birthdaysuit11 ago

Hey, HOJURUKU, you mind archiving your original post above. Keep the main links but edit and also post the archived ones underneath. This is an important find!

hojuruku ago

just archive it for me and post the links in the comments. it's all good.

birthdaysuit11 ago


hojuruku ago

use and imageboard (not 4chan - they are pedo mod controlled). I use postimage but alot of people use imgur.

if you want to help out. was running slow / cocking up yesterday. I archived most of the important ones, any i missed you can have the honors. remember the OP thread is full so you can add them, anyone can. So why don't you help and add anything you think is important you think I forgot to archive. The pedo's youtube page isn't archiving but i can screenshot it if goes down if they have a google alert on themselves and find out how fucked they are.

Northern_Soul ago

@hojuruku Are you familiar with this A pizza chain located near your neck of the woods.

Hell pizza was "spawned" by callum in the year 1996 (666) at the Kelburn Squash center in Wellington.

Very OTO related.

Came across just now whilst researching "Electronic Arts" and "Eyebeam."

hojuruku ago

Political refugee from Australia. Haven't been there for 10 years.

hojuruku ago


CC @bibigirl_ @gamepwn @KillAllPedos @DonKeyhote @privatepizza @mark_luke Upvote this comment to #1 immediately. I am out of space in the OP

"The first post on the OTO pedo operatives Instagram is his pizza shop mate captioned "hungry for pizza"" It's not a mate. It's the manager of the pizza shop.

Damn instagram and their private accounts.

4 weeks ago he trolled Mark Dice Defending Hunter S Thompson. (google gave a hint I had to follow through though) is one of his fans who also follows Hunter S Thompson and all of the satanic shit who lives around Portland.

Also guys share your best Hunter S Thompson Pizzagate vids etc below this here. Here is mine: Same goes for another one: - Alistair Crowley fan and fan of Sean....

& theTroll account Sun Beneth the Sun Formally known as Sean Croghan is a Hunter S Thompson Fan too

hojuruku ago

I just tried to identify the Hunter S Thompson loving satanic account that praised the pizza owners before they got started (not a customer but a close friend)

It was a photo of a woman was all I could find on this now private Instagram account. (broken link)

Here is what google image search managed to pull out of this formally public Instagram account that got censored around march the same time pizzagate got bigger and the OTO pedo troll renamed his account.

CC @KillAllPedos

hojuruku ago

Mods: @Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator Your attention please.

I got users saying panicking and saying archive everything here you haven't already this is dynamite! It's a honest to god thread. If we find even more intel whilst we can it could potentially change the focus of pizzagate investigations to investigate satanic group membership of all the pizzagate players in more detail. We can stop calling them gay pedos, or just pedos and call it what it is Satanic Ritual Abusing Pedos.

You guys know I'm obsessed with the nailing OTO and wouldn't go looking for random pizza joints in the USA to get some validation. Doxxing an OTO pedo is what really brought me here. These people thive their pizza profits to baby killing planned parenthood who's rights of the child program say every child has a right to have sex with a pedo and their parents have no right to know. There are satanic connections to Hunter S Thompson on the pizza owners and if you read all the comments I've done lots of due diligence to almost rule out any namesakes mistaken ID. Because of the heat on commet pizza most of the instagram accounts connected with this pizza shop are gone private.

More eyes will hopefully find some more satanic instagram commentators praising this pizza joint.

I think we have something serious going on. With the OTO child sex cult links to Alefantis' boyfriend, spirit cooking being OTO cakes of light, and Abramavic using OTO Thelema's star logo behind her performances and all this being yet another OTO pedo pizzeria who's fans and primary site keep talking about "licking cold pizza" there might be something big all this - especially with the history of OTO's child sacrifice. This pizza joint is going too far promoting movie nights for kids both offsite and onsite.

Could this post really direct more focus more Pizzagate attention on the OTO? Just see the evidence and see what you think.

Please share to your pizza-gate research contacts outside voat. @sigmawarrior are you still alive?

Also Alefantis is linked to PORTLAND Terry Bean pedo ran "gay and lesbian victory fund" that even operates in Australia connecting to a known pedo ally of - my nemesis Catherine Burn's gay pedo police proxy as proven here on @cantsleepawink 's thread

"From @NiceFind From @redditsuckz and me - exposing Alefantis' connection to this democrat little boy rapist More on NAMBLA / LGBT connections to the gay lobby." from @Chance903 mentioning Terry Bean and Obama's pedo connection ages ago. It's a crime in Australia to do what he did - here's the proof:

KillAllPedos ago

Voat won't allow me to upvote, saying i got to either get upvoted myself, or wait 24 hours. Whack!! with that said, i'm looking into this Pedo bloke.GREAT POST MAN!!!!!!!

hojuruku ago

If you are reading this upvote it to #1. I want to get 100% proof positive I got a match here. Add all QA / Devils Advocate posts here

I'm trying to confirm 110% that Sean = that OTO troll account on YouTube that previously had his first last name.

He's got an IT geek namesake in Britian I found on twitter that tweeted a picture of Saturn from NASA but I couldn't find any thing more satanic than that.

And here is the portland guy (prime suspect's) twitter account:

Again here's OTO troll account

Notice the number of Guitar channels such an expert like he would sub too and guess what's on the ^^^ channel above... You guessed it guitar playing videos from all around the world. People's youtube habit's don't geolocate them as well as facebook.

Posted by Matt Genz at 6:42 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest TONITE - THE NEEDFUL LONGINGS - PDX

Hey there Portland, I'm here to tell you about an amazing show happening tonite! My friend Sean Croghan's band The Needful Longings is opening for Subpop popernauts Jaill! The Needful Longings consists of Sean Croghan (Crackerbash, Jr. High), Chris Slusarenko (Guided By Voices, Boston Spaceships), Jim Talstra (The Dharma Bums, Maroons) and Paulie Pulverenti (Jr. High, Elliott Smith). So much talent in this group. I'm hoping I can hit this, but times are tough in this economy, if I can't make it, I will at least write about it.

I remember in 1991 or 1992, when Crackerbash came to play in my small town at the college in Eastern Washington. I was 16, and pretty much went to any sort of rock show that came up. As a result, early on in my teens, I was able to see many amazing bands of the 90's. Mudhoney, Steel Pole Bathtub, the Melvins, The Fastbacks, Hazel, Heatmiser, Treepeople, Unwound, and yes Crackerbash! At that point in my life, never had I seen a band harness so much energy on stage. Screaming into the microphone, Croghan swung his guitar around his body like some sort of out of control sprinkler hose, feedback blaring, a storm of energy surging into blissful punk rock anthems, his guitar duct taped to his body. This band alone heavily influenced me as a musician and performer. After that show, I knew. I wanted to rock. And now, 20 years later, Sean is my friend. Greatest honor was when my band, ...WORMS opened for Crackerbash at the infamous Crocodile Cafe in Seattle. Our singer was ejected from the venue, after consuming many a PBR, and in a fit of joyful catharsis tried to toss one of the monitors at the band. I think they laughed it off, as his intention was to show them his love.

I couldn't find any good live videos of Crackerbash, but here is a track on Youtube:

hojuruku ago

Based on the guitar fetish of the troll Youtube account and nothing occult related apart from a pic of saturn from nasa from an IT geek with a trekkie fetish in the UK, I'm going to stick with my allegations now after trying to debunk myself... links to his renamed youtube channel. He's a pizzagate denier...

Sean Croghan

March 26, 2017 at 12:40 pm

You do know that not everyone on this planet is a Christian right? Is it such a shock to you and everyone else that an Illuminati sex party may not offend everyone? So what if the elite have orgies? Big fucking deal! Not everyone subscribes to Puritan morality. It's 2015! Oh and another thing, if I hear another fundamentalist Christian take "Do What Thou Wilt" out of context I am going to explode. Crowley's famous saying does not mean do whatever the hell you want without consequence. It is your True Will, your calling in life. Your path in life whether that be a musician or a doctor or whatever. Learn to study things before you all make a bigger ass out of yourselves.

But he has a second YouTube channel that is definitely him and linked to a gmail address he put on his artwork:

The other OTO pedo loving shill account likes some toddler videos on learning colours:

I want to dox this cunt beyond all reasonable doubt.

So reading a book about his relationship with his murdered flatmate I found this gem that draws the gap to certainty just a little less...

Was it a love triangle? Who knows what went down. Oh even better, they were fag brothers both OTO bi's. That would make sense if you see the postcard link I put on the comments here.

Edit: Oh yes brotherly love was going on....

Speaking of Bi - he likes following lots of vape videos / subscribing, but from one vaper this was the only video he liked - a little girl pool party. On his liked videos.

KillAllPedos ago

GREAT POST!!!!!!! Heaps of info! i saw his Instagram page, it's LOADED with satanic crap, oh yeah he's one of THEM! no doubt!

hojuruku ago

I'm trying to prove it beyond reasonable doubt. See the newest comment and try and do some searching with me. Did you see how his own best mate was mysteriously murdered after he was invited to LA?

hojuruku ago

Ok so I found Sean's private Facebook account and I haven't looked at any images yet because it was censored by my twitter, and the boylover bragged bout it - so I am not going to bother log in. If you find some interesting pictures on there please imageboard them please....

That's how I found it. it's the same guy. i was hoping for more dodgy groups like his YouTube.

He follows Terry Bean pedophiles Q Centre that called Terry Bean child rapist a "queer hero" (their own q-hero page is backed up somewhere - but taken down because of my activism. I also have a lot of videos he censored) a few satanic pictures, again i'm not scoring well on the parts of Facebook you can see without logging in.

Leftist democrat protesting outfit for tranny rights - saying all alt.right white nationalists typical DNC properganda:

Charter air company to go to remote parts of Oregon:

Jem777 ago

Here is child rapist Terry Bean of Oregon you mentioned. He is a top fundraiser for Barack Obama and seen with him on multiple occasions. He has frequented the Whitehouse and flown on Airforce One

hojuruku ago

And it's a crime to say he's friends with Obama in Australia Same newspaper praising this pedo pizza shop also has the statements of the child rape victim before he disappeared, because the journalist covering the case for the oregonion newspaper was fired. This is a must read. Terry Bean founded the first law in America in 2007 - Oregon Equality act - the law that sued the Only Christian bakery in Oregon with bible verses on their website for not giving a cake saying WE CHRISTIANS SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE to a bunch of militant lesbians with Lambda [Lesbian] Legal on the speed dial. I covered the case and talked to the owner I know in Portland. I will get in contact with sweet cakes by melissa and tell them what's going on.

hojuruku ago!1s0x5495a0888590bcb7%3A0xcdfe527e73afd763!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!!5syelp%20atlas%20pizza%20portland%20-%20Google%20Search&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipPpoubgZNS3qj-Bx0dmUf8fBwWl0rX_ZGZIjrnt&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFyZKMhdfVAhUMro8KHQ5HDmQQoioIfzAK

Occult bands play there but they only advertise those on the walls etc. They close 11:30 so I'd assume those events would be special late night ones, but I don't know Portland and the liquor licensing laws there so I'm just guessing. All i know portland is the home of the Pedo Terry Bean who runs the state who put in the "Oregon Equality Act" - who is a crime to critize in Australia because he copied the same laws saying those who are gay - and rape children must be respected. more info:

E&OE update: the poster is from a closed nightcub that has a sordid history probably one of Sean's band's posters. I think the facebook mentioned 1 or 2 bands that played there.

hojuruku ago

Satanists need to work on their vibe and customer service it seems:

Won't even know where to start. Had a bad vibe as soon as I walked into this place. Pizza seemed delicious, but I should have stuck with my instinct. Wanted to order a drink at the bar, and was given immediate attitude from a young woman with dark curly hair. Being in the restaurant industry for 10+ years, I was appalled that anyone would talk to a customer that way. Believe me, we all have bad days, but the way this employee spoke to my friend made my stomach hurt, I was extremely uncomfortable. I was in awe that this exchange was actually happening from an employee. I always give hospitality workers benefit of the doubt, being that I am one, and I understand the problems that others don't realize we deal with on a day to day, but I literally had to walk out of this establishment during this exchange of words because I was disgusted. I've never heard an employee speak to a customer like that. I couldn't get out of this restaurant quick enough. I didn't even want to walk by this place because I had such a negative experience there. Who knows how the pizza is, but unfortunately a rude(can't emphasize that enough), negative woman ruined my whole lunch experience. On the plus side, I got to try out some OTHER AMAZING pizza joints in the area! Portland was AMAZINGGGGGGGG!!!!! but steer clear of this place, especially this mean woman

The pizza here was nothing special and the service was the rudest I've ever had in my life. (So much so that I needed to write a review - and I never write reviews).

My friends and I walked in about 20 minutes before closing and there were several people sitting at the tables eating. The guy taking our order glared at us and was clearly pissed that we would consider grabbing a slice of pizza before midnight. He asked us if they were 'for here' or to go and we said 'for here', since pizza doesn't take long to eat. He boxed up the slices anyway and basically threw the box down on our table (right after he told the people next to us that they needed to "hurry up and eat"). Since there were tables outside, we decided to take our pizza out there and eat so that they could clean up. After a few bites, the guy stomped out and told us we "better not leave a bunch of trash out here". (Because we're definitely people who would just throw our garbage all over the sidewalk...) A couple minutes later, he came back out and told us they were closed and we needed to leave. We told him that we weren't doing anything wrong and he continued to yell at us and even threatened to call the cops. We finished our pizza and left. The entire experience was horrible and needless to say, my friends and I are never going back to this place.

Seriously Portland restaurant owners, get a clue and stop letting your employees play their phones.

So far this place kind of sucks... My boyfriend and I were super excited about being so near to our house. When we entered I have to say that the customer service was Portlandesc...

Photo: "Sean [the satanist] showing the kids how it is done"

Service here is terrible. I ordered ONE slice of pizza. There was no line and they were not busy at all. I waited 10 minutes for ONE slice (the pizza was already made so all you had to do was warm it in the oven) before I go to the counter then ask the staff about my slice. Apparently forgot to put my slice in the oven to warm it. He then puts it in the oven for like 1 minute then gives me the slice with a half-assed apology and no sincere attempt to make up for his error. Papa John or even Domino's would have been better, and I'll never come back to this spot again, even though they have pinball machines.

Employees seem largely disinterested in interacting with customers.

The Owner/General Manager, Sean, must be crazy because he actually agreed to have our entire play group of toddlers into the shop when it opened today for a "pizza demo". We had four 2.5yr old boys and three 1yr olds in tow and he and his staff were so great to us. Sean put on a demo of how they make the pizzas and even let each kid have their own chunk of dough to play with. He was so wonderful with the kids and the staff couldn't have been kinder to us. All the kids had the best time! To top it all off, the pizza was very good and the pricing was even better! I got 2 slices and 2 sodas for just $11. Worth every penny!

Haha competition don't you love it!

I want to like this place, but you gotta meet me half way... Apathetic hipster douche service and forgettable pizza. Much better down the street at Cibo.

who puts garlic in the pizza sauce for a hawaiian? i've never experienced this before and i've eaten "a lot" of hawaiian style pizzas as it's my favorite. totally ruined the pizza and my experience.

Some same photos as their facebook on yelp. Oops the family are giving the reviews or they are using their customers photos as their posts on facebook. It would be interesting to see who posted first but I'm not a food critic and I don't care.

star_boi ago

Crazy how similar this sounds to CPP! There was a post awhile back about their yelp reviews as well.....

Not wanting to doxx myself somehow, i have waited a few months to say that i visited Comet myself during a D.C. vacay.... i ate there with my traveling companion, hate to say, the pizza was actually excellent --- BUT, the service was insanely shitty.... unkempt grumpy guy behind the counter, seemed to be doing nothing much, there were several tables occupied and some kids playing ping pong, but not extremely busy by any means... there was no friendliness exhibited by the waiter/same guy, and he took forever to come back- not sure why as i could see him the whole time (it's a small place actually). the walls were bare concrete, crumbling in places. nothing fancy at all, the. the hidden bathroom is now solid pink inside. overall a bit dirty, nothing special or fancy.

he tried to encourage us to get 2 pizzas for only 2 people, wtf? they are expensive already and no slices sold. we got roasted beets appetizer which were done in the pizza oven and thrown in a bowl... no garnish, nothing... when i asked for goat cheese (on the pizza menu) to go with the beets, the man looked at me like i was insane and took forever to bring a small cup over....
beets and goat cheese is a thing btw if you don't know.... one would think a place run by one of DC's most influential would be a lil more upscale, but only the price is!!

finally, we were not checked on again, and needed refills for some time- i had to get his attention. he refilled our glasses with tea and then provided the check--- $12 for 2 iced teas with a refill each!!!! he made no mention of refills costing when we asked for them. only thing i can think is they are emptying premade bottles of tea, like honest tea, into a glass- but this was not told to us. when i gasped at the price, he did nothing, said nothing. i think he was stoned.

the upshot: more assholes who seem really disinterested in running a restaurant or being friendly, despite being promoted as kid and family friendly!! the total for a small pizza, beets and 2 teas w/refill.... $ 38.45 !!!

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Everything about that place screams, "front"

bibigirl_ ago

This @hojuruku guy is on point

Are_we_shill ago

This is huge. Outstanding work!

hojuruku ago

If you see the other thread - Sean Crogan's flatmate was a "suicide". Nope. CORONER SAID MURDERED - POLICE SAY SUICIDE but not investigated. What's going on here?

Look at this. Sean is invited to LA to get some young girl action.

LA DA says his flatmate was MURDERED!

