Millennial_Falcon ago

K, but that doesn't really seem relevant either. You're suggesting that PP is teaching gender fluidity to make children vulnerable to pedos? I don't get it.

Millennial_Falcon ago

he deleted mine within seconds

The timing is just a matter of when I happen to log on and check new posts. Trying to make abortion relevant to pizzagate is a huge stretch.

4warned ago

Excellent post. Pizzagate related as corruption of Planned Parenthood protected by fake news. No main stream coverage of PP employees protecting pedophile rapists.

hojuruku ago

Planned Parenthood want it to make it a crime for a parent to ask their child the name of the pedophile who is raping them. You can't make this up. And it was all UN funded.

Pedophilia is Central to Illuminati Agenda

December 10, 2016

Planned-Parenthood-Perversion.jpgInternational Planned Parenthood kicks off international blitz at U.N. conference on "Sex Rights for Children."

The promotion of pedophilia is prime evidence society is being inducted into the Illuminati (Masonic Jewish) satanic cult. Pizzagate is just the latest sign that pedophilia is practised by this satanic cult that is devoted to degrading and enslaving humanity. Sex Ed programs adopted by public schools are designed to prepare children for sexual exploitation which is satanic ritual abuse.

"This story is really about preventing parents from protecting their children from sexual predators - including the State."

(from July 17, 2011) by Richard Evans (

The International Planned Parenthood Federation are now advocating the "right" to consent to sex acts become a plank the platform of the United Nations "Rights of the Child" Treaty. The international abortion NGO released two documents to be used by child sex advocates as part of a media blitz, directing children of any age to "explore avenues of sexuality", and directly attacking the protective role of the parents.

This UN council plans on punishing "violators and abusers of the rights of the child" as defined by UN tribunal.

Planned Parenthood, fronting for gay and pedophile NGO's, want heterosexual values such as chastity and age of consent, ruled a violation of children's "sexual rights."

LifeNews/CFAM writes; "The sexual rights guide "Exclaim!" calls for a cornucopia of sexuality and gender protections and entitlements under the guise of international law."

blog_childexploitation_2_480.jpg(left, campaigns to stop child sexual exploitation seem to have opposite effect.)

"Governments must respect, protect and fulfill all sexual rights for young people," the publication states. The guide is designed to help young people become sex advocates."

"Young people are sexual beings." and "...All people under 18 should enjoy the full range of human rights, including sexual rights..."

It goes on to demand the removal of parental and spousal consent laws that prevent minors from "seeking reproductive health services" without parental knowledge and consent. The documents encourage children as young as ten to "become sexual rights advocates".

This "Exclaim!" text is drawn from the "Basic Sexual Rights" manifesto of the "Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality," headquartered in San Francisco. It refers to under-aged as sexually "disadvantaged."

"The recognition by society that every person, partnered or unpartnered, has the right to the pursuit of a satisfying consensual sociosexual life free from political, legal or religious interference and that there need to be mechanisms in society where the opportunities of sociosexual activities are available to the following: disabled persons; chronically ill persons; those incarcerated in prisons, hospitals or institutions; those disadvantaged because of age..."

If you have any doubt they're not referring minors and children, please watch The Kinsey Syndrome and see the Institute's website

The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality was founded as a satrap of the Kinsey Institute in the 1950's. It trains 'sex educators' to prepare public school teachers to teach children contraception and homosexual/lesbian techniques and how to masturbate and use pornography.

Kinsey and his Institute aided an international network of pedophiles. One reason for the astounding immunity of such "child sexual rights advocates" is the covert support of highly placed perverts in government, including the blackmail of some very important men.

This story is really about preventing parents from protecting their children from sexual predators - including the State.

Meanwhile, last week California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that mandates "Gay History Lessons in Public Schools."

What IPPF's "Sex Rights for Children' means is that a 12-year-old can get an abortion through Planned Parenthood without the parents knowledge or approval. It also affirms the child's "right" to "gay" lessons on the tax payers dime at school. Finally, it affirms the "right" to consent to sexual "explorations" with anybody, regardless of age or gender "choice".

Does a child's :"rights" include opting out of sex classes promoting masturbation and bisexuality, or even the "gay" history curriculum in California?

No, it doesn't. "Human Rights" is a euphemism for satanic social engineering and perversion.

Related- Pizzagate Explained in 14 min

Miley Cyrus Pedophilia - The Next Frontier (from 2008)

"Why are Babies being vaccinated for STD's?"

Condoms Disguised as Lollipops

UN Consider SexualRights for 10-Year-Olds


Judith Reisman was way ahead of what's been going on now. It was all planned out by Kinsey Institute and funded from the beginning by the Rockefeller Foundation. Kinsey Myths

Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles A 1998 documentary, aired on Channel 4 in the U.K.. See the original press release. Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles is referred to in this revealing chapter from the book Kinsey, Crime & Consequences. Watch Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles here:

MUST SEE - Kinsey's Fraud Or here,

International Planned Parenthood "EXCITE Campaign" web page

UN Children's Rights Convention

Obama appointee lauded NAMBLA figure

hojuruku ago

if you like this and want more research on this topic, I can pull from the vault my old accelerate.lgbti/about aka victims of gay bullying blog going into more detail.

hojuruku ago

Remember the OTO self admitted (on camera) child sex cult founded transgenderism. This all goes back to the religion PIZZAGATE PEDOS who follow the teachings of the pedophile Alistair Crowley.

XI° – Rocket to Uranus Anal Intercourse and the O.T.O. Michael Bertiaux, William Wallace Webb, William C. Conway, Roland Merritt Shreves, Cecil Frederic Russell, Aleister Crowley, Theodor Reuss, Marc-Antoine Lullyanov, Oscar Schlag, Marcelo Ramos Motta, Kenneth Grant, Choronzon Club, Victor B. Neuburg, Patrick King, James Graeb, William Breeze, Llee Heflin, Hermann Joseph Metzger, Louis T. Culling By Peter-Robert Koenig

The structure of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), like that of Freemasonry, is based on a staged series of initiations or degrees. The essence of the Order is in its higher degrees; strictly speaking only members of these degrees are considered to be members of the O.T.O. proper. Aleister Crowley: "Of the Eleventh Degree [of the Ordo Templi Orientis], its powers, privileges, and qualifications, nothing whatever is said in any grade. It has no relation to the general plan of the Order, is inscrutable, and dwells in its own palaces." (Liber CXCIV, 1919) Crowley: "I am inclined to believe that the XIth degree is better than the IXth degree", diary entry 26 August 1916. "Oh, how superior is the Eye of Horus to the Mouth of Isis!". Diary 1913 about a boy showered with "foaming seed": "While the other in his orgasm receives the waters." "Let it be no sin to us to have buggered the virle bum." "While the priest thrusts his thyrsus between boyish buttocks, All is accomplished; come Holy Dove!" "The Equinox" IV;2, Maine 1998, 405.