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hojuruku ago


Remember the guy who got the #1 Trending hashtag #FreeStacy on twitter USA after he published this and got censored from twitter :

He turned that out in 12 hours. A real ex-Wasingtontimes Journalists who knows his stuff is on the case now.

The whole conservative realm will be talking about the /v/pizzagatemods (see my recent contribution there) pro-pedophilia gatekeepers.

AND SO IT BEGINS. I warned you - delete the thread and you will be discredited in the public eye. @Defens it's over - the pizzagate mods (not the story itself of pizzagate) will be totally discredited in the eyes of the general public shortly.

My job as a researcher is done. The big boys will run with it now. Like when I exposed the gay's praising those who help gay dads remove children's sex organs for tranny gay pride with this: months later turning into this:

@srayzie @kevdude @crensch etc are doomed.

CC @Madworld

srayzie ago

Good job already offending the people on Gab for your racial slurs. You’re getting a lot of complaints. Looking thru your profile speaks for itself. You have been posting like a madman on 8chan as well, instead of making an effort to follow the rules like everyone else.

You’ve been given multiple chances to follow the rules. It is not that difficult! You forgot to ping the one you are talking crap about on Gab. @Vindicator

hojuruku ago

And what is the rule of the road?

Don't oppose Dating sites for gay men and boys?

Disney runs it so we can't use racial slur goyim in the OP - because GOYIM CHILDREN'S LIVES DON'T MATTER!

Vindicator's gone full kike pedo on the thread telling me I can't oppose a gay cop who took my first porn done for child porn who testified in fresno supreme court that dog on little boy child porn isn't depraved and got a lesser sentance for it....

He's a sick pedo and all can see this. You ban me for resisting cenorship for being trolled for 4 days with baseless censorship requests. Remember it was other users that called you "kikeshills" first and I adopted that lingo.


Maybe someone needs to take your first born child away from you - then tell you never to mention the person who did it because it might offend people who rub their penises in other man's shit - then you'll know how I feel about Vindicator.

Are your maternal instincts kicking in now on my side - or you another one of those fake women trannies like this I expose?


Please tell me why Vindicator is right and it's wrong to me to talk about Christopher Kent Bowersox's stunt in court and compare it to another similar stunt by a GAY CROWN PROSECUTOR Dr Patrick Power - also in law enforcement to get a lesser sentence by saying how good he was grooming all those boys at Disney/JewishCare/BBBS.

Only a faggot pedophile would ask that one sentence argument to be removed from the OP.

srayzie ago

I haven’t read the story about your son. I’m sorry to read that. Care to explain?

hojuruku ago

it was in my daughter you idiot and it was the in the videos in the OP you cheered vindicator on for deleting you fucken scrag supporting the pedophile @Vindicator who says you must not talk about or oppose = Christopher Kent Bowersox the gay pedophile that took your first born away from you.

Don't play nice now. I know what you are. So you admit you didn't even read the op on the post you posted memes on cheering for censorship of.

Shame on you. You just disqualified yourself from being a /v/pizzagate mod.

] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 2 minutes ago

I haven’t read the story about your son. I’m sorry to read that. Care to explain?

CC @auralsects @Cuckbot @Dfens @GeorgeT

The pedophile downvote mod gang has been busy guys on /v/protectvoat

srayzie ago

I’ve seen your rants for weeks. I lost interest in reading the details because you acted like a psycho. Like I said, I didn’t become a mod until yesterday. I just tried to take you seriously and let you explain yourself, and you immediately go on the attack and ping your shill gang. I’m done with you.

hojuruku ago

hating gay cops paid to hunt down young boys at who testify in fresco supreme court that child porn+bestiality combo videos isn't depraved is " RANTING.... " HUMM... yes we better not rant against those wonderful LGBTI heros now musn't we.

After all having special faggot cops to hunt down little boys got best innovation in American government from Harvard. Nothing could be more right than that segregating the police force for the homosexual elite.

Did you not see the videos in the OP you censored you pedo shill? Ah yes you said you didn't yet supported the censorship of it to go along with your pedo mate @Vindicator in the comment above - oops. You are linked to his pro-pedophilia censorship regime now. You will not live this down. Now gtfo before all of the renegade conservative press corps comes down on you like a ton of bricks.

For some reason that video is easiest to find in my popular videos section.

srayzie ago

First of all, you can do whatever you want. Your threats mean nothing to me. That’s why your shill friend donkey hates me. I’m not intimidated by some nut from the internet that wants to call me names. You obviously want my attention because you keep talking to me. You can get a lot further with me by calming the fuck down. If you can’t do that, then I don’t give a shit what you have to tell me.

Are you saying you are Luke McKee?

hojuruku ago

Are you doxxing a voat member?

[–] srayzie 1 points (+1|-0) 20 minutes ago

First of all, you can do whatever you want. Your threats mean nothing to me. That’s why your shill friend donkey hates me. I’m not intimidated by some nut from the internet that wants to call me names. You obviously want my attention because you keep talking to me. You can get a lot further with me by calming the fuck down. If you can’t do that, then I don’t give a shit what you have to tell me.

Are you saying you are....

Isn't that against the rules? hahaha

srayzie ago

You gave the links to your gab and Youtube with your fake name on it. I guess you doxxed yourself.