hookednosedjoooo ago

Pls don't take this the wrong way but can you explain to me why I should trust you if you worked with the likes of James Fetzer. He pushed the 9/11 cgi no planes disinfo theory. Are you part of Fiona Barnetts disinfo team? Was Julian Assange involved with an Australian MKULTRA cult called the Family?

Is this just a very elaborate limited hangout honeypot or are you legit?

hojuruku ago


Hey we already had this discussion in detail and I thought you accepted I was no limited hangout? Why the change in tune?

As Pauline Hanson who fucked David Oldfield exposed as a pedophile in this video said





(meant nicely)

hojuruku ago

I have had a go at Fiona Barnett FYI and tagged her here. Why don't you read it: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2049715/10115331

Nice try I'm no limited hangout. I expose them or ask why others can't expose the case law facts etc in relation to the OTO pedo cult.

hojuruku ago

@White-Supremacist I did an emergency interview / screen sharing session with Jim Fetzer PhD on the latest. I'll share it on /pizzagate/ when he sends me the encoded video of the connection. I hope that isn't my last post here. Please backup the video with youtube-dl.org and reshare everywhere along with the existing jim fetzer interview. The first one was censored from vid.me.

White-Supremacist ago

The first one was censored from vid.me.

How why?

hojuruku ago

because they are faggots that love pedophilia. See the first video on the official vid.me/vidme offical channel to see why. It's got a rainbow shitting dog.

hojuruku ago

Also in NSW, Australia news tonight the NSW Police shut down their dob in a Muslim hater hotline after it's OWN NSW POLICE CULTURAL LIAISON STAFF staff was caught working with a muslim family to mass import drugs. <My exclusive research! ( because I trolled this hot-line 3 years ago and got them to admit nobody was calling them)


Luke McKee Luke McKee ยท @ozzieslovepedos an hour

AusGab My research! Today #NSWPolice shut down dob in a Muslim hater "Speak Out" hotline (now only in archive) http://archive.is/Qffj4 after it's own staff linked to Muslim crime family mass drug importation! http://archive.is/9PGMt http://archive.is/SYRkE #BritFam needs to kill @TellMommaUK too!

hojuruku ago

Read the MSM news - they won't even say the bloggers name or his blog name - because they don't want people seeing the TRUTH. Look at the MAINSTREAM MEDIA DEFENDING GAY CHILD RAPING JUDGES BY OMITTING THE KEY DETAILS IN THE CASE OF SHANE DOWNING AND VS THE FAGGOT COPS charging him with carriage of service charges for "causing offense to gay judges who got triggered" and received his email linking to his blog.

The faggot cops are trying to do the same Charges against John Christopher Sunol also for exposing gay judges who are normalizing pedophilia. See the posts on http://archive.is/johnsunol.blogpsot.com censored by court order exposed here:

http://8ch.net/pol/res/10297068.html & and see the OTO theads! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2041509

hojuruku ago


They are coming for me now too over this. Police just came to my front door looking for me over this!


White-Supremacist ago

I wish I knew people with your sense of honor and conviction. What did the cops do/say?

hojuruku ago

don't know I wasn't at home when they came. Pray for me and try and get the word out about me. If I go silent it isn't by my own choice. Archive.is / backup all my posts here, the ones that matter especially the OTO ones.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702 (plus the 2 threads linked to at the top of this one)

hojuruku ago


White-Supremacist ago

It'd be cool if you recorded it.

hojuruku ago

I put it on the Victims of Gay Bulling blog archive I shared on voat. You can download it here:
