots of OTO pedophilia videos are being taken down. I have to re-upload a few OTO orgy photo videos - and I doxxed where the orgies happened. The OTO claims it doesn't do sex magick in Australian courts which is a joke.

Maybe I posted a link about it on here. Let me search.. Me copy pasting a plug for Kinsey Syndrome from Henery Mackow when he was exposing for Hillary's Planned Parenthood campaigning for the right of the child - to get fucked and not tell their parents about it.. I shit you not...

More JEWTUBE pro pedo censorship in Action: Me doing the same two video plugs...

Nup I really have to go digging to find the 3rd big kinsey OTO video. I recall it was made in Europe not America and it may have been the first one made.

sore_ass_losers ago

"OTO hating hate criminal here" - You didn't get your usual -1 yet. Maybe the Defender of OTO is still in bed, at school, etc.

hojuruku ago

For being against this unnecessary censorship i got instant payback. Lost 3 threads up last 2 days within 15 mins.

I've haven't been vindicated yet. You go be the judge. What's in a name eh?

GreenDell144 ago

Sex magic is not new. I suspect that even the sexual ritual abuse that is a tool for MK ULTRA programming is not new. These are ancient evils that have plagued mankind for centuries. Archaeology and ancient text support this assertion.

The older Hebrew scriptures of the Bible make mention of sacred poles an temple prostitutes. This connotates a link between sex and esoteric knowledge, or supernatural power in the context. Grotesque sexual statuary are regular finds in archaeological garbage pits of the Biblical lands. These resemble the statues of Angkor Wat that show several types of deviant sexual behavior in supernatural contexts, including pedophilia, group sex, necrophilia and bestiality.

The reason that these things are considered new, is because after society had been infected with this illness, and suffered the ill effects to the point of intolerability, they rose up and removed the unspeakable practices violently. This well explains the intolerant and violent mandates and pogroms of the ancient Israelites against their neighbors. This is borne out by the archaeological record as well.

Once removed, the heinous and horrible acts are never spoken of, to be forgotten for generations, until another ‘visionary’ or ‘enlightened’ individual comes along to take the mantle of the rebellious high priest and share the destructive secrets of the anti human deviance once again. But it’s not new. Just the same OLD filth on a different day and a different channel.

JackHoff ago

Very informative! Thanks

BabalonWorking ago

Yes, it leads to the destruction of a civilization.

nzmc ago

People liked sex since ancient times, recently some some secret societies as one created by Crowley became popular, they didn’t have entire ancient knowledge but lured many into some false beliefs that they know some secrets of sexual magic There is more about out that on inter webs

BabalonWorking ago

Yes, that's correct, Crowley didn't know all that much even though he desperately wanted to.

BabalonWorking ago


"Hefner declared himself Kinsey’s pamphleteer, and there is no question that on the pornographic pages of Playboy, that is exactly what he was."

hojuruku ago

Wow Scientology is linked to the OTO (Crowley / OTO) - but Anonymous faggots (who love the gay part of the OTO Master of the Hermit Traid XI) and the really secret rituals involving children they oh it's our secret right to keep secret wont go against the organization that founded the organization that pissed everyone on 4chan off ( takedown) that founded in turn their organization as a reaction. Funny that is eh? (of course I knew this about OTO & Scientology - but it's nice to see others posting the same thing). You come herer on your first post and you get censored. It's bullshit mate. I feel for you. Those who go into bat for you get 3 posts censored up for 2 days within 15 mins of going into bat for you. It's bullshit. Someone is sending a message.

NO jews. NO OTO. Pizzagate there is nothing to see here. If you do take these on - boom. Well if you trace the history of the OTO back to the Fankinsts (i could link to videos etc - but there has been a lot Of OTO related censorship on youtube etc after the court case in Australia) the OTO is a peverted jewish cult so I'm not surprised.

I've given to a newscorp jouranlist (wish I didn't) details on the OTO's homeless child charity they operate in Australia but haven't put it here yet.

Looks like I wont be able to because @Vindicator will just censor it. FAAK. Why is the OTO getting into the homeless children business eh? Why can't they help some children that are easier to find (like have an address) if they don't turn up at school etc.