hojuruku ago

http://8ch.net/pol/res/10297068.html#10367251 Looks like Mark Passio, Adam Kokesh, Max Egan and Vinny Eastwood are in the OTO pedo shills network. I've tried to get them to cover this and they never did over the years. Now we have Passio praising alister crowley as a great man we all need to study on how he writes details on how children must be killed. These cunts are shills and they got to go down.

hojuruku ago

Secret gay anal sex magic rituals of the #Choronzon club https://www.scribd.com/document/55132833/Choronzon-Club-document-3#scribd published by the religion of faggotry and child sex OTO. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702

CC @darkknight111 @Piscina @Insandt @DeanKeyhote

Page 31 talks about killing children, both MALE AND FEMALE.

bullfyta ago

Here is a thorough review of Automatic at Sea.

NSFW Chapel Perilous This is a bizarre flick!!

hojuruku ago

OTO Australia faggot pedophiles just got owned by an ex member anon on 8chan http://8ch.net/pol/res/10297068.html#q10348600

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

From "Automatic At Sea" website - https://memory.is/automatic-at-sea (archive.is would not archive!)

"Gradually the idyllic natural beauty of her surroundings dissolves, and Eve finds herself trapped in an unstable reality punctuated by feverish visions, dimensional shifting and secret pizza."

Gothamgirl ago

Great Post. Those wine labels are odd and hitious.

Schweiz ago

I don't know what tf you talking about he's just a friendly pizza shop owner.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The Jew wants to degrade all masculinity....so they force stronger races to subject themselves to anal sex. I think it is a kind of little man complex.....Jews know they are weaker than the other races so they over compensate by this.....that and their silly religious ideas of Trannies and Homos being closer to god. What a fucking mental illness they have going....reversing the natural order of the universe for their god....Lucifer the opposer.

10055765? ago

Background Info. on James:


Background on Laura Silsby/Gayler:


10055751? ago

They never should've banned the flying spaghetti monster from Germany. I am sure the powers that be would like a far more simplified version of tossing public signals around so others in the club know what to invest in this week. No one takes it seriously, any more than Christian churches who existed for the tax exempt status take it seriously. People used to trust Calvinists to maintain a certain moral structure they could depend on in structuring their investments, now its Satanists. There is no difference between the two in follow through. Just trust us with your capital, whether God is always looking or The Devil Drives, the car still ends up parked in the same lot.

darkknight111 ago

This is important.

Archive this...now.

Then we endlessly taunt him about it, bring ip his earlier death threats against a fellow researcher being an admission of his guilt, and remind him that we don't fear him. Not one bit.

10055666? ago

These James Alefantis Connections:


Laura Silsby goes by Laura Gayler now.

mooteensy ago

She's also been removed from Alert Sense website. I guess we struck a nerve

10069205? ago


Sense getting the truth out would not be bad starting with her.

As you may know wikileaks was

able to let us know HRC has been in contact

with Laura Silsby(Gayner) since at least 2001.

People can't hide Laura's past and her present anymore.

Evil cabalists might be planning her swan song now.

Sad. What a waste for a life.

redditsuckz ago

He posts a photo of himself with kiddie fiddler Tony Podesta in front of a large slice of pizza

Thats in front of Tony Podesta's house with the statue by Antony Gormley;


Another Picture from outside comes from James Alefantis lover Luke P. Brown;


Hashtag #antonygormley #tonys

So who Antony Gormley?...well he creates this kind of art;

As Above So below





Antony Gormley: 'I feel terribly misunderstood'

How did an academic child of privilege and would-be Buddhist monk become Britain’s ‘artist of the people’?


The drawing by Alina Vergnano reminds of the style expressed on some Rothschild wine labels (eg simplistic and ugly)

Nice catch...design is very similar to Alina Vergano's one...and of course they look like they are related;

And Alina's specialty in "art" is dismembered body parts...


This is a poster for Chapel Perilous Note the horns. CP is another movie that JA has 'produced'.

Choronzon is a demon who is known as '333'. He is referred to as a ruler of fire due to the child sacrifices made.

"Chapel Perilous" Director Mathew Lessner says idea came to him from an Alien/Archon/Demon - a film which James Alefantis Produced


hojuruku ago





Holy fuck you found something big here. Yet more proof the OTO child fuck cult that jails people in Australia for religious vilification is the religion of the PIZZAGATE pedophile ring. Spirit Cooking aka Cakes of Light is OTO too, and the Logo used by Thelema appears on Abramavic's artwork if you can call it artwork.

DonutofShame ago

Sorry, if it's been discussed before:

and of course they look like they are related

Do we have proof (or even think) that he changed his name? His name is now a monument?

hojuruku ago

Michael Bertiaux from the O.T.O.A. commented: "the Caliph had no authority to give the XI° as he never got it from AC or anybody," [33] to which McMurtry responded: "the question has arisen as to whether Crowley ever made any homosexual advances to me. The answer is no." [34]

Bertiaux, though, had his own opinion: "We are not a history club or a nostalgia-buffs' coffee shop... We are out for sheer power & good times — fuck the goody-goody worship of the Goddess — shit in her face — I say — CHORONZON! The purpose of the Choronzon Club is to destroy the OTO + to make sodomized mutes out of its members!" [37]

In Patrick King's groups were a "Invocatio Astrum Occultum", the "XI° Emblems" and the extensive use of rubber stamps like "Grand Master Meithras" etc. Allegedly, William Breeze wanted King to give him the XI°, but King refused. Breeze was furious, since he allegedly considered the XI° to be the "Inner Head". It escalated to the point where King knew he was getting expelled, for not giving this degree to Breeze. Two days before the expulsion, James Graeb and Patrick King met in a bar in San Francisco, called the Rose and Thistle. King gave Graeb all his papers, and the scribble authority on the napkin. This looked to be the only way to "save the day", and keep the degree from Breeze's hands. However, according to Laura Deerfield, a close friend of Patrick King, Patrick may not have remembered passing his authority to James Graeb and in fact considered himself to be the Grand Master of the XI° until his death. The controversy is whether or not Patrick King passed such authority to Graeb. Evidence says yes and no. Letters clearly point this out because Graeb admitted that King handed out charters for Head of the XIth for money to a lot of people.

http://www.parareligion.ch/2009/king3.jpg http://www.parareligion.ch/2009/king.jpg http://www.parareligion.ch/carn/king2.jpg

The OTO's master of the Hermit Traid XI is the key secret of the religion. Only a faggot penis in shit rubber can achieve enlightenment and knowledge above all others. In other words to get to the top of the OTO child sex cult you need to take it up the arse to get your Level Master of the Hermit Traid XI badge.

hojuruku ago

He's friends with people from Terry Bean's gay and lesbian victory fund. He's the child rapist that flies air force one with Obama and disappears his child rape victims to get off criminal charges after being first in American legal history to attempt a civil settlement for $300k and an AIDS test for a child rape case.


It's against the law to prove Obama's connections to two gay pedophile who flew on on Air Force one, because in Australia it's a hate crime not to be a boylover and direspect gay marriage activists arrested for fucking children. You must love all gays in Australia by law, even the ones who rape your kids or you are a homopbobe. To avoid being a homophobe, you must be a boylover. That link proves the Australian government says all must love fucking children. Go check it out and the associated case law and WAKE UP TO THE FAGGOT PEDO ELITE RULING US.

DeanKeyhote ago

That is NOT a small penis. It is PERFECTLY AVERAGE, OK

Piscina ago

I'm assuming that this is your humour shining thru. For that you get an upvote.

EricKaliberhall ago

As always, excellent work Piscina. I salute you...