Vindicator ago

@hojuruku @death2millenialfags -- As you've been told, posts about moderation of the subverse go to v/pizzagatemods. Removing per Rule 4. Banning this alt for repeated disregard for subverse rules.

ThePuppetShow ago

To be fair.. It was EVERYONE who was trying to get you to make your 10,000 character wall of text more understandable, not just Vindicator. I tried to go through it and thought to myself.. "I bet this dudes a tweaker". Then you went on your tirade and removed all doubt, in my mind. You're on Voat, not reddit. There's not a chance you're getting banned for talking about Jews here, that's their MO.

carmencita ago

I too tried to help, along with someone else. There was a serious misunderstanding of the rules and misconception of it being the banning of talking about the Boys and Girls Clubs/Jewish Care I believe. All that needed to be done was to simply state it simply and what the reasons of suspicious and sources to back them up. The reason this never happened, I believe is that hojuruku has a legitimate reason to be extremely suspicious and leery when it comes to being shut down and also the horrid experience with a child. We all have had extreme empathy for others with those that have been abused or a child that was abused, or taken. This can really reek havoc in someone's life and affect their actions. I think this whole thing has just gone very bad and I can understand both sides to the problem. I have started looking into the org. and have already found a person at the head of one of the BBBS Partners who is involved with many children's charities and may be a freemason as well (this needs further research). As we know many children's charities are now suspect, but again this needs more research as well. Instead of this being blown out of proportion, it would be so much better to just look into this org. and find the truth. If this is true, which it well may be, it would be a huge find. Disney is one of the partners. That already should set off an alarm.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Good for you "Little Man", hope Mr. McCain has as much success communicating with you as we all have.

death2millenialfags ago

Looks like Vindicator is being exposed for wanting to censor talk about Christopher Kent Bowersox the child raping gay cop that took away my first born from me.

What pedo does such a thing?

His pro-pedophilia asshattery is not going unnoticed on /v/anontalk and /r/conspiracy - see how Vindicator Says you Must Respect Christopher Kent Bowersox by not exposing his child porn conviction and gay porn (i shit you not) parole violation - you know the gay cop who hunts down young boys all day for



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I rest my case.

death2millenialfags ago

yeah it's wrong to oppose moderators saying you must not speak of the gay pedophile cop who messed up your life in America and stopped you ever seeing your first born who got off lightly in sentencing because he said poor me i"m the victim gay cop - i saw two children die from a hand grenade explosion in 2006 and that started my dive into depravity.

The I post evidence he joined in 2005 - so therefore he needs to be prosecuted for perjury in his sentencing trial - or the Fesno Supreme court has formally ruled GAY MEN FORCING DOGS TO SODOMIZE LITTLE BOYS ISN'T DEPRAVED.

I thought that was to good tie in to another TOP GAY CROWN PROSECUTOR Dr Pattrick Power who testified in court - go easy on me - because I volunteered all my free time to help vulnerable little boys at JewishCare Big Brothers Big Sisters. You see how the judge deliberately inverted it to Big Sisters Big Brothers in the case law so nobody would google it...

Why can't I share my only case that is more disgusting example of a gay pedophile in law enforcement playing the system to get off by owning up to how sick they are - and that somehow makes them a better character?

But Vindicator say NO NO NO. Don't speak of a gay cop that is paid to hunt down boys all day - who was done for child porn - be just like the Baksersfield Police cheif williamson and say nothing to see here, he's still a profesional cop because he was only trying to have sex with little boys and making gay child porn OFF DUTY (which was a lie as it turned out....

SHUT IT DOWN and everything else on the thread.

Disney made a song about shutting it down. ODE to VINDICATOR!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The (((Wojo-Kuru))) Cries Outs as it Strikes You. SMH