hojuruku ago

hojuruku ago


**HERE WE HAVE A "SATANIC" ARTIST AND SELF-PROFESSED PIZZA COOK ** Edit: at ATLAS PIZZA: http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-22605-atlas-pizza.html http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-22605-atlas-pizza.html

KIDS SMOKING: https://www.instagram.com/p/qhl7b0QVBv/?taken-by=sdcroghan

Calling young girls two punks: https://www.instagram.com/p/pcg4kDQVIr/?taken-by=sdcroghan

First Instagram post Photo tagged "thinking about pizza" https://www.instagram.com/p/pUibGZQVHL/?taken-by=sdcroghan

His email account is the captian hillbilly show - see facebook links I shared. Scary photo of a kid with fake teeth:


Oh Look he's totally triggered by trump kicking trannies out of the military. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXDiUJkDD4c/?taken-by=sdcroghan

That's because the OTO child sex cult founded transgenderism: http://www.parareligion.ch/sunrise/xi.htm

https://www.instagram.com/p/BAaZYHFwVHU/?taken-by=sdcroghan http://archive.is/XwJbV

hojuruku ago

i've found an oto pedo cult / satanic artist member totally obsessed with being a pizza cook. - and him and his friends all on this "cold pizza" page. CC @pixiesbitch

hojuruku ago

Sun Behind the Sun aka Sean Croghan has interesting friends and roommates he sings tribute songs for. Sound's like a family of Satanic MK-ULTRA victims to me...


Early life

Steven Paul Smith was born at the Clarkson Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska, the only child of Gary Smith, a student at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and Bunny Kay Berryman, an elementary school music teacher. His parents divorced when he was six months old, and Smith moved with his mother to Duncanville, Texas. Smith later had a tattoo of a map of Texas drawn on his upper arm and said: "I didn't get it because I like Texas, kind of the opposite. But I won't forget about it, although I'm tempted to because I don't like it there."[10]

Smith endured a difficult childhood[11] and a troubled relationship with his stepfather Charlie Welch.[12] Smith stated he may have been sexually abused by Welch at a young age, an allegation which Welch has denied.[11][13] He wrote about this part of his life in "Some Song": "How they beat you up week after week, and when you grow up you're going to be a freak."[14] The name "Charlie" also appears in songs "Flowers for Charlie" and "No Confidence Man." In a 2004 interview, Jennifer Chiba, Smith's partner at the time of his death, said that Smith's difficult childhood was partly why he needed to sedate himself with drugs as an adult: "He was remembering traumatic things from his childhood – parts of things. It's not my place to say what."[11]

For much of his childhood, Smith's family was a part of the Community of Christ[15] but began attending services at a local Methodist Church. Smith felt that going to church did little for him, except make him "really scared of Hell".[15] In 2001, he said: "I don't necessarily buy into any officially structured version of spirituality. But I have my own version of it."[16]

Smith began playing piano at age nine, and at ten began learning guitar on a small acoustic guitar bought for him by his father.[17] At this age he composed an original piano piece, "Fantasy", which won him a prize at an arts festival.[16] Many of the people on his mother's side of the family were non-professional musicians; his grandfather was a Dixieland drummer, and his grandmother sang in a glee club.[16] A side view of Lincoln High School—a brick, two-storey building with an American flag Smith graduated from Lincoln High School in Portland, Oregon.

At fourteen, Smith left his mother's home in Texas and moved to Portland, Oregon to live with his father, then working as a psychiatrist. It was around this time that Smith began using drugs, including alcohol, with friends. He also began experimenting with recording for the first time after borrowing a four-track recorder.[16] At high school, Smith played clarinet in the school band and played guitar and piano; he also sang in the bands Stranger Than Fiction[12] and A Murder of Crows,[18] billed as either Steven Smith or "Johnny Panic".[19] He graduated from Lincoln High School as a National Merit Scholar.[20]

After graduation, Smith began calling himself "Elliott", saying that he thought "Steve" sounded too much like a "jock" name, and that "Steven" sounded "too bookish".[20] According to friends, he had also used the pseudonym "Elliott Stillwater-Rotter" during his time in the band A Murder of Crows.[21] Biographer S. R. Shutt speculates that the name was either inspired by Elliott Avenue, a street that Smith had lived on in Portland, or that it was suggested by his then-girlfriend. A junior high acquaintance of Smith speculates Smith changed his name so as not to be confused with Steve Smith, the drummer of Journey.[22]


Various Artists--To: Elliott From: Portland (2006)

Artist-Various Artists Album-To: Elliott From: Portland Release Date-Feb 7, 2006 Genre/Style-Tribute Albums/Indie Rock

Official site-http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/store/artist/album/0,,3527770,00.html

Review-In the notes in To: Elliott From: Portland, Expunged Records president Anthony Davis writes, "Elliott Smith was someone who told your sad story and made you feel like you were not alone."


But the star of the show is a cover of the previously unreleased "High Times," by former roommate Sean Croghan, whose angry guitar and angry voice reflect the feelings shared by everyone Smith had affected: the sadness for the promise lost with his friend's early death.

hojuruku ago

https://www.pdxpipeline.com/2007/10/28/oct-28-ron-jeremy-hollywood-theatre-abbey-of-thelema-tackling-the-most-controversial-part-of-aleister-crowleys-life/ His name came up on here - but was only in google cache.

Here's him trolling infowars on the links before... Funny he seems to be a big follower of Temple of Set himself

Sean Croghan March 28, 2017

What most don't comprehend and will probably deny and call me a shill, is that there are 2 factions of the so called "illuminati". There are the Black Brotherhood, who are for pedophilia, death, and war. Then there is the Great White Brotherhood, these are the ones for liberty and good. The Black Brothers would be the "satanists", those involved with the Church of Satan or Temple of Set type groups. Black magicians, or moral relativists. The Great White Brotherhood would be the Freemasons, Hermetic Golden Dawn, Theosophical Society, Rosicrucians, and the Ordo Templi Orientis. Believe it or not, Aleister Crowley was a member of the Great White Brotherhood, despite claims he was evil. This was the Black Brothers trying to tarnish his name. Don't take my word for it, do REAL research yourselves. I know I would get huge amount of shit for this post, but the truth is the truth. Whether it lines up with your world view or not.

hojuruku ago

If you google ""Sean Croghan" "Aleister Crowley" - that has no cached pages only index it takes you to more videos without "Sean Croghan" and "Sunbehind the Sun" proving that's the guy who runs the account.

FORESNIC PROOF Sun Behind the sun is Sean Croghan: http://newstrackone.website/high-level-cia-elite-are-satanists The pedo is trolling info wars trying to debunk pizzagate

Here's some interesting search results that videos come up. His mission in life is to defend the OTO when ever they are criticized for fucking children!


" Sun Behind the Sun 7775 months ago +Nick Sothep Finally someone that gets it. These people are SO confident that the Bible is supposed to be literal. I have grown tired of trying to explain the esoteric to these simpletons. 4 Gouache Webmaster Gouache Webmaster4 months ago Sean Croghan .... i suggest you also study about Issa the healer... they all have some kind of special knowledge but what they did with it! different paths.."

So it's definitely doxxed the right guy in the comments here.

It might be time for open a new voat subreddit - /DoxAnOTOKiddyRapist/ - anyone suggest a better name?

Sun Behind the Sun 777 Sun Behind the Sun 7776 months ago The secret key to ALL of this is Sirius. Jayson Wiggins Jayson Wiggins6 months ago How secret is the secret? Sun Behind the Sun 777 Sun Behind the Sun 7776 months ago Very secret haha George Bethos George Bethos4 months ago Sean Croghan It's a SERIOUS secret lol 😂

They are talking about the secret of child fucking.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR1Cz3sVq2U




Backing this up with Mozilla faithful save as archive dot is is down for me. INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE!

His friends into this pizza pedo site!


dickface88888 ago


hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2059891/10165700 Oh fuck we found another spooky Jimmy Commet instagram account. the guy is no pizza cook, just just a satanic artist that was calling him self a pizza cook since 2015. I didn't go looking for satanic pizza cooks I started investigating the OTO. I was right - I kept saying OTO is Pizzagate , Pizzagate is OTO.... and the more I dig the OTO the more connections I find to pizzagate and visa versa. There is something going on here.. Also see the comments here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2038766 (not my thread)

hojuruku ago

well i go looking up OTO pedophiles on facebook and their mates and they turn out to be on "cold pizza" facebook groups. could be nothing but it's as spooky as hell when you consider the types of people on that facebook group.

hojuruku ago

This guy is as creepy as Jeffery Dalhmner and is being praised by the MSM:


This is the old name of the "Sun Behind the Sun Account" youtube account h/t thanks to grey state anti-NWO commentators posting his name in their replies. Another OTO satanic artist praised by the MSM lefty pedo media.

His facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeanCroghanArt/

Second youtube channel: Sean Croghan http://www.youtube.com/user/MetrotownopolisTV

Here is what he looks like: http://www.opb.org/opbmusic/video/sean-croghan-alameda/ https://www.facebook.com/SeanCroghanArt/photos/a.204835132874386.56222.204059626285270/1097377280286829/?type=3

He's doing art about "little brat boys"


Satanic art pisstaking Christmas:


Defending the Canaanites and the Sodomites: https://www.facebook.com/SeanCroghanArt/photos/a.965371040154121.1073741831.204059626285270/1067410329950191/?type=3

Went to school in Bakersfield 1976 where the "Lords of Bakersfield" Pedo ring operates, I suspect the same outfit I had a run in with in America with Christopher Kent Bowersox trying to kill me - the gay child raping pedo cop. see popular videos on youtube.com/hojuruku exposing him.

https://www.facebook.com/SeanCroghanArt/photos/a.1119653361392554.1073741833.204059626285270/1322647214426500/?type=3 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1119653361392554.1073741833.204059626285270&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/SeanCroghanArt/photos/a.1119653361392554.1073741833.204059626285270/1127402203951003/?type=3

Hillary Clinton Satanic Art:


Egyptian themed art: hello OTO


One of his events - at 5 pointed star coffee rosters in Portland Oregon Terry Bean gay child rapist dominated state - so much so they were going to call the big bridge there "Bean's Crossing" https://www.facebook.com/events/857171887700856/ http://www.beinbean.com/2013/11/beans-crossing-honoring-terry-bean/ https://www.quora.com/Who-would-you-trust-alone-with-your-kids-Obama-or-Trump/answer/Luke-McKee-1 He disappears the torrents of child rape victims going to his house to get of fchild rape charges. The perk of being the main DNC operative in that state. First case in American legal history of a civil settlement attempted in a criminal trial - Terry Bean tried to say the boy arse he raped - the crime could be absolved by paying the mother $250k and submitting to an AIDS test.

Could this be another "Portland" Pizzagate? who knows.. http://www.coffeedivision.com/index.html

Satanic art spread all around portland; https://www.facebook.com/SeanCroghanArt/posts/1000619379962620

Here's his email on some weird manifesto: https://www.facebook.com/SeanCroghanArt/photos/a.965371040154121.1073741831.204059626285270/1035532446471313/?type=3

RED HERRING HIS FRIENDS ARE SHARING MISSING PICTURES OF 16 YEAR OLD GIRLS <snipped> https://www.facebook.com/SeanCroghanArt/photos/a.965371040154121.1073741831.204059626285270/966006826757209/?type=3

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1603323086569301&set=p.1603323086569301&type=3 That girl went missing in texas and nothing to do with portland. Funny though - the kid turned up safe - just ran away with her 16 year old boyfriend.


His Art is speading to OTO fans in NZ: https://www.facebook.com/SeanCroghanArt/posts/922701834421042

hojuruku ago

This pedo Sun Behind the Sun defending the OTO cult is also friends with Mark Passio's biggest fan I exposed last week "The Great Work" - a reference to crowley who admitted that much when confronted on gab.ai.

