DieselBustersYes ago

He just needs to shove an ice pick down his throat on his 40th birthday on a busy highway buck naked in hopes of getting on the national news.

gabara ago

@hojuruku, I'm sorry, but we're basically a bunch of crazy vigilantes that protect your free speech but require you to earn it by exercising a sense of humour.

hojuruku ago

yeah I'm going to calmly write up what @srazyie did today replying to a deleted comment (i'll repost it) saying this website is a pedophilia normalization activist website /v/pizzagayte/2513428

So she goes replies to the comment above (/v/hojuruku/2512836/12559269) warning her it's a website known to post child porn, it's run by proven pedophiles that troll anyone who makes a stand against pedophilia (e.g. they saw me tweeting to paul joseph watson exposing the leftist democrat fags loving pedophilia) and decided to join the pedo stalkers there.. she goes there and dredges up false allegations from an OTO operative publishing videos from garry burns mate truthsurge on her youtube channel.

She's in the thick of it now and the write up on this saga will be hilarious. Basically I've go the proof she's / it / the online cross dresser is a pedophile and it will be fun to bring her down now.

I'll be to say if I was bad as her i'd be threatening to kill her mother, because she's linking to a website / taking content from a website that put up my mothers house address and picture and said they are going there to kill all inside. No doubt anyone reading the new /v/protectvoat thread I write when I have a cooling off period will be able to see how evil that pro-pedophilia whore is.

TheBuddha ago

You're not sorry. Don't lie to 'em.

ExpertShitposter ago

@gabara is "sorry not sorry" kind of sorry. It counts. For something.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... It's a step in the right direction. Usually he runs away screaming if we try to get him to say the 's word.'

Monsters just don't like to apologize.

DieselBustersYes ago

Taylor Swift is into Turnips

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, she's a whore.

TheBuddha ago

Well, she is a whore.

gabara ago

Shes a /b/ro on the downlow. She's been on the chans for years. She even helped us dox a feminist cunt once. I will voucher for her, she really does know how to do that. She's /ourgirl/

zyklon_b ago

That is sickening

@hojuruku has never denied it.

hojuruku ago

keep harvesting downvotes. and I'll thank stop dealing with the trolls and writing good discuss posts. people will see my profile, that you are the SBBH pedos and i'll get free publicity. Keep up the good work SBBH pedo shills.

Meanwhile there will be talk about kicking you @heygeorge and other pro-pedo trolls off voat shortly.

zyklon_b ago

@heygeorge will pull his pants down and shit in your pussy here is where you confess to viewin cp.

[–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 12 minutes ago (edited 11 minutes ago)

confessed to seeing it about 3 or 4 times in my life whilst Researching Garry Burns and his contacts (e.g. by googling jezinbris and Lisa Oldfield) and reporting it to youtube and the police :) Meanwhile vindicator deletes 100s of CP links in v/pizzagate deletion log. I don't know they are cP i haven't clicked on them. How does vindicator know for sure they are CP? Did he admit downloading and viewing child porn! @Vindicator the pedophile needs to be doxxed by law enforcement now. He's admitted to downloading child porn!

hojuruku ago

I so love this guys. I'm going to have all my recorded audio tapes to Crime Stoppers of myself reporting all of Garry Burns friends and himself downloading CP.

I even sent you the raw DKIM signed email where Garry Burns himself emailed me a link to CP from a child prostitute he was paying to fuck on the protect voat thread.

Garry Burns is the pedophile and you are coming after me for exposing him. Clearly you are pedos.


That DKIM signed email proven to be from Garry Richard Burns contains a link to young asian.jpg child porn - the child prostitute he was paying to have sex with.

You can see his penis picture he sent the child here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195

So because I am trying to get this VIP gay pedophile jailed I'm the pedophile???? Keep shilling. Comment copy-pasted onto my thread - and you keep deleting mine. This is bloody halarious. Do your worst. Hopefully INTERPOL can help me get Garry Burns and his pedophile ring and expose NSW Police aren't doing their job to jail Deputy Commisioner Catherine Judith Burns brother Garry.

heygeorge ago

and i'll get free publicity

Just like freshie likes to say.

zyklon_b ago

He really has us beat...