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hojuruku ago


Remember the guy who got the #1 Trending hashtag #FreeStacy on twitter USA after he published this and got censored from twitter :

He turned that out in 12 hours. A real ex-Wasingtontimes Journalists who knows his stuff is on the case now.

The whole conservative realm will be talking about the /v/pizzagatemods (see my recent contribution there) pro-pedophilia gatekeepers.

AND SO IT BEGINS. I warned you - delete the thread and you will be discredited in the public eye. @Defens it's over - the pizzagate mods (not the story itself of pizzagate) will be totally discredited in the eyes of the general public shortly.

My job as a researcher is done. The big boys will run with it now. Like when I exposed the gay's praising those who help gay dads remove children's sex organs for tranny gay pride with this: months later turning into this:

@srayzie @kevdude @crensch etc are doomed.

CC @Madworld

srayzie ago

Good job already offending the people on Gab for your racial slurs. You’re getting a lot of complaints. Looking thru your profile speaks for itself. You have been posting like a madman on 8chan as well, instead of making an effort to follow the rules like everyone else.

You’ve been given multiple chances to follow the rules. It is not that difficult! You forgot to ping the one you are talking crap about on Gab. @Vindicator

hojuruku ago

And what is the rule of the road?

Don't oppose Dating sites for gay men and boys?

Disney runs it so we can't use racial slur goyim in the OP - because GOYIM CHILDREN'S LIVES DON'T MATTER!

Vindicator's gone full kike pedo on the thread telling me I can't oppose a gay cop who took my first porn done for child porn who testified in fresno supreme court that dog on little boy child porn isn't depraved and got a lesser sentance for it....

He's a sick pedo and all can see this. You ban me for resisting cenorship for being trolled for 4 days with baseless censorship requests. Remember it was other users that called you "kikeshills" first and I adopted that lingo.


Maybe someone needs to take your first born child away from you - then tell you never to mention the person who did it because it might offend people who rub their penises in other man's shit - then you'll know how I feel about Vindicator.

Are your maternal instincts kicking in now on my side - or you another one of those fake women trannies like this I expose?


Please tell me why Vindicator is right and it's wrong to me to talk about Christopher Kent Bowersox's stunt in court and compare it to another similar stunt by a GAY CROWN PROSECUTOR Dr Patrick Power - also in law enforcement to get a lesser sentence by saying how good he was grooming all those boys at Disney/JewishCare/BBBS.

Only a faggot pedophile would ask that one sentence argument to be removed from the OP.

srayzie ago

I haven’t read the story about your son. I’m sorry to read that. Care to explain?

hojuruku ago

it was in my daughter you idiot and it was the in the videos in the OP you cheered vindicator on for deleting you fucken scrag supporting the pedophile @Vindicator who says you must not talk about or oppose = Christopher Kent Bowersox the gay pedophile that took your first born away from you.

Don't play nice now. I know what you are. So you admit you didn't even read the op on the post you posted memes on cheering for censorship of.

Shame on you. You just disqualified yourself from being a /v/pizzagate mod.

] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 2 minutes ago

I haven’t read the story about your son. I’m sorry to read that. Care to explain?

CC @auralsects @Cuckbot @Dfens @GeorgeT

The pedophile downvote mod gang has been busy guys on /v/protectvoat

srayzie ago

I’ve seen your rants for weeks. I lost interest in reading the details because you acted like a psycho. Like I said, I didn’t become a mod until yesterday. I just tried to take you seriously and let you explain yourself, and you immediately go on the attack and ping your shill gang. I’m done with you.

hojuruku ago

hating gay cops paid to hunt down young boys at who testify in fresco supreme court that child porn+bestiality combo videos isn't depraved is " RANTING.... " HUMM... yes we better not rant against those wonderful LGBTI heros now musn't we.

After all having special faggot cops to hunt down little boys got best innovation in American government from Harvard. Nothing could be more right than that segregating the police force for the homosexual elite.

Did you not see the videos in the OP you censored you pedo shill? Ah yes you said you didn't yet supported the censorship of it to go along with your pedo mate @Vindicator in the comment above - oops. You are linked to his pro-pedophilia censorship regime now. You will not live this down. Now gtfo before all of the renegade conservative press corps comes down on you like a ton of bricks.

For some reason that video is easiest to find in my popular videos section.

srayzie ago

First of all, you can do whatever you want. Your threats mean nothing to me. That’s why your shill friend donkey hates me. I’m not intimidated by some nut from the internet that wants to call me names. You obviously want my attention because you keep talking to me. You can get a lot further with me by calming the fuck down. If you can’t do that, then I don’t give a shit what you have to tell me.

