hojuruku ago

CENSORED FROM PIZZAGATE. WTF: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1863343 [–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago Was this @sensitive again loving the gay child rape? Couldn't wait for my comment proving the claims debunking @DarkMath?

permalink save edit delete reply report [–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago I stand corrected it was @Millenial_Falcon who declared himself to be a man on boy anal sex lover. @Millennial_Falcon What the fuck is going on here before I escalate this?

What claim was wrong on this thread?

permalink parent save edit delete reply report Denied - Deleted Submissions do not allow voting (Archived Vote Rule 2.9.1) [–] DarkMath 1 points (+1|-0) 55 minutes ago (edited 21 minutes ago) "By SB42 Law #California children must hail to NAMBLA"

Really? That sounds a little hyperbolic don't you think? Can you paste in a reference to that Law and where it says that?

Also regarding Terry Bean whatever crime he committed you can't use that as evidence against a friend of his, or even an entire class of human beings like LGBT. That's just plain old fucking wrong. We don't do that in America. We have a Bill of Rights (it's a pretend one for now but play along with me) and people are innocent until proven guilty. It doesn't matter how many crimes their friend committed. Their friend's guilt has no bearing on their own innocence.

And I think I've sent this video clip before. LGBTs are as disgusted by pedophiles as anyone else.YouTube

Why do you keep ignoring it? Try harder to keep up.


permalink save source reply report [–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAIR_Education_Act ARE YOU DENYING BY LAW CALIFORNIAN STUDENTS MUST PRAISE FOUNDER OF THE GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT - WHO HAPPENS TO ALSO BE FOUNDING MEMBER OF NAMBLA HARRY HAY?

Californian SB 48 I mean. By Californian law all children must praise the founders of the gay rights movement in America. That is Harry Hay. That is the man Andrew Breitbart's TV outfit filmed going to NAMBLA meetings who marches with a NAMBLA shirt on as per the display picture for the video - or you can see it here. Don't deny relaity and facts. LA Government proud of NAMBLA, proud of Harry Hay. http://www.preservation.lacity.org/files/LGBT%20Historic%20Context%209-14.pdf http://www.lodinews.com/news/article_17c5617b-561c-5e9c-8163-2c50c899e45f.html http://americansfortruth.com/issues/gay-icons/ https://www.slideshare.net/wblumen/an-lgbtiq-history3 http://americansfortruth.com/2009/09/21/homosexuality-and-man-boy-love-gay-pioneer-harry-hay-defended-nambla-to-the-end/


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Man/Boy_Love_Association "The first documented opposition to NAMBLA from LGBT organizations occurred at the conference that organized the first gay march on Washington in 1979.[27] In 1980, a group, called the Lesbian Caucus, distributed a flyer urging women to split from the annual New York City Gay Pride March, because according to the group, the organizing committee had been dominated by NAMBLA and its supporters.[27] The next year, after some lesbians threatened to picket, the Cornell University group Gay People at Cornell (Gay PAC) rescinded its invitation to NAMBLA founder David Thorstad to be the keynote speaker at the annual May Gay Festival.[27] In the following years, gay rights groups tried to block NAMBLA’s participation in gay pride parades, prompting leading gay rights figure Harry Hay to wear a sign proclaiming "NAMBLA walks with me" as he participated in a 1986 gay pride march in Los Angeles.[28]" http://americansfortruth.com/2009/09/21/homosexuality-and-man-boy-love-gay-pioneer-harry-hay-defended-nambla-to-the-end/

DarkMath ago

You lost be bro. I think your copy/paste buttons are broken.

hojuruku ago

@DarkMath = Dark Mage Kiwifarms infant sex lover exposed here: https://vid.me/VhoE

hojuruku ago

@DarkMath you fucken pedophile shill, eventually bacaworld.org and the like will catch up with you. You better hope the cops get you first and segregate you from the real men who don't wanna fuck boys like you.

DarkMath ago

"you fucken pedophile shill"

Actually you've got that exactly backwards. Me defending LGBTs from getting killed will actually HELP our fight against institutionalized Pedophilia.

I don't know where you live but here in America saying all LGBTs are pedophiles and therefor worthy of death will get you put into the loony bin in under 1 second. And consequently forcing about 300,000,000 into dismissing /v/pizzagate if you paste your Nazi hatred enough times.....but I digress.

What country are you from?


hojuruku ago

http://vid.me/ozzieslovepedos Ozzies love the gay child rape. I don't fall in line with the rest of my country. The war is on against http://unsafeschools.org and it's gay child fucking pedophilia.

DarkMath ago

"Ozzies love the gay child rape."

All Australian citizens enjoy raping children? Hey thanks for sharing hojo. Good luck in getting your fellow Ozzies to join your crusade to kill the LGBT people.

Make sure to let me know how that works out for ya.


hojuruku ago

fuck off pedophile stalker https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1863343

hojuruku ago

Read the description for that video. Andrew Breitbart was murdered for exposing Podesta as a pedophile too. "https://gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos/posts/7825812 P.S Kevin Jennings #Obama UnSafeSchools Tsar was in child anal fisting gate #FISTGATE 1&2! #LGBT http://www.massresistance.org/docs/issues/fistgate/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2009/12/08/fistgate-ii-high-school-students-given-fisting-kits-at-kevin-jennings-2001-glsen-conference/

And remember Obama's hot dog parties, and gay child rapist Terry Bean and his boyfriend flying on Air Force One. http://www.wweek.com/news/2015/11/04/previously-unreleased-police-interview-transcripts-suggest-terry-bean-knew-his-alleged-sex-partner-was-under-18/

ALEFANTIS is connected to a GAY AND LESBIAN VICTORY FUND (Terry Bean operation in USA/Australia ran by a pedophile who disappears his child rape victims to get off child sex charges). See his Facebook friends for more details, or I can dig up my old post on that.

Video Description: http://unsafeschools.org http://massresistance.org http://kidrights.org.au https://gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos/posts/7825812 FIGHT THE GAY PEDO SCUM NOW PEOPLE!

NAMBLA is #LGBT - and they admit it! (also Censored from #DailyCaller #ANTIFA = #NAMBLA too http://archive.is/AsxP9 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1855099)) https://nambla.org/hayonmanboylove.html http://www.lgbthistorymonth.com/harry-hay?tab=biography

By SB48 Law #California children must hail to NAMBLA Saved this video from Youtube because Andrew Brietbart died trying to get the word out about the #PizzaGate pedos. It needs to be kept on the internet for public safety and I don't think the copyright holder would disapprove from the grave. https://twitter.com/andrewbreitbart/status/33636278100561920?lang=en https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5eVhgCnV58 "Uploaded on Oct 10, 2009 Safe school Czar Kevin Jennings and his relationship with Harry Hay and NAMBLA" http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2009/12/fistgate-xiii-b Video Censored from Liveleaks: OBAMA, JENNINGS, AND MORE FISTGATE READING MATERIALS FOR CHILDREN Dec FROM:THE FOXHOLE (UNAPOLOGETIC PATRIOT) Fistgate: Kevin Jennings’ Sex Ed for Kids. Warning: Explicit Content Posted 10/12/2009 by sfcmac in Communism/Socialism, Leftist moonbats, Politics. Leave a Comment

Hat Tip to Big Government and Gateway Pundit. Remember, Obama attracts these kinds of wackjobs for a reason. Fistgate Part I: Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings founded the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in 1990. In 2007 Kevin Jennings was paid $273,573.96 as the executive director of GLSEN. Recently he was appointed by the Obama administration to run the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools in the US Department of Education. On Friday, Scott Baker from Breitbart.TV and Co-Host of ‘The B-Cast‘ submitted a shocking report on Obama’s deviant Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings. This report was posted at Gateway Pundit blog Read more at https://www.liveleak.c