hojuruku ago

I didn’t delete my comments on pizzagayte. You did and banned me. I kept archives.

The Kiwifarms site, srayzie is working for is formally supporting child abuse camps, was done for CP, and is proven to be run by pedophiles.

Are you actually trying to say that I work for KiwiFarms now?? 🤭😂

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[–] hojuruku 0 points (+1|-1) 14 hours ago (edited 14 hours ago)


I told you It's a website known to publish child porn ran by pedophiles.

You know in that comment you deleted to you replied to here. I'll repost what that deleted comment you saw and replied to first when it was there.


**You go... mmmm ME STRAYZIE want some CP action - hojuruku told me citizen journalists expose kiwifarms founder Joshua Conna Moon being a big pedophile - oh yummy he's my kind of guy. MMM me filthy stalking whore - I want to go to a website ran by MSM news confirmed criminal stalkers... MMM they are pedophiles just like me I'm going to dive in there and spread propaganda from the pedophiles to use against luke...

Then in that reply she screenshots lies from the filthy pedo website ran by child pimp lovers.

So you agree with Kiwifarms it was wrong of me to oppose The Jeju International English village foreign child pimping camp who's boss is now in jail thanks to my work (and that of others). You support their views that all children should be pimped you filthy pedo whore? Because your alt is linking to websites that make those claims on /v/hojuruku

You claimed you saw my gab.ai and 8chan posts. You know I was right to fight those Korean pimps of western children - but you join with kiwifarms attacking me over it anyway? Because you are a fucken pedophile that's why.


And see the OTO child rape pedo cult that is trolling me.


How many times have you taken your imaginary pedo love child to the Gnostic Catholic Mass Orgy srayzie? Does he enjoy it? Does enjoy follow the teachings of Aleister Crowley who Australian gay judges say we must respect... you know these teachings.


quotes crowley's book of the law

Moreover, the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood fog, and mystery stupefy, their minds, whose error else might thwart and misdirect the growth of their subconscious system of soul-symbolism.

So why do you troll the person the OTO kiddy fuck cult hates the most? And you call me a pedo. You fucken satanic whore.

I guess if you can do that I can make /v/strayziefucksthelittleboys .. but not today all in good time.

Here's the comment you replied to:

Your comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 has been deleted by: @noonereally on: 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM

/v/hojuruku/2512836/ has a link to a CP sharing website on it. It was reported to management but they freaked out and deleted the comment alerting the management because they know they are filthy pedophiles linking to CP websites.

Funny how @srayzie found this new /v/hojuruku stalking subverse if she wasn't in on it.

Description given: Rule Violation in v/hojuruku: No walls of text; Description: autistic rant with walls of text and links Original Comment

So I'll copypaste it again....

^^ is that you linking to a website that publishes child porn that stared trolling me by threatening to kill my mother and publishing her address? (since edited out of the 1st page you linked to but I can repost it to show how evil you pedos are if you want ^^

Putting links to pictures of people's parents houses is breach of the voats rules. Kiss your account goodbye.

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/380196bb9448b43252b652b4798cc9b0abe247abed671ef1d8e33eb68155dbca.png https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html#q11456318

And besides they edit my posts on there so anything on that claiming to come from me may not be.

If VOAT doesn't terminate your account then I am allowed to start threads to dox the /v/pizzagate/ pedomods. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

BTW they are confirmed pedophile trolls as this video exposes:


They were watching my twitter and saw I replied to a video by Paul Joseph Watson attacking the left for loving child sex. An hour later they had a hate page on him too.

So stop your linking to child porn publishing, pedophile controlled doxxing sites that even the MSM calls criminal.


After being warned you were doing a dox to a website that published my mothers house and threatened to go there and kill inside before I was trolled to that website to try and identify some of them (and we did) to get them jailed.... you go post it again.

Kiss goodbye to your account @noonerally aka srayzie

More on /v/pizzagayte where there isn't any pro-faggot-pedophile censorship for gay pedo heart progress pride or filthy whores that say ha ha ha you got banned because you refused to edit out convicted pedophiles name's as requested by @Vindicator

hojuruku ago

It just gets better and better..

from: the SBBH pedos /v/SoapboxBanhammer/2513558 "In May 2016, @hojuruku told deputies from Tazewell County, Illinois, that music superstar Taylor Swift was stalking him and hacking his phone"

[–] zyklon_b 2 points (+3|-1) 3.6 hours ago

@heygeorge will pull his pants down and shit in your pussy here is where you confess to viewin cp.

[–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 12 minutes ago (edited 11 minutes ago)

confessed to seeing it about 3 or 4 times in my life whilst Researching Garry Burns and his contacts (e.g. by googling jezinbris and Lisa Oldfield) and reporting it to youtube and the police :) Meanwhile vindicator deletes 100s of CP links in v/pizzagate deletion log. I don't know they are cP i haven't clicked on them. How does vindicator know for sure they are CP? Did he admit downloading and viewing child porn! @Vindicator the pedophile needs to be doxxed by law enforcement now. He's admitted to downloading child porn!

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[–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

I so love this guys. I'm going to have all my recorded audio tapes to Crime Stoppers of myself reporting all of Garry Burns friends and himself downloading CP.

I even sent you the raw DKIM signed email where Garry Burns himself emailed me a link to CP from a child prostitute he was paying to fuck on the protect voat thread.

Garry Burns is the pedophile and you are coming after me for exposing him. Clearly you are pedos.


That DKIM signed email proven to be from Garry Richard Burns contains a link to young asian.jpg child porn - the child prostitute he was paying to have sex with.

You can see his penis picture he sent the child here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195

So because I am trying to get this VIP gay pedophile jailed I'm the pedophile? Keep shilling. Comment copy-pasted onto my thread - and you keep deleting mine. This is bloody halarious. Do your worst. Hopefully INTERPOL can help me get Garry Burns and his pedophile ring and expose NSW Police aren't doing their job to jail Deputy Commisioner Catherine Judith Burns brother Garry.

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noonereally ago

For the last time Luke, I'm not @srayzie.

I'm you

hojuruku ago

YES YOU ARE. You haven't posted in 2 years and all you do are manufacture upvotes / downvotes. BAN evasion from strazyie - ban again. You are a pedo strayzie alt.

Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

3 submissions to realProtectVoat

2 submissions to hojuruku

1 submissions to OccidentalEnclave

1 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

This user has so far shared a total of 2 links, started a total of 5 discussions and submitted a total of 29 comments. Voting habits

Submissions: This user has upvoted 183 and downvoted 0 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 155 and downvoted 0 comments.

hojuruku ago

wow you are taking images from the pedophile Garry Richard Burns own blog now. You are stepping up to show how much of a real pedophile you are.

hojuruku ago

HaHA now crazyie strayzie says her Q gang will hunt those who hunt pedos. She's trying to make all of Q pedo lovers like her!!!!

Srayzie is claiming Q is out to get me now... and Q is posting about me. You can't make this shit up guys.

Oh is she trying to reply to all Q posts first with here pro-pedophilia agenda against me a well known anti-pedophilia activist?


[–] srayzie 3 points (+4|-1) 5.9 hours ago

Right? Now Q posted! This punk can deal with the shit storm he has caused today.

There you have it - Q hunts those who hunt pedos. Q is team gay child fuck and @srayzie speaks for Q. What a filthy whore dragging all her Q tards into her mess.

Srayzie just linked / joined a thread that linked to a known CP website ran by gay pedophiles, and then used false information from that website to falsely accused me of being a pedophile for the crime of investigating Australia's greatest gay Activist Garry Burns (connected to puplick the gay judge above: /v/pizzagate/2492737 - Garry is trying to jail all who oppose the mass rape lover this OP is about).

Anyway @srayzie has done it this time - linking to a CP webstie, going there and then making false allegtions that me securing evidence - a chain of custody to get a conviction against pedos who publish CP on the internet who are liked to Garry Burns like Lisa Oldfield and Jeremy Smith of Newstead QLD - makes me a pedo when it doesn't.

Every time I bump into that filth hunting pedos 1800THELOST, FBI or AFP gets an unwanted call and a dossier - not that they do anything except say Don't use this email address to contact us - use the web form with 200 characters and no file upload - go away.

I guess with all of Vindicator's CP deletions he's bumped into it more than me - so by all the /v/pizzagatemods flawed logic on their /v/hojuruku porn publishing subverse they are bigger pedophiles than I. I never clicked on the links in the v/pizzagate delition log. How did Vindicator know for sure they were CP? Did he download the CP and do a crime as the pedophile he is? And why are those links still being distributed in the deletion log. Why aren't they hidden like the comments I left on their subvere exposing them linking to a CP website?


This exposes the new filthy @srazyie pedo stalking gang bigtime:

MUST SEE: /v/pizzagayte/2513428 "Cracy @srayzie and her alt @noonerally publish links to child porn publishing pedophilia normalization website the MSM calls a pedo stalking operation & start new we are pedo stalkers subverse"

You may as well sticky it seeing nobody saw it the first time due to the pedo downvote gang as payback - seeing they are now going full pedo linking to CP websites that publish false allegaitons from a Lesbian Mother who lives just down the Road from David Bottrill and his two tranny sons.

hojuruku ago

Wow what a circlejerk of pedophile mods claiming it's a crime for me to investigate, report to the police and secure a chain of evidence to ensure a conviction against Garry Burns and all of his associates doing for child porn, human trafficking, international child sex tourism etc. Wow if you fight gay pedophiles you are the pedophile is #pedologic from the /v/pizzagatemods pedo gang.

@Dfens @auralsects - now the crazy whore is saying Q is coming to get me because I hate Garry Burns and his friends publishing CP. HAHAHAHA this gets better.

Here is @srayzie's porn page screenshot as it stands now https://s14.postimg.cc/nks0htqvl/strayziepedogang.png

Here's the whole thread: /v/hojuruku/2512836 [–] srayzie 2 points (+3|-1) 6.2 hours ago


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[–] [deleted] -1 points (+1|-2) 6.7 hours ago [Deleted]

[–] srayzie 3 points (+5|-2) 6.1 hours ago

BOOM! You held child porn on your PC for “research” purposes?! Who’s the pedo now BITCH?!


🍿 @Think- @Vindicator @Crensch @Kevdude

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[–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 17 minutes ago

haha now you are copying images from that child porn sharing website I exposed you using but then you deleted the comment for as exposed here. that's the comment that you deleted that exposed you went to a website that is in the MSM reported as a criminal pedo stalker site + my research on it.


I have found CP when researching Queer Hero Garry Burns the pedophile suing my dad as exposed here: /v/pizzagate/2018442

I didn't go looking for it, and every time I bumped into it I reported it to police. Note postimages changed their domain - so the image on the post made before kiwifarms made that untrue allegation from one of your fellow OTO whores who lives down the Road from David Bottrill and his two tranny sons who claims to be a mother of a 12 year old lesbian daugther - who's false allegations you are copypasting (see you are so obviously working with satanic pedophiles now - everyone is seeing strayzie for the filthy pedo whore she is)


Image link is here.


Not a CP link shows me reporting CP from a youtube video published by a pedophile who set pedophile Garry Burns up for a radio interview in the MSM as my dad exposed on his scribd.com/smokehaze page. If you go to another part in that video it meets the definition of child porn. The police refused to do anything to jail Garry Burns media contact Lisa / David Oldfield. And the next year they are in the Newspaper for admitting they don't have sex with eachother (who do they have sex with??)

Also found Garry Burns webmaster uploading CP to xvideos.com of his trips to thailand with young gay boys - the police do nothing. Searched jezinbris - managed to get his password and can confirm it's his username and password that uploaded it - because he terminated his account - but you can only see the termination message if attempt to log in with his password. I have the details of his travel intenry to a boy bar known to serve children and everything. All given to the AFP. They do nothing for the sake of gay pride.

All I get is filthy pedophile whores like @srayzie attacking me for my anti-pedophilia activism. This comment will be mirrored on /v/pizzagatye where this very thread's OP is exposed as a child porn publishing website you filthy pedo whore.

Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster at said rent boy bar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXeow9Nf88cYouTube

He also runs a gay prostitution business to work the thai boys in QLD Australia too:


And that's two people linked to Garry and CP, then there is Garry Burns own pedophilia cases. Oh but you are attacking me for attacking the pedo hero of gay pride in Australia... hummm... What does that make you pedo?


CC @auralsects @dfens

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[–] think- 3 points (+4|-1) 6.1 hours ago (edited 6.1 hours ago)

For 'research purposes'? Sure... /s

Do you know what's funny, @srayzie? So far everyone who accused @Vindicator of being a pedophile, although he is totally innocent, and definitely not a pedo, turned out to be a pedo himself.

@kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Carmencita

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[–] srayzie 3 points (+4|-1) 5.9 hours ago

Right? Now Q posted! This punk can deal with the shit storm he has caused today.

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[–] noonereally [S] 0 points (+1|-1) 6.6 hours ago


you are obsessed with @srayzie; I am not her

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[–] zyklon_b 3 points (+4|-1) 6.6 hours ago

Damn hoju looks like you done pissed some1 off.

Stop dragging me into your bullshit please. I no longer troll or behave like that is reason i made this new account.

I am trying to save kids so please no longer ping me.

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[–] heygeorge 2 points (+2|-0) 3.2 hours ago

He deleted the comment. What was said?

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[–] noonereally [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 2.8 hours ago

check modlog; he is not allowed to post his spammy text walls in here; if @hojuruku wants to talk like a normal person he can comment as much as he wants

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[–] zyklon_b 2 points (+2|-0) 2.8 hours ago

confessed to viewing and possessing child porn.

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[–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

I didn't delete the comment. You guys did. It exposed you guys linking to a CP website kiwifarms - I started a new thread on /v/pizzagayte about @stayzie and you guys linking to CP websites.

hojuruku ago

[–] srayzie 3 points (+5|-2) 5.6 hours ago
BOOM! You held child porn on your PC for “research” purposes?! Who’s the pedo now BITCH?!


