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hojuruku ago

I have seen this before. Greatest Gay Activist and First homo to open a gay orgy bar in Singapore Mr Alex Au UPLOADED A PICTURE OF A GAY DADS BABY SEX VICTIM DRAKE NEWTON AS A POSTER BOY FOR GAY PRIDE AFTER HIS RAPISTS WERE ARRESTED IN AMERICA. aka support says it's homophobic to oppose little boy / baby anal rape victims being used as poster boys for gay pride.

This is exactly the same stance the baby rapists in the picture below said - it's homophobic to oppose them getting children to rape. Hear them say it here - or see the embedded video that my father was prosecuted for the crime of linking to on - search "mckee burns" on case law for that one.

More info: (resulted in a gay child sex police raid for exposing the person suing my dad and John Sunol sends his penis picture you can see in the comments to underage child prostitutes) THIS LINK IS A MUST SEE BECAUSE IT SHOWS PETER TRUONG'S LAWYER AFTER CONVICTION VIA EMAIL SAYING HE'S NOT A PEDOPHILE HE'S A HOMOSEXUAL WHO MUST BE RESPECTED STOP BEING HOMOPHOBIC

vs this documentary the ABC is censoring saying published gay marriage activists raping babies has no bearing on the gay marriage debate whilst covering the case

This video is a crime to link to - put "abcplugspedos" into / to see what I mean. On the same day that case law came out - the newspapers will say you are a "gay basher" for critizing these russian infant rapists by linking to the video on my youtube channel below AND DOING NOTHING ELSE from your blog. Read the case law to confirm what I am saying. To hate gay dads baby rape is an act of court confirmed homophobia. Don't be a homophobe love baby fucking is the message that is coming out from the court.

See ABC TV Censoring their own video where they say published gay marriage activists raping babies has no bearing on the gay marriage debates with copyright claims AFTER WE THE TAXPAYER PAID FOR THE VIDEO TO BE MADE AND THEY PULLED IT FROM THEI WEBSITE:

Proof the baby rapists were gay marriage activists:

It's a crime to expose Obama's having boy rapists fly on Air Force one... Move over Lolita express

P.S. Listen to my dad talk about being prosecuted for the crime of not loving a good gay dads baby fucking session by the boylover who sends his penis picture to child prostitutes. The special gay police are trying to prosecute john for what I put on that censored blog post. I can post the police audio and John's audio of the police threatening him with imminent arrest a week after it was posted if he didn't take it down. It was a empty threat because it took them 6 months to try and arrest him.

Alefantis is protected by the same special gay child sexxer protector police aka that must be officers in charge of any investigation involving a homo as I exposed here before.

See a video of said special DC homocops winning Harvard's best innovation in American government - gay apartheid segregated police award in 2006 here:

Here is DC gay activist saying GLLUDC anal bumfuck team status overrides police rank - and only a pure homo must be put in charge of a case if it involves a homosexual, as all normal police are too inferior and must be bigots. If her claims are true being a faggot makes you outrank the chief of police in DC assuming he/she isn't a fag.