KillAllPedos ago

Fuck harry hay and his faggy kiddie rapist ARSE!!! I agreed with you, i support your efforts!!! OTO /satanism/Devil worship THIS IS THE SOURCE! These MODS are using a limited window to 'direct' the pizzagate investigation.....or lead it off the path heading for 100% exposure of these sick groups..?? at this point i don't know. in all the research i've seen THIS OTO crap is where you end up,and INTEL AGENCIES too.Where are the MODS thinking is the 'final revelation ' going to lead? To alefantis' depraved perversions?.fine, he gets arrested.. then what it's over..??? Nothing else? The MODS don't comprehend how many people are doing this shit! just know i got your back mate, anyone harassing you targeting you, let me know.... i get'em

hojuruku ago

i don't need a troll army though it would be nice. I would like people to wake up and see the truth about the gay lobby founded by an OTO occult nambla member child rapist who the government forces children to praise by law. All I ask is people stop being brainwashed to love pedophilia normalization because some trendy XYZ acronym is doing it the most.

Also two hetrosexual child rapists find eachother on a pedo site. What do they do? They want to rape little girls, but as single dads they would have no chance of adopting because they are not a real family. Ah yes, they role play being gay to get the little girl and become two gay dads.

The LGBTI movement even works that way you see. Heterosexual child rapists support gay marriage. That is why.

There is no such thing as a pedophile. Only androphiles (gay child rapists) or gynophiles (hetrosexual child rapists) says the medical community. There is no such thing as just a pedo, or almost no such thing, only %1 of pedophiles only have sex with kids.

That library of congress PUBMED indexed study is a a crime to link to. My dad got prosecuted for it. Put "mckee burns" into or see his scribd page

hojuruku ago

Pisstake the OTO pedos:

People are freaking out OTO members run other pizza joints JUST LIKE COMET PIZZA!

[–] Kristina_Gilliam 1 points (+1|-0) 52 seconds ago

Holy crap!

[–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

see the new videos I'm putting up about the OTO kiddy fuck cult being linked to Jimmy Saville and Harry Hay US founder of gay rights movement all children are forced to study under Californian LAW SB 48 - Love under law love under will - love thy nambla kiddy fucker and that will be the WHOLE OF THE LAW - 2012 archive copy:


@DarkMath any comment ;)

DarkMath ago

"DarkMath any comment"

William Ramsey is an American Hero for exposing Alistair Crowley's toxic effect on society these days. I've listened to hours of him talking about the Occult including the OTO.

The OTO and all the other occult groups are pure evil and that fact is going to go viral pretty soon. My worry is good moral people are going to get so pissed off they're going to take the law into their own hands and start hunting these people down.

Part of me would take great joy in seeing that happen but I'm a Christian. God said vengeance is Mine. I am 100% confident that vengeance is going to meted out in short order but it's not going to be by crowds of villagers with pitchforks and torches. That would actually end up protecting these people because Trump would be forced to declare Martial Law and that could let the mother fuckers off the hook.

hojuruku ago

thank you for finally seeing the light. This becomes a good customer service experience when conflicts are resolved. BTW honestly your style is similar to due west pedo press. Are you sure you are not this guy and he's a SOB?

If I did get it wrong, then i'm only half wrong. You did make yourself look a bit suspect refuting the SB 48 thing in the past. The law doesn't say kids must study Harry Hay but it does say - children must study founders of the America gay rights community in Gay history month. And we all know who that is... Mr Harry Hay.

If you watch the video Harry Hay has been linked by this forensic investigator to an OTO cult as an organ player for a gnostic catholic orgy mass outfit. play the video again and take notes. it's in the first 10 mins.

DarkMath ago

"Are you sure you are not this guy"

I'm 100% positive. I am not Drew West Best.

"You did make yourself look a bit suspect refuting the SB 48 thing in the past."

I agree. I was suspect. But then I saw through all your anger and found the kernel of truth behind it which is SB 48 is unacceptable due to Henry Hay's history of Pedophilia.

hojuruku ago

yay I deprogrammed someone. This makes me feel good. Can you make the truth contagious like a virus and keep spreading this?

See here is a great angle to expose this and make it go viral.

The Left want to remove General Lee from the history books and his statue. We need to outlaw possession of Harry Hay gay pride postage stamps, and repeal this law - because we have to make Harry Hay a non-person too because I think pedophiles are worse than slavers. Come to think of it we better fuck Thomas Jefferson over too because I think he had a few slaves as well right? And George Washington too.

DarkMath ago

"The Left want to remove General Lee from the history books"

Maybe but I think a more accurate description is George Soros wants to instigate a little mini Civil War in Virginia as an excuse to take away some more liberties and maybe even move America closer to Martial Law.

I think the reality of what's going on is very complicated. It's 4D chess to use a hackneyed term. Soros, the Clintons, George H.W. Bush are literally Nazis. No shit. They're on the far Right not far Left.

The only thing that makes sense to me is staying in the middle. The stragglers get picked off. The key to all this bull shit is going straight down the middle.

hojuruku ago

Haha I love it when the Jews are on 60 Mins calling Soros a gay Nazi. It's as funny as the are wearing Nazi SS death camp logos signifying they are marked for death ready to join the six gazillion fags who died in the homocaust. Here's the gay police NAzi logo in this video:

George Soros called a gay nazi on 60 mins USA. A MSM news Gem. Another one I found was 60 mins USA in the 70s forcing UK government forcing preschoolers to learn about sodomites having sex in story time, and lesbians attacking everyday mothers on the street by fingering themselves and pissing on them. You can't make this up. Both of these videos are 60 mins USA.

Say thank you @DarkMath - I had to spend 10 mins going through 10 years of youtube likes to get this gem, which I'm going to back up. 50% of my youtube likes playlist has been censored because it is conservative and ANTI-LGBTI-PEDO. Funny hey who hates free speech!

(without the playlist to embed)

hojuruku ago

More on Harry Hay and NAMBLA & the OTO child sex cult

I put the same video up on vidme but it was censored:

More info on NAMBLA.

More on the OTO kiddy rapists:

Honeybee_ ago

Vidme are pedo protectors, they censor ALL news and politics, I found child porn on vidme and directors and NCMEC directors and even their lawyer called me and gave me the run around.

hojuruku ago

I know. See pictures they censored of my channel on this thread:

Go tell me what the first video is on - a gay rainbow shitting dog, and they are run by faggots. All fagots want to cover up fellow homos raping kids, thats why the government founded special gay police in DC and in Australia to protect alefantis. Aka and

I tried to post a video similar to this before on /pizzagate/ both vidme and my post was censored - though after changing it to a discuss post it got published

derram ago :

Children of the Beast- Aleister Crowley's Shadow Over Humanity - YouTube

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