hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2065200 This lead Censored by Millenial Faclcon who supports gay terrorists bombing Christians with faggot OTO founded kiddy fuck GLLO police protection. Why do I even bother.....


FYI @Cigarette5mokingman @leonareo @kager @cc1914 @omnicopy @angb23 @kazza64 @Whizzardly @privatepizza @organic1 @hookednosedjoooo @redditsuckz

One of your idtiot's can repost with a new headline - saying children and OTO naked priestess doing sex magick or something.

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2076715 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 8/21/2017 3:41:24 PM

Reason given: @hojuruku: Rules 2 and 3. please post as discussion post and provide links showing that someone was murdered and that this person post images of victim pre-murder

Original Submission

Confimed Mason/Orthodox Priest/& Leader of the OTO child sex and murder cult Oregon (where Atlas Pizza is) published pre-sacrafice pic of children, a naked priest & hangman's rope. ARCHIVE NOW!


10244931? ago

What in the actual hell!? There is one in garden grove ca! No wonder we call it garbage grove . The influence these cults have over the cities in which they reside is undeniable!

hojuruku ago

Sorry Santa Cruz.

David R. Jones is the Past Master of both Coph Nia and Thelema Lodges, O.T.O.. He was initiated into O.T.O. in 1984 e.v. and has been studying and practicing Thelemic magick and yoga since 1978. Brother Jones is a founding member of the Center for Enochian Studies and the John Dee Society and has published articles in the Thelema Lodge Calendar, The Coph Nia Wand and Sekhet-Maat’s Lion & Serpent. His life and work have been discussed in The Black Lodge of Santa Cruz, Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal and recently in Lon DuQuette’s Enochian Vision Magick. He holds degrees in Classics and Religious Studies from the University of Oregon magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa.

hojuruku ago

what's in garden gove? this guy used to run the garden grove lodge since 84.

10244996? ago

Omg are you freakin kidding me?

hojuruku ago

OTO Google plus community talking about peaches Geldof before they killed her:

plus google com/communities/101542908371322691394

Also extremly suspect.

plus google com/communities/116926795184720298842

Of course the pedo this thread is named after is a member:

plus google com/+DavidJones333

Chid sex magick documents:



https://afterschoolsatan.com/ https://www.facebook.com/OTO.Families

DISCUSSION ABOUT KIDS IN THE GNOSTIC CATHOLIC MASS ORGY RITUALS: https://www.facebook.com/groups/110661425011/permalink/10157121240485012/

leonareo ago

This corroborates so many suspected events with OTO

hojuruku ago

WTF. CIA AIDS SEX MAGICK. These guys are fucked in the head and shouldn't have kids or go near them.


The Black Lodge of Santa Cruz Thích Trang này · 22 Tháng 3 2012 ·

Thelema Lodge Backyard, July 1986

Top Row: Mordecai Shapiro, Sharon Dunn, Janet Planet, Ebony Anpu

Middle Row: Unknown, Nikolai Guliaeff, Chris Graberinski, Caitin Alicaine, Lotte Lieb,

