11-11 ago


hojuruku ago


In some cases women are kidnapped to breed gay baby flesh for the gay elite. This example involved a Taiwan based operation however.

hojuruku ago

An example of Australian gay baby flesh selling middle men promoting Tammy Davis Charles's business: http://www.familiesthrusurrogacy.com/cambodia-overview/

Sam Everington of Surrogacy Australia lives in the Quay West Elite Apartment block for the richest of the Rich in Sydney Australia. It's a multi-million dollar business gay baby flesh selling.

hojuruku ago


That's the only other link in google linking Tammy Davis-Charles to New Live IVF - and it doesn't even do that properly.

My backup's of all the old new life IVF Facebook pages for Thailand and all their member's profiles proving they bought their babies illegally (contrary to Australian and Thai Law) must be big. Tammy Davis Charles was the surrogacy co-coordinator who dealt with the "intended parents" for New Life IVF Thailand and NEPAL. She was telling all the clients not to worry during the crack down.

I have a video in my possession of MYSELF GOING TO THAILAND to the offices of NEW LIVE IVF after they were meant to have been shut down by the Royal Thai police after penetrating their building on South Stratorn Rd Bangkok that is only shared by RBS and HSBC! The their staff were all still there and they were running only with the sign taken down. I can share this video on request and dig it up from my portable media.

The police were paid off to let them keep running. These people have high level protection to provide a large number of babies to high level gay pedophile rings in the top of Australian and other governments. They are even operating selling babies in China in a big way now, so we guess those could be for organ harvesting if China uncensored and the US Congress are to be believed.

Reggie000 ago

They both praised Gay Baby Flesh Seller Tammy Davis-Charles

I don't get it - does he sell flesh from gay babies or is he a gay merchant of flesh?

hojuruku ago

The placentas made by the gay baby selling surrogates are a big business to make stem-cell cosmetics e.g. @gaydads ships gay baby flesh placenta via cryo-cell.com to make rxgenesis.com that his own anal sex partner did the fake medical testing for (after being shut down in England by the MHRA). https://www.rxgenesys.com/best-anti-aging-cream-clinical-trials/ Tony Barlow is a banned company director in England for fraud and MHRA tried to sue them but the prosecution lawyers were corrupted so they got off on a technicality.

Commercial Surrogacy is illegal in the UK under the Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1984 - but these are politically correct protected pedophiles who operate outside the law. They just moved to America.

So the answer to your question is BOTH.

pizza_merc ago

Gotta say, the evidence is compelling, but I am not sure how the sexuality of the criminal is a matter. Or is it the babies who are gay?

hojuruku ago

90% of the customers are gay men. Each gay man statistically speaking is 30-40 times more likely to rape a child so every gayby baby is 60 to 80 times more likely to be raped than a child growing up in a nuclear family. I.e. US gov CDC says 1.7% of the population is gay. Most child abusers are male. 1% of the population are gay male. 48% of the population are straight male. bravehearts.org.au fact sheet says 35% of all child abuse are done by gay males. I'm sure you do math. Let's put it this way. For every 100 gay baby buyers a child gets raped. You need 4800 heterosexuals to buy a baby through surrogacy before a child to be raped on average. The most effective way to stop this new class of child rape victim that never existed 50 years ago, incestual gay dads baby rape victims from birth, is through discrimination against gays buying children - back to the good old days when homosexuals seen loitering around toilet blocks were arrested before they could rape children, not call up the special beatproject.org.au hotline or the special gay police facebook.com/policeglbti to prosecute the the NSW Police officer who dared attempt to block a gay man's basic human right to do public sex crimes, or attempt to rape children in a toilet block. Were you lucky to avoid being raped by a gay as a child? I know I was they tried to climb into my toilet when I was using a public toilet, and I screamed. Thank god my dad was nearby and bashed the shit out of the faggot pedophile.

Many governments have woken up and seen the light here, e.g. most African countries (we are working on damn Kenya), India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ukraine, Georgia, Russia.

All those gay rainbow crosswalks were first put up as symbols of protest against this this discrimination against the LGBTI child rapist community. If you don't want masses of children raped by two males of indeterminate sexual orientation (possibly pedophiles - remember most pedophiles are MALE) buying children with no oversight from the fairer sex and no breastmilk required for proper brain development (child abuse to deny a child it's birth mother) you are a homophobe. Because who cares if more children get raped by the global community not discriminating against gays buying children right? It's the need of the faggot not the child rape victim not to be raped that matters right? Those faggots who remain childless, because thats the way god made them only being able to reproduce will have to deal with the reality they can't treat an asian woman as a $1 hour breeding whore, because they have no right to abuse people of poorer social economic status than themselves for their sex organs. If you support gay surrogacy then you also must support whore mongering assholes or child prostitution because they too involve sex organs money and children.

https://www.scribd.com/document/313985736/LWBAustralia-redacts-National-Cararer-Awards-TwoDadsAndMe-Boy-Rapist-Winners Rather than Say Sorry for saying the best dad is a gay dad who fucked his son in QLD they doubled down on their propaganda making a video saying we prefer to give babies to homosexuals over those who are less likely to rape children. It's policies like these that will definitely result in more children raped and already has if you see the description for the next video.


See the end of this video to see how their are government funded operations in Australia that steal heterosexuals kids and only give them to homosexuals where they are each 60 to 80 times more likely to be raped (some of their children already raped of course e.g. Donald Anthony Gillipse and many others, read the description for the video). Based on the government's spending / funding lwb.org.au who gave best foster carer award for QLD Australia someone facing charges for gay dads foster son sex and their promo videos saying only gays deserve our stolen babies - It's politically correct that many more children must be raped by LGBTI pedophiles. The needs of the pedophile LGBTI outways the need of the child not to be raped in Australia.


Youtube description

VictimsofGayBullying.com & http://mediabroadcastingcenter.com/the-real-deal/ PRESENT An exposé showing that, in Australia, Christians are being ordered by civil tribunals stacked with gay activists, to publish apologies for "vilifying" satanic pedophile cults, in newspaper ads, or go to jail for contempt of court. The same applies for those who were found to have "vilifed" state-media-praised "gay dads" same-sex marriage activists who were later found and jailed for sexually abusing their own infant son due to their deviant homosexuality. Whether homosexuality is deviant, or "normal" these tribunals do not differentiate. Any person reported for "vilifying" actions or behavior of homosexual persons will be ordered to apologize, because it is unlawful in New South Wales Australia to "vilify" any person who happens to be homosexual. However it is OK for homosexuals to "vilify" heterosexual persons. John also got a letter last month from a "human rights" tribunal for not respecting OTOAustralia.org.au. That outfit is an Alex Jones Infowars Confirmed Satanic pedophile cult, but in Australia it is deemed to be a religion, and therefore it is not allowed to be "vilified" under religious vilification laws. This is what my own father and friend John Sunol are facing, for vilifying the "gay dads" Mark Newton and Peter Truong, referred to above. Who is doing this? Gay judges and gay activists without law degrees who sit on panels as part of the State Tribunals of Australia: @NCATNSW @VEOHRC @nodiscrim @ACTHumanRights @ACTSupCourt @LWBAustralia @VGLRL @NSWGLRL @PIACNews @Justice_Connect @GarryBurnsBlog @AUGL_OTO @oto_org And who's fighting back? @BernardGaynor & Tess Corbett in the High Court of Australia! Luke McKee has never solicited money in his 10 years in exile as a UNHCR Confirmed Political refugee from Australia/NZ, the latter due to backing of warrants scheme - the same problem Julian Assange has and still wont yet ask for a cent. But he asks that everyone who wants to see a global end to these thought-crime laws already in some American states please donate to Bernard Gaynor's legal fund. Other victims include @gamke, @t0mcahill @SunolJohn @TruthNewsOZ loveforelife.com.au lukesarmy.com (Facebook) and many many others that have been sued by "gay activist" Garry (aka Gary) Burns and the OTO, including those in Government and public life. Remember the Gay CEO of Apple Tim Cook previously has tweeted to Obama that these same laws be enacted and set loose upon the American people. Do you want to be next? Part one is being edited into a documentary style presentation due for release in a few months focusing on the homosexual vilification thought crimes only. American Allies in the war for free speech! MassResistance.org / AllianceDefendingFreedom.org Links: https://globalfreedomofexpression.columbia.edu/cases/burns-v-sunol/ http://johnsunol.blogspot.com http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/last-post-legal-announcement-due-to.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/02/anti-discrimination-law-thought-crime.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html (and check johnsunol.blogspot.com in an archive.is search to see what the censors got!) http://theothermccain.com/2016/05/26/gay-australian-rugby-player-arrested-by-fbi-sought-sex-with-6-year-old-boy/ http://theothermccain.com/2016/05/14/australian-gay-marriage-crusader-was-fugitive-wanted-on-kiddie-porn-charge/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/please-help/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/off-high-court-twice/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/beyond-18c/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/ncat-deputy-president-has-questions-to-answer/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/nsw-anti-discrimination-board-gay-beats-and-private-schools/ http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/school-holiday-locations-listed-as-best-places-for-gay-public-sex/news-story/a216bf74a3cf578d59cac9c88e1df3f1 http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/public-service/we-need-the-clarity-of-a-high-court-ruling-on-bernard-gaynors-free-speech-crusade-20170329-gv9foz.html http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/public-service/be-wary-public-servants-of-speaking-freely-in-an-election-year-20160401-gnwagn.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/foster-carer-linked-to-sex-abuse-slipped-past-the-barriers-20101212-18u1w.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6NtQ8hqARw Case Law keywords for www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au or austlii.edu.au (national): "Garry Richard Burns" "Gary Burns" "Garry Burns" (serial applicant uses different names in court over 20 years) "Burns Gaynor" (see 2017 case)"Corbett Burns" "McKee Burns" "Legg Devine" (VIC x4) "CRISTIAN v BOTTRILL" "Sunol Collier". All cases are equally great travesty of justice, and the case law is defamatory to the respondents when you research actually what happened in the courtroom. TIP: The Filter search results by database feature is very useful on Austlii if you know what state it's in