hojuruku ago

THIS MAN SHOULDN'T BE LET OFF! Alex Gollan 32, a teacher who possessed child exploitation material and sent sexual messages to a 9 year old, is now a free man.

Gollan who was an assistant principal of a Sydney school, was jailed for eight months for sending “sexual” messages to a nine-year-old ex-student and for having child exploitation material on his laptop

But of course his legal team thought that 8 months for grooming a 9 year old student, betraying her trust, shattering her innocence and viewing videos of innocent children being horrifically abused, forever shattering their innocence their sense of trust, their self esteem and perpetuating the child exploitation material market as a whole, was far too much time behind bars.

Seriously how do some people sleep at night, this vile thing sent sexual messages to A 9 YEAR OLD GIRL and had videos of child exploitation material on his computer and that doesn't deserve a pathetic 8 months behind bars... are you kidding me ?

Of course it gets better, Mr Gollan's defence in his massive 70 page blog post, was that right wing Nazi's and white supremacists (always those sheet wearing maniacs) set him up, they were the ones who put the videos on his hard drive, due to his anti discrimination work.

Wish we could say that's the worst excuse we've ever heard, sadly it isn't, but it is pretty bad.

The messages he sent the 9 year old girl were not innocent by any stretch of the imagination, even though his legal team tried to paint them as such.

Magistrate Alexander Mijovich rejected any suggestion that Gollan’s conversations with the girl could be seen as “humorous” or “funny”.

He described Gollan’s actions as a “clear abuse of trust” and said it was “irrelevant” that she was no longer his student.

“Suggestions of meetings ... were not funny or appropriate in any sense of the word,” he said.

“There is still no recognition by the accused that he has any issues, or has any issues to be dealt with,” Mr Mijovich said, before sentencing him to eight months behind bars.

He took into account his guilty pleas to the charges of sending indecent material to a minor and possession of child abuse material.

So he isn't even recognising that what he did was wrong, but the court of appeal upheld the decision to appeal his conviction. Well done court of appeal one day you will have to sit me down and explain your reasoning as to why you keep letting child predators go.

Sadly this former Holsworthy public school assistant principal might not be working for the department of education anymore but he will more than likely find another teaching job.

We can only hope the other states are aware of his crimes and do not let him have a working with children check clearance.

Even if he gets his appeal overturned he will not serve long behind bars. Make sure everyone knows who Alex Gollan is and that he never gets access to children ever again by sharing his picture everywhere !

Alex Gollan has cried conspiracy and his mother has professed his innocence but sorry Alex you pleaded guilty. If I was accused of child abuse (grooming a child is abusing them) and I was innocent of the charges, I would fight tooth and nail to clear my name.

The fact that he still doesn't see what he did as wrong, tells us he will do it again. SHARE THIS FACE EVERYWHERE ! (A)

FACAA #ProudFACAA #GuardiansOfTheInnocent #VoiceForTheVoiceless #HopeForTheHopeless #Homebush #School #Teacher #AlexGollan #AssistantTeacher #WeWillFight #StandUp #Appeal #Judges #EndingChildAbuse #RaisingAwareness #Law #Legal #ChangingLaws


Laskar ago

Thanks very much for your persistence. Great post. Great additional comments as well.

hojuruku ago

Thanks Laskar - I don't want a pat on the back, I want Ozzie UPF / Pizzagaters (both suffering heavy censorship and special penis in other man's fresh shit thought police http://facebook.com/policeglbti & @nodiscrim @NCATNSW thought crime tribunal attack) to do an investigation to find out how these pedos are always being let out of jail in secret because they are friends with Rainbow ChildFuck Leftist Labor.

What do you think about @AssFaceSandwich2 's comments. Acting like a pedo you think?

Laskar ago

Obviously he's a troll of some kind at least. I cannot bring myself to type that absurd name.

Remember the old saying, "You only get flak* when you are over the target" and take encouragement that you are on the right track from that.

*flak: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/flak

Let's just keep piling up the evidence. They can't argue with facts!

hojuruku ago

@AssFaceSandwich2 gay child raping pedo who must die - he's talking about you. Meanwhile this is getting upvoted :) https://gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos/posts/7761854

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Wow, violent much? You think you are a researcher but haven't looked at my comment history, obviously.

For the record, my only problem with you so far - other than the stupid over the top crap towards me - was the singling out of gay folk. Don't let the hetero child rapists get a fucking INCH of respect via comparison. That is my point.

DarkMath ago

Thanks for posting. Can you put maybe a Cliff Note/Exec Summary at the top? There's a lot to chew on here.

hojuruku ago

have a crack at writing it for me and i'll embed it.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

"Gay child rape" "gay child rape" "gay child rape" You have never in your life muttered the phrase "hetero child rape" which shows a bias in thinking that hetero child rape is somehow better.

hojuruku ago

Cultural Marxist Thought Police FUCK OFF. Reality and Truth are capable of triggering the elite lefty fag, so deal with it. Now deal with this: There are only two types of pedophiles, well 3 - the bisexual ones like Gollan are very rare <1%. Gay child rapists = androphiles Hetero child rapist = gynophiles. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1556756 Medically correct isn't politically correct.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

"Thought police"? How about don't be a stupid dick? You get to be a tyrant against minorities but "full freedom" for you! Well done.

hojuruku ago

Gollan Pedobear is that you? I'm on http://gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos having a field day making lots of new friends. Why don't you join in. I'm a tyrant? So you guys didn't do anything tyrannical when your order people to LOVE GAY BABY ANAL SEX OR GO TO JAIL?






VictimsofGayBullying.com & http://mediabroadcastingcenter.com/the-real-deal/ PRESENT An exposé showing that, in Australia, Christians are being ordered by civil tribunals stacked with gay activists, to publish apologies for "vilifying" satanic pedophile cults, in newspaper ads, or go to jail for contempt of court. The same applies for those who were found to have "vilifed" state-media-praised "gay dads" same-sex marriage activists who were later found and jailed for sexually abusing their own infant son due to their deviant homosexuality. Whether homosexuality is deviant, or "normal" these tribunals do not differentiate. Any person reported for "vilifying" actions or behavior of homosexual persons will be ordered to apologize, because it is unlawful in New South Wales Australia to "vilify" any person who happens to be homosexual. However it is OK for homosexuals to "vilify" heterosexual persons. John also got a letter last month from a "human rights" tribunal for not respecting OTOAustralia.org.au. That outfit is an Alex Jones Infowars Confirmed Satanic pedophile cult, but in Australia it is deemed to be a religion, and therefore it is not allowed to be "vilified" under religious vilification laws. This is what my own father and friend John Sunol are facing, for vilifying the "gay dads" Mark Newton and Peter Truong, referred to above. Who is doing this? Gay judges and gay activists without law degrees who sit on panels as part of the State Tribunals of Australia: @NCATNSW @VEOHRC @nodiscrim @ACTHumanRights @ACTSupCourt @LWBAustralia @VGLRL @NSWGLRL @PIACNews @Justice_Connect @GarryBurnsBlog @AUGL_OTO @oto_org And who's fighting back? @BernardGaynor & Tess Corbett in the High Court of Australia! Luke McKee has never solicited money in his 10 years in exile as a UNHCR Confirmed Political refugee from Australia/NZ, the latter due to backing of warrants scheme - the same problem Julian Assange has and still wont yet ask for a cent. But he asks that everyone who wants to see a global end to these thought-crime laws already in some American states please donate to Bernard Gaynor's legal fund. Other victims include @gamke, @t0mcahill @SunolJohn @TruthNewsOZ loveforelife.com.au lukesarmy.com (Facebook) and many many others that have been sued by "gay activist" Garry (aka Gary) Burns and the OTO, including those in Government and public life. Remember the Gay CEO of Apple Tim Cook previously has tweeted to Obama that these same laws be enacted and set loose upon the American people. Do you want to be next? Part one is being edited into a documentary style presentation due for release in a few months focusing on the homosexual vilification thought crimes only. American Allies in the war for free speech! MassResistance.org / AllianceDefendingFreedom.org Links: https://globalfreedomofexpression.columbia.edu/cases/burns-v-sunol/ http://johnsunol.blogspot.com http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/last-post-legal-announcement-due-to.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/02/anti-discrimination-law-thought-crime.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html (and check johnsunol.blogspot.com in an archive.is search to see what the censors got!) http://theothermccain.com/2016/05/26/gay-australian-rugby-player-arrested-by-fbi-sought-sex-with-6-year-old-boy/ http://theothermccain.com/2016/05/14/australian-gay-marriage-crusader-was-fugitive-wanted-on-kiddie-porn-charge/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/please-help/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/off-high-court-twice/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/beyond-18c/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/ncat-deputy-president-has-questions-to-answer/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/nsw-anti-discrimination-board-gay-beats-and-private-schools/ http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/school-holiday-locations-listed-as-best-places-for-gay-public-sex/news-story/a216bf74a3cf578d59cac9c88e1df3f1 http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/public-service/we-need-the-clarity-of-a-high-court-ruling-on-bernard-gaynors-free-speech-crusade-20170329-gv9foz.html http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/public-service/be-wary-public-servants-of-speaking-freely-in-an-election-year-20160401-gnwagn.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/foster-carer-linked-to-sex-abuse-slipped-past-the-barriers-20101212-18u1w.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6NtQ8hqARw Case Law keywords for www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au or austlii.edu.au (national): "Garry Richard Burns" "Gary Burns" "Garry Burns" (serial applicant uses different names in court over 20 years) "Burns Gaynor" (see 2017 case)"Corbett Burns" "McKee Burns" "Legg Devine" (VIC x4) "CRISTIAN v BOTTRILL" "Sunol Collier". All cases are equally great travesty of justice, and the case law is defamatory to the respondents when you research actually what happened in the courtroom. TIP: The Filter search results by database feature is very useful on Austlii if you know what state it's in

