kast0nius ago

This stuff is absolutely disturbing. They're trying to indoctrinate our kids into this "genderless" society.

FuriousYT ago

Thank you for this. Evil shit to the core, infecting our schools. Toward the end of her vid she's defensive about being branded a homo/trans-phobe. Seriously, you don't need to defend yourself against the accusations of pedophiles. This is how these sexual predators use the morals of the normal class to shame/silence them ("Oh, you don't fully embrace hyper-sexualization and perversion of the culture- so you must be a hater...").

We need to be in full-on attack mode, not balancing off the back foot. The sexual psychopaths have infiltrated our institutions and are soft peddling their "theories" to contaminate the next generation of prey. This shit has to end.

hojuruku ago

@AssFaceSandwich2 please explain why you down-voted this Soccer Mom who didn't like faggots telling her 12 year old kids how to masterbate without asking the mother for consent to do so. Do you think it's wrong to oppose child grooming and strangers telling little kids how to fuck, and keeping the child's parents out of the loop. Just saying......

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

This is my first time seeing it, how could I have downvoated? Anyway, like I've said, I'm going to try and better understand your paragraphs of information. It's tough but I'll try.