Front Row: Michael Diehl, Rick Gorton Chris Harden, Voxx Voltair, Matt Kramer và 4 người khác thích điều này. Bình luận Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Sharon Dunn was a non-married Ex live in Girl Friend- 26 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 23:55 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel In the Center Next to Caitlin is Chris Graby- later Later Grabikevitch to the Right of Nikolai who I told you of in our Texts. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 0:00 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Janet Planet later changed her name to Janestra- I had the Pleasure of being her Lover a few Times- She owned or Rented Oz House old Thelema Lodge- She Lived in Hawaii Hilo the Big Island wanting to Establish a Thelemic Community there. Rick Gorton lived Over Curios and Candles on Divisadero Street Moved to LA got some acting Gids seems to be Doing well. I knew Lotte as Ebonys Girlfriend at the Time. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 0:06 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Before he Moved to Berkeley Chris was my Roomate in San Jose- He Moved into Michael Diehl's House with Caitlin and Chris High- The guy in the Yellow Shirt upon the Left I forgot his name unless he was Michael Margolin - but I think that I am wrong 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 0:09 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Saw Lotte and Ebony Skyclad at Harbin- Lotte had a great Body like Caitlin- my centerfold Priestess although I never Got to be her Lover ! 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 0:12 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel At this time Janet Planet-- Janestra- had another home out in the Sunset District in San Francisco- by Taravel or Judah streets right near the Great Highway 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 0:38 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel I never asked her but I hope Sharon and Mordecai got to be Lovers. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 0:41 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Likewise I do not Know if She and Ebony ever got the chance- if it was their mutual will I hope they did. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 0:43 · 2 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Those were the Days My Friend - We'd thought they'd never end - we sing and Dance for ever and a a Day- We live the live we choose -- we fight and never lose- for we were young and sure to have our way-- Oh Yes those were the Days-! 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 0:47 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel My Vibe was always that amongst Hawk and Jackal folk all shared- but I do not know for a fact ! 93s 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 0:48 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel He came a little Later and had a Brilliant Comedic Mind for Esoteric Folk. He would play being a Preacher for Satan and Baphomet- top notch sense of timing -knew just when to say right or wrong thing a at the best time for Comedic effect. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:08 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel I think he came from a Family of Preachers Too . 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:09 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Do you know what year Chris Piss Got his Minerval by chance ? 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:12 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel In that picture Chris Graby under Janet Planet and to left of Caitlin and Ebony had been my roomate and moved in with - Caitlin very much in Love at that time. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:14 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel I always felt that the Oz house was Patterned after the Lifestyle of Crowley's Cheflu a True Profess House as I believe you to be Familiar with. True Polyandery and Polygynery- where all was shared for the Greator Good ! 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:18 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel I can only Imagine the Ecstatic Ritual Dramas and Magickal workings that orbited around this time and place. We all knew of some but it was much profounder than imagined. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:21 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Vortices- Stargates intedimensional Portals 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:22 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel One of the 418 Klibahs of the Holy Texts- it will be a Shrine as Boleskin Cheflu in time I predict. ! 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:26 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Chris was a Left Eyed Dominant Genius like Crowley- and Ebony very special and Rare could assume both through his many incarnations of Experience. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:29 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Sharon could assume Blavatsky Form and was a powerful Medium. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:31 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Sharon and Caitlin Got along well being the Amazonian aspect of Babalon Nuit. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:32 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel I once described her in Blonde form as a Blyth Caitlin Spirit ! 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:36 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel When she Dyed her Hair Red she was invoking a bit of Lola DeWolf into her- I always thought it matured her but she will always be young at Heart- and a great singing and Vibrating Voice. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:39 · Đã chỉnh sửa · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Lotte is to the right of Caitlin- Janet Planet-Janestra has her arm about Ebony's waist. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:41 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Polyandery as I said 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:42 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel By the time you arrived she was in Hawaii establishing a Profess House there outside of Hilo on the Big Island- She Got into Huna Trad Whilst there. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:44 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Doing the Great Work. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:44 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Sharon was Born on Oahu and touched bases with the Tradition also. Huna 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:50 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Janestra did visit 1999 stayed with me and Stephan Abbott when we lived at my Mom's Trailer in San Jose- 1995 too. She could Manifest Travel- 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:53 · 1 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel We did a Tantric Working at her Pad in SF to help find a Cure for HIV Aids 198-7-8 -9. 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 8:56 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel a- It was a most interesting Ritual Working we Started with LBRs then went to invoking Rituals using Stele of Revealing as Star-interdimensional Gate. Then we Did Skyclad Yoga together- which turned into a slow Yogic for of Ceremonial Combat I Portrayed the - CIA aid Virus we annoited ourselves with Kama Sutra Oil of Love wrestled and at climax of ritual I was doing the Shoulder Stand as she she snuk up upon me Grabed my Erect Phallus Masturbated me I came my semenal Fluids spilled upon my forehead my Forehead - and I dreamdt that if Sutro Baths were rebuilt that the cure would be found here at a Biofirm here in the Bay Area- as she recited in Greek H- Kokkine Gyne- To Mega Therion- Aiwass- Ablanathalb - Abrahadadra as she lickes and drank my Semenal Fluids then I did the smae for her in sacred 69- 27 Tháng 8 2013 lúc 9:15 Michael McKinney Michael McKinney Rich, I agree that the fellow on the left certainly resembles Margolin without his glasses, but I kind of doubt it. 28 Tháng 2 2014 lúc 6:26 Voxx Voltair Voxx Voltair I miss them all! How to contact Cairlin and Mordecai? (and Janet?) ~V~ 9 Tháng 1 lúc 23:44 Voxx Voltair Voxx Voltair What a great bunch of comments... Really takes me back! 93s ~V~ 9 Tháng 1 lúc 23:48 Tim Simmons Tim Simmons Great photo. Thanks for sharing. I lived at that house for a little over 6 months back in 96'. Caitlin and Michael lived there during that time as well. It was my first introduction to the OTO. 10 Tháng 1 lúc 5:56 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel yesterday when I was Young.. 1 Tháng 6 lúc 23:27 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Takes me Back- Things set in Motion back then still effecting Today. 1 Tháng 6 lúc 23:28 Richard Hans Segel Richard Hans Segel Grabekevich might have been the Sprlling of his name. At the Time of the Picture he was Still Called Chris Graby- -- He Changed his name cause he at the time felt Closer to the Slavic Side of his Family than the German Side. A least that is what he told me at the Time.

hojuruku ago

Wow their facebook has so much weird shit. Like UKIP in England is ran by the OTO kiddy fucker cult. Who knews....https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1536606363310537&id=1393906424247199

hojuruku ago


HAHA the OTO is going back to their Roots - Master of the Hermit Traid XI in gay anal sex black magick to open the gates of hell. They are going to make a faggot anal sex black mass that children also will be forced to go to.

hojuruku ago

All these weird fucks who are single are putting up profile images of them with babies - it's scary. And then you see videos all over youtube of these occult oto bitches doing home unregistered births all day, you quickly work out what's going on.

hojuruku ago

https://www.facebook.com/mvmontgomery/posts/10200702936597808 http://archive.is/DHawH

His priestess is talking about where Jack Parsons did his ritual murders now....

hojuruku ago

Creepy fuck talking about children and guns here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206325103108457&set=a.1579385406553.73629.1293180019&type=3

Maria V. Montgomery My mom and me. I have been told I still have that expression. 3 · May 10, 2015 at 12:07pm · Edited Manage Lalé Welsh Lalé Welsh it's definitely you! May 10, 2015 at 12:50pm Manage David Richard Jones David Richard Jones that's cause you have your little hand in your Mom's purse stroking the pistol. May 11, 2015 at 1:20am Manage Maria V. Montgomery Maria V. Montgomery You're very naughty Mr. Jones! 1 · May 11, 2015 at 1:30am Manage David Richard Jones David Richard Jones it's never too young to start educating children on proper gun use and safety. We used to have nice toys for that.


hojuruku ago


http://www.cophnia-oto.org/EGC/index.html http://archive.is/54N2l

Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica Coph Nia Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis regularly celebrates the rites of its religious branch the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.). We have a staff of fully ordained and novitiate clergy and offer the principle sacraments including Eucharist baptism, confirmation, marriage, last rites, the Greater Feast of Death and other sacraments peculiar to our church.


We celebrate the Gnostic Mass every Sunday at 8 pm, and, with a few caveats, the public is welcome to attend. Please see our calendar for a list of upcoming E.G.C. Mass dates. We do request that newcomers to the Mass read the script prior to first attendance, so that they know what to expect. We also request that the attendance of minors under the age of 18 years is cleared with us beforehand, and we reserve the right to exclude them.

Love is the law, love under will.


He says the priests must be naked in his "gnostic catholic mass church". He says REAL CHILDREN MUST BE USED. His facebook talks about "gnostic catholic mass" after glow and after parties (sex).


Omnicopy ago

I looked around this guy's Facebook pictures I found a comment on a drawing of a devil man with a Roman numeral 14 left by a Michael Shane Margolin that says: 14? Is this from the Italian deck? Of all the devils I like, I have seen I like Crowley's best, number 15. I then went to Michael Shane Margolin's Facebook page and found out he is a satanist and the co-founder of Sinagogue of Satan. He has a few pictures on his page from a satanic feast in 2007. It says their aim is to show Satanism isn't scary. Clever to misspell synagogue!!! He is from Sunnyvale, CA. You Californians are a rare breed! He has the website sosatan,org

Mej777 ago

Great work...OTO is at the heart of everything. Aleister Crowley and the Thelamic religion is Satanism. That is what was in the Podesta emails, HRC emails, on Skippy's hands represented with the number 14 & fish symbol. It is also at the heart of Frankish which is not Judaism but a spin off cult of Satanism. They have in common the same ideology...to become God you must to all things evil or taboo. "Do what thall whilst" Is the Motto... this includes child sacrifice, child sex, etc.