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

I'm not gay, nor am I a man, and Alex Jones = lol. And TLDR rambling(hint, start breaking this shit into readable paragraphs). I have no problem with complaints about pedo groups infiltrating LGBT rights movements but don't allow the tyranny of continued homophobia. Do I think you are trying to bomb Pearl Harbor right now or can I tell the difference between you and others?

hojuruku ago

you are a massively down-voted shill with the precursor to homosexuality - Paraphilic disorders. Just rack off her and go do your ass licking ass faced stuff. You are not wanted because you support pedophilia normalization and call it homophobia not to love politically correct pedophiles get away with grooming kids and child porn. The word "homophobia" doesn't give people a blank check to get away with raping kids. Only a pedophile would make such an argument or those "heart progress" scumbags that seem to be based in Australia too.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Go after the pedophiles and stop being a homophobe, you long winded fuck. Massively downvoated? I haven't been really following the story you are talking about, just the way presented. No need to bring your cheesy hate to the table. The screen name is a joke to "crack" a smile, and you think you know what it's about? lol

Get over yourself.

hojuruku ago

I haven't got a -4 yet. You got one on this thread. I'm all for free discussion and people getting away from group-think type scenarios, but saying it's homophobic to stop VIP pedophiles being protected is something a gay child fucker would say. You better be careful what link you talk on. Us SANS operatives have a network to get information to investigate security issues and pedos like you.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Lol, I've been here since the beginning, and before. Relax. Again, -4 by people that hate gay people, or which there are thousands on this board, isn't that bad at all. I mean, that's "shadow-banned" good if we think about it.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

and again, I just felt like you were throwing gay people, in general, under the bus. I'm here to catch pedo's not hurt gay people more.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

All I commented on was your style of talking in that one instance and you freaked the fuck out. We don't need that here. We don't need fucking Alex Jones or Flat Earth shit either. We need calm researchers calling these pedo's out. Reading more into your revelations I do see a big problem down there. Fix it. Well done.

BTW, -4 isn't bad out of 13,000 subscribers and I've had +50 to 100 before so, there's that.

hojuruku ago

That's funny I got over 100 covering the story of satanic ELFIA.COM Dutch Jew Gay Baby rapists who shared their gayby baby fuck films on facebook.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

It's not funny, we have both got high numbers on a contribution. Good for us; keep up the good work, us.

Same sex doesn't matter to me; save the kids. This is about kids. That they are/were/identify as gay doesn't mean shit. Keep covering and outing. That is why we are here. leave the bigotry at the door. We've said that from the beginning. We need allies from the left whether we like it or not.

hojuruku ago

Meet this ozzie anti-gay safe school lady activist. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2gXpz9ZaHh5SttgTpS9n4A You made a valid point before the gay lobby at it's peak is taken over by pedophilia normalization activists. And all homosexuals can't talk about the elephant in the room. The fact that 1.7% of the population (according to CDC) rapes 35% of all children. Discriminating against homosexuals when kids are involved become justified because of this cold hard fact.

What's more important? More happiness for the gays or less children raped. You decide.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

The man that molested me wasn't gay, so no, bash the pedo not the "happened to be gay person". Or do whatever, I don't care much anymore as that is everywhere on this board. I've learned to live with it to forward the investigation.

hojuruku ago

So if a man does a homosexual act and push his penis inside you against your will when you were a child by doing the act of sodomy he isn't a homosexual? Who else says this madness. GARRY FUCKEN BURNS! https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/tag/paedophiles/

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Who said anal? Wow, you ASSume much.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Is a man abusing a female homosexuality? What is going on?

MolochHunter ago

shouldnt a gay judge recuse himself from a gay rape trial? You'd think so...

hojuruku ago

Actually they do the opposite. Put "mckee burns" into www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au - you'll see my dad's case where a gay activist judge without a law degree passed judgement (jennifer newman) as well as a homo judge who rules the child raped by the gay must enjoy it in case law as exposed in this video: https://vid.me/atYD Jennifer Newman - published gay activist - no law degree - judges christians who disrespect gay pedophiles: http://bernardgaynor.com.au/beyond-18c/ Wakefield - kingpin of the gay child sex industry. If a child is raped, and the police cover it up, the adult gay child rape victim 10 years later gets secret arbitration trials and cash payouts. Lots of money for lawyers to make out of gay child rape, that's why it's so politically correct. See Wakefield's censored paper how he admits he specalizes in representing institutions who enabled gay child rapists. https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html That blog post resulted in a special gay child sexxer protector police (http://facebook.com/policeglbti)) police raid, and now they are trying to jail John Sunol because I put something on a google blog owned by google that the NSW Police allege he "owns". I was calling up lawyers to get supeona's done for these criminal gay cops doing cyber-crimes to protect a gay pedophiles in Newcastle NSW, and I stumbled across a lawfirm that specializes in child sex hush money aka "arbitration". They all know of Gay Judge Wakefield who runs the Arbitration society. He put on his resume he keeps pulling from my scribd that he participated in a young lawyers panel debate is arbitration a way to cover things up. So we have a secret child sex industry with no case law operating in Australia. Read Wakefields paper about it he pulled from his website, but got mirriroed on mondaq. http://www.mondaq.com/australia/x/429260/Healthcare/How+is+the+Royal+Commission+into+Institutional+Responses+to+Child+Sex+Abuse+relevant+to+health+care+providers Gay judge wakefield censored that from his own lawfirms blog, but that site is for lawyers only and it's authentic. There's lots of money to be made in the gay child rape hush money industry. I was calling up law firms in newcastle NSW to find a lawyer to do 3x supeonas to jail these corrupt special gay police, and I stubled on a law firm that knows Wakefield well, because they specialize in representing the victims of child rape, whilst wakefield the man who rules in court children must love their child sex and not do hate speech against their pepetrators (homosexuals) when they grow up. There is probably 100s of lawfirms like them. THERE IS A GAY CHILD RAPE INDUSTRY MAKING BIG MONEY OUT OF CHILD RAPE, AND WE ALL PAY CHILD RAPE TAX. IT's CALLED PUBLIC INDEMNITY INSURANCE PREMIUMS THAT ARE RISING, you PAY FOR THEM WITH YOUR TAXES AND YOUR SCHOOL FEES. http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/criminal-nsw-lgbt-gllo-affiliated.html

