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DarkMath ago

"By SB42 Law #California children must hail to NAMBLA"

Really? That sounds a little hyperbolic don't you think? Can you paste in a reference to that Law and where it says that?

Also regarding Terry Bean whatever crime he committed you can't use that as evidence against a friend of his, or even an entire class of human beings like LGBT. That's just plain old fucking wrong. We don't do that in America. We have a Bill of Rights (it's a pretend one for now but play along with me) and people are innocent until proven guilty. It doesn't matter how many crimes their friend committed. Their friend's guilt has no bearing on their own innocence.

And I think I've sent this video clip before. LGBTs are as disgusted by pedophiles as anyone else.

Why do you keep ignoring it? Try harder to keep up.


hojuruku ago

I bet you are glad you censored my vid me faggot pedophile censor @DarkMath


Californian SB 48 I mean. By Californian law all children must praise the founders of the gay rights movement in America. That is Harry Hay. That is the man Andrew Breitbart's TV outfit filmed going to NAMBLA meetings who marches with a NAMBLA shirt on as per the display picture for the video - or you can see it here. Don't deny relaity and facts. LA Government proud of NAMBLA, proud of Harry Hay. "The first documented opposition to NAMBLA from LGBT organizations occurred at the conference that organized the first gay march on Washington in 1979.[27] In 1980, a group, called the Lesbian Caucus, distributed a flyer urging women to split from the annual New York City Gay Pride March, because according to the group, the organizing committee had been dominated by NAMBLA and its supporters.[27] The next year, after some lesbians threatened to picket, the Cornell University group Gay People at Cornell (Gay PAC) rescinded its invitation to NAMBLA founder David Thorstad to be the keynote speaker at the annual May Gay Festival.[27] In the following years, gay rights groups tried to block NAMBLA’s participation in gay pride parades, prompting leading gay rights figure Harry Hay to wear a sign proclaiming "NAMBLA walks with me" as he participated in a 1986 gay pride march in Los Angeles.[28]"

DarkMath ago

I went here:

Searched for the word Pedophile and then NAMBLA but didn't find a single reference to either.


hojuruku ago

@DarkMath go to the new discussion on /whatever/ By law Californian Students must study the founder of the US gay rights movement and go here to do their homework The founder of the US gay rights movement is also a founding member of NAMBLA and is very proud he supports nambla. So by law all children must study and praise NAMBLA boy fucker Harry Hay, founder of the US gay rights movement.

Anyone who says the founder of the US gay rights movement and nambla must be respected must be shot in the head as a pedo collaborator. Time to take out some gay kiddy fucking dems on the west coast I say.

DarkMath ago

"The founder of the US gay rights movement is also a founding member of NAMBLA"

That's like saying Hitler was a member of the Catholic church before he started the Nazi Party so therefor we need to kill all the Catholics.


hojuruku ago

Breitbart said it and proved it in a video you are hoping nobody watches you fucken pedo. I care about children not LGBT. 1.7% of the population rapes 35% of all the children. They need to be discriminated against like yesterday.

DarkMath ago

"Breitbart said it and proved it in a video"

Paste in just the link to that video and provide me the exact time he says that and I'll watch it.

hojuruku ago

It's in the OP you stupid fuck.

DarkMath ago

"It's in the OP"

After you said all LGBTs should be killed I kind of stopped reading your drivel. I ain't going to spend 1 nano-second looking for it.

But if you paste it in here I'll watch it.

hojuruku ago

so you want to spend all day debunking stuff you haven't even read. GAY KIDDY FUCKING SHILL ALERT HELLO!

DarkMath ago

Ok, I watched the video. Yes it does portray Hay in a sympathetic light. I'll grant you that. And yes that's really fucking wrong. It pissed me off because, ding ding ding, I'm actually not a pedophile.

But my message still stands. You can't extrapolate from Henry Hay and brand all people in the LGBT community as worthy of death. This is just common sense. And I'm trying to talk some common sense into you. If you're fighting a war you want to ISOLATE your opponent not make some grand accusation that'll just generate sympathy for who you're attacking.

Basically this is a war and you really suck at it.


hojuruku ago

Heres another video about hay the child fucker founder of the gay rights movement Next video I upload the Add Russians put on Mainstream TV banned from youtube after Australian Gay Marriage activists fucked their baby and then the Australian government MPs wrote letters saying it's homophobic to turn of the supply of gay baby anal rape victims. Here are the baby rapists saying it's homophobic to oppose us fucking babies - and here is yet more baby fuckers campaigning against homophobia - I broke this story:

DarkMath ago

"Australian government MPs wrote letters saying it's homophobic to turn of the supply of gay baby anal rape victims"

If you think that's wrong why do you think saying things like "All LGBT need to be killed." is going to win over the Hearts and Minds of all Ozzies?

Maybe an appeal to rationality would be more effective? Maybe start taking baby steps instead of driving a Sherman Tank with a flame thrower built into the gun barrel up to any LGBT house picked at random and pulling both triggers? For example you could say something like "Given this horrible tragedy maybe we need better screening in place to detect potential abusers?"

I don't know. I'm just trying to keep it real with you.

hojuruku ago

You create a straw-man. I never said all gays need to be killed. ALL GAY CHILD FUCKERS NEED TO BE KILLED. There is a difference. That's what Russia thinks of Australian gay marriage activists raping their babies, and then say it's homophobic not to give us more gay baby flesh to rape. This is Russia's reaction as broadcast on Channel 1 (RU) to Australian published Gay Marriage Activists Mark Newton and Peter Truong raping their infants, then Australian gay policitian Alex Greenwich MP saying it's "homophobic" to cult off supply in his letter to former Foriegn Minister Bob Carr. More information <banned url shortner the most popular>/abcplugspedos - the youtube video that is a crime to link to according to gay judges. Put "abcplugspedos" into today Hear my dad talk about being accused, and later found guilty of disrespecting the same Ozzie "Gay Dads" baby rapists who human trafficked Russian infants after the Australian government broke it's own laws to give passport to them to kidnap the child without a DNA test. (Click on the speaker Hour #2) Hear the baby rapists say Russian police were homophobic to delay their global gay marriage activist baby rape tour. This was my father's comment: The gay judge ruled in court that is fake the video doesn't autoplay when you open a causes post link, and believed @garryburnsblog testimony he never watched it (see: We also recused the judge for having private meetings with the pedophile suspect: Extra Info on Australian Gay / Satanic Pedophilia Normalization Activists Suing Christians who oppose their kiddy fiddling agenda: