Jem777 ago

Yes....Cyrus was not a religious man and did not believe in the God of Abraham...yet God chose him for the very purpose of protection to believers. Cyrus was a builder and wealthy "businessman"although did not know God at the time of his choosing was used for protection of Jericho. He was asked to stand in the gap between the forces of evil and good and provide protection.

srayzie ago

You mean donkeyhote actually submitted a post instead of a comment and THIS is what he came up with? Wow LOL.

Now that Vindicator banned him and his alts, shall we have a moment of silence to mourn our loss?

Nope 🙌🏻

darkknight111 ago

Since I was the one who pinged regarding this thread, I guess that means another trophy in terms of "confirmed kills against shills" (donkey's head) can go on my mantle.

srayzie ago

🏆 There you go my friend.

Vindicator ago

All right, donkey. Since you can't play nice, you're out. Bye bye. Rule 1, 2, 3 and 4, plus banning you and your alts.

Jem777 ago

Yes I you know Cyrus was prophetically supposed to arrive again just prior to the end times and the prophecy in Daniel said he would come to build a wall just like in Jerico.

Jem777 ago

Lets talk about Babylon & Cyrus..

DeanKeyhote ago

Pff admit you loled.

darkknight111 ago

@Vindicator @Millennial_Falcon Post has o relevance to pizzagate under rule 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Post has no other point than to abuse other users, more specifically abuse a specific poster just for being female.

Due to said post coming from someone with 6+ accounts, "spam" might be in order.

jangles ago

@Vindicator @Millennial_Falcon this puts black marks on you that will be hard to remove

Jem777 ago

Why are posts like this allowed to stay up when direct evidence posts are deleted?

@swayzie, @jangles @Dressage2

srayzie ago

You crack me up Jem, my name starts with sray. Just remember ray with an s

DeanKeyhote ago

Lol ^jem was fantasizing about a dead guy, what a fag

Jem777 ago

What dead guy would that be moron?

DeanKeyhote ago

You pinged (pung?) @Swayzie

Jem777 ago

That is called a spelling error that spellcheck corrected you fucking moron shut your pothole once you get off your knees and it is no longer full.


DeanKeyhote ago



jangles ago


srayzie ago

I saw that 🙄

Dressage2 ago

Makes you wonder what is really going on here. Pathetic post.

icuntstopswearing ago

"THE WOMENS (sic) ARE HERE TO BRING SOME PERSPECTIVE". And the horsefucker is here to verbally abuse women, sow discord, blame the Jews for everything, berate new posters, shill for pedophiles, attract attention to himself to compensate for his empty life...and bore everyone to death with his predictable, poorly reasoned, badly written, splenetic and poisonous disinformation. There are plenty of subs on Voat where your views would be more than welcome, so PLEASE MOVE ALONG...

DonKeyhote ago

I give disinformation do I? Here's your top submissions, faggot

5 highest rated submissions:

Congressman Steve King calls for Investigation into Clintons, Obama, and Soros. Suggests Comey complicit in Cover-up., submitted: 8/2/2017 12:19:25 PM, 213 points (+215|-2)

1930s Flyer protesting against pedophilia in Hollywood. Nothing has changed., submitted: 6/12/2017 5:35:45 PM, 179 points (+187|-8)

Seth Rich's motive for leaking emails was his seething disgust for Hilary Clinton's base hypocrisy. A red pill for left-wing Democrats?, submitted: 5/23/2017 1:56:15 PM, 144 points (+145|-1)

One month after WSJ writer and Pullizer Prize winner Joeseph Rago's death still no autopsy report. Investigating the Clintons is a risky business., submitted: 8/30/2017 3:38:45 PM, 107 points (+107|-0)

MK Ultra survivor Kathy O'Brien claims Senator Patrick Leahy sexually abused and tortured her daughter. John Podesta was his 'damage control artist' at the time., submitted: 7/5/2017 12:58:15 PM, 99 points (+101|-2)

LMAO. You are a fucking retard. Say, did you ever solve the mystery of "Hollywood pedophilia -- nothing changes"?? What is it about Hollywood then and now that is prone to pedophilia? Buehler?

icuntstopswearing ago

And you called out George Webb! You did fool some us...a long time ago.

BIGLY17 ago

You're a troubled little man, aren't you?

pby1000 ago

It says Dan, not Don.

icuntstopswearing ago

Dan/Don/Don Keyote/Equinelover etc. same retard.