HighLevelInsider ago

More info on the Discordians. Like the Freemason-controlled John Birch Society, the Discordians spread the disinfo that "The Illuminati" are behind world events, to keep you from looking at Freemasonry and the bodies it has gained control over (New age, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, OTO, Church of Satan, Wicca, etc.)

hojuruku ago

Kinsey is exposed as an OTO child sex cult pedophile (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2023169 <- FUCK THE OTO pedo cult with the IRS / ATO - instructions here) in the Kinsey's pedophiles documentary from Channel 4 UK / SBS and the MOST AMAZING ONE - The Kinsey Syndrome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9ztmp1yDq8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVC-1d5ib50

Children have sex ed classes and http://unsafeschools.org/ that teach children are sexually active from birth because and OTO child sex cult operative Kinsey timed babies being raped time to orgasm. If a baby shakes in pain whilst being sodomized by a homo pedo - then it's an orgasm according to his most popular book that "proves" children are active from birth.

Just last week here is the result of his legacy: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2020171 (12 year old masterbation classes in Government schools) and Australian Gay Judge / UN offical who calls North Korea Nazi's justice Kirby on national TV saying boys under 12 in government primary schools must be instructed on the best way to take a gay mans cock: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2014/07/21/hiv-and-pc-madness/ (see comments)

chrisdurpaderdherp ago

“The Titian painting Venus with a Mirror"

BlissGoat ago