Are you saying you are Luke McKee?

hojuruku ago

you guys tried to report me twice for doxxing this week when I ddin't do it... see the v/protectvoat thread

You can kick me off VOAT fo you admit @DarkMath is Drew West Press who trolls me on YouTube whilst supporting child sex dolls OK?


I seen pedo friends of MODS rise in the ranks. @DarkMath the Aussie queer when quiet and you rose up in his place playing a woman or something around the time he went to ground. I don't know can't keep track of all these alts the moderators run and who @Millennial_Falcon is these days.

srayzie ago

Wow. You have issues. Go take your meds. I have things to do now and have no interest in chatting with you.

hojuruku ago

Are you implying that to be sane you have to be accepting of dating site for gay men and boys exposed on the original thread you and your pedo /v/pizzagatemods/ deleted - and not get mad about it or moderators trying to censor the story.

Well good news. You failed. It's breaking now. They are going to have to have a shake up in modtown - all new aliases seeing the second set of them got exposed being too pro pedophile like @millennial_falcon was.

Here is your mental illness you load of crap:

hojuruku ago

Are you doxxing a voat member?

[–] srayzie 1 points (+1|-0) 20 minutes ago

First of all, you can do whatever you want. Your threats mean nothing to me. That’s why your shill friend donkey hates me. I’m not intimidated by some nut from the internet that wants to call me names. You obviously want my attention because you keep talking to me. You can get a lot further with me by calming the fuck down. If you can’t do that, then I don’t give a shit what you have to tell me.

Are you saying you are....

Isn't that against the rules? hahaha

srayzie ago

You gave the links to your gab and Youtube with your fake name on it. I guess you doxxed yourself.

hojuruku ago

HAHA you are censoring imminent ex-MSM jouranlists writing up the #pizzagayte saga.

I just started /v/pizzagayte to expose homosexual pedophiles whenever they get arrested and of course /v/pizzagatemods pedo kikeshill asshattery. It's going to be fun.

Can a pizzagate mod censor a a big blog post / news story about pizzagate that he himself is in not treated in a favorable light?

Ex Wasington Times Reporter CPAC Player Robert Stacy McCain (of #FreeStacy fame) to write up a story on what @Vindicator #Pizzgate gatekeeper censored

[–] @Vindicator 0 points (+0|-0) 4.6 minutes ago

@hojuruku @death2millenialfags -- As you've been told, posts about moderation of the subverse go to v/pizzagatemods. Removing per Rule 4. Banning this alt for repeated disregard for subverse rules.

BAN THE ALT YOU TROLLED ME WITH ON THAT THREAD YOU COCKSUCKER. GO BAN YOUR OWN ALTS NOW YOU HYPOCRITE :) I only had one alt and it got banned fro pizzagate for saying you guys are getting in the MSM news. This gets so rich now!

srayzie ago

Yeah sure. You were on Alex Jones lol. Well good, you started your own sub. Go rant over there.

hojuruku ago

Nice try bitch.

AIPAC Alex Jones Shecklestien I exposed in this video half way through... Lee Anne McaDoo is a good jewess. I love her work.

If all the Jewesses like you running off with 21blackdicks did what she did - all our problems would be solved.

I proved she was AIPAC through her linked in profile and some investigation but you ban linkedin links on pizzagate.

You see I've had some experience doing with child sex loving anti-pedophilia activist trolls like you before.

That video is HILARIOUS.

And here's another leftist idiot I got to say on the same network as Alex Jones that sex with 12 year old boys should be legal if the boy wants it..

All my video descriptions have sources / research. Enjoy. GCN linked to a faggot pedophile who was let off the playpen sting by the FBI. Project Mockingbird agents can rape kids now?

Expose this stuff and you get banned by the pedo /v/pizzagatemods LIKE YOU

SchlongKeyhote ago

one of my videos exposing LGBT curriculum for children as a 100% gay-Jew movement (eventually passed into law) got shoah'd from jewtube today also lol. together with one about their obsession with feces, using jewish sources LOL!

hojuruku ago

SB48 - we need to talk anonymously on or some other platform i'm going to prepare for a live show soon.

Censored by pedophiles and trolled by @DarkMath



^^^ above censored but for some reason not Harry Hay Founder of the USA Gay Rights moment linked to the jewish baby sex cult OTO ^^

/v/pizzagate/2062463 & (he says it's a baby sex cult and he's a big player in Australia now risiing political star against the pedo LGBT+ left)

I'm going to release some interesting audio on my show maybe today or tomorrow. are you up for it? Want to join in and we can talk for hours about how perverse the pedo pizzagate mods are once the story breaks.

Because we aren't coward pro-pedophile shills that don't contribute anything apart from censorship and memes like that filthy scrag @srayzie

You up for it?

srayzie ago

You can’t even write a damn post. There’s no way in hell you are who you say you are. Then why are you writing all this on a forum dipshit? 😂 Get over yourself.

hojuruku ago

So you don't like the OP. I think it was very clear and a Journalist is going to make it even clearer to all the internet how YOU ARE A PRO PEDOPHILE SHILL.

How do you feel that the /v/pizzagatemods pro-pedophilie censorship asshattery is going to get some really big exposure from a TOP CPAC attendee / public speaker in America ? He lives of the adrev from his bog and he'll profit from your downfall.

What's wrong with the OP you admit not reading before calling to censor it in your pro-pedophilia shut it down moderator gaggle you STUPID SCRAG???

Please at least @vindicator tried to put into words what why it's wrong to oppose a gay pedophile cop taking your first born and playing the judicial system to get a lesser sentence for child porn production. I'd like to see you try for the first time.

Critique the OP that this thread links to.


you are completely full of shit and you can't back up your claims

You can’t even write a damn post.

PROVE IT. Critique it you dyke. DO IT!

SAY WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT. Show us all how you are right rather than making UNSOURCED ALLEGATIONS.

What don't you get. Show us all how you lack comprehension skills and can't be a mod.


Fuck you and fuck your motherfucking socalist pedo utopia lead by bob backdoor faggot brown.

As usual all my videos have descriptions for sources.

srayzie ago

Lol ask Donkey if I’m an Aussie

srayzie ago

Your friend Donkey likes black dicks.

hojuruku ago

@auralsects is she talking about you?

SchlongKeyhote ago

yeah she's projecting her admiration for Jewish former soft-core child porn model Ivanka Trump who wants to try "mulatto cocks"

quotes showing that @srayzie is perfect v/pizzagate mod material:

"I never heard of people hating Jews before voat lol"

"We took care of a child once and transferred him to a VERY NICE JEWISH FAMILY, thank god that was before I came to voat and heard all these awful lies about Jews."

I have never met someone who basks in their own ignorance so proudly.

Then theres another female daily poster who literally said Jews are fine because one gave her a sandwich once:

Your work is incomplete if you don't address the fact that only women would approve of policies like homosexual adoption, race-mixing, and other kikery. They need to be banned from political discussions just as necessarily as Jews do.

hojuruku ago

upvoted :) hahaha yeah they are the worst. i am redpilling the Vietnamese ones i bump into very quickly.

I tell them I'm famous for shutting down gay men treating poor Bac Ninh women as $1 a hour or $6000 breeders making GAY AIDS BABIES

If you research it further the AIDS SURROGACY services are only used in the 3rd world and of course there is no way to remove the HIV virus from infected cells outside the human body - if not inside either - but says he knows more!

Specialist Services

We are also extremely pleased with our results working with HIV+ surrogacy. We are happy to announce that the BSC has been working with the HIV+ community for several years and has built links with clinics to ensure HIV+ men may now have a biological child of their own, without transferring the HIV virus to either the child or surrogate mother. This service is open to both the gay and heterosexual community.

I have a whole research thread on that and them making soilent green Asian women gay aids baby placenta made face cream. Both of those links are run by the same people Barrie Drewit Barlow aka @gaydads who signes of on a fake name on FDA medical studies different to a FOI I did against him in England when the MHRA sued him over there. I could expose gay baby parts flesh trading to make cosmetics for ugly western whores like Australyzie - but that's wrong and homophobic and will trigger - so SHUT IT DOWN!

But filthy whores like @srayzie say it's wrong and "homophobic" to be against them are rubbing gay baby flesh trade Asian women placenta stem cells in their face smuggled to the USA through cryo-cell because that's homophobic - and besides they are so ugly so they have got to steal some life force from young asian poor women kind of like howo the jewish Masonic OTO kidfuckers do by torturing and abusing children.

From the head of the OTO child sex cult in Australia faggot child rapist Frater Shiva X who's minions brag about him raping boys online

Guess who fucked with @gaydads bay baby flesh sellers and exposed their abuse in America first before the big newspapers based on my tip-offs - the same guy who will expose what /v/pizzagatemods censored

srayzie ago

Show where I said that

srayzie ago

Donkey, did you forget to tell your friend that you are admittedly part Jew? How about that you like to frequent the tranny sub here on voat from your old alt? Did you tell him that another alt of yours is Equineluvr who is gay? That will help him understand why you hate women. Let him know how jealous you are of George Webb. Then tell him how you have been obsessed with me! You’re my scrawny little faggot stalker.

SchlongKeyhote ago

why would visiting tranny subs, which I didn't, explain someone hating women lol. women cant logic their way out of a wet paper bag LMAO.

equine isn't me, have u seen him elsewhere btw? id like to talk to him again,

I just explained why I cant stand women, why don't u try to dispute my STATED reasons rather than speculating your own? cuz you cant; u know its true that womens influence is responsible for our demise as a society and race

thanks for reminding people how I outed Webb as a kikeshill months before he outed himself openly, and imagining that it DISCREDITS me rather than the reverse.

"Are you Luke McKee" LMAO after he posted a million links to his stuff, classic srayzie cluelessness. youre like a Disney princess level naivete LMAO

srayzie ago

Don’t forget to tell him that you’re part Jew.

srayzie ago

Yes. He sucks black dick.

hojuruku ago

so you if you troll people and give them abuse and hijack anti-pedophilia threads running baseless censorship pro-pedophilia interference


IF they finally call you a SCAG - they get banned....

and you say shit like that... above

CC @Dfens @MadWorld

@Vindicator's "voat immune system" is watching you you filthy scrag.


v/pizzagate (Vindicator) > death2millenialfags | Sent: 46 minutes ago on 4/17/2018 3:43:16 PM Submission /v/pizzagate/2505774 deleted

v/pizzagate ( @think- ) > hojuruku | Sent: 7.9 hours ago on 4/17/2018 8:36:49 AM Submission /v/pizzagate/2500972 deleted

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2500972 has been deleted by: @think- on 4/17/2018 8:36:49 AM

Description given: Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 2: Empiricism; Description: @hojuruku: See mod comments in post. Original Submission

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2505774 has been deleted by: @Vindicator on 4/17/2018 3:43:16 PM

Description given: Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 4: Indirectly Relevant ; Description: @death2millenialfags: Off topic -- repost to v/pizzagatemods Original Submission Ex Wasington Times Reporter CPAC Player Robert Stacy McCain (of #FreeStacy fame) to write up a story on what @Vindicator #Pizzgate gatekeeper censored

reply source delete mark as read 

v/pizzagate (Vindicator) > death2millenialfags | Sent: 47 minutes ago on 4/17/2018 3:42:16 PM You've been banned from v/pizzagate :(

@Vindicator has banned you from v/pizzagate for the following reason: Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 4: Indirectly Relevant ; Description: Repeated disregard for subverse submission rules

MSM doing stories on PIZZAGATE isn't relevant to pizzagate...

You are fucked.

srayzie ago

You called me names before I ever even spoke to you. You don’t treat me with respect so don’t expect me to be respectful to you.

hojuruku ago

lie lie.. look at the deleted thread. You were off meming away being an arse first. Go back there and delete your comments on the Jewish BBBS dating site for gay men and boys thread then maybe you might be speaking the truth.

Now stop replying to me harrassing me dyke pedo lover only to harvest downvotes. You are blocked.

srayzie ago

Thank God. Block me so that we never have to speak again.

MadWorld ago

With all the ranting for the past days, is this another one of @freshmeat's episode? OP also has the familiar habit of calling his opponents strawman at least 5 times in his recent comments.

I was only trying to help OP with some basic information. And look where it got me, in this endless drama of cut-and-paste pings...

If he is who he said he is, and if he is that credible, he should at least be capable of making a well-organized submission. That should have been a piece of cake for someone who deals with investigations on daily basis.

srayzie ago

I don't know. The guy is psycho.

freshmeat ago

dont ping me to shit I have nothing to do with

hojuruku ago

stop trolling me across subverses. Do you have to have the last word pedo lover scrag?

Look at the upvotes here and on the thread you deleted. Real people not alts think you are a bunch of pro-pedophile gatekeepers who need to be shot.

Just fuck off. I'm angry now, but I'll use more finesses when v/pizzagayte become the people to expose the faggot Jewish pedophilia loving /v/pizzagate mods baseless claims for censorship of stories about LGBT+ or Jewish Pedophilia - or both aka

hojuruku ago

@dfens / @auralsects come over here and see @srayzie telling me it's wrong to be against the faggot pedophile cop Christopher Kent Bowersox who took my first born with kikeshill @Vindicator.