More info on his flatmates links to the occult and child abuse MK Ultra kinda shit:


Smith died on October 21, 2003 at the age of 34 from two stab wounds to the chest.[8] At the time of the stabbing, he was at his Lemoyne Street home in Echo Park, California,[67] where he lived with his partner, Jennifer Chiba. According to Chiba, the two were arguing,[39] and she locked herself in the bathroom to take a shower.[68] Chiba heard him scream and upon opening the door saw Smith standing with a knife in his chest. She pulled the knife out, after which he collapsed and she called 9-1-1 at 12:18 p.m. Smith died in the hospital with the time of death listed as 1:36 p.m. A possible suicide note, written on a Post-it note, read: "I'm so sorry—love, Elliott. God forgive me."[8]

The name "Elliott" is misspelled as "Elliot" in the coroner's report; however, a coroner informed the Smoking Gun website "that Smith's first name was misspelled in the report", not on the Post-it note.[8] While Smith's death was originally reported as a suicide, the official autopsy report released in December 2003 left open the question of homicide.[8]

According to Pitchfork Media, record producer Larry Crane reported on his Tape Op message board that he had planned to help Smith mix his album in mid-November. Crane wrote, "I hadn't talked to Elliott in over a year. His girlfriend, Jennifer, called me [last week] and asked if I'd like to come to L.A. and help mix and finish [Smith's album]. I said 'yes, of course', and chatted with Elliott for the first time in ages. It seems surreal that he would call me to finish an album and then a week later kill himself. I talked to Jennifer this morning, who was obviously shattered and in tears, and she said, 'I don't understand, he was so healthy.'"[69]

The coroner reported that no traces of illegal substances or alcohol were found in Smith's system at the time of his death but did find prescribed levels of antidepressant, anxiolytic, and ADHD medications, including Clonazepam, Mirtazapine, Atomoxetine, and Amphetamine.[70] There were no hesitation wounds, which are typical of suicide by self-infliction.[39] However, the authorities do not seem to be investigating the case further.[71]

Smith's body was cremated[72] and a public burial site or memorial was never formally announced.


gamepwn ago

That kissing a Pizza one seems to be on all these guys creepy accounts. This is some kind of sick call out to other pedos

hojuruku ago

Would you by Pizza from Sean Croghan's friends and bring your kids along too? Here are their eating habits.

Fuck me...

He's also friends with Mark Passio, TheGreatWork (his greek greatest fan) and the Gnostic Warrior who mandates teaching children sex magick as I covered last week. Man it's a small word, especially when you are investigating the OTO freaks.

Shill Alert: Mark Passio's GnosticWarrior com buddy just started talking about PIZZAGATE, OTO child sex orgy sex magic filth about women having multiple dad orgy babies & normalizing sodomy - pizzagate

Shill Mark Passio defends the child sex cult and it's founder Alister Crowley who's religious doctrine mandates murdering little girls and boys - pizzgate

And the same guy he subscribes subscribers is sharing OTO Burlesque videos like what they are running in Australia too.

And here's the same guy showing how fucked up OTO performance horror art is and hence why modern art is so satanic too these days: (p.s. yes it's my email in there in the preferences - an oto idiot shared the wrong link whilst stakling a fellow ozzie victim of an oto child sex cult lawsuit and i changed the email address to mine to get their mail. Nothing came however. Shame.) In Australia it's

Where i found that cmail link:

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Holy crap!

hojuruku ago

see the new videos I'm putting up about the OTO kiddy fuck cult being linked to Jimmy Saville and Harry Hay US founder of gay rights movement all children are forced to study under Californian LAW SB 48 - Love under law love under will - love thy nambla kiddy fucker and that will be the WHOLE OF THE LAW - 2012 archive copy:


@DarkMath any comment ;)

hojuruku ago

More young girls at the pizzashop. On the surface, it isn't too suspect, however the owners are crazy as @$@#.

hojuruku ago

Weird stuff posted by the 4chan'ers I don't really respect very much because they censored the most simple "well formatted" intro to OTO child sex cults in Australia because /pol/ on 4chan is moderated by the kiwifarms pedos.

"To the everyday civilian out there on the streets "Atlas Pizza" is that seemingly omnipresent pizza chain that delivers cheesy italian pastries to you within 30 minutes of a call. To those in the know though, ordering off the secret menu can get you so, so much more than pineapple and coffee pies. Guns, drugs, intel - all these and more yours for the right price delivered to your doorstep in a neat unassuming square box. They won't give you the 30 minute guarantee with these special orders but they'll have your nuclear warhead in from the other side of the planet within the week if you could afford. They aren't particularly picky with their clientele so things can get hairy for their delivery staff at times but one way or another they'll get you what you want, when you want, where you want and they'll do it with a smile.

"Atlas Pizza, Everywhere and Anywhere."

That's what I'm calling this one.

hojuruku ago Someone is complaining about Atlas being an occult name / greek good of war. Another false posetive that turned something up when I was searching "Atlas Pizza" and Crowley.