🍿 @Think- @Vindicator @Crensch @Kevdude

My reply:

haha now you are copying images from that child porn sharing website I exposed you using but then you deleted the comment for as exposed here. that's the comment that you deleted that exposed you went to a website that is in the MSM reported as a criminal pedo stalker site + my research on it exposing all their connections to pedophilia.

If you have to run to a pedophliia normalization website to try and attack me from other people who hate me (who are proven pedophiles - did you not watch the youtube video on them in the deleted comment?) you are clearly showing eveyone here you are on team pedo.


I have found CP when researching Queer Hero Garry Burns the pedophile suing my dad as exposed here: /v/pizzagate/2018442

I didn't go looking for it, and every time I bumped into it I reported it to police. Note postimages changed their domain - so the image on the post made before kiwifarms made that untrue allegation from one of your fellow OTO whores who lives down the Road from David Bottrill and his two tranny sons who claims to be a mother of a 12 year old lesbian daugther - who's false allegations you are copypasting (see you are so obviously working with satanic pedophiles now - everyone is seeing strayzie for the filthy pedo whore she is)


Image link is here.


Not a CP link shows me reporting CP from a youtube video published by a pedophile who set pedophile Garry Burns up for a radio interview in the MSM as my dad exposed on his scribd.com/smokehaze page. If you go to another part in that video it meets the definition of child porn. The police refused to do anything to jail Garry Burns media contact Lisa / David Oldfield. And the next year they are in the Newspaper for admitting they don't have sex with eachother (who do they have sex with??)

Also found Garry Burns webmaster uploading CP to xvideos.com of his trips to thailand with young gay boys - the police do nothing. Searched jezinbris - managed to get his password and can confirm it's his username and password that uploaded it - because he terminated his account - but you can only see the termination message if attempt to log in with his password. I have the details of his travel intenry to a boy bar known to serve children and everything. All given to the AFP. They do nothing for the sake of gay pride.

All I get is filthy pedophile whores like @srayzie attacking me for my anti-pedophilia activism. This comment will be mirrored on /v/pizzagatye where this very thread's OP is exposed as a child porn publishing website you filthy pedo whore.

Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster at said rent boy bar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXeow9Nf88c

He also runs a gay prostitution business to work the thai boys in QLD Australia too:


And that's two people linked to Garry and CP, then there is Garry Burns own pedophilia cases. Oh but you are attacking me for attacking the pedo hero of gay pride in Australia... hummm... What does that make you pedo?


CC @auralsects @dfens

hojuruku ago

@hojuruku fucked a little infant boy. 1990

[–] I_Would_Gas_You 0 points (+0|-0) 13 seconds ago

I won't miss your pings when you get driven off the site. If putt ever comes back you will most likely be banned for gaming the system with your ban evasion on pizzagate. Id suggest you focus on your own sub

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[–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

I haven't gone back on /v/pizzagate except once on the only alt I have @death2millenial facts to post this link about a MSM journalists doing a story on what pizzagate censored and their pro-pedophile morderators

So you are making false allegations. Name the examples of ban evasion I am doing and what accounts. I dont' use tor for voat and I hope those other accounts didn't either - thereby proving you just made a false allegation like you did exposed on my /v/protectvoat thread started by @Dfens that you had to delete because you accepted you were caught out trying to get me banned with a false allegation / PSA - remember that proven liar?


You keep being a asshat and you keep making false allegations /v/voatdev can't verify.

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@hojuruku fucked a little infant boy. 1990

[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 44 seconds ago

Nope. None of them are my alts. Now that I got to see your ass handed to you and exposed you, I’m blocking you. I have better things to do than read the rants of a freak who stored child porn on his PC for “research purposes” but calls everyone else pedophiles. Take your meds! Bye bitch!

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@hojuruku fucked a little infant boy. 1990

[–] zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 4.1 minutes ago

You never denied raping that young child.

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derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=tu63kK34Ehw :

#GamerGate #KiwiFarms ‏@DarkmageKF pedo scum troll #Infowars @PrisonPlanet cause of little old me - YouTube

https://archive.fo/Mhn6W :

Kiwi Farms, the Web’s Biggest Stalker Community

https://archive.fo/V9hAx :

Inner City Legal (@iclc) | Twitter

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=D55AmM1DaqQ :

Stand now or Kneel forever! It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees! - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=Gy7FVXERKFE :

Gray State - Official Concept Trailer - YouTube

https://archive.fo/dH6lN :

Justice for David Crowley of Gray State - Home | Facebook

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