Crowley (A British Intelligence agent) was influential to Jack Parson the NASA Rocket scientist and L. Ron Hubbard (Founder of Scientology) who had a compound together where rituals were performed *research this!

Crowley was also influential to Adolph Hitler and the SS which involved an even more sinister secret society that Crowley was a member of and Adolph Hitler was the leader.

10243416? ago

Whoa !!! What the hell ? Those naked girls in the alter!?

hojuruku ago

FabThelemaLifestyle has got rothshchild sex part links and the page is run by one of his OTO cult priestiesses. https://www.facebook.com/groups/FABThelemaLifetsyle/permalink/1395784493801920/

It appears fucken firefox has crashed with 32GB of Ram working over the whole PDF page trying to print / archive it. Damn you firefox.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Requires a Facebook log in, which I do not, nor will I ever have one.

hojuruku ago

I posted images of the posts on here - some of them anyway too no logon required. Just look at this - and the other comments here. https://s29.postimg.org/sri1sz83r/otooregonkingpin1.png

Cigarette5mokingman ago

That's suspect as fuck.

hojuruku ago

i got my wife to make me a disposable one. fuck i hate facebook too. can't say anything without being banned for disrespecting people who fuck babies.

My dad was found guilty in court of disrespecting gay marriage activists who fuck babies too. Australian gay judges who enforce respect of the OTO say we all need to love a good baby fuck https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2018442/9958756

BTW this pedo sued people in 2010 for exposing him personally being in a CHILD SEX CULT:


Cigarette5mokingman ago

Wow. How is that even possible to sue for such a rhing?

hojuruku ago

The Australian government jails you for disrespecting this "cunt". See youtube.com/hojuruku for more info:

Leah Sublime

by Aleister Crowley

Cefalú, Italy 1920

MONDAY JUNE 21 1920 5.25pm to 5.15am

Against all principals, and in breach of two promises, I have sat up all night in the snows, writing a poem to Leah. One long poem — an occasional publishable line thrown in when I weakened. 7.00 am: I think I’ll collect all my filth in one poem and mark it Leah in plain figures. 10.00 am: I think I did.

Leah Sublime, Goddess above me! Snake of the slime Alostrael, love me! Our master, the devil Prospers the revel.

Tread with your foot My heart til it hurt! Tread on it, put The smear of your dirt On my love, on my shame Scribble your name!

Straddle your Beast My Masterful Bitch With the thighs of you greased With the Sweat of your Itch! Spit on me, scarlet Mouth of my harlot!

Now from your wide Raw cunt, the abyss, Spend spouting the tide Of your sizzling piss In my mouth; oh my Whore Let it pour, let it pour!

You stale like a mare And fart as you stale; Through straggled wet hair You spout like a whale. Splash the manure And piss from the sewer.

Down to me quick With your tooth on my lip And your hand on my prick With feverish grip My life as it drinks— How your breath stinks!

Your hand, oh unclean Your hand that has wasted Your love, in obscene Black masses, that tasted Your soul, it’s your hand! Feel my prick stand!

Your life times from lewd Little girl, to mature Worn whore that has chewed Your own pile of manure. Your hand was the key to— And now your frig me, too!

Rub all the much Of your cunt on me, Leah Cunt, let me suck All your glued gonorrhea! Cunt without end! Amen! til you spend!

Cunt! you have harboured All dirt and disease In your slimy unbarbered Loose hole, with its cheese And its monthlies, and pox You chewer of cocks!

Cunt, you have sucked Up pricks, you squirted Out foetuses, fucked Til bastards you blurted Out into space— Spend on my face!

Rub all your gleet away! Envenom the arrow. May your pox eat away Me to the marrow. Cunt you have got me; I love you to rot me!

Spend again, lash me! Leah, one spasm Scream to splash me. Slime of the chasm Choke me with spilth Of your sow-belly’s filth.

Stab your demonic Smile to my brain! Soak me in cognac Cunt and cocaine; Sprawl on me! Sit On my mouth, Leah, shit!

Shit on me, slut! Creamy the curds That drip from your gut! Greasy the turds! Dribble your dung On the tip of my tongue!

Churn on me, Leah! Twist on your thighs! Smear diarrhoea Into my eyes! Splutter out shit From the bottomless pit.

Turn to me, chew it With me, Leah, whore! Vomit it, spew it And lick it once more. We can make lust Drunk on Disgust.

