hookednosedjoooo ago

Fetzer was the cgi planes guy, this is a huge redflag for me

hojuruku ago

I can't release the details on other shill hosts that I was meant to interview with this weekend - but if you see the fine print in the video you may see it accidentally has slipped in my gmail box.

He's got guts to expose this and support other people who have been f#$@@$ over by the MSM press. He intereviewed another Australian exposing a false flag in Australia, see the comments here, and I also did research on the same topic and linked it to Quo-Bono - the OTO child sex cult's lawfirm PIAC/Jeff Kennett Pedophile's beyondblue.net.au

hookednosedjoooo ago

I don't have time for this rn but I'm going to study this closely when I do.

hojuruku ago

We'll if we are going to go occams razor his stuff is more plausible than Dr Judy Woods.

GeorgeT ago

Fetzer is great. Few months back he did a great PG interview with the legendary detective Jim Rosenthstein. He said that there is too much evidence but it is so far removed from the daly norm that public just goes into a denial mode.

hojuruku ago

I know you are right. This isn't the place to pitch chem trails, but re the false flag in Melbourne CBD - it's on the money and I showed How Jeff Kennett and the OTO child sex lawyers (PIAC) profit from the False flag on Melbourne's Mall too.

6:12:23 AM] James H. Fetzer: Yes. Get some rest. [1:15:24 PM] trvn hojuruku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjUAWNb8s [1:15:28 PM] trvn hojuruku: I covered this as you did too! [1:15:40 PM] trvn hojuruku: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1582310 [1:15:49 PM] trvn hojuruku: it's a genuine false flag - YOU DID A GOOD JOB INTERVIEWING THIS GUY [1:16:08 PM] trvn hojuruku: PIAC.ASN.AU satanic pedophile cult lawyers profited from this event along with Jeff Kennett's corrupt charity we talked about tonight! [1:16:14 PM] trvn hojuruku: wow... you are amazing Jim! [1:18:39 PM] trvn hojuruku: http://archive.is/et5yg [1:18:57 PM] trvn hojuruku: ^^ my own research on that false flag ^^ i think peekay saw it too

hojuruku ago





hojuruku ago

Transcript ABC: Claims police mishandled child sex abuse cases

VGB: NB, Simon Overland is the former Victorian Police Commissioner for over a decade.

Broadcast: 09/07/2004

Reporter: Josephine Cafagna Print Email

DR REINA MICHAELSON, VICTIMS' ADVOCATE: We had a very productive meeting. I highlighted to the Chief Commissioner that a number of the problems that were evident in the police's handling of the previous child sexual abuse investigations are present in the current criminal investigation. For example - the intimidation of witnesses, the failure to pursue and follow leads that actually support the allegations. As well as a number of key issues such as the involvement of police officers who are in fact under suspicion. We asked for...again reiterated our call for a Royal Commission.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA, PRESENTER: Did you give them names of people... you've given made some startling allegations that there's a paedophile ring involving a former senior politician and senior police involvement. Did you name names with senior police today?

DR REINA MICHAELSON: Certain names have been presented to the police previously. I would like to emphasise that certainly the allegations that have been raised are serious, we are working with child victims of horrendous crimes, we believe those children. More people have come forward to us in the last 24 hours to say, "Thank you so much for bringing this topic up."

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Are you satisfied with what the Ombudsman has done so far in his investigations?

DR REINA MICHAELSON: I have to say that the Ombudsman's report is extremely thorough, it's extremely comprehensive and we were very, very pleased with that.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: But if you're satisfied with the work the Ombudsman has done so far, his investigations, are you saying you don't trust him to carry out further investigations of your serious allegations?

DR REINA MICHAELSON: I actually think that the Ombudsman is terrific, we met with him when he handed us the report. But the degree of criminality involved, the sensitivity of the matters and the dangers to the victims mean that a royal commission is the only answer.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Just finally, there is a website that is linked to your own website, it refers to Satanic ritual abuse and sacrifice amid a paedophile ring. Did you write any of that information on that particular website?

DR REINA MICHAELSON: I can only comment on our own website, our official website is http://www.csapp.net and I would recommend that people in the community who want to know more about this, who want to read the testimonies of victims, go to that website and read for themselves the kind of crimes that these children have been subjected to.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Do you believe there is a Satanic abuse of ritual abuse of children?

DR REINA MICHAELSON: I'm working with numerous victims who don't even know each other who have described being subjected to terrible crimes. Some of those crimes have an occult component and some of them refer to witnessing of murders that to date remain unsolved.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: You distance yourself from that website, but the information on it, you believe, is accurate?

DR REINA MICHAELSON: I don't have the website in front of me, I can't comment.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: But you know what I'm talking about, don't you? You know which website I'm talking about?

DR REINA MICHAELSON: You could make it explicit if you wanted.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: I've got details here, this one here, have you seen that?

DR REINA MICHAELSON: I would have to read through it. But what I will say is for the material that we have in relation to these matters, please visit our website. In that website we have the testimonies of the victims themselves.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Why do you have a link on your website directed to that website then, if you don't know what's on it?

DR REINA MICHAELSON: There's a whole range of material that's available on the Internet in relation to these matters. I suppose what I would like to say to people is that there have been attempts to discredit me and to distract from this issue. I'd prefer to focus on the issue at hand, which is the fact that there are children in this State who have been subjected to unspeakable crimes, they've been deprived of justice and they deserve justice.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Assistant Commissioner Simon Overland, welcome to Stateline. How would you describe this morning's meeting with Reina Michaelson?

SIMON OVERLAND, ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER, VICTORIA POLICE: I think it was a positive meeting. Trust is clearly an issue between Victoria Police and Dr Michaelson and that's something we'll have to work on. We've explained to her what we intend to do from here. I think there's a measure of satisfaction on her part with some of the things that we've outlined. But clearly she's flagged to us that she'll be watching to see what we do and it is a matter of us earning her trust.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Has she given you any new information?

SIMON OVERLAND: No, we talked about the matters that the Ombudsman has investigated and that is known to us. There are other investigations that have been ongoing for a little while now, running the crime department, we talked about a way forward with those.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Is there sophisticated paedophile ring operating in Victoria?

SIMON OVERLAND: Well, that's one of the things we want to discover. Clearly there are paedophiles operating here in Victoria and we do investigate and prosecute those sorts of people on a regular basis. The suggestion that it's organised and the suggestion that there is protection is something that is of concern. And we really want to get to a situation where Dr Michaelson is able to give us the particulars of that allegation so that we can investigate it.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Were you investigating this before her allegations were raised?

SIMON OVERLAND: She has raised a number of matters with us and there have been dealt with in two separate ways. The first lot have been dealt with by the Ombudsman because there's suggestions of police misconduct and that's the appropriate course for those matters to go. There are other criminal allegations that she's referred to us that we are dealing with. In those, there is some suggestion of protection and police involvement. We don't have the particulars, we don't have the details of those allegations and that's something that we need to work towards.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Are you investigating the disappearance of police records as part of this investigation?

SIMON OVERLAND: That's something that will be picked up as part of the broader work that flows on now from the Ombudsman's findings.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: You've announced a review of the Sexual Crime Squad, will all cases it has investigated come under review now?

SIMON OVERLAND: What the review will do is do some sampling, if you like, of previous investigations and look at those and obviously if we find areas of concern in those, then we'll have broaden the inquiry.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Has Dr Michaelson raised with you the name of a senior ex-politician who is involved in this paedophile ring?

SIMON OVERLAND: She's named a number of very senior, high-profile public people to us. And as I say, we need to work out with her the basis on which she's named them, the reasons why she's naming them, the people who've named them to her. As I say, we really need to get to that level of detail before we can mount a proper investigation into her allegations.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: So you haven't started an investigation into any former senior politicians in Victoria?

SIMON OVERLAND: Well, I guess it's an exercise in semantics here. We have those allegations, yes, we are working on...there are some 41 separate allegations that we're actually working on, that have come through Dr Michaelson. Part of the issue, though, is trying to get to the particulars of the allegation. And until we get to that stage, it is difficult for us to mount a full and proper investigation.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: You've rejected calls for a Royal Commission. In recent history, there's been serious corruption allegations involving the former drug squad, allegations about the witness protection scheme and now serious allegations about the Sexual Crimes Squad. Surely you can understand the public losing confidence in Victoria Police.

SIMON OVERLAND: We understand that these issues do impact on confidence, that's one of the reasons why we've tried to be as open as we have been, particularly about this matter, but other matters as well. We understand the need to account to the public. The point we would make, though, is that the Ombudsman has just been given a significant increase in powers, he describes himself as, in effect, a standing Royal Commission. He has dealt very adequately with the matters Dr Michaelson has raised with him to date and if there are other matters involving police, we'd suggest that she should report those matters to him.

JOSEPHINE CAFAGNA: Assistant Commissioner, thanks very much for coming on the program.

SIMON OVERLAND: Thank you very much.

Glenn Cordingley
May 24, 2013, 1:00 pm 

hojuruku ago

More links from my 2014 VGB blog posts about this:

https://infrakshun.wordpress.com/tag/child-rapist/ more details on the VIC Police cover-up of the OTO child sex cult running a preschool and mass raping kids.

THE GUARDIAN:Colin Batley, leader of [OTO] sex cult preying on children, could spend life in jail


777 West Media - The West Australian Satanic sex cult symbols daubed

The Age: Victorian police in pedophile rings: victims July 8, 2004 - 4:35PM

A highly-organised paedophile ring involving Victorian police and former politicians had been operating in the state since the 1970s, anti-child abuse groups claimed today.

Dr Reina Michaelson of The Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program (CSAPP) and Bravehearts founder Hetty Johnston today said they had been told by child sex abuse victims that former Victorian elected politicians and police members were involved in child pornography and prostitution.

Dr Michaelson said she was working with child sex abuse victims who said they had witnessed significant police corruption and protection of paedophilia rings.

"I'm working with victims whose experience included police presence, police actually involved in the sexual offences that were committed against them," Dr Michaelson said.

The allegations come in response to a damning report released by Victoria's Ombudsman George Brouwer yesterday into Victoria Police's botched handling of four cases of child sex abuse. AdvertisementAdvertisement

Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Simon Overland said yesterday the four cases would be reopened and two long-standing members of the force's sexual crimes squad would be investigated over their role in the cases.

The report came after Dr Michaelson provided police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon with a dossier of child sex abuse cases in Victoria in 2001.

But Ms Michaelson and Ms Johnston today called for the confidential Ombudsman's report to be made public and for a royal commission into child sexual abuse and corruption.

"When problems within Victoria Police are shown to have extended into the investigation of serious sex crimes against children, as has been revealed by the Ombudsman's investigation, it is time for the Victorian government to act," Dr Michaelson said.

"The Victorian community deserves to have 100 per cent confidence in their police force, and children especially need and deserve to know that if they report sexual abuse to the police their complaints will be investigated without fear or favour."

Ms Johnston today challenged Victorian Premier Steve Bracks to table the document in parliament after the ombudsman announced it would be kept confidential.

"I am incredibly disappointed that this is not going to be a public document," she said.

"I challenge your Premier to do what (Premier) Peter Beattie did in Queensland when he tabled the Anglican Church report which was the final death knell I suppose for the governor-general, to table this report.

"To have the guts and the courage to let the public know what's going on inside its police force."

Ms Johnston said she had also met with numerous child sex abuse victims who have: "independently pointed to certain individuals, very high profile individuals and what we believe we are looking at here is a serious network of pedophiles operating in Victoria".

She said those individuals included "former elected officials".

Ms Johnston said police had asked to speak to these victims but "we won't do that because we don't trust Victoria Police as it stands, and I think this report vindicates the decision not to take these young people to a police force they have no confidence in.

"I'm suggesting that we should have an investigation that looks into potential corruption of Victoria police officers in the child sexual abuse squad in the same way we are doing it in the drug squad."

Ms Michaelson said highly organised pedophile rings have been operating since the 1970s.

"The network hasn't stopped, it has just gotten more powerful," she said.

The Ombudsman's report made a number of key findings in his report including:

  • One investigating police officer referred to a child-victim, under the age of 12, as a little slut.

  • Two experienced detectives from the Sexual Crimes Squad failed to ensure that allegations of sexual and repeated misconduct by a Victoria school teacher, were properly investigated.

hojuruku ago

Youtube content creator End Time News making videos about OTO Australia being the main child sex victim traffickers for the elite: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2048169

GIJane ago

I believe you Luke, just tweeted it out. Stay safe!!!

hojuruku ago

I hope that it all works out, they back off or this is a false alarm. My house has CCTV footage in it's apartment block. gamckee.com / my wife [email protected] could provide it to any journalist if and when I get carted away.

I really hope I get to delete this comment ASAP, but like I said before I'm just covering my rear end. As explained in the video there is an OTO operative anirtak76 accusing me of being a pedophile for securing evidence of Lisa Oldfield's (garry Burns media contact) child porn production the authorities did nothing with for 5 years after numerous reports. Then there is his webmaster uploading child porn to xtube.com in my research. And Garry Burns two own child abuse incidents, one of them being sparkles the pony. This is a real case of a guy like Alefantis - a police protected LGBTI queer hero gay pedophile - Garry Richard Burns - who used a fake name in court for 10 years as on "gary burns". Put "gary burns" "gay activist" site:.au into google to see what I mean and see all his old case law logged under a fake name.

Even American gay news coveres Garry Burns persecution of a mentally disabled taxi driver (now sued by the OTO and the special OTO founded gay child sex police as well) and him being the most hated gay activist in Australia - all using a fake name "gary burns" he's never had on his drivers license.

https://www.queerty.com/why-is-gary-burns-the-most-hated-gay-activist-in-australia-20101213 https://www.queerty.com/tag/gary-burns https://www.queerty.com/aussie-gays-air-their-dirty-laundry-have-a-wank-in-a-raincoat-20110525 https://www.queerty.com/gay-activist-gets-labour-boot-after-emotional-tirade-20071112 He even tried to run for office with 7 yes 7 different political parties and failed! That's him in the papers for threatening the prime ministers wife - but he's a gay police protected pedophile so he's allowed to sue premiers and threaten the prime ministers wife and if you complain against him you are a gay basher. http://www.theherald.com.au/story/3172166/ex-cabbie-told-to-stop-gay-bashing/ Here is him defending the court confirmed pedophile https://www.queerty.com/aussie-soccer-honcho-to-be-sued-for-bisexual-as-pedophile-remark-20081016 Ken Capanglolo as a court confirmed pedophile himself, suing a OTO legg dossier confirmed pedophile Jeff Kennett https://www.queerty.com/is-a-national-coming-out-day-for-politicians-a-fantastic-idea-no-20100525 Here's him talking about the closet gay police minister that got me charged with 60c nsw crimes act - crime of knowing a secret gay cop is gay over this..


Yes the police minister David Campbell mp who had to sign of on the first post 2006 Gang Laws Bill 60c NSW Crimes act prosecution AGAINST ME was a closet faggot who now runs a preschool chain in Wollongong NSW. You can't make this shit up!

mark_luke ago

'rabidgentile' posted: "whats your goal here? try to make a bunch of paranoids more paranoid? your full of shit." Rhetorical questions-- cogent, helpful analysis-- who could ask for more? Luke must be thrilled by the epiphany that you instigated-- I know that I'm thrilled, if only to discover that the name you've chosen here is "rabid."

hojuruku ago

Super-short Image-board intro to the saga: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/135163177

hojuruku ago

because the Australian police claimed jurisdiction over my mates blog John Sunol..... see what's on archive.is/johnsunol.blogspot.com that got censored. the 8chan thread shows the Australian executive council of jewery working with the pedo cult. the same evidence was shown on a video that was censored from vid.me AND on the johnsunol blog link here:


That's where that vice article was censored along with everything else there on order from the OTO and the facebook.com/policeglbti special gay pedo protector police founded by Dr Gregory John Tillet - according to camp.org.au the oldest gay organization in Australia - the man who wrote the history of the OTO in Australia and is in the newspapers placing personal ads recruiting for the OTO in the 80s.

hojuruku ago

Extra link i can't fit in the youtube description: I couldn't fit this in the description: Here is the judge saying Legg And Devine's submission was "embarrassing". Their submission was that the court in Victoria had no jurisdiction and the NSW Supreme Court of Appeals agreed. Therefore this OTO pedo loving judge Miss Magistrate Harbison Deputy head of VCAT.vic.gov.au has ruled the NSW Supreme Court of Appeals (well above her pay grade in a civil tribunal) to be "embarrassing". Their actual submissions were shown in the last Jim Fetzer interview and the sources for it. This is grounds to appeal on the judge was incompetent, corrupt and pro-paedophile to the point of lunacy. http://archive.is/pfocV

This is who runs Australia's homosexual, religious and racial vilification regime people! Criminals who lie and pevert the course of justice to publish fake case law as exposed in this video as admitted by the mainstream media and the OTO itself!


Strawtinman ago

Interesting. There were two people on voat that had troubles with a Australian poster on here between January to May. He brought ones over to a app. His parents were found to be in government and corporate jobs. Nathan Blair is profile name. Had a middle initial.

hojuruku ago

@hookednosedjoooo can you please do a shill check on Richard presser. He called up asked if my wife was with me overseas, said he didn't want to talk any more and started sending me weird emails about my family getting killed. Seems to be into new age occult kiddy fiddling and says everything Fiona Barnett says about the deep underground military bases and 6000km underground tunnels with no air holes is all true.

hojuruku ago

I had trouble with an Australian new age cunt who threatened me on behalf of the OTO 3 hours ago.

"It is a painful path you walk and I wish you well.

Kind Regards,

Richard "

Ring any bells mate?

Strawtinman ago

Before you began posting on voat; there was an Australian man called Redberry that was doing a lot of research posting and a female in the USA. Redberry reported being doxxed and stalked; left abruptly and disappeared. Both were put under immense stress and harms. Both disappeared. No one spoke up or seemed to care.

The female reported that an Australian male ( NathanWBlair profile name on here in Melbourne area) on voat had caused harm to her, Redberry and another female.

He had made a post on Voat for ones to go to an app called Dischord/pizzagate. A number of people on here still, were in that group. Apparently, he told ones to use Tor and was hacking them. Redberry reporting he was hacked on a vpn.

She posted the Linkin of his parents. One is contracted with the Australian department of justice. The other parent with a top financial corporation that handles medical insurances.

In some of the last posts by the female, she mentions that Australia is full of pedophilia in the top echelons. Then you arrive with ample proof by yourself and your father.

That is, did Australia send in shills to infiltrate voat from the get go? I would not be suprised if the alleged is now a different profile on here.

hojuruku ago

We'll I'm well known. Youtube.com/hojuruku - mean's aussie luke in Korean. Haven't changed IDs never do.

Jeff Kennett's sending his beyondblue.net.au charity $$$ to the pedo lawyers piac.asn.au for the OTO - the same bastards that sue him is very suspicious. Considering PIAC was saying he wants all gays killed and had garry burns suing him. Jeff Kennet's lawyers Chris Ronalds SC switched sides, and the case laws was edited to say a DIFFERENT LAWYER after I talked about this - only problem is the MSM news hasn't updated their coverage of the case.


hojuruku ago

immigration police did a door knock at 11pm last night where I am. I am hoping it is nothing serious but that did happen.

In any case if I go silent or dark we all know what happened. Hopefully it's a routine check-up.

2impendingdoom ago

why don't you call them and ask what they want, or give them your lawyers' phone number.

hojuruku ago

I'll probably find out what the immigration police want later today. I would have already met them if I wasn't outside taking my daughter for a play on the slide / swings in my apartment complex.

hojuruku ago

you didn't even watch the video you posted only 5 mins after it was uploaded and it's a 40 min video. so your comment isn't an informed one from your own admission.

hojuruku ago

it's case law not conspiracy theory mate.

If you can't see that in the video you are full of shit.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=JaukjfqYsz4 :

Jim Fetzer PhD exposes Australian goverment jailing all who oppose OTO child sex cult - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

hojuruku ago

Please back up and rehost on youtube or anywhere else, here's the raw link to the interview: https://drive.google.com/a/d.umn.edu/file/d/0By04AOHn9vUWYUJpWXQyZ3NCWkU/view?usp=drive_web

hojuruku ago

Guys the police came to my house at 11pm tonight looking for me when I was out. I hope it was something routine but if this is my last post please pray for me and cover the saga if I can't! YouTube description:

This is an emergency broadcast. Back it up and share on your own channels, as I may not be able to repost! Explosive earlier Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5z_8Lh5UM0 Sources: http://archive.is/QljSZ http://archive.is/johnsunol.blogspot.com http://archive.is/udOcs

Sources for this interview: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2015620 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2023169 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2038766 http://8ch.net/pol/res/10297068.html

Extra links:

Even ex Australian Military Intel Majors who served in Iraq are saying OTO child sex cult operative Garry Burns is licensed to threaten to kill by the OTO child sex cult founded http://facebook.com/policeglbti special gay police http://bernardgaynor.com.au/theres-nothing-see/

Garry Burns telling the former Premier of Victoria he must repsect court confirmed pedophile Ken Campagonlo: http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2010/647.html?stem=0&synonyms=0&query=ken%20campagnolo http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/gay-activist-gary-burns-launches-complaint-against-jeff-kennett/story-e6freuzr-1225770422473 http://www.piac.asn.au/legal-help/public-interest-cases/public-interest-cases-2008/homosexual-vilification/burns-v-laws-pri Proof Chris Renolds SC worked for Garry Burns and PIAC previously before switching sides to Jeff Kennett https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/549f5d293004262463a05004 ^^^ case law updated last week after I reported crime of barrister switching sides to a different ronalds barrister ^^^ http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2007/11/08/1194329389456.html Mainstream news say Chris Ronalds SC represented Garry Burns with PIAC vs Radio Announcer John Laws unlike the case law.

Legg Devine has fake case law published falsely claiming they were present for the proceedings contrary to Section 25 Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/couple-jailed-for-contempt-in-vilification-case/2008/02/20/1203467183354.html http://archive.is/RS9w0 OTO December 2007 press release - redacted from their website http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinosrch.cgi?query=legg+devine&results=4&submit=Search&mask_world=&mask_path=&callback=on&method=auto&meta=%2Fau Caroline Tully exposed in the last interview an associate of Douglas Ezzy (publish books together - though claims to be an independent witness in court defending the OTO's child sacrifice policy) published this press release: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0712&L=academic-study-magic&F=&S=&P=18455 (backup: http://archive.is/j0rpm)) It claims the Legg Devine case law was faked to show they were present in the court room.

Americans - Australian gay judges rule it's a crime to expose Obama's link to paedophiles: https://www.quora.com/Who-would-you-trust-alone-with-your-kids-Obama-or-Trump/answer/Luke-McKee-1

2014 Old blog post about the special racial and religious vilification hotline that was shut down today after it's NSW Police employees were jailed for importing drugs into Australia with a Muslim family: http://archive.is/ca5fg It also shows the document that was repedetly censored from multiplide download locations on this government site http://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/submissions/policy-submissions/item/779-submission-to-the-australian-governments-proposed-amendments-to-racial-discrimination-act-apr-2014 that claimed in a submission to the federal government only muslims and OTO child sex satanists can use religious vilification law.

https://gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos/posts/10581305 My research! Today #NSWPolice shut down dob in a Muslim hater "Speak Out" hotline (now only in archive) http://archive.is/Qffj4 after it's own staff linked to Muslim crime family mass drug importation! http://archive.is/9PGMt http://archive.is/SYRkE #BritFam needs to kill off @TellMommaUK too!

Sorry No Jim Fetzer the real deal intro titles. Had to get this out quickly conversion was causing too much trouble!

CC @privatepizza @White-Nationalist @redditsuckz @Organic1

redditsuckz ago

Explosive earlier Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5z_8Lh5UM0

^some people already flagged that video so its blocked on youtube...

For those that dont have a youtube account to watch just put "nsfw" before the youtube video...here it is;
