Whilst investigating pedos supporting the OTOAustralia.org.au/legal child sex cult, found founder of satanicinternationalnetwork.com arrested for raping ex girlfirend (pizzagate)
submitted 7.5 years ago by hojuruku
I'm also sitting on research for court showing many OTOAustralia.org.au members are also in the temple of Set / Church of Satan like this guy you'll see below I found whose subscriptions are that of an OTO pedo and a hard core Satanist - that brought me to find out about http://satanicinternationalnetwork.com existence and how it's been around for a long time. Put "legg devine" into austlii.edu.au case law to see they jail people for "religious vilification" calling them satanists, but they are all members of the Church of Satan as well. What gives?
Just in the last 10 mins I came across this gem. I didn't know the last 9 years the global satanic pedophile movement had their own social network in addition to the Satanic pedophilia on Facebook my father was prosecuted for commenting against on a causes petition against Facebook pedophilia. He was sued by a gay pedophilia normalization activist http://twitter.com/garryburnsblog and the court of child sex love aka http://twitter.com/nodiscrim & http://twitter.com/NCATNSW i.e. the NSW Government of Australia.
Hate speech against those who rape babies is here from my father: https://web.archive.org/web/20140722080525/https://www.causes.com/posts/891061 (on an anti-pedo-social-network petition)
That same link minus the archive.org (see the embedded video above that auto-plays the judge says doesn't auto play) is in my father's case law: https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/58b7789fe4b058596cba49b5 More info on that before I get back on topic: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053567 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2056942/10145520
So I found this video from a great site who's membership include a bunch of EX OTO pedo cult satanists who have run to god to absolve their sins, and here they are talking about the OTO's annual child rape feast in this video:
Then I see this most up-voted comment:
Sun Behind the Sun 777 11 months ago The crowned and conquering child is NOT a reference to actual children. It means mankind being re-born with a new set of secular non-abrahamic values.
Luke McKee oh yes it is you OTO kiddy fucker. Have you seen the latest research on my channel?
This is that freaks subscriptions which include Temple of Set, the bookshop where the OTO people bid on their rare original books (that vet's OTO membership) and a whole bunch of other weird filth
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24lJgTzS1skzET-JKKNz1Q/channels?view=56&shelf_id=0 Someone please archive.is this (it's not working here) and follow up on the other suspect pedo youtube channels.
Only upload from this creep - a very creepy video:
Remember the OTO sues and jails Christians without trial for claiming they are satanists, yet time and again I find out individual OTO members are ALSO SATANISTS LIKE THIS GUY - who subscribes to these channels.
Temple of Set: http://img.youtube.com/vi/k7PjwrKZmME/0.jpg
So this Sun behind the Sun guy follows the Satanic International Network.
Here's S.I.N.'s founder talking about being arrested for rape and then how the police sided with him because he's a satanist.
Satanic International Network a.k.a. S.I.N. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep4436Jlh4A
I didn't get the same luck and special treatment from police when an illegal immigrant was after a ZB951 Criminal Justice Stay visa from OTO child sex cult founded gay police who have the last word in giving visas in Australia to overstayers http://facebook.com/policelgbti - founded by Dr Gregorgy John Tillet according to http://camp.org.au oldest gay website in Australia. Tillet wrote http://leadbeater.org his PhD thesis on OTO Alister Crowley associates getting off child rape charges in Australia (chapter 12) and the history of the OTO in Australia http://www.parareligion.ch/dplanet/html/oto_au.htm. The illegial immigrant who tried to frame me up and lost in court and was deported. See the interview with my father and I about this here. Sorry no sources I've explained it in minute detail too many times. Extra info on my war with the gay OTO founded gay police and the crimes they commited was censored by court order by David Bottrill head of the OTO in Australia http://archive.is/johnsunol.blogspot.com - see the 8chan thread for proof of the OTO ACT Tribunal court order censorship of the page.
Leader of S.I.N. Just talked 2 days ago about taking illegal drugs but the police get him away with spousal abuse.
Dr Gregory John Tillet is a Priest in the Theosophical society among others cults. This pedo suspect trolling ex satanists turned Christians is also in the same group if you see his subscriptions.
I'm seeing lots of patterns here among individual satanists and what they follow and are in to. I am certian all these anti-free-speech love the homo thought crime laws and special http://twitter.com/GLLUDC Washington DC Gay police that must be in charge of investigating Alefantis were all founded by the occult.
This satanic pedophile network needs to be infiltrated / hacked. Who's up for a challenge?
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hojuruku 7.5 years ago
**HERE WE HAVE A "SATANIC" ARTIST AND SELF-PROFESSED PIZZA COOK ** Edit: at ATLAS PIZZA: http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-22605-atlas-pizza.html http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-22605-atlas-pizza.html
KIDS SMOKING: https://www.instagram.com/p/qhl7b0QVBv/?taken-by=sdcroghan
Calling young girls two punks: https://www.instagram.com/p/pcg4kDQVIr/?taken-by=sdcroghan
First Instagram post Photo tagged "thinking about pizza" https://www.instagram.com/p/pUibGZQVHL/?taken-by=sdcroghan
His email account is the captian hillbilly show - see facebook links I shared. Scary photo of a kid with fake teeth:
Oh Look he's totally triggered by trump kicking trannies out of the military. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXDiUJkDD4c/?taken-by=sdcroghan
That's because the OTO child sex cult founded transgenderism: http://www.parareligion.ch/sunrise/xi.htm
https://www.instagram.com/p/BAaZYHFwVHU/?taken-by=sdcroghan http://archive.is/XwJbV
i've found an oto pedo cult / satanic artist member totally obsessed with being a pizza cook. - and him and his friends all on this "cold pizza" page. CC @pixiesbitch
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hojuruku ago
**HERE WE HAVE A "SATANIC" ARTIST AND SELF-PROFESSED PIZZA COOK ** Edit: at ATLAS PIZZA: http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-22605-atlas-pizza.html http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-22605-atlas-pizza.html
KIDS SMOKING: https://www.instagram.com/p/qhl7b0QVBv/?taken-by=sdcroghan
Calling young girls two punks: https://www.instagram.com/p/pcg4kDQVIr/?taken-by=sdcroghan
First Instagram post Photo tagged "thinking about pizza" https://www.instagram.com/p/pUibGZQVHL/?taken-by=sdcroghan
His email account is the captian hillbilly show - see facebook links I shared. Scary photo of a kid with fake teeth:
Oh Look he's totally triggered by trump kicking trannies out of the military. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXDiUJkDD4c/?taken-by=sdcroghan
That's because the OTO child sex cult founded transgenderism: http://www.parareligion.ch/sunrise/xi.htm
https://www.instagram.com/p/BAaZYHFwVHU/?taken-by=sdcroghan http://archive.is/XwJbV
hojuruku ago
i've found an oto pedo cult / satanic artist member totally obsessed with being a pizza cook. - and him and his friends all on this "cold pizza" page. CC @pixiesbitch