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12515907? ago

if you want to fuck with them upvote a little something on /v/pizzagatemods/new - take away their power as kikelord supreme censors who say nothing is wrong with a good joint venture between NAMBLA, Disney & BBBDSM

12515955? ago

Hojuruku you just pulled off an epic troll. I know you were trying to get @vindicator but you did shit the place up fo a few days. Your posts are better than 4chan pasta.

12517179? ago

Not trolling, fighting kikeshill censorship.

How can that cunt tell me I am not meant to compare a pedophile in the thread linked to BBBS done for child porn to Christopher Kent Bowersox.... They both played the system. One said I'm a good guy - look at all the long hours I spent grooming children you haven't caught me raping yet - please go lightly on me for all my time I volunteered helping young boys. And the just says yes, you are a good man you worked so hard to make those boys better between CP sessions. I can just imagine it going down like that in the court room.... <face palm>

Vinny tells me : Don't talk about the cunt who took your first born who testified in court bestiality child porn isn't depraved mr homocop Christopher Kent Bowersox - because he's gay - and gay's will be triggered if you do that because gays need to feel good about themselves - you know with all their sore anuses and anal prolapse and stuff after an all night session with @Vindicator they can get a bit depressed. So for the sake of their feelings - don't talk about loosing your first born and how the guy was a even bigger cunt at playing the system that Dr Patrick Power Crown Prosecutor. If a gay fucks up your life and stops you seeing your first born and attempts to murder you twice - just move on - nothing to see here - don't get mad - our feelings matter more than you and than your right to express yourself.

Humm, what is the only religion that puts faggotry above all else? Master of the Hermit Traid XI. OTO... You see one day great prophet Aleister Crowley went into desert and discovered by the power of gay anal sex..... blah blab blah....

and @Vindicator saw the LIGHT - HE WAS SAVED! HAIL SATAN

Did you actually read that cunt's rant? Sounds like fucken pedophile. What a lame excuse at censorship.




Read the first link in my rebuttal - we confirmed the @Vindicator has been deleting comments of people suggesting pedophiles were Jewish - when they turned out to be Jewish. Confirmed kikeshill.

We know the kike pedos are watching and the kike mods do their bidding /v/pizzagate/2500972/12513588 /v/pizzagate/2076715

Why the interference. I'd rather go back to doxxing OTO cunts all day - who wants to stop me? /v/pizzagate/2076715

PEDOs, Satanists, and OTO baby fuckers like Ian Watkins mates who haven't been caught yet - but I'm working on it.

I think the pizzagate mods must collect $$$ for their kikeshill censorship services. Surely they are getting sheckles for it, based on the hours they all clock in every day.

They run to pedophiles and POI's and do a shakedown. It has to be it. Remember Alefantis harassing people who got two close to his other business.... Same deal.

12517476? ago

You are a joke.

12519375? ago

you are a kike child fucker and someone is going to enjoy killing you one day.

12521270? ago

You don't have to be a pedo to dislike an ass hole.

12521315? ago

yeah asshole anti-pedophilia activist who hates kikeshill censorship of the biggest scandal since the Vatican/Catholic Child abuse revelations broke.

Good job mate. Keep shilling.

12521384? ago

How many alts do you have?

12521451? ago

not enough my only other one @death2millenialfags got banned from /pizzagate/ for reporting on the MSM / journalists doing a story on how @Vindicator is a pro-pedophile shill and the story he tried to censor