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Are hetero judges recused from "normal" rape?

hojuruku ago

You are not normal. You have a username with ASS in it. You have some kind of paraphilia disorder. Go look it up seek help now before you rape more kids or animals.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Wow you are really really stupid.

hojuruku ago

He's singing about you Clive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Zx_vCIapU

madhatter67 ago

Nice post...

as far as I'm concerned, this is totally on topic...showing the complicity of the legal system with protecting baby rapists with this so called progressive political agenda...the situation in Australia seems to be pretty much the same as in the US and UK....and the more good hard evidence we can collect of this the better as far as I'm concerned

And I find it strange that a mod here (a new one as far as I'm aware?), would complain that when something is well sourced it is too complicated....after we've seen so many posts deleted in the past for not being sourced....I've been here from the start, and still can't get my head around half of the moderating decisions...it's almost as if they don't want people to work it all out!

Keep up the good work my friend

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1586429/7735605 I was banned - this post nearly didn't happen unless I didn't have friends with the original redditers. I made a PDF of what actually went down. I was accused of being homophobic for the crime of being against homosexual pedophiles charged and jailed for child sexual abuse. The mod in question deleted most of her most damning comments. But as part of my deal to get unbanned I deleted the scribd post with those comments and I'll honor it. Just letting you know you are not wrong.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Your homophobia shows in that you have probably never said "Hetero child rape". Rape is rape, buddy.

hojuruku ago

Who beat me to the downvote on this gay pedo scum with a paraphilia disorder - he's got ASS in his username. I want to friend you :P

hojuruku ago

There are only two types of pedophiles, well 3 - the bisexual ones like Gollan are very rare <1%. Gay child rapists = androphiles Hetero child rapist = gynophiles. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1556756 Medically correct isn't politically correct.

hojuruku ago

Repost the comment here where people can see it ok @sensitive https://www.rt.com/news/171868-australia-judge-incest-homosexuality/ http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/judge-compares-incest-and-paedophilia-to-past-attitudes-towards-homosexuality-claiming-they-might-not-be-taboo-anymore-20140708-zt0v2.html INFOWARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvBDMMGF0Nw

With judges like this - that's why gay baby rapists get let out of prison or never arrested in the first place and your FBI have to clean up the mess afterwards like with Newton and Truong.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852284/9068072 So there you have it Podesta saying he's got "two projects" going in Australia. What would those projects be. Australia is where the OTOAustralia.org.au satanic pedophile cult linked to Miss Spirit Cooking by the Symbol of Thelema and Alister Crowley all over her "artwork". Here is why this post is relevant. It proves government protected pedophiles do exist. Pizzagate you can't even get the government investigation started because the pedophiles are in the GQ Top 40 most powerful people in Washington for opening a PIZZA SHOP. PIZZAGATE/PEDOGATE now needs to expose all the cases of GOVERNMENT PROTECTED VIP PEDOPHILES to prove we need to get the police / law enforcement guard changed so they can start doing their jobs and get the mass arrests done, or in this case put the pedophiles they successfully prosecuted back in jail that were let off due to corrupt pedo judges.

We got judges in Australia saying lets make incest legal because who abortion is so easy, the brother and sister can just kill the baby, no harm done. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/sydney-judge-garry-neilson-rebuked-over-17hour-judgment-20170418-gvmu0j.html https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/category/state-judges/judge-garry-neilson/ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/incest-is-no-longer-a-taboo-says-australian-judge-garry-neilson-9599552.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/11/attorney-general-hits-out-at-nsw-judge-over-controversial-incest-remarks http://www.justice.nsw.gov.au/Pages/media-news/media-releases/2014/statement-judge-neilson.aspx http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/nsw-judicial-commission-finds-judge-garry-neilson-should-not-hear-sex-cases-20150924-gjubld.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/district-court-judge-garry-neilson-admits-to-inquiry-incest-comments-unfortunate-20150803-giq83q.html Even RT.COM and Alex Jones covered the case of the GAY SCOUTMASTER GAY JUDGE saying Incest and Kiddy fucking is OK. And HE GETS TO KEEP HIS JOB as the MSM news shows.

sensitive ago

@hojuruku, this is a long and complicated post with numerous sources - where is the connection to a pedo network of some kind? Or proof of a media cover-up? (required per rule 1 - see definition of Pizzagate). Also, can you explain who the various people are you mention in your post? Makes life for everyone much easier ;-)

hojuruku ago

Last time you deleted for just posting a link, now you are saying a discussion post is too much?

The allexgollan.com/media.html is the only place on the entire internet saying this pedophile got off charges.

hojuruku ago

Don't delete it what do you want me to edit / change. Be specific. What part of my text is wrong?

hojuruku ago


hojuruku ago

Remember podesta is always doing business or "projects" as he likes to say in Australia. I posted wikileaks email dumps of that the other day. Do you want me to dig up the sources again?

sensitive ago

If there is a connection to Podesta, please explain and source it. If not, how does it connect to our investigation into Pizzagate?

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852284/9068072 So there you have it Podesta saying he's got "two projects" going in Australia. What would those projects be. Australia is where the OTOAustralia.org.au satanic pedophile cult linked to Miss Spirit Cooking by the Symbol of Thelema and Alister Crowley all over her "artwork". Here is why this post is relevant. It proves government protected pedophiles do exist. Pizzagate you can't even get the government investigation started because the pedophiles are in the GQ Top 40 most powerful people in Washington for opening a PIZZA SHOP. PIZZAGATE/PEDOGATE now needs to expose all the cases of GOVERNMENT PROTECTED VIP PEDOPHILES to prove we need to get the police / law enforcement guard changed so they can start doing their jobs and get the mass arrests done, or in this case put the pedophiles they successfully prosecuted back in jail that were let off due to corrupt pedo judges.

We got judges in Australia saying lets make incest legal because who abortion is so easy, the brother and sister can just kill the baby, no harm done. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/sydney-judge-garry-neilson-rebuked-over-17hour-judgment-20170418-gvmu0j.html https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/category/state-judges/judge-garry-neilson/ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/incest-is-no-longer-a-taboo-says-australian-judge-garry-neilson-9599552.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/11/attorney-general-hits-out-at-nsw-judge-over-controversial-incest-remarks http://www.justice.nsw.gov.au/Pages/media-news/media-releases/2014/statement-judge-neilson.aspx http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/nsw-judicial-commission-finds-judge-garry-neilson-should-not-hear-sex-cases-20150924-gjubld.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/district-court-judge-garry-neilson-admits-to-inquiry-incest-comments-unfortunate-20150803-giq83q.html Even RT.COM and Alex Jones covered the case of the GAY SCOUTMASTER GAY JUDGE saying Incest and Kiddy fucking is OK. And HE GETS TO KEEP HIS JOB as the MSM news shows.

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852284 I remember bitching with @Are_We_Sure and linking to the podesta link to Australia with spirit cooking. Maybe it was on another thread. Standby digging it up for you.

sensitive ago

Tranquilo. I'm not censoring anything. Your post is still there, right? I only said I found it very complex to read and am having trouble to see where it connects to our investigation into Pizzagate. Is there a media cover-up of a pedo-network of some kind? Where does it connet to Pizzagate exactly?

hojuruku ago

1) Someone posted about NAMBLA being linked to ANTFA yesterday and that was a great post everyone liked.

2) So I posted about ANTIFA in Australia having it's kingpin jailed for child porn. Everyone was happy with that.

3) now following up what I did yesterday everyone was happy with - I just found out HE GOT OFF ALL CHARGES AND IS FREE IS A BIRD NOW after being caught red handed by police with a laptop full of porn of little boys having sex.

sensitive ago

Thanks. Always take into account that people may not be here every day or haven't read all previous posts, so a little introduction like this is VERY helpful for everybody. Peace :-)