Splay out your gut, Your ass hole, my lover! You buggering slut, I know where to shove her! There she goes, plumb Up the foul Bitch’s bum!

Sackful of skin And bone, as I speak I’ll bugger your grin Into a shriek. Bugger you, slut Bugger your gut!

Wriggle, you hog! Wrench at the pin! Wrench at it, drag It half out, suck it in! Scream, you hog dirt, you! I want it to hurt you!

Beast-Lioness, squirt From your Cocksucker’s hole! Belch out the dirt From your Syphillis soul. Splutter foul words Through your supper of turds!

May the Devil our lord, your Soul scribble over With sayings of ordure! Call me your lover! Slave of the gut Of the arse of a slut!

Call me your sewer Of spilth and snot Your fart-sniffer, chewer Of the shit in your slot. Call me that as you rave In the rape of your slave.

Fuck! Shit! Let me come Alostrael—Fuck! I’ve spent in your bum. Shit! Give me the muck From my whore’s arse, slick Dirt of my prick!

Eat it, you sow! I’m your dog, fuck, shit! Swallow it now! Rest for a bit! Satan, you gave A crown to a slave.

I am your fate, on Your belly, above you. I swear it by Satan Leah, I love you. I’m going insane Do it again!

hojuruku ago

It's case law not conspiracy theory. put "legg devine" into austlii.edu.au and see it all the sources here: http://archive.is/9nsIC https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053567 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702 http://archive.is/fH46q http://archive.is/udOcs

AngB23 ago

Wow! Lots of info! I need to go back and read the beginning threads. I'm not as familiar with OTO

hojuruku ago

[–] @kager 0 points (+0|-0) 7 minutes ago

jews Freemasonry are totally crazy. If you're not in it, you never have success. It's a form of racism and they love the devil.

Actually don't censor his comments. He's onto something!!

https://www.facebook.com/david.richard.jones/posts/104232479647151 (backed up http://archive.is/UMtg9 )

David Richard Jones November 4, 2010 ·

"Frankism, an 18th-century movement derived from Judaism, maintained that the best way to emulate God—and one's most important personal responsibility—was to transgress every taboo?" Frankism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Frankism was an 18th-century to 19th-century Jewish religious movement[1] centered around the leadership of the Jewish Messiah claimant Jacob Frank, who lived from 1726 to 1791. At its height, it claimed perhaps 50,000 followers, primarily Jews living in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe.[2][ en.wikipedia.org Share 6 6 Comments Shamo Ando Shamo Ando That gives new meaning to the phrase, "Let me be frank with you." Perhaps this is a new pick up line? November 5, 2010 at 2:03am

Frankism - the jewish cult of child sex that's evolved into the oto kiddy fuck club that is protected by the Australian government that all must respect or be jailed by Australian gay judges as exposed here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053567

kager ago

jews Freemasonry are totally crazy. If you're not in it, you never have success. It's a form of racism and they love the devil.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I'm not in it, and I would consider myself successful, but I guess success is subjective.

kazza64 ago

holy fuck

hojuruku ago

The OTO Australia Canberra (David Bottrill) was sharing POST sacrifice pics with them all covered in blood. Why don't you be a saint and go find that one :)

Oh no that was another OTO kiddy fuck chapter. I can't say how I unmasked this fucker but I have pleanty more OTO kiddyfuckers to dox. Want to start a subreddit with me? DoxAnOTOChildFucker. Can you think of a better name?




Notice them covered in blood after carving up whoever. And they are cooling some of their meals "pan asian" with tastes like chicken jokes. Go through his full facebook timeline I'm backing up. Praising all sorts of filth too horrible to mention.

hojuruku ago

Leader of the Oregon chapter of the OTO kiddy fuck cult supports incest on facebook.

https://www.facebook.com/david.richard.jones/posts/5006815221170 http://archive.is/FGOQ7

hojuruku ago

He's saying real children must be used in the gnostic catholic mass child rape orgy as exposed here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2015620

https://www.facebook.com/david.richard.jones/posts/284582151552858 (http://archive.is/EOo69 )

"Only the cluless dweebs leave the children out of the OTO sex magick gnostic catholic mass orgy he says..."

https://s29.postimg.org/8regryhfr/otokingpinfakenigger.png https://s29.postimg.org/nomxsyuo7/otokingpinmasonwedding.png https://s29.postimg.org/5wjr426yv/cophinialodge.png https://s29.postimg.org/yap6nxuiv/otokingpin-leadership.png https://s29.postimg.org/6817gtnev/realchildren.png

Here is his paper on it here on the same site as the US Grand Master who on Camera mandates child orgies as exposed on the earlier thread: https://hermetic.com/jones/on-the-formula-of-the-gnostic-mass


hojuruku ago


That was his cover photo. I've doxxed his work and academic life and all his academic contacts too in case you are interested.

Whizzardly ago

oh I am very interested good sir, the hunt is on.

please provide whatever you can.

hojuruku ago

Fuck it here is his linked in and academia profiles. This is a big time 35 year member of the OTO kiddy fuck cult, friends with the US grand lodge and is probably the next master.

Go investigate all his friends social media. It wont be long until you find child porn or disturbing enough stuff to go to the police with.

www.linked in.com/in/david-jones-73286556/


His friends including another Seth Rich democrat IT fagot: https://www.facebook.com/maxomai?fref=ufi

hojuruku ago

i'm up to 2010 going through his timeline. The guy just admitted they run the "black mass" but sue Christians for villying them in Australia as exposed on youtube.com/hojuruku.

These fucks have got to go down for religious persecution of Christians. You can't force Christians to respect satan.

hojuruku ago

here's the dox on Atlas Pizza Oregon - profit from every slice goes to planned parenthood democrat satanic baby killing - that planned parenthood international also pushes for policy that all children have the right to be fucked, and it's a crime for a parent to spy on the sexual freedom of a child.


And here's some censored links I decided to re-share with my re-hosted Jim Fetzer interview that's got 2k views in addition to those on my channel now and rising.


hojuruku ago

More info on the OTO kiddy fucker club that the Australian governmental orders all to respect or go to jail for the crime of religious vilification or not being a fellow homo pedophile.:

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053567

Here's just a backup of some of the images

https://s29.postimg.org/iz1li3t1j/otokingpin.png https://s29.postimg.org/ti66l0l3b/otokingpin10.png https://s29.postimg.org/cgdcix687/otokingpin11.png https://s29.postimg.org/ogysjndmv/otokingpin12.png https://s29.postimg.org/jse7apz2f/otokingpin13.png https://s29.postimg.org/r5tl9oj47/otokingpin14.png https://s29.postimg.org/u7kdjmw93/otokingpin15.png https://s29.postimg.org/uyd3peymf/otokingpin16.png https://s29.postimg.org/sc26m7wsn/otokingpin3.png https://s29.postimg.org/clh3sldjb/otokingpin6.png https://s29.postimg.org/cb9l98yx3/otokingpin7.png https://s29.postimg.org/g2j5vkclj/otokingpin8.png https://s29.postimg.org/jnf1esh53/otokingpin9.png https://s29.postimg.org/fhzjf4tzb/otokingpinafterkilling.png https://s29.postimg.org/eomxminyf/otokingpinchurch.png https://s29.postimg.org/8regryhfr/otokingpinfakenigger.png https://s29.postimg.org/jjgmksm9z/otokingpinfire.png https://s29.postimg.org/nomxsyuo7/otokingpinmasonwedding.png https://s29.postimg.org/3vffe06o7/otokingpinsacraficesolstice.png https://s29.postimg.org/f91yp7h6v/otokingpintasteslikechicken.png https://s29.postimg.org/qwrf60gxz/otokinpin16.png https://s29.postimg.org/b06feisp3/otokinpin4.png https://s29.postimg.org/6ltcoxsqv/otokinpin5.png https://s29.postimg.org/sri1sz83r/otooregonkingpin1.png https://s29.postimg.org/cpax8uj0n/otooregonkingpin2.png

hojuruku ago


OTO kiddy fucker trolls are always investigating those who investigate ritualized child abuse - because they are the ones that do it. That explains the OTO kiddy fucker trolls here always downvoting.

hojuruku ago

look at otokingpin1.png above ^^

kestrel9 ago

Great work! I'm now thoroughly creeped out.

hojuruku ago

keep digging. Trust me he's the head of OTO oregon with Atlas Pizza is. I think I've found the Catholic church he also goes to that supports gay marriage as well. https://www.facebook.com/St-Michael-All-Angels-Episcopal-Church-466928153364859/

derram ago

https://archive.is/17UsF | https://files.catbox.moe/yfh9dl.png :

David Richard Jones | Facebook